The Rural Voice, 2003-03, Page 58BRUCE Email: bruce@ofa.on.ca website: www.ofa.on.ca/bruce County Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER 446 10th St., Hanover, Ontario N4N 1P9 519-364-3050 or 1-800-275-9551 The Rural Voice is provided to Bruce County Farmers by the BCFA. How will Kyoto Accord affect farmers? The Kyoto Accord that Canada signed at the UN has a lot of people wondering exactly what we are in for. Information is conflicting and hard to understand. Since the Industrial Revolution started over 100 years ago, humans have been adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere than is being removed by plant photosynthesis. This thickening of the atmosphere is gradually causing a change in the climate. Most of us remember the harsh winters of our childhood. In the last few years there have been summer droughts. Nothing seems to measure up as normal to what we remember in the past. Scientists the world over are coming to similar conclusions. The Kyoto Accord sets out guidelines for the reduction of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. Most of this excess carbon dioxide comes from the industrialized countries, with the United States as the biggest contributor. It is not surprising that U.S. President, George Bush wants more studies done before he will commit to any reduction. "U.S. workers will be hurt by this", he says. What he doesn't say is that the U.S. will have to change the way it does BRUCE AND GREY FEDERATIONS OF AGRICULTURE TOMMY COOPER IWIIRD Friday, April 4, 2003 Elmwood Community Centre Social: 6:30 p.m. / Dinner: 7:00 p.m. AESI BRUCE PROJECT FUNDING EXTENDED Applications are now available tor grants to farmers in the following watersheds: Deer Creek, Pearl Creek in Brockton, Teeswater River and tributaries, Greenock Creek, Formosa Creek, Allen Creek, Kinlough Creek as well as Otter Creek in South Bruce. Activities identified in your completed EFP are eligible for up to $5,000 per farm operator such as fencing, alternative water systems, waterway crossings, buffer areas and water diversion projects will all be considered. For full program details contact. Kathy Velocci, AESI Bruce Project Co-ordinator at 353- 4471 or email gnkfarm@bmts.com 54 THE RURAL VOICE business. Well how is this going to affect us? Many of the things we take for granted will come under scrutiny. The fossil fuels we use in our cars and to heat our homes, and the chemical process used to produce our many consumer luxuries all add to the problem. Okay that's fine, but we are farmers, how will it affect us? Farmers grow crops that consume carbon dioxide and our land has bush lots which also helps. In the future our fragile and less productive land may be most profitably planted in trees. One proposal put forward is that industries that produce excess carbon dioxide will have to buy credits from the agriculture sector. One concern I have is that modern agriculture is a large consumer of energy. Fuel, fertilizer and many other inputs take a lot of energy. In the final analysis this will be deducted from the agricultural contribution. BRUCE COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE DIRECTORS' MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2003 - 8:00 p.m. Boardroom - Sprucedale Agromart R.R #2, Walkerton 25th slderoad Brant (north off of former #4 - east of Walkerton) MEMBER ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND Another concern is that Canada, by signing the Kyoto Accord, agreed to financially help less fortunate countries implement this Agreement. In an age when we can't afford health care and education should we be helping other countries implement the Kyoto Accord? I don't think so. Well it took us 150 years to get into this mess, I wonder how long it will take us to get out of it.0 - Submitted by Jim Farrell Huron Township Director NOTICE OFA President, Ron Bonnett will be touring Bruce County March 6 & 7 (postponed from February 14) Contact the office for more information EFP COURSES Environmental Farm Plan Course 1 1/2 daytime courses available March 17/24 - Lions Head area March 19/26 - Cargill March 21/28 - Arkwright - near Tara March 31/April 7 Sprucedale Agromart, Walkerton Day One begins at 10 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. bring a lunch Day Two — from 10:00 a.m. to noon. CaII to register 367-5930 or email: dietrich@bmts.com NOMINATION FOR THE BCFA AWARD OF MERIT "For Outstanding Contribution to Agriculture" Each year the Bruce County Federation of Agriculture presents an Award to a person in Bruce County who has made a significant contribution to the agriculture industry. If you have someone you would like to nominate, please complete this form and retum to our office in Hanover. Nominations should be received at our office by March 21, 2003. The Award will be presented at our Tommy Cooper Award meeting on Friday, April 4 in Elmwood. I nominate: Reasons for nomination: Signature: Please return to: Bruce County Federation of Agriculture, 446 10th Street, Hanover, ON N4N 1 P9 Fax: 519-364-4119 E-mail: bruce@ofa.on.ca Or you may give your nomination to any Township Director