The Rural Voice, 1991-11, Page 48PERTH County Pork Producers NEWSLETTER Vince Hulshof, President R. R. 1, Sebringville, NOK 1X0 393-5586 • The Rural Voice is provided to Perth County Pork Producers by the PCPPA Countervail Rate Changes The U.S. Commerce Department completed their review of period five. As a result the countervail on live hogs exported to the U.S. is increased from the present 4.49 cents to 9.32 cents, or about $21 per hog. The new rate became effective following publication in the U.S. Federal Register on Monday, Octo- ber 7, 1991. No provincial support for fed grains The Board was shocked and dis- mayed that support for farm fed grains was left out of the provincial govern- ment's emergency assistance package. The Pork Board sent a sharply worded letter to provincial agriculture minister Elmer Buchanan strongly urging him to include fed grains in the $35.5 million program. OPPMB Chairman Jim Goodhand said "The decision to leave farm fed grains out of the program is discrimina- tory." The combination of low hog prices and unjust grain support programs is a reason for the decline in Ontario's hog production. The government's lack of support is not only unjust, but very short sighted. The traditional hog production unit in Ontario is a mixed family farm, and makes excellent environmental sense. The board stressed that discrimi- natory programs such as this will further discourage mixed farms, and place even more pressure on our soils. OPPMB service fee to increase Effective December 1, the service fee will be increased from $2 to $2.25 per hog. Jiin Goodhand told councillors attending the semi annual meeting that "keeping board costs in line is an ongo- ing and top priority for both directors and staff. The choice faced by the board was to either increase the service fee, or reduce services. We have decided on a combination of both. Some programs, such as leadership training, and next year's semi annual meeting, will be put on hold. Funding for promotion and production research will be- reduced, 44 THE RURAL VOICE PORK NEWS AND NOTES while other costs, nch as directors' expenses, will be held to 1990 levels. These changes will allow us to get through a difficult year without a major reduction in the services provided to producers. The decision to increase the fee to $2.25 was made on the assumption that hog volumes in 1992 will stabilize at this year's level. If volumes continue to decline, the board will consider down- sizing the organization. Farrowing intentions meaningless? A learned treatise is produced occa- sionally to verify something that has been fairly evident all along. An ex- ample is an article that appeared in the August issue of The Journal of Agricul- tural Economics entitled "Are Farrow- ing Intentions Rational Forecasts?" The author of the article is David E. Runkle, senior economist in the research depart- ment of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. The answer to the question posed by Runkle in the title of his article can be summarized in one word: "No." He concludes that pork producers "appear to have few economic incentives to report their farrowing intentions accu- rately." He adds that "forecasts of actual sow farrowings can be improved sig- nificantly by discarding the assumption that the aggregate sow -farrowing inten- tions announcement is unbiased and efficient." Runkle stated, "Our own compari- son of initial farrowing intentions with subsequent change in actual hog marketings indicates a significant error factor. The data, over 49 quarters start- ing in 1979, shows that marketings var- ied from initial intention by more than five per cern more than half the time. The variation was as much as 23 per cent (+ or -) 16 per cent of the time.0 BUS TRIP Perth County Pork Pro- ducers are organizing a bus trip to the OPPMB of- fice in Toronto. We will see the tele -auction working, tour the board office, and discuss the county and OPPMB roles. A tentative second stop is Knob Hill Farms, Cam- bridge. The trip will take place November 27, and is open to any pork producer in Perth. Ladies are more than welcome. Phone Vince Hulshof, 393-5586, for registration and depar- ture time. Pork Products are available from: Wayne Hartung 291-4038 Fred De Martines 393-6812 Carol Rock 345-2666 Alfred Young 348-9352 Dennis Zehr 595-4771 I