The Rural Voice, 1993-07, Page 47Best Buys in Used Equipment GOWLAND'S COMBINE & TRACTOR SALE OVER 100 USED TRACTORS AND 50 COMBINES Magnums Interest Free 'Til Jan. 1st, 1994 then 6.9% for 48 Months Combines and other used Tractors Over 70 HP 6.9% Interest Free Delivery For Tractors & Combines to The U.S. USED MAGNUMS 7140 4 x 4 195 hp $84,000 7140 4 x 4 195 hp $82,900 7130 4 x 4 100 hr $77,900 7120 4 x 4 150 hp 364,900 7120 4 x 4 150 hp $62,900 71104 x 4 130 hp $59,000 71104 x 4 130 hp 358,000 7110 2 wheel $49,000 JOHN DEERE TRADES 1992 9500 4 x 4 3134,900 1991 9500 400 hr. 3129,900 1991 9500 450 hr. $127,900 1990 4425 with 915 hd S54,900 JD 4455 4 x 4 $54,900 JD 3130 cab 312,900 JD 95 combine $4,900 USED BIG HP 8 WHEELERS IH 4586 300 hp, new tires 334,900 111 4586 300 HP 329,900 Case 4890 300 hp 329,900 Case 2690 250 hp $25,900 Versatile 835 250 hp 348,900 Allis 8550 250 hp $24,000 MF 1805 Cat power 319,900 Versatile 836 359,000 2 -Case IH 3594 180 hp $49,900 MF TRACTORS MF 2745 314,900 MF 2705 317,900 MF 1105 $10,900 AC 7010 cab 310,000 AC 7000 cab $9,900 Zetor 8011 like new 37,600 Zetor 8011 4 x 4 $5,900 Leyland 272 w Idr. $6,500 USED 4 X 4 TRACTORS 3788 new tires & paint 329,900 3788 170 hp 2 + 2 324,900 IH 3388 2 x 2 318,900 Kubota 7850 cab, air, Idr. $44,900 Deutz DX130 324,900 AC 6080 4 x 4 & Idr. $19,900 Universal 640DT cab, Idr. 311,900 2 -Case 2670 ..................„.„„.„„.„»...From 315,900 Case IH 885 4 x 4, cab 329,900 Ford 7710 cab 324,900 IH 5488 .......................».»».»».»»...»...»$36,900 IH 3688 110 hp cab, air 329,900 IH 6388 2 + 2, 130 hp $28,500 312,500 Case 1390 Idr. 317,900 White 2-155 ex. 327 900 MF 184-4 Idr. IH TRACTORS 1H 5488 195 hp. $36,900 IH 5288 165 hp $36,900 IH 5088 130 hp 329,900 IH 3088 1700 hrs. 319,900 IH 1566 cab, air, 1700 hrs. 315,900 IH 1566 cab, air 312,900 IH 1466 no cab 310,900 4-IH's 1086 From 315,900 4.114 986 ......„„...„..... .„...»».».....».»From 314,900 IH 656 gas 34,900 IH 684 &Idr. 314,900 IH 584 2200 Idr. 313,900 IH 1026 hydro cab 310,900 IH 1066 new TA 39,900 Case 2290 318,500 3 -Case 1070 37,800 Case 830 37,500 IH 434 Idr 34,900 IH 884 cab 316,900 IH 784 312,500 IH 856 $6,900 IH Farmall Super M 32,495 11-11020 Antique 31,595 Case IH 885 canopy 315,900 HAYING EQUIPMENT Case IH 4000 cab, air 312,900 IH 210 windrower Case IH 4000 2 years 310,900 Deutz disc mower IH 4000 with draper 39,900 John Deere 12' hydra swing IH 230 windrower $3,900 NH 469 haybine, like new USE MAXXUMS 5250 112 hp, 10 hrs. 5240 100 hp, 2 wheels, 30 hrs. 354,900 $48,000 51204 x 4 77 h . 20 hrs. 344 900 USED COMBINES Case IH 1680 1992 $139,000 Case IH 1680 1992 3137,000 Case IH 1680 1991 3125,000 Case IH 1680 1991 3119,000 Case IH 1680 1990 399,000 Case IH 1680 1989 $89,000 Case IH 1660 1991 3105,000 Case IH 1660 1990 399,000 Case IH 1680 1989 395,000 Case IH 1660 1989 395,000 Case IH 1660 1988 390,000 Case IH 1660 1989 379,000 Case IH 1640 1988 374,000 Case IH 1640 1987 $69,000 IH 1450 4 x 4 $60,000 IH 1460 2 wheel 349,000 IH 1440 2 wheel $34,000 IH 815D new MTR 37,500 IH 715D hydro 310,000 IH 615 cab $5,900 MF 550 low hrs. 324,500 MF 510 rebuilt 310,000 MF 410 good 34,900 MF 300 runs well $3,900 Ford 642 excellent 319,000 Gleaner L2 ........»......„„.„»...........„„.„515,900 Gleaner M2 hydro 324,000 Gleaner M2 hydro Gleaner F2 $9,900 IH 402 pull type $3,900 Gleaner K 35,900 White 8600D 39,900 Case 660 $3,900 NH TR70 315,900 NH TR70 314,900 NH 895 35,000 NH 985 $6,000 32,500 Case IH 3309 discmower 311,900 37,700 NI 485 baler, excellent _ $8,900 $6,900 NH 276 windrower ' 32,500 $4,500 Hesston 6450 hydro 39,500 GOWLAND'S GRAND VALLEY, ONT. #9 Hwy., 10 Miles West of Orangeville, 416-453-9064 or 519-928-2001 Fax # 519-928-5639 Cellular 50 miles north of Toronto BRUCE GOWLAND - Cel. 416-346-0825 DICK PROSSER 519.941.8690 Pager 519-552.3325 Res. 705-429-4530 Versatile 400 ........ ».--.-.....$5,995 MF 36 windrower 3995 NI 483 baler 39,400 New air-condition kit for4000 or 5000 windrower $1,199 FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED MILDMAY, ONT. #9 Hwy. 519-367-2672 Fax # 519-367-2824 CHARLIE ZIETSMA 519-928-5387 GEO.CULBERT 519-367-2565 JULY 1993 43