The Rural Voice, 2001-09, Page 74BRUCE Email: bruce@ofa.on.ca website: www.ota.on.ca/bruce County Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER 446 10th St., Hanover, Ontario N4N 1P9 519-364-3050 or 1-800-275-9551 • The Rural Voice is provided to Bruce County Farmers by the BCFA. Farmers must work together to communicate with the consumer Huy, can y, e as farmers ensure that consumers understand that they are eating safe. healthy. wholesome food produced by Ontario farmers? We talk about genetically modified (G.M.) crops. but no one is clear what it means. If you process G.M. soybeans and produce meal and oil. the G.M. can only be found in the meal. If the meal is fed to animals. it cannot be detected in the meat produced even with DNA testing. So if we process G.M. crops. can we conclude, with proper processing. they are not G.M. foods? We talk about organic crops. What does it mean? All crops we grow are organic, which means they decay. If they are not organic, they must be inorganic which means they will not decay and be like steel or stone. We might mean that some crops are grown without the use of commercial fertilizer, herbicides or pesticides. What danger is there to the consumer if the herbicide never touches the food they eat? Are weeds good for the consumer or should we remove them with herbicides and not allow them in the food chain? Are we really talking about different methods of farming to produce safe food? We don't appear to get very controversial when we talk about no - BRUCE COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE DIRECTORS' MEETING Monday, September 24, 2001 8:00 p.m. Sprucedale Agromart R.R. #2, Walkerton 25th sideroad Brant (north off of former Hwy.#4 - east of Walkerton) Members are welcome to offend 70 THE RURAL VOICE till versus minimum tillage and conventional tillage. Do we discuss if the crop was planted with a seed drill or planter. or the depth the seed is placed in the soil? Again this is just different methods used for different purposes. • I think the time is here to get together and clarify all these topics. instead of receiving $6 per bushel for so-called normal soybeans and $12 per bushel for so-called organic soybeans. we should get $9 per bushel for safe, healthy, wholesome soybeans and remove the fog from the consumer's eyes.0 — Submitted by Ernie Young Bruce Tmrnshij, Director BRUCE COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE 60th Annual Meeting and Banquet and OFA Regional Meeting Friday, October 26, 2001 Bruce Township Community Centre (Underwood) Social: 6:30 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. Guest Speaker Honourable Eugene F Whelan. Former Federal Minister of Agriculture and Food NOTE: • OFA Regional Directors, Delegates and Alternates for OFA Convention, and BCFA Presidents and Township Directors will be elected at the meeting. • Changes to our Constitution and By -Laws will be presented at the Annual Meeting. NOMINATION FOR THE BCFA AWARD OF MERIT "For Outstanding Contribution to Agriculture" Each year the Bruce County Federation of Agriculture presents an Award to a person in Bruce County who has made a significant contribution to the agriculture industry. If you have someone you would like to nominate, please complete this form and return to our office in Hanover. Nominations should be received at our office by October 19, 2001. The Award will be presented at our Annual Meeting on Friday, October 26. I nominate: Reasons for nomination: Signature: Please return to: Bruce County Federation of Agriculture, 446 10th Street, Hanover, ON N4N 1 P9 Fax: 519-364-4119 E-mail: bruce@ofa.on.ca Or you may give .your nomination to any Township Director