The Rural Voice, 2006-05, Page 22• Tired of Poor Reproduction? • Tired of Sore Feet? • Tired of Downer Cows? check out Bio -Ag "The Farm Natural Nutritional Experts" May Special Bio-Lac/Kelp Forage Feed Additive (5% discount for the month) CONSULTANTS & OISTRO TORS Working With Nature — Naturally Call for a Dealer near you! 1-800-363-5278 www.bio-ag.com JeL, AgriqLflp Attention Far and Building C rs 1 If you are building a naturally ventilated Dairy, Hog or Poultry facility contact us for Griffolyn or Three-ply Curtains, Insulated Panels and Chimneys First Choice Agriquip Limited 8582, Hwy. 23 North, R.R.# I Listowel, ON N4W 3G6 Toll Free: 1-800-463-7622 Tel. 519-291-5012 Fax 519-291-2520 18 THE RURAL VOICE -1 A nipple on the calf feeder (above, left) provides milk at a precise temperature. Milk powder and ' water are combined to make milk one litre at a time in the mixer , (above right). ,«ond group of cattle for the second robot. they didn't know what to expect since they hadn't been part 01 the training of the first group. "It wasn't too bad." EII;1 remembers. They took turns. one staying in the barn late. one going to the barn early "Slowly you quit a little earlier and you start a little later and after a while. that's it." says Frank. Their initial thought was that the older cows would be harder to train but they caught on right away. laughs Ella while the younger heifers. that they thought would adapt quickly. could be stubborn and slow to learn. "But once they get going. they know it, they like it. they go back." she says. "The cows are a lot healthier," Ella adds. "They're producing way more. Their udders are never overtull because they get milked three or four times a day or as often as they want. So we haven't seen mastitis in our herd in two years." "We don't have the medication anymore," adds Frank. , The milkers will add to the lifespan of cattle in their herd. Ella feels. "There's not as much stress on them. Udderwise, there's never the pressure. Now the udders never get that big (because they can be milked several times a day)" so cows don't blow their udders. "Milk production is still rising," she says. They've been constantly buying quota to keep up with the increase in production from the cows they have. Frank thinks the robots are particularly good for first -calf heifers. "If they can go on the machine they produce a lot more, 1 think. We'd never seen the