The Rural Voice, 2002-01, Page 19didn't need a lawyer. He didn't realize he could be guilty by location, he said. . Joe Dietrich, general manager of Formosa Mutual says it's part of the duty of the insurance company to step in and legally defend the case when a liability claim is launched against a policy holder. It's part of thee value of liability insurance that most people don't think about, he says. But as liability issues become more serious, like the Walkerton case, thee duty goes beyond just offering a legal advice and involves helping deal with the media, Dietrich says. Liability claims have been a small part of insurance claims in the past. Harmer says that with 3,000 policy holder, Downie Mutual might get 400-600 property claims a year, but only 10-30 liability claims. Most of those are more minor ranging upward from a baseball going through a neighbours window to a tractor being involved in an accident on a roadway. Post Walkerton, however, the liability landscape has changed drastically. Companies are developing new underwriting guidelines for people with wells with fewer than six households: the ones not covered by municipal water testing and controls. Then there's the issue of manure handling and spreading manure on the land and tine possibility of farmer liability for the results. What a farmer might be liable for is a moving target, admits Harmer. "We're always learning something new," he says. "What you took for gospel five years ago no longer counts. The court is changing the situation." But Paul Vogel of Cohen Highley LLP in London, who specializes in environmental issues' and was involved in the Walkerton inquiry, says the problem lies with a vacuum in regulations, not in the laws or the courts. Regulations like minimum distance separation guidelines, nutrient management plans and the environmental farm plan don't necessarily protect the water supply, he says, noting there are 150,000 contaminated wells in Ontario. What's changing, he maintains, is the the way the court is looking at We see each other at the supermarket, on the street or in the park. Our children play on the same teams as yours. We work for the same good causes. Our people are part of the community—and we're here to stay. We think that's important to you when you need insurance. People you know. People who care. /4//%, / ?,€ . Kewrory www.downiemutual.com 264 Huron Road, Sebringville 393-6402 or 1-800-263-1961 • A Member Of The Ontano Mutual Insurance Assoctabon Before disaster strikes, look for this symbolaf confidence. dik We Won't Question Why You Are Not Insuring With Germania But You Should! Contact our office for a Broker/Agent in you area. Germania Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co. 1-800-265-3433 or 665-7715 a. ,11 A Member Of The Ontano Mutual Insurance Assouabon www.germaniamutual.com JANUARY 2002 15