The Rural Voice, 1993-07, Page 24COMMITTED TO QUALITY YOU CAN DEPEND ON ELITE MODEL 28L X 26 TIRES LIQUID MANURE SPREADER • NEW ACID RESISTANT PAINT • NOW BUY DIRECT IN ONTARIO • NOW UP TO 5 YEAR LEASING • NEW FLANGED END STRONGER • NOW WE DELIVER ANYWHERE 4 • NOW 5 YEAR AXLE WARRANTY HUSKY FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED ALMA ONTARIO NOB 1A0 519 846-5329 RGE Au-roiclow MILKING STALLS With non-stop coW traffic The AutoFlow parlor configuration permits individual cow attention which is critical to early detection of health problems and management of each cow's milking routine. You can easily customize the milking routine to accommodate your preferences. One of the success factors to increasing milking efficiency is to assure the operator is relaxed and comfortable. The AutoFlow maximizes operator comfort by minimizing the need to twist and turn when attaching the milker unit and inspecting udder condition. Less back strain means comfortable milking in a stress -free environment. The entire cow milking routine is less frantic and more operator friendly. The AutoFlow control system lets the operator work harmoniously with the individual cows. Type Parlor Cows Per Hour 50/60 70/l0 90/100 100/115 AutoFlow 2x3 2x4 2x5 *2x6 Standard Exit Her./Para. 2 x 6 2 x 9 *2 x 11 *2 x 13 Rapid exit Her./Para. 2 x 6 2 x 8 *2 x 10 *2 x 12 Note: Operator's performance greatly affects throughput of any type of parlor. * Two operators may be required to achieve indicated cows per hour. Call Hank B'nneny Binnendyk at: HURON DAIRY EQUIPMENT LTD.fSURGE/ R. R. 4, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK IWO 519-522-1935 522-0416 after hours 20 THE RURAL VOICE Ministry of Agriculture and Food's feed advisory program to help, and in the process, learned a lot about what a cow needs to eat for top production. "It's kind of amazing now that I went from knowing absolutely nothing about nutrition to knowing a fair bit. I'm not to the point of being an expert but I'm to the point where I know what cows need nutritionally to make milk." Nutritionally, distillers grains bring qualities not available in other feed rations: slow release carbohydrates and by-pass protein. By-pass protein is protein that by- passes the rumen and is broken down and utilized in the latter part of the digestive system. Normal rations have a higher percentage of degradable and soluble protein which break down earlier, and at a rate that is faster than the cow can utilize. This results in lost nutrients and in extreme cases, can lead to elevated blood urea levels. The combination of the nutritional value of the distillers grain and his improved management has shown dramatic results. The cattle love the mash, digging right in. His heifers now produce 5982 litres per lactation, 70 per cent more than the provincial average of 3505. What really impresses Schmidt is the increase in the value of the milk in each lactation. Based on the Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) reports it amounts to $4,538, well above the provincial Jersey average of $2,645. The increased production plus the relative inexpensiveness of the distillers corn (about $48 per tonne) has dropped the cost per litre dramatically. Back when he started out, buying dairy ration, the cost per litre was 20 cents. Now, making his own dairy ration with a mix mill, using the distillers grain and growing his own roughage (he still buys grain for the ration), he has cut costs to 11- 12 cents a litre for five per cent butter fat milk. Anything under 14 cents is good, according to DHI figures. Corrected to 3.7 per cent butter fat the cost would drop to 8.5 to 9 cents a litre, he says. Top herds have a per - litre cost of 10 cents. Before starting with by-product feeding he had a herd of over 50 cows but he has only 37 now and is still over quota to the point he recently went shopping for more