The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-12-28, Page 6A Time to Reflect
in this final week of the old year we
might ail do worse than look back over
the past twelve months and ponder upon
the blessings that have been ours.
It is possible that 1962 did not bring
you a million dollars . . . certainly it
didn't make you any younger. It added
a few more gray hairs and stiffened your
joints just a fraction. But there are
quite a few items on the other side of the
ledger too. For instance, that little
squabble over missile bases in Cuba.
Let's not forget that we could very easily
have been so much atomic dust by this
Published at Wingham, Ontario
Wenger Bros, Limited
W, Barry Wenger, President
Robert O. Wenger, Secretary -Treasurer
Member Audit Bureau of Circulation
Authorized by the Post. Office Departmen-
as Second Class Mali and for payment of
postage in cash
Subscription Rate:
One Year, $4.00; Six Months, $2.25, in ad-
vance; U.S.A., $5.00 per year; Foreign rate,
$5.00 per year
Advertising Rates on application
Special Music
Far Christmas
In spite of the weather, a
large congregation enjoyed the
Christmas services in Wingham
United Church, which were con-
ducted by the minister, Rev. C.
M. Jardine. Assisting in the
morning service and reading the
lesson was John Crawford, son
of Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Crawford
of Wingham. John is a third
year student in Theology at
Emmanuel College in Toronto,
and when graduated, will be
ordained into the ministry of
the United Church of Canada.
Mr. Jardine, spoke from the
text, "Unto You is Born a
to a more pleasant mood we should
also recall that we had a Jong and en-
joyeble summer. it started early in the
year and the nice weather lasted weeks
longer than usual. Most of us were
pretty prosperous this year. Business
remained brisk and we had no unemploy-
ment problems to worry about in our
Our town progressed steadily. New
homes were built, a new school was ap-
proved, our parks were expanded, streets
were paved, a new front was started for
the arena.
We do have a lot to be thankful for,
and in our thankfulness we are not for-
getting the homes were tragedies have
separated loved ones. The past year has
indeed brought its losses and misfortunes
to some.
Let us face the new year with courage,
yes even with optimism, in the determin-
ation that we will right a few more
wrongs and be a bit more concerned for
those who are not as fortunate as our-
selves. This world can be a wonderful
place for those who are really seeking
the best it has to offer.
Every Place." A duet, "A
Burst of Heavenly Music," from
Misses Judy Callan and Bonnie
Jardin; a solo, " The Virgin
Slumber Song" by Mrs. J. W..,_.
Callan and a double trio,
"Angels We Have Heard on High
by Mesdames Tom Jardin. A
Rintoul, N. Keating, Roy
Bennett, J. W. Callan and Don
Lloyd, all added to the joyous
Christmas music.
Mr. Jardine extended seas-
on's greetings and words of wel-
come to the congregation and
Baskets of white chrysanthe-
mums and red carnations, pot-
ted poinsettias and lighted can-
dles provided a suitable setting
for these special services.
Saviour." He followed the
journey of Joseph and Mary
from Nazareth to Bethlehem,
and to the birth of Jesus in the
manager. This commonplace
birth showed the relationship
between God and man, when a
Saviour was offered to the world.
And so Christmas is a time of
remembrance, that Jesus was
born for us. It is not wholly a
time of doing and giving, but a
time when we must bring forth
our greatest gift, that of our-
selves, and present our lives to
Special music was provided
by the three choirs, under the
direction of H. C. Treneer,
organist and choir master. In
the morning Ken Wood took the
solo in the anthem, "Behold I
Bring You Good Tidings, " and
the men of the senior choir sang,
"Infant So Gentle," The beau-
tiful solo "Gesu Bambino, " was
given by Mrs. George Guest.
In the evening, a Christmas
carol service was held when
several old carols were sung,
and enjoyed. The minister
told the story of " The Black
Shepherd." The senior choir
had two anthems, "Good Christ-
ian Men Rejoice" and " Break
Forth, 0 Beautious Heavenly
Light," and the junior choir
sang the carol, "Come and
Worship," while the intermed-
iate choir gave ,"Joy Is Now In
Annual Concert
At Baptist Church
Pot Luck Supper
At Final Meeting
WRQXETER,-The Friendship
Unit of the 1J, C, W. of the
Wroxeter United Church held
the final meeting of 1962 in
the church parlours. Mrs. Jas.
Sanderson, Mrs, Archie Miller
and Mrs. George Galbraith
were in charge of the program
and Mrs. Jas. Doig presided at
the piano..
The Scripture, read by Mrs.
Sanderson, was from Isaiah and
Mrs. Miller led in prayer. A
very heart searching article was
read by Mrs. George Galbraith
entitled "What Does Christmas
Mean To You?" Mrs. Sander -
soh told the life story of Isaac
Watts, who wrote one of ow
most loved Christmas carols.
"Joy to the World" . Two inter-
esting articles were read by
Mrs. Miller, "Religion in Life"
by Padre Young of Guelph and
Woodside Windows" by Ethel
Chapman, Christmas carols
were interspersed throughout,
The unit leader, Mrs. San-
derson, conducted the business.
Mrs. Stewart Higgins read a
very good financial report of
the unit and Mrs. Herb Patter.-
atterson read a splendid report in
connection with the unit's sun-
shine program. She requested
that anyone knowing of wedding
Wilmer Harcourt's girls.
The four young peoples'
classes presented the two act
play, "There Is No Room",
which was greatly enjoyed by
Deacons Merrill Cantelon
and Wilmer Harcourt presented
Rev. and Mrs. Sinclair with a
sum of money from members
and adherents in the congrega-
A bag of candy and gift were
presented to each scholar. The
evening program closed with
the benediction by Rev. Sin-
The annual Christmas pro-
gram of the Wingham Baptist
Sunday School was held in the
church, Tuesday evening of
last week.
The program began by all
joining in singing several famil-
iar carols and the reading of
two verses of Scripture from
Isaiah 9:6,'7, followed by
prayer by the superintendent.
The nursery class, under the
leadership of Mrs. Reg. Collar
and Mrs, Roy Burchill sang
"Away in a Manger" and"Run-
ning Over". A Christmas acros-
tic by Mrs. Bill Stapleton's
class was then enjoyed.
Jack Currie's boys presented
an exercise entitled " His Name
Is Jesus" and the girls in Mrs.
Iohn Kerwin's class had an
exercise called "A Favourite
A recitation "Christmas
Presents" was given by Donald
Collar. A dialogue, "Gifts for
the King" was given by the
girls in Mrs. Merrill Cantelon's
class, followed by an exercise
and song by Mrs. Geo. Hotch-
kiss' class called "Oh How We
All Love Him" .
An interesting playlet, "In a
Manger", was given by Mrs.
Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. - Rector
Mrs. Gordon DavidsOn - Organist
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School
11,00 a.m.—Morning Prayer
St. Paul's Concert
Held Last Week
anniversaries, births er deaths
among members, report toher.
The nominating committee
composed of Mrs: Patterson and
Mrs. Higgins brought in the
slate of officers for 1963;
Leader, Mrs. Archie Miller;
assistant, Mrs. Jas. Sanderson;
secretary, Mrs. Howard Wylie;
assistant, Mrs. Allan Munro;
treasurer, Mrs. Stewart Higgins;
press rep., Mrs. Gilbert Howes;
pianist, Mrs. James Doig.
At the close of the meeting
a social hour was spent, all
sitting down to a delicious pot-
luck supper amid decorations
in keeping with the Christmas
St. Paul's Anglican Church
Sunday School concert was held
Tuesday evening of last week,
with a large attendance of par-
ents. Rev. C. F. Johnson wel-
comed all, and the superinten-
dent, Alvin Higgins was chair-
man for the evening.
Several carols were sung dur-
ing the evening. A recitation
was given by Lorna Wenger
from the beginners' class and
the beginners, under their tea-
chers Mary Ahara and Wendy
Cronkwright, sang "Away in a
A recitation was given by
Joanne Metcalfe. The primary
class, whose teachers are Mari-
lyn Higgins and Almajane El-
liott, recited " The Babe of
Bethlehem" and "Merry Christ-
mas". A piano duet was play-'
ed by Mary and Edith Austin.
A recitation was given by
Carol Higgins. The junior
class, with Peggy Ahara as tea-
cher, recited " The First Christ-
Karen Ritter and Christine
Kregar sang "Merry, Merry
Christmas Bells."
Lynn Parkinson's juniors
gave "The Seven Senses" and
Laurie Deneau sang "Merry
Christmas:' Dianne Deyell's
class put on a play "Operation
What", and recitations were
given by Sally Lou Elliott and
Susan Kreger. Mr. Higgins
then showed a ten-minute film,
"Toyland". All sang "Iingle
Bells" and Santa arrived with,
candy for the children.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Woods
spent Christmas in Oshawa with
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Hawley.
Mr, and Mrs. Ken Grewar,
Nancy and Bradley of Sudbury,
Mr. and Mrs, Dan Rose and
David of Newmarket, Mr. and
Mrs. David Gilmour and Id-,
ferny of Guelph were holiday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
Harvey Webb.
Mr. Murray Gaunt, M,P.P.,
is spending the holiday with
his parents Mr. and Mrs, An-
drew Gaunt.
Mt. Archie Aitchison is a
patient in Wingham Hospital.
Christmas Theme
At UCW Annual
WROXETER-The annual
meeting of the Willing Worker%
p.C,W„ was held December
19th with Mrs. Fred Taylor,
Mrs, John Fraser and Mrs.
George Gibson in charge, The
call to worship was given by
Mrs, Gibson and the hymn "As
with Gladness Men of Old" was
sung followed by Scripture and
payer by Mrs. W., T. McLean,
The second Scripture lesson was
given by Mrs. Fraser in story
form on the birth of the Christ
The origin of each of seven
carols was given by Mrs. Gib-
son and one verse cf each was
sung. Mrs. Taylor sang a solo.
Portions of Scripture were read,
giving various names in the
Bible referring to Christ. The
ladies reading these were Mrs,
Harry Adams, Miss Mina Bali,
Mrs. John Fraser, Mrs. John
Snell and. Mrs. Chas. McCut-
cheon. Fifteen members and
one visitor answered the roll
call with a Christmas verse. A
story, "The First Christmas"
was read by Mrs. Gibson and
It Came Upon The Midnight
Clear" was sung.
Business consisted of the sec-
retary's and treasurer's reports.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brown
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Brown of Wroxeter and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Brown and family of
Gorrie spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfred Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont-
gomery and Debbie of Bluevale,
Mr. and Mrs. Bernell Smith
and Blair of Listowel, Mr. and
Mrs. Doug Gibson and son and
Mr. and Mrs. John Sinnamon
of Wroxeter were Christmas
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walk-
er and Donald of Galt were Sun-
day guests with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fussell
Walker. Christmas visitors at
the same home were Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Weppler, Chesley
and Mr. Harry Walker, Atwood.
Christmas visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Don McLaughlin were
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brown,
Essex, Mrs. J. J. McLaughlin,
St. Mary's and Dr. Jenny Mc-
Neil, Toronto.
Visitors on the holiday with
Mr. and Mrs. Art Wheeler
were Miss Edith Wheeler, Sar-
nia, Mr. and Mrs. George Car-
diff and family, Brussels, Mr.
and Mrs. Arnold Taylor and
Linda of Wingham,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ridley
had as their Christmas guests
Miss Thelma Ridley and Mr.
Pete Romphs, London and Mr.
and Mrs. Elvin Oakley and
family, Wroxeter.
Mrs. Lloyd Jaques, Orange
Hill and Mr. W. H. Dane,
Gorrie, called on Mrs. W.
Weir and Miss Gertrude Bush
one evening last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Orm Deaupre,
Gross Point, Mich. , and Mr.
and Mrs, Scott Hunter and fam-
ily, Riverside, visited over the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs,
Vernon Hupfer,
30 Cheer Boxes
Packed by 111.1.
WROXETER—The December
meeting of the W, I,_ was held
at the home of Mrs, Allan
Monro with Mra. W. T. Me -
Lean in the president`s chair..
After singing the Institute Ode,
the Mary Stewart Collect was
repeated in unison. The eor-
respondence, with several
thank you notes was read. The
report of the Guelph Area con-
vention was given by Mrs. rhos
A committee was appointed
to pack the Good Cheer boxes,
30 being packed and a substan'
tial donation was Sent to the
Children's Aid Society at God-
erich. Mrs. Wes. Newton gave
the Christmas story and
the different custor.ns in
Brit lands.
M the regular nteeti.
on New Year's Day, it
cided to hold the next
on January 8th, And th
euchre party for the ye
be January 16th. A hu
reading, "Why 1 Don't
Early", was given by M
T. McLean,
The demonstration o
made Christmas Gifts,
Mrs, Wes. Heiuipel, w
much enjoyed. Many
ideas were explained.
Wm. Wright thanked al
had helped make the m
a success.
The national anthe
Institute grace were fol
lunch served by Mrs. A
Munro and Mrs. Leslie
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Town-
send and family spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Eloy Porter,
Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Don-
ald Porter and Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Porter and Donald of Lon-
don visited at the same home.
Narrow toads Where two cars
could barely pass are being re-
placed by wide freeways on which
six or eight cars can collide at
the same time.
Membership is 19 with an aver-
age attendance of 13 for 1962.
Four members had perfect at-
tendance, Mrs. Doris Adams,
Mrs. W. E. Weir, Miss Ger-
trude Busit, and Mrs. Harvey
Mrs. Rae Loutit and Mrs.
Gibson have charge of January
meeting. Pot luck suppers will
be served for the first three
meetings of 1963. Rev. Taylor
pronounced the benediction and
Mrs. John Fraser conducted two
interesting contests. Lunch was
served by ladies in charge.
Personal N
—Mr. and Mrs. Ralp
mond and family were
on Christmas and Boxin
with his brother, Mr. a
Alvin Hammond of Tor
Other family visitors at
same home were Mrs.
Hammond of Listowel a
and Mrs. Tom Dent of
—Mrs. Don Adams a
Helen Casemore spent S
with their parents, Mr.
Mrs. McLean of Collin
CKNX Radio ListenerWi
Purity Flour Dream Priz
ssii t tiIYI
, s alliin■ i
4ebkr msesse
This is an especially happy Christmas for Mrs. Donna Harvey, of Owen Sou
Mrs. Harvey's entry to the Purity Flour Jackpot, heard on CKNX Radio, w
her this beautiful Consul Cortina car. Mr. G. W. Moore, Western Onta
Supervisor for Maple Leaf Mills, is shown presenting her with the keys. In
radio interview Mrs. Harvey, who has four children, said that she uses Pur
Flour for all her baking including bread. She joined the big swing to Purity I
summer and said that it always gives her successful results. CKNX Radio joi
Maple Leaf Mills in wishing Mrs. Harvey many enjoyable hours of motoring wi
her "Dream Prize."
. • Join The Swing to Purity FI
.rN•Mew'+.4.11440µ41101.0e•61411M41,41.1114.411111.6iw4101116"160. .11.4
itrw►o.P.1. lmenkt•a^eimiknes•"