The Rural Voice, 1997-04, Page 7Feedback at $1.20 lb. and 20 grams of yeast cost 12 cents. The needed 150 grams of yeast nutrient costs $2.10. This is a total material cost of $38.44 + 12 = $3.20 per gallon. Adding 100 per cent for bottles and work = $76.88 + 12 = $6.40 production cost. On top of this cost comes 82 per cent tax which is $63.07. The total $139.92 + 12 = $11.66 per gallon of honey wine + 4.5 = $2.59 per litre. The Ontario liquor stores sell one litre of honeywine for $39.86 or a 375 ml bottle for $14.95. With our low production cost we could sell very inexpensively, maybe for $8.00 per litre. Every gallon of honey wine would bring in $5.25 tax for the province and $6.41 for the OBA, therefore helping both the province's tax income and apiculture. Ontario needs 100,000 beehives. One gallon per hive would bring $525,000 tax for the province. $641,000 is too much for the OBA, so we could give up three- quarters of this amount to the Ministry of Agriculture for other programs.° Ernst Bayer RR 2, Mitchell CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED Now Available ADVANCE PAYMENTS 400 per pound * Skirted Fleeces Well -Packed Sacks For more information contact: WINGHAM WOOL DEPOT John Farrell R.R. 2, Wingham, Ontario Phone/Fax 519-357-1058 Are there major changes in your life that are out of control? Could you use a sympathetic listener and some help in dealing with your situation? At Queen's Bush Rural Ministries, we've had 10 years experience in dealing with ...financial crisis ...marriage and family problems ...emotional coping difficulties Call us, we're absolutely confidential and free. With our extensive professional and volunteer personnel, we'll make those changes easier to deal with. QUEEN'S BUSH RURAL MINISTRIES - (519) 392-6090 HILL & HILL FARMS LTD. For Your 1997 Planting Needs • SEED CORN Ciba Seeds MAX 96 - 2975 H.U. MAX 357 - 2875 H.U. MAX 86 - 2850 H.U. MAX 78 2800 H.U. G4064 2700 H.U. • SEED SOYBEANS - Secan - OAC Brussels - OAC Bayfield - First Line - AC Bravor - Beck - 2700 H.U. - 2725 H.U. - 2750 H.U. - 2700 H.U. - Secord - 2850 H.U. Call Mike or Pete at 519-233-3218 Remember: Quality Is Not Expensive, It's Priceless! APRIL 1997 3