The Rural Voice, 1990-06, Page 76RAINY RIVER
Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER
Box 416, Emo, Ontario POW 1 E0
' The Rural Voice is provided to Rainy River
Federation members by the RRFA.
Saturday, April 21, 1990 was a very
dry, hot day that I will remember for a
while. I have smelled smoke from fires
north of us, but never as close. Just to the
west and south of the home place a grass
fire got out of control and the water
bombers had to be called in. The neigh-
bour very nearly lost his home and all.
I stood in the back yard and watched
the waterbomber circle to fill in the river
and then watched the water fall when he
let go.
On Sunday we again stood and
watched the waterbombers as they
worked. The fire was just north of the
place where they had been working on
Saturday. It gave me a rather funny
feeling the the pit of my stomach as I
stood in the back yard and the spotter
plane and a helicopter circled overhead.
The horses were a little uneasy. No quiet
grazing those days.
We had our first barbecue of the
season — just to tell you how warm it
was. There has been some rain since,
but the ground can still use some more.
The top is wet but it is still very dry just
below the surface.
We send congratulations to Kim and
Pat Cornell on the birth of their son.
Welcome, little one. We also had an
addition to our family on the same day.
Daughter Bonnie and her husband Hal
Woolsey gave us our seventh grand-
child. We welcome her with open arms.
Thursday, May 3, the Rainy River
Federation of Agriculture met in the
Stratton Separate School. The directors
present were: Gertie Bujold, Paul
Heyens, Shirley Morrish, Dennis
Brunn, Gary Esselink, Wayne Flatt,
Kristine Carpenter, Kim Hunsperger,
Linda Armstrong, and Jacquelyn Hun-
It was the consensus of the meeting
to send $25 to the Advanced Agricul-
tural Leadership Training Program.
Shirley Morrish reported that the Fair
Board sees no problem in leaving a
laneway open to the Farm Progress
Building. The committee reported that
the survey done at the Spring Dinner and
Dance revealed that 63 of the 108 re-
spondents vote for leaving the Farm
Progress Building name intact.
The treasurer reported that the NOP
has given us approval for full funding
for the Farming into the Nineties day
and the travel expenses for our guest
speaker at the Spring Dinner and Dance.
The Entertainment Committee re-
ported that the tentative date for the
annual meeting is Saturday, October 20.
Agriculture in the Classroom is plan-
ning to start in the fall with the junior
grades. They will use the video from the
Milk Committee.
NODP will soon have the 1990 pro-
gram available. There is $71,000 to
spend on development in the District.
AI has been increased. There is money
available for alternate watering devices
and new wells.
Kristine Carpenter reported that she
had requests for membership forms and
had sent out four.
Dennis Brun reported that the weld-
ing course has just completed. He felt
that it was a good course and abilities
were greatly improved.
Paul Heyens resigned as our presi-
dent to go to Thunder Bay for work. He
presented the gavel and president's pin
to vice-president Linda Armstrong, who
will complete the term. We wish Paul
well in his new venture.
The next meeting will be held in
the OMAF office in Emo on June 7 at
7:30 p.m.
May 5 was the annual meeting of the
Carpenter Women's Institute in the
Women's Institute Museum. A potluck
lunch was enjoyed. Roll call was an-
swered by six members paying their
dues. The new executive was elected:
president Marcine James, 1st vice
Shirley Pattison, 2nd vice Alfreda Kear-
ney, secretary Lorraine Bullied, treas-
urer Jacquelyn Hunsperger, program
co-ordinator Tina Visser, District co-
ordinator Dorothy Wilson, alternate
Alfreda Kearney, public relations —
Jacquelyn Hunsperger, resolutions —
Margaret Leveridge, Tweedsmuir his-
tory — Marcine James, and auditors
Kay and Dorothy Wilson.
A meeting to plan the 1990-91 pro-
grams will be announced shortly.
On May 8, the Rainy River District
Women's Institute held its annual
meeting in the Stratton Hall. The roll
call, "what's new in your area?" was an-
swered by the delegates of the 10 active
branches in our District.
Atwood responded with the new
uses for the CN depot in Rainy River.
Alysworth talked about the addition to
the senior housing in Emo. Buriss an-
swered with "present." Carpenter
brought a clipping about the new diaper
service being run from Emo. Chapple
talked abut the skating rink that the
community put at the old DHO yard this
past winter. Forest announced a hous-
ing project soon to start and the Farmer's
Market that opened last spring.
Lake of the Woods noted that the
blue -box program is in all of the District
now. Mclrvine announced a tea, craft,
and bale sale on June 14, a membership
increase of 5 (bringing their number to
28), and that they are making quilts for
fire victims. Morson announced that a
cemetery has been started in Morson
and there is a new fire hall and fire de-
partment. Stratton announced that we
would tour the new senior complex just
down the street. They are considering
disbanding as they are competing with
the senior citizens groups for members.
Board member Mary Shorrock gave
her report and one of the items of interest
was the news that the hospitality rooms
(bed and breakfast) for WI members and
by WI members are increasing all the
time in eastern Ontario. If you are inter-
ested in being a hostess, give your name
to Mary. The list is available from the
board director. If you are travelling in
eastern Ontario, it is an economical way
to go, and you meet some very nice
people — $10 a night.
ROS Dall Beatty from Dryden
brought a paper and quiz on introducing
a guest speaker.
Tina Visser gave a report on the
ACWW Tri -Annual in Kansas City,
Missouri last fall and announced the
next one in 1992 in the Netherlands.
It was moved by Mrs. Huntley and
seconded by Mrs. Wood that we hold the
1991 District Annual at the museum and
have lunch at the Emo Inn. Carried.
If anyone has news they would like
to put in The Rural Voice, please give
me a call and I will do my best to get it
in. Mail time. See you next time.