The Rural Voice, 2001-10, Page 17for instance, people who work at that
site will report to the site manager,
who in return .reports to the business
manager. It can save time and
frustration from people running to
the business manager when they
should answer to the site manager.
Put details of pay range, holiday
etc. down on paper.
For the interviewing process.
Templeton encouraged the use of a
system called Master Mix Matrix.
The grid system lists the skills the
employee needs to have and rank.
them by importance. The most
important skills are given the highest
value. Then the candidates aree
scored on how closely they meet the
needs set down.
"The point of the list is that it set.
your expectations right up front."
Templeton said. "The places where
I've made mistakes were when I
didn't get my priorities right."
Jt also makes the interview more
analytical instead of letting you
get too impressed by the
personality of the candidate. In the
end, she said, "All you're left with is
working on the personality tit."
Take time preparing interview
questions. she advised. Try to design
open-ended questions that will help
you evaluate the candidate — making
them answer with more than yes or
no. If they've worked on a pork farm
before, for instance, ask them about
how they did their job. Use questions
to elicit information for categories on
the priority list.
Choosing the right type of
personality for the right job is also
important, Dr. Templeton said. She
defined three types of personalities in
a working situation.
Task -oriented people are good
choices for barn work. They like
details and they're competitive and
like a challenge.
Affiliation -oriented people are
"people -people" and like to be part of
a team.. They're good people to have
in a secondary position in a large
operation but they're not the right
person to put in a position where they
have to work mostly alone, such as in
a nursery.
The third group are power -
oriented people, people who like to
be in charge of things and who are
good at organization. They can also
be people who will look at details but
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OCTOBER 2001 13