The Rural Voice, 1990-10, Page 60RAINY RIVER Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER Box 416, Emo, Ontario POW 1 E0 807-482-2051 • The Rural Voice is provided to Rainy River Federation members by the RRFA. The Rainy River Federation of Ag- riculture met in the Stratton Separate School on Thursday, September 5, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. It was decided that since Gertie Bujold was offering to billet the guest speaker for the annual meeting, she would be taken up on the offer and the arrangements left to her. The Ag in the Classroom Commit- tee has a pamphlet ready to send to the Grade 2 teachers and the Ontario Dairy Princess is coming to the area to visit the schools. A letter has been sent to the school board. The Farm Progress Building at the fair reports 35 booths rented and a profit should be shown of about $770.00. The ARDA pasture reports that some of the cattle will be leaving soon. Some brush was cut this summer with the Russell Richards cutter. Archie Weirsema reports that he has been out for new members but not suc- cessful. Those he spoke to felt that stable funding will help the organiza- tions. Kim Cornell presented the Temi- skaming Cattlemen's submission to the Ontario Cattlemen's Cow -Calf Study Commission to the board. It is proposed that a program be put in place to expand the existing beef herds, but not to start new herds. It was recommended that the RRFA wait to see who the new Minister of Agriculture is and send him a letter to support our proposal. We should get an update from Kim before we write the letter. The Cattlemen's Association re- ported that Gordon Cornell is the sales manager, Neilson Brothers are the sort- ers, and the auctioneer is from Brandon. The one -owner lots will be subject to inspection by the sorters. The Milk Committee reports that 611 litres a day are coming across the border at Fort Frances. This equals a $130,000.00 loss per year to farmers. The committee is hoping to make con- tact with the new Minister of the Envi- ronment about some of the rulings that have been made of late, re: the cheese factory. While it seems a little late to report on the All Candidates Meeting, from this vantage point, it is what I have notes on. I guess that's the fun of sending a column in after the fact. The meeting was held in the Stratton Separate School on Monday, August 27, 1990. The moderator for the evening was Donald McCulloch, a past president of the RRFA. I acted as time -keeper and our three candidates: Bob Davidson, Pro- gressive Conservative; Dennis Brown, Liberal; and Howard Hampton, NDP, ably fielded questions from the floor. Each candidate was given three minutes to put forth some of their respective parties' platform. The answers to the questions were limited to two minutes for each candidate. The candidates were each given a five minute summation. The election is over and the incum- bent was re-elected. Congratulations HOWIE. For the first time in a number of years, we have a member on the sitting side. The Stratton Sale is soon and those wishing to have their calves weighed are encouraged to contact Tom Morrish to set a date and time. Tom and Shirley are running to catch up. At our last conver- sation, Tim reported that they were doing ten herd weighings a day. That's running. Remember the date for the Stratton Sale is October 6, 1990 and starts at 11:00 a.m. Come out and join us for a day of fast -paced action. The Hunspergers have been running the roads of late and have very little news for the column again this month. We brought my Mom up to the area and that was a week out of the month. I had a trip to Thunder Bay and that messed up two days of the next week. I hope this will slow down enough to let me catch my breath before the next thing happens — whatever that may be. Mom is set- tling in to her new apartment and we are learning to remember that she lives close enough to visit on the way to get the mail. Rainy River Federation ANNUAL MEETING DINNER and DANCE Saturday, October 13, 1990. Barwick Hall Guest Speaker: ROGER GEORGE First vice president, OFA Social Hour: 6:00 to 7:15 p.m. Supper: 7:15 p.m. Dance: 9:00 to 1:00 a.m. $1350/per person Contact any of the local directors for your tickets. We need your help to keep the or- ganization strong and functioning well. I urge you to consider becoming a delegate to the OFA Annual Convention in Toronto. It is a working and learning experience and the people you meet are great and are interested in the agricul- tural industry. Until next time.0 Jacquelyn Readers make great writers. And The Rural Voice welcomes submissions from anyone involved in the agricultural community. We will gladly consider for publication: REPORTS OF MEETINGS OR EVENTS • from commodity groups to community fairs FEATURE ARTICLES • on the people, places, issues, and management decisions central to life on the farm PROSE AND POETRY • capturing the creativity and the values of rural people and rural life For freelance rates or more information, contact Jim Fitzgerald or Sheila Gunby at: The Rural Voice, 10A The Square, Box 37, Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y5, telephone and fax: (519) 524-7668 56 THE RURAL VOICE