The Rural Voice, 1997-02, Page 26IN MCC MEMBERS: National Alliance Of Independent Crop Consultants HURON AgVise! Mervyn J. Erb, ccA Certified Crop Advisor Brucefield, Ont. NOM 1J0 (519) 233-7100 Andy Megens, P.Ag. RR 7, St. Marys, Ont. N4X 1C9 (519) 284-3199 and PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT CROP ADVISORY SERVICES BRUCE AgVises Michael Hunter, CCA Certified Crop Advisor RR 4, Ripley, Ont. NOG 2R0 (519) 395-0254 CROP T STRATEGIES NatureGardTM hybrids give corn borers two ways to go - both dead ends. Either way, corn borers lose and you win. If they take a bite of a NatureGardT" hybrid with enhanced natural or native resistance, they stop feeding. H they choose a NatureGard hybrid with Bt, or Mycogen's unique dual - source hybrid with native and 8t genes in the same plant, they also stop feeding - permanently. Make your corn acres a dead end for corn borers. See your Myogen Sales Rep or call: 1-800-Mycogen Bringing You Agriculture's Future' Mycogen SEEDS P.O. Box 1417, Chatham, ON N7M 5W8 1-800-MYCOGEN (1-800-672.6436) Solutions mThe Seed' 22 THE RURAL VOICE As I see it, precision agriculture (PA) should not be promoted and used as a sales tool, but as the most powerful management tool agri- culture has ever been exposed to. We now have the ability to look at grain production problems from the inside - out and ask: Why does this area produce more or less than that one? If the problem is related to soil fertility, it can be fixed easily, quickly and economically. It is the prediction of many knowledgeable people however, that we will ultimately find very few of our production problems have anything to do with fertility. That's why I don't have a variable rate fertilizer spreader in my back yard. Most of the answers will be soil pH, soil physics (per cent sand, silt and clay, soil texture, soil structure, water holding capacity), weather conditions, weed, disease and insect pressure(s), and/or cultural practices. As we dig into the capabilities of the better GIS software packages, spatial modelling is usually the next tool to use in attempting to answer questions related to the physical conditions listed above. Spatial Modelling, the one I'm waiting for, allows visualization of where one particular situation, or set of particular circumstances, occurred. These and many other systems too numerous to mention will continue to create endless amounts of relevant data requiring processing synthesis — by a human brain to be of value to anyone. We will use our experience, our colleague networking and GIS, to become "Ag Detectives", both you in your profession and I in mine. Networking will become nearly as important as GIS because no one farmer or advisory person or organization can possibly maintain the technical knowledge base my clients will require. This is where the cutting edge of communication comes in. A fax machine isn't really new like the internet is, however they are both powerful communication tools, speeding the spread of the written and spoken word. The latest info on cropping this year isn't new varieties, new herbicides (I do know a couple of really hot new ones), new growth