The Rural Voice, 2001-03, Page 13BUILDERS
Scrap Book
`Bathroom for pigs'
could reduce air
quality problems
A redesigned barn that would
literally see pigs go to the
bathroom when they p to the
bathroom could reduce the amount
of odour and gas concentrations
from swine barns.
The research being carried out
by a team from the Prairie Swine
Centre, the University of Alberta,
University of Saskatchewan and
Alberta Research Council, created
an enclosure over the slatted -floor
dunging area of pens in a grower -
finished barn. Air coming out of
this enclosed dunging area (EDA)
was drawn outside the barn and
treated by a bio -filter. The results
showed a 40 per cent reduction in
the concentration of ammonia and
a 20 per cent reduction in odour
concentration compared to a
regular room.
"One of the big challenges is
asking the pig to go into a different
part of the pen to dung," said Lee
Whittington of the Prairie Swine
Centre, speaking at the Centralia
Swine Research Update.
The EDA was equipped with a
full strip curtain on the whole
width of the pen — a compromise
between the best gas containment
and pig behaviour. (Also tested
were enclosures with no door; a
solid door and an air curtain.) Still,
observation showed something had
to be done to keep pigs from
sleeping inside the enclosure. Bars
were laid on the slats and
intermittent water sprinkling was
used for a few days to discourage
pigs from sleeping in the area.
The system would not only
make air quality better for neigh-
bours, but also for workers in the
barn and the pigs themselves.0
— Source: Centralia Swine
Research Update
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