The Rural Voice, 1993-09, Page 37that keeps Jim enthralled with
plowing, it's also a deep attachment
he has to the organic matter that
inspired the plow — the soil. In fact,
he won the first annual Soil Judging
Competition held in those times by
the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture
and Food. The competition taught
entrants about different soil types,
information Jim believes every rural
person should know today. "It's very
important to know what kind of soil
is more susceptible to erosion and
which soils are better for crops or
reforestation. Soil judging is very
important to me," he says, citing
three reasons why: to be a good
farmer, to be a good plowman and to
be good to the environment. "I like
to see good soil management from
the tillage level to the crop in spring.
It's beautiful." On a deeper level,
Jim, a member of Knox Presbyterian
in Walkerton views good care of the
land as being part of being a
practicing Christian. "We are stew-
ards of the Earth for God," he says.
Aside from his spiritual
convictions, Jim's love of
plowing and the plowing
match has
invoked some
teasing from
friends who
claim he only "It's
moved to important
Walkerton to be consumers
part of another
plowing match. come to
But Jim said it the
was just a fluke
that this year's match..."
match is just
minutes down
the road from his
home. However, he is excited about
being involved again. "I'm dealing
with a totally new group of people
again and they've all got new ideas,"
he says. One of the new ideas he's
excited about is the addition of
Country Living Exposition to the
name of this year's match. Given his
deep roots in IPM, one might think
Jim would be opposed to the change
of focus of the match, but in fact the
opposite is true. "Urban people are
consumers the same as we are and
it's important that they come to the
match and in turn, learn a little about
how food is grown. We have to keep
moving ahead. I'm excited about the
changes being made here," he says.
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