The Rural Voice, 2005-07, Page 58BRUCE Email: bruce@ofa.on.ca website: www.ofa.on.ca/bruce 446 10th St., Hanover, Ontario N4N 113 519-364-3050 or 1-800-275-955' • County Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER The Rural BruceVoiis my byythed to OF, Members m County the BCF, Does agriculture really need government help? Recently. I've been noticing that some local hospitals are all but deserted sometimes. More of us seem to be using day clinics, home care, or even alternative medicines and therapies. I've also noticed that limited funding has caused us to be more creative about education and busing. As the pendulum swings toward a more responsible, local, and community-based approach, from a provincial welfare trend, I wonder if maybe we are trending toward a better place. The past experience of enjoying the many comforts and conveniences that an affluent economy can provide. while leaving mundane duties to government, has allowed us to become lazy, selfish and irresponsible. Perhaps family care and community support are even more efficient than government services. We seem to have forgotten the self- fulfilling aspect of providing care for loved ones and others. Now I wonder, could the same kind of critical thought be applied to agriculture? Is it time to re -think how we price food commodities? We do need to produce an abundance of food — so there is plenty to go around — but why would we price all the food according to the global cost of disposing of surplus? I'm wondering if receiving matching subsidies with other countries is a real solution. Perhaps, if the farm -gate price of food was based on the full cost of production, we might stop taking our wonderful food supply for granted. Canadians seem to value our beef industry. Ironically, though our beef is primarily processed and consumed here in Canada, I wonder if the global market seems to be setting the price. again based on our need to export some of the excess. Recycling bale wrap program a success Think Plastics Inc., the company that has developed Ontario's first successful recycling program for bale wrap has collected over 100,000 pounds to date. Think Plastics Inc. is very pleased with the co-operation they have received from the farming community and municipalities. The company reminds farmers to please do the following two things: 1. Shake the dirt off the wrap before bundling. Plastic with excessive dirt will be refused. 2. Roll the bale wrap into balls of approximately five pounds. DO NOT tie the plastic with twine or put into bags. If the company cannot make use of the materials, the whole program will be at risk of being discontinued. This service is a tremendous help in keeping a large volume of material out of landfill sites and off farm properties. If you have any questions, please contact your OFA Field Service 54 THE RURAL VOICE Representative or call Think Plastics Inc. at 1-800-295-7604. Confirmed collection sites to date: Bruce County: Arran Landfill, Chesley Landfill, Eastnor Landfill, Kincardine Landfill, Mildmay Landfill, Teeswater Landfill. Grey County: Bentinck Landfill, Dundalk Landfill, Egremont Transfer Station, Keppel Landfill.0 BRUCE COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE DIRECTORS' MEETING MONDAY, JULY 25, 2005 8:00 P.M. Bruce County Administrative Building 30 Park Street, Walkerton MEMBERS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND Sometimes I wonder what the rola of government ought to be — solvt our problems or enable us to solvt and prevent our own problems it agriculture and food. Our market! seem to be controlled by outsidt interests and we become discouraged Should we look at ourselves fot solutions? Maybe it is time to take a fresl- grab at control. Does our hard labour deliver a direct benefit to healthy consumers? Are we receiving a fait share for providing this benefit? Are we in a business where we can connect with real people? Can we use this connection to further our cause'? Sometimes even good government moves too slowly. Perhaps farm families should take the lead and find or develop more rewarding enterprises in agriculture. When the pendulum changes direction, there is usually pain. Without pain there can be no change. I sense some real pain in the farm community. Are we ready to harness it for positive change?0 — Submitted by Gerald Poechman, Brant Township Director CONTACTS Animal Care Helpline (Ontario Farm Animal Council) 1-905-821-3880 Queen's Bush Rural Ministry (collect calls accepted) 1-519-369-6774 The Farm Line 1-888-451-2903 Distress Line of Grey Bruce (2:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. - daily) 1-888-371-8485 Crisis Team (24 hours per day) 1-888-525-0552 Kids Help Phone (24 hours per day up to age 21) 1-800-668-6868 Parent Help Line 1-888-603-9100 I