The Rural Voice, 2000-04, Page 74BRUCE Email: bruce@ota on.ca 519-364-3050 or 1-800-275-9551 www.ofa.on.ca/bruce www.ofa.on.ca/bruce 446 10th St., Hanover, Ontario N4N 1P9 County Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER Left out and let down again Any opinions expressed herein may not necessarily reflect the views of the Bruce County Federation of Agriculture. It's that time again, The Rural Voice deadline. There are so many burning issues to cover it's hard to zero in on one in particular. I'm going to start with 'one of my favourites, the infamous Minister of Agriculture for Ontario. A good friend. neighbour, and a member of the Bruce - Grey Drought Committee and I met with Mr. Hardeman last August in Owen Sound early one morning to discuss the drought situation in Grey and Bruce Counties. After we got over the usual niceties I remember Mr. Hardeman said he had been a feed dealer and lived in a great part of the country where a lot of foreign investment was coming in for farming. In 1998 we had a devastating drought in our area and we were desperately trying to get some assistance from the provincial government. We basically discussed the drought situation and then argued for one and a half hours and went home in disgust. After that performance I felt like a whipped dog and remember thinking, "Oh my God that guy represents the fine farmers of Ontario". Since then the government has cut 4-H funding, closed local OMAFRA offices, tried to cut funding to fall fairs and wiggled out of paying their share of negative margins, etc. etc. On November 4, Lyle Vanclief, Federal Minister of Agriculture, announced that the Federal Government would pay their share of negative margins, and then it took the provincial government three and a half months to decide to do next to nothing. They call the Provincial plan the Whole Farm program, I personally think they should have left out the "W" and it would be closer to the truth. The Ontario Federation of Agriculture has fought hard to have negative margins covered, to no avail. So who does the government listen to, if not the provinces largest general farm organization (44,000 members)? Saskatchewan and Manitoba worked diligently with a balanced approach and the help of their premiers to come up with $240 million in federal money and $160 million provincial money. This money is over and above the money and programs already announced. Saskatchewan and 70 THE RURAL VOICE Manitoba agriculture economies combined, are very similar to Ontario. It is interesting that we (Ontario) signed a deal on February 17 and on February 22 Lyle Vanclief says there's no way there is any more money for farm relief and then on February 25, the Prime Minister announces $240 million more for just two provinces. We, the farmers of Ontario should hire some of their high level bureaucrats and lobbyists to work for us. I congratulate Saskatchewan and Manitoba and their dedicated valiant effort that led to great success. Now Ontario farmers are sorrowfully the "monkey in the middle" stuck between Quebec, the USA and the West who are all heavily subsidized. After sitting back and looking at this pitiful situation it would be my humble opinion that Mr. Hardeman and some of his senior advisors are the worst thing to happen to Ontario agriculture since mastitis and BVD. With the continued cuts and downloading it appears there is a devious and long-term plan to rip the heart and soul out of farming communities across this province. To continue in this fashion will destroy the moral fabric that bonds communities together. After talking to several astute agricultural leaders it would appear that some other farm leaders led the charge against provincial negative margin payments. If grain prices continue to stay low and Market Revenue continues to ratchet down and we have areas with severe drought it will be interesting to see how many dollars these out -dated programs will put in farmers' pockets. Years from now when we're still scrambling to make a Farm Credit payment, arguing with the bank and wondering where we'll even find the money to help our children with their post secondary education, we'll think of these farm leaders. • Personally I think we've done too much, for too little, for too long and in some cases it's darn near too late. I watched an old movie the other night called Network and the actor said "we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore". The time has come to be less passive and even though we've been beat into submission we need to really take a stand. • Phone or write your MP and MPPs, the Minister's office, the Premier's office • The Rural Voice is provided to Bruce County Farmers by the BCFA. with your concerns and problems and solutions. • Have farm kitchen meetings with your elected representatives and lay the facts and figures out to them in black and white. This is one of the world's oldest and most important professions and if we'd like some of our offspring to carry on this worthwhile endeavour it's not time to lay down and give up. If common sense, fairness, and legitimate lobbying won't work maybe we have to take a more rowdy militant approach. If you are an employer (farmer/taxpayer) and your employee (Minister of Agriculture) didn't do as you asked or as you liked, what would you do with him? I'm running out of space here, but not comments. One more item for now that is perplexing us. We've heard a lot of concerns and complaints about Forage Insurance since Christmas time. After careful investigation we've found several areas of concern, raising questions for which we have been unable to get satisfactory answers from Agri -Corp. If you have concerns that you have not received the payout you expected please contact us. Grey County — Harriet at 519-934-3268, Bruce County — Allan at 519-934-2928 or Bill at 519-353-5426. Agri -Corp has proposed a new pilot project for forage insurance, based on rainfall only. At the time of writing, we are not satisfied that there is enough information available to expect farmers to put their money down.' Before you sign up phone Agri -Corp for more information 1-888-247-4999.0 – Bill Davis BCFA Executive Member Ontario Sheep Producers District 2 BUS TRIP to Kincardine area farms SATURDAY, APRIL 8 $20 - includes dinner Bus starts Owen Sound. through Desboro, Hanover, Kincardine To reserve - call Stu Radke 363-3968, Don Emke 364-2149, Allan Taylor 371-3566, Allan Ribbink 368-7691 BRUCE COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE DIRECTORS' MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 24 AT 8:00 P.M. Location to be confirmed (Please call the office) Members are welcome to attend