The Rural Voice, 1990-01, Page 56PERTH
Paul Verkley, President, R. R. 1, Atwood NOG 1 BO
* The Rural Voice is provided to farmers
in Perth County by the PCFA
County Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER
The 1989 OFA Convention was very
unusual right from the planning stage. A
double booking at the Constellation
forced the convention committee and
OFA staff to scramble to find accommo-
dation at the Skyline. Thanks people.
The mood at convention was full of
enthusiasm. Nearly 400 survivors of the
'80s were making plans for the new
decade ahead. We have lots of chal-
lenges before us: uncertainties about
international trade, government cut-
backs, the direction of farming in On-
tario, as well as environmental and
consumer concerns.
The convention was an opportunity
to learn about these issues first-hand,
from people on the front lines. Cecil
Bradley participated in updates on the
GST, international trade, and the Prop-
erty Tax Rebate.
We arc certainly well -served by the
personnel in the OFA's research depart-
ment. OFA members surely appreciate
the update and concise information we
have at our disposal to help us present
the farmers' view to our local politi-
cians. I feel well -armed with OFA pol-
icy and background information after
the seminars provided at convention.
After all the promises were made,
with commitments to a more dynamic
voice for agriculture in Ontario, I feel
we have exemplified a top-notch or-
ganization. A group of premier indi-
viduals on the executive, flanked by a
competent, industrious staff, will ensure
that indeed the farmers of Ontario will
be heard. Heard in a very big way.
Thanks people.°
Mali Crowley
January 25, 1990
Downie Mutual Fire Insurance Office
Sebringville 8:00 p.m.
Topic of Discussion: Crop Insurance
All members are welcome to attend
On November 17, 10 Perth federa-
tion delegates attended the 1989 OFA
Convention in Toronto. The convention
was opened by the Hon. Lincoln Alex-
ander, Ontario's Lieutenant Governor.
A report was given by OATI, the
Ontario Agricultural Training Institute.
This is a group established by the OFA
in co-operation with public, private, and
non-profit sectors of the agricultural
industry. OATI is running trial educa-
tion programs this winter in about four
counties. Perth County is one of the trial
counties running four levels of Farm
Financial Management training.
Financially, the OFA had a break-
even year. But with finances being close
and costs rising, the delegates voted to
increase membership fees from $125 to
S130 for a Farm Family Membership.
Also, the Additional Voting Member-
ship will be increased to $30.
The Hon. James Bradley, Minister of
the Environment, spoke to the conven-
tion Tuesday. Wednesday there was a
panel discussion with Bud Wildman,
MPP, Noble Villeneuve, MPP, and Jim
McGuigan, MPP. This was followed by
a presentation by the Hon. David
Ramsay, Minister of Agriculture and
Food. It was disappointing that the Hon.
Don Mazankowski, Minister of Agri-
culture, did not show for the President's
Reception Monday evening, where he
was scheduled to be guest speaker.
Evening seminar workshops were
held on Stress Management, Food
Safety, Waste Management, and The
Future of Farming.°
Bill Denham
The evening seminar was very well-
planned and informative. However, I
was shocked to learn that many urban-
ites view farmers as bad people who
over -use chemicals and medicines on
crops and in livestock.
We must first educate ourselves
regarding pesticide, herbicide, and
medicinal application. I know many
farmers are very conscientious about
their crop and livestock management,
but we can always improve our knowl-
edge. What are their views, and how can
we come to a middle ground on our
differing opinions?
Finally we must educate the public
about our ongoing evaluation of meth-
ods of production, and perhaps some
changes are needed in our practices.
There was a lot of talk about organically
grown foods. Some urbanites won't buy
anything but organically grown.
However, there is concern among
the food producer groups regarding the
levels of natural toxins and fungi present
in these foods. As of today, there are no
regulations for organically grown
foods. So along with all of our other
daily chores, we must find the time to
participate in education and regulation
of our farm products.°
Kelli Crowley
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