The Rural Voice, 1990-07, Page 66PERTH Paul Verkley, President, R. R. 1, Atwood NOG 1B0 356-9022 * The Rural Voice is provided to farmers in Perth County by the PCFA County Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT It does not look like the '90s are going to give the ag- ricultural community much of a chance to sit back and just farm within our boundary fences. We are being forced to face the realities of world trade impacts and the expecta- tions society puts on farmers in regard to our impact on the environment. The Ontario Federation of Agriculture is working to become pro -active in these areas and to this end we are in- volved in organizations like the Conservation Council of Ontario. I was appointed to represent the federation on the council in December last year. The federation's involvement has been continuous since the council was established in 1952. The council gives agriculture a good vehicle to make sure that we have input as policy is being formulated instead of just reacting to it. This year the council is in the process of formulating a Green Plan for Ontario and the agricultural component is a substantial part of it. The goals for agriculture are to develop a food -produc- ing system that provides for sustainable development through: 1. The maintenance of ecological processes and life support systems, 2. The preservation of genetic diversity, 3. The sustainable utilization of resources, 4. The economic viability of Canadian farmers, 5. The assurance of a continued domestically produced supply of quality food at reasonable cost. Paul Verkley, President Perth County Federation of Agriculture OPEN MEETING v JULY 17, 1990, 8:00 P.M. DOWNIE OPTIMIST COMMUNITY CENTRE SPEAKER: BRIGID PYKE OFA PRESIDENT T COUNTY ANNUAL MEETING V OCTOBER 11, 1990 SEBRINGVILLE COMMUNITY CENTRE TOWNSHIP DIRECTORS: President 1st Vice 2nd Vice Paul Verkley Matt Crowley Bob Simpson Downie Willie Erb Garry Hill Ellice Norval Priestap Gordon Player Greg Luyten Dave Smith Elma Bill Long Fullarton Willy Keller Ken Thompson Logan Cecil Rose Mornington Reid Wilson Joyce Riddell North Easthope Ron Hyde South Easthope Gary West Wallace Rae Bender Atwood, NOG 1 BO RR2, Gadshill, NOK 1J0 RR1, St. Marys, NOM 2V0 RR3, Stratford, N5A 6S4 RR2, St. Pauls, NOK IVO RR1, Sebringville, NOK 1XO RR2, Gadshill, NOK 1JO RR2, Gadshill, NOK 1JO RR1, Sebringville, NOK 1X0 RR2, Atwood, NOG 1B0 RRI, Mitchell, NOK 1NO RR2, Mitchell, NOK 1NO RR3, Mitchell, NOK 1NO RR1, Newton, NOK IRO RR1, Newton, NOK 1R0 356-9022 393-5716 229-8840 393-5512 393-6544 393-6256 271-7421 595-4260 393-5908 356-2442 348-9753 393-6621 348-8726 595-4480 595-8813 RR1, New Hamburg, NOB 2G0 625-8620 RR1, Shakespeare, NOB 2P0 655-2575 RR1, Gowanstown, NOG IY0 343-5804 The townships of Blanshard and Hibbert have no representa- tives on the county board at this time. If you are interested in becoming more involved in the Federa- tion of Agriculture or if you know someone who would make a good representative for your township on our federation's board of direc- tors, give the office a call at 229-6430 or contact one of the direc- tors listed above. COMING EVENTS: Brigid Pyke will be in Perth County on July 17, 1990. We will be holding kitchen meetings at various locations in the county.0 PREPAID CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FORM REGULAR CLASSIFIED Ad rate is only $8 for a maximum of 20 words. Each additional word — 40 cents. Over six insertions —10% off total cost. Name, address, and telephone are free. Please print ad clearly. Payment is to accompany the order, or a $4 billing charge will be added. Please insert my classified ad times starting with the issue. I enclose $ Signature: Send to The Rural Voice, Box 37, 10A The Square, Goderich, Ont. N7A 3Y5. 62 THE RURAL VOICE T