The Rural Voice, 2000-02, Page 27Trained Assistants (TA's) don't have to write an exam. TA's must retrain every five years. Two Training Options to become a Trained Assistant: 1. Grower Pesticide Safety Course (GPSC) (Available now) Assistants attend a one day GPSC, but they do not write the exam. The fee is $65. 2. On -Farm Training by a TA Instructor (Two methods available beginning in February 2000). Method 1: If you are a Certified Grower, you can attend a TA Instructor Course and become qualified to provide on -faun training for assistants on your farm. You can also train assistants who work for other farmers. The fee for the TA Instructor Course is $65. This fee includes a kit of training materials that you will use when you train your assistants. You will fill in a "Record of Training" checklist for each TA that you train. You send this completed checklist, plus a $25 registration fee to Ridgetown College. Ridgetown College will send each TA a wallet card that is valid for five years. Method 2: You can hire a Certified Grower who has completed the TA Instructor Course to train your assistants. If you hire a TA Instructor, a Certified Grower from your farm operation must be present during the training session. Ridgetown College will keep a list of TA Instructors who are willing to provide training services for other farmers. TA instructors will set their own fees for training seryices. As a Certified Grower, you are responsible for all pesticide handling on your farm. You may supervise up to 3 TA's on your farmland at any given time. For more information about TA Training, please call: Ontario Pesticide Education Program 1-800-652-8573 Ridgetown College ARE YOU GETTING YOUR 20X GOVERNMENT GRANT? 359 Byron Blvd. London, Ontario N6K 2L6 SCHOLARSHIP CONSULTANTS OF NORTH AMERICA LTD. Distributor of USC Education Savings Plans VINCE TRUDELL Enrolment Representative Home: (519) 473-6175 Cellular: (519) 668-8757 Fax: (519) 473-6175 Customer Service: 1 -800 -363 -RESP (7377) Come and see us in Paisley A good selection of New & Used Cars & Trucks BUD RIER CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE LTD Paisley 519-353-5651 1-800-461-0505 New Pesticide Safety Training Requirements for Agricultural Assistants Do assistants such as family members, farm employees or foreign workers handle pesticides on your farm? Beginning January 1, 2000 all assistants who handle Schedule 2 and 5 pesticides must have safety training approved by the Ministry of the Environment (MOE). Your pesticide dealer can help you to identify which schedules of pesticides you are using on your farm, if you're not sure. This new regulation under the Pesticides Act applies to everyone who handles Schedules 2 and 5 pesticides under your supervision as a Certified Grower. Once your family members, farm employees or foreign workers complete their training, they will be called Trained Assistants (TA's). What Can a Trained Assistant (TA) Do with Schedule 2 and 5 pesticides, under supervision? - mix, load and apply them Jobs that TA's may NOT do for Schedule 2 and 5 products: • choose and buy them • choose the rate • decide where & how to store these pesticides or their empty containers • calibrate equipment UNIVERSITY 'GUEL H FEBRUARY 2000 23