The Rural Voice, 2001-02, Page 47RAINY RIVER
Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER
R.R. 1, Devlin, Ontario POW 1C0
RAINY RIVER ALLEY • The Rural Voice is provided to Rainy
River Federation members by the RRFA.
January 15, 2001
New Year's resolutions are slowing
to a standstill.
According to acupuncturists, there
is a point on the head that you can
press to control your appetite. Where is
it located?
The first RRFA meeting of the year
had Bernie Zimmerman, Ken Fisher,
Linda Armstrong, Reg Kause, Rudy
Sinninghe, Angela Teeple, Kelly
Faragher, Kristine Carpenter, Shirley
Morrish, KimJo Calder, Jason Teeple
and Betty Salchert attending.
Betty reported that Jack will be
holding meetings with other regions
and will be calling our area very soon.
She warned residents to be aware of
the cost difference in the hydro power
companies that are now out and
making offers. Betty also has an
updated member's list. When you do
have a problem, please feel free to give
Betty a call. She is our District
Member's Services Representative and
is there to help. Her number is 807-
486-3536 or fax 486-0014.
Linda reported that at the
Presidents' meeting the North and
North-East are not even mentioned.
The voice from the North must be
Postage has gone up to 47 cents as
of January 1, 2001.
The fair board had their annual
meeting with a small attendance. The
new secretary -treasurer is Connie
Carrier from Devlin.
KimJo would like to see more help
come forward with the planning of the
Annual Seed Fair this spring. At least
four people are needed to organize and
then more bodies are needed to get the
show on the road. It's proved to be an
excellent event in the past, with
wonderful displays, so participation is
important. Call KimJo, Lyle Wheatley
or Mike Neilson as soon as possible.
The Rainy River District Vet
Committee held a meeting at Nico's
last Tuesday. Jane Gillon and Dr. Chris
attended to assist with whatever can be
done to bring another vet into the
district. More on this after the meeting
on the 22nd.
Rainy River District 4-1-I Awards
Banquet held annually will take place,
Friday, January 19 at 7:00 p.m. at the
new Stratton Millennium Hall. There
have been many changes in the 4-H
program this past year and Ellen
Chojko-Bolec, District Representative
for 4-H, will be explaining the
challenges ahead and events in the year
The Rainy River District Stockdog
Club will hold their annual Spring
Training Clinic in late May or early
June. If anyone is interested in
participating, call Elaine Aveyard 807-
486-3348 or Marg Irvine at 807-487-
Rainy River Cattlemen's
Association will have their next regular
meeting on Wednesday, January 17
and the annual will take place on
January 24 at Our Lady of the Way
School in Stratton, 7:00 p.m. Ontario
Cattlemen's Annual takes place
February 21-22 at the International
Plaza hotel in Toronto. BIO's annual
meeting is February 20.
The Canadian Cattle I.D. began
January 1, 2001. There are 14 types of
eartags now available. Call 1-887-
909(BEEF)2333 for further
This year's tattoo letter is "L". Only
four letters are not used (I,O,Q,V) this
is because they are easily mistaken for
other letters or -can be altered.
Rainy River Rural Safety reminds
everyone to check the batteries in your
smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
They also advise to check all vents for
snow blockage. This includes
chimneys and all exhaust vents on the
sides of your home. The annual
meeting will be held in February.
Your brain weighs about three
pounds. It uses 20 to 30 per cent of
your oxygen intake. Some people tend
to shallow breathe. So, get in the habit
of deep -breathing to ensure your
brain's oxygen demand is satisfied.
Farm Business Registration 2001
forms are now in the mail. You can
register by mail, by phone, or use the
internet. Farm businesses which
declare gross farm income of $7,000 or
more are required to register annually
under the Farm Registration and Farm
Organizations Funding Act, 1993.
$150 payment and updated information
must be sent to AGRICORP payable to
either the Ontario Federation of
Agriculture or the Christian Farmers'
Federation of Ontario. Deadline dates
are based on your postal codes.
AGRICORP is toll free at 1-866-327-
3678 and it helps to have your farm
registration number handy when you
make inquiries.
Census Day is coming on May 15,
Idaho -based, J.R. Simplot Co.
announced that it will build a $120
million potato plant at Portage la
Prairie, Manitoba which will create
demand for 5.5 million hundredweight
of raw potatoes. That's equal to 20,000
acres of potato production.
The medical term for "Couch
Potato" is "Hypokinesis" which means
reduced motion. It results in an "ache
all over feeling" from laying around
too much. Solution: Exercise to restore
circulation. Strengthen muscles and
lubricate the joints. You'll feel better
mentally too!
Kin -do reported that Gord Scheifele,
Crop Research Co-ordinator, says there
are a number of cutbacks. There is very
little forage and research being done
anywhere. Letters of support would be
needed to keep programs available.
Variety testing is now eliminated,
cereals are unsure, but KimJo and her
summer assistants will still be doing
pasture tests. KimJo is reminding
everyone to complete their
Environmental Plan very quickly.
Just got a call. The appetite control
spot is located in the hollow, just in
front of the flap of your ear.
Remember the Farm Line. An
experienced councillor will connect
you with the help you need for stress,
grieving, trauma, financial problems,
family or marriage problems, trouble
with children or teens, or any other
difficulty that you can't solve alone.
Just call 1-888-451-2903 or 1-613-341-
9341 weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
"A happiness shared is a happiness
doubled, but a sadness shared is a
sadness halved."0
• — Submitted by Shirley Morrish
FEBRUARY 2001 43