The Rural Voice, 1993-07, Page 551 RAINY RTVER Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER R.R. 1, Devlin, Ontario POW 1C0 807-486-3622 ' The Rural Voice is provided to Rainy River Federation members by the RRFA. June 7,1993 The full moon has come and gone, gardens are planted, crops are in and soft rain is falling to make all the little things grow. Who could ask for anything more? The RRFA held their June 3 meeting at the OMAF office in Emo with Rick Boersma presiding. Attending were Linda Armstrong, Amos Brielmann, Sue Boersma, Gary Esselink, Tammy Hunsperger, Wayne Flatt, Mike Zimmerman and Shirley Morrish. Linda reported that there are 45 spaces for rent in the Farm Progress Building at the Emo Fall Fair and that 28 are already booked and paid for. They are asking for rent fees in advance this year. Rentals are com- ing in from as far away as Lockport and Brandon and everything looks great with all the displays so far. The Ag in the Classroom com- mittee is expanding: their com- mittee includes Lisa Teeple, Kris Carpenter, Joanne C. Neilson, Heidi Brielmann and Pat Clysdale- Cornell. Folders have now been placed at every school in the District. This fall they hope to find sponsors to help promote and encourage ag awareness and educa- tion to the Grade 4 classrooms across the Rainy River District. A classroom can be sponsored for $30. If anyone wishes to sponsor an environmental teaching package, call Pat at 807-486-2310 or 1-800- 465-2917. Twenty-five sponsors are needed. Bruce Ward, Ag. Rep., an- nounced that the Northern Ontario Agricultural Development Program has been terminated. Wayne Flatt mentioned that the Safety Associa- tion held a First Aid course at Bar- wick in the past month. Mike Zim- merman, reporting for Community Pasture, stated that some repairs have been done to the corrals and fences and that a four -wheeler has been purchased. He also reported that there are about 200 head of cattle on pasture at this time and room for additional cattle if producers are interested. Call Frank Scheibler, pasture manager at 487-2757. Mike also mentioned the recent visit by the Ontario Dairy Princess to our District will be the last. After 37 years of visiting schools across the Province, OMMB is replacing the princess image with a "Dairy Educator". The job is open to anyone who is adequately educated in the agricultural field. The last dairy princess is Becky Bearinger, 19, who comes from Waterloo County. She was accompanied by Nellie Romyn, representing the Rainy River Milk Producers. Linda Armstrong, reporting for the R.R. Cattlemen said that the designation of the Baudette port of entry is still not official, pending the signing into law of the regulation by the new Assistant Secretary of Agriculture in the United States. It sounds as though it will be another month or two yet. Linda also announced the upcoming sale dates: August 28, October 2 and October 23 at the sales yard at Stratton. R.R. Soil and Crop is now going to man the outdoor scale at the Stratton Salesyard. It is no longer used to weigh cattle as in the past. There will be a fee for its use; possibly an annual fee. Amos, reporting for Soil and Crop, said that Kim Jo Bliss will have a summer assistant. A cow will eat, on the average, 100 pounds of grass in a day, eating for six hours, then chewing cud for eight hours. The Rainy River Farm Management Club held their wind- up meeting of the season at White Bear Lodge on Clearwater Lake. If you want to really enjoy wild rice soup made by Russ Fortier, this is the place to eat. After the walleye meal with all the extras, a meeting chaired by Kim Cornell and speaker Mike Neilson took place. Mike gave an informative outline on the pluses and minuses of the farming business as it's happening in our district today. He gave us much to think about over the summer while we're busy haying for all those four -legged critters who have 32 teeth and can chew 50 times a minute. Their total jaw movements average 41,630 a day. The old Grandstand at the Emo Fairgrounds is gone forever. Construction has begun with cement footings for the steel beams which will be arriving around mid- June. Emo Fair -days this year are August 19-20-21. Dryden District Fair is August 26-27-28. There are several farms in the district who have donated their time and efforts to young school children so that they can visit the actual setting of real live farm animals. The children are able to touch, see and smell as part of their Ag Awareness education that is being offered in the local schools in the area. Thanks go out to the Gerber family, Bill and Marg Govier, Jack and Diane Vandenbrand, and Tom and Shirley Morrish for opening their hearts and their farm gates to all the eager and inquisitive young minds. There will be no meeting for RRFA members in July because we're all supposed to be too busy at haying, but there will be a meeting August 5 at Stratton to plan last minute details for the Farm Progress Building at the Fair. Congratulations to the Manager of the Rainy River Cattlemen's Salesyards who married the RRFA's Secretary/Treasurer Kim Hunsperger on May 29, 1993. We'll be watching for great things happening in both organizations shortly. To Ralph and Jacquelyn, you're not losing a daughter, you're gaining a bathroom.0 Shirley Morrish JULY 1993 51