HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-12-20, Page 7"x Wo u b .ed s1 to Ise ilp�' se act la/ her Rill sll el nun .1 e1 t1, 11 nn sta 1 11 tw ou the 10.1 hcr; nail �erc•' erfo'. opt e ac ;aid 1. H Mari l it for R f 11.4 )Ve ily 494 FW.i, SELECTION OF HRISTMAS SLIPPERS, RUBBERS AND SNOW BOOTS FOR ALL THE FAMILY APPLICATIONS WANTED Maitland Valley Conservation Authority plications for the position of Conservation Area WORKING SUPERINTENDENT Sealed applications marked as above and stating try expected will be received by the undersigned at 728, Listowel, Ontario, to 12 o'clock noon, EST, on wsday, January 10, 1963, for the position of con- ation area working superintendent of the Maitland Hey Conservation Authority. A position description and application form for this ployment are available on request from the under - ed at the Listowel Banner office, Wallace Avenue, towel. (Signed): C. W. BAMFORD, Sec.-Treas., M.V.C.A, 020-J3 Wi,ngharri Advance. Times, Thursday, Dec, 20, 1902 Page 7 CALLAN SHOES YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 357-1840 Wingham loses 18-4 to Pt. Elgin by Don Gurney Friday night in the new Port Elgin arena the WinghamJohn- son Dominion Jets received a second defeat, Leading the scoring for the Pt. Elgin squad was Kingston talleying seven times. Miller and Davidson were next, scor- ing, three apiece and singles were netted by G, Walmsley, Doug Dudgeon, Woods, H. Walmsley and Jack Becker. John Fryfogle scored three goals for Wingham with Keith Moffat picking up a single. Wingham again led in the penalty department, collecting seven of the eleven sit -outs. It is also worth noting here that Elwood Irwin, winner of last year's trophy for the most min- utes in the penalty box, collec- ted his first two minutes of the season. He seems tobe getting off to a slow start this year but I'm quite sure he will catch up as the season wears on, Ice facilities should soon be available in the local arena and it is hoped that with some YOU'LL LIKE THIS TRY BLACK LABEL. AND YOU'LL KNOW WHY IT'S CANADA'S BEST-SELLING BEER Say: W ABEL, BLACK( LABEL'. a practice the local crew will be able to turn the tide.. WINGiIAM--Riehl, Ritchie, Bain, Fryfogle J., Fryfogle B., Law, Jardin, Moffat, Skinn, Irwin, Mahood, PT. ELGIN—Jackson, Becker, Dudgeon, Miller, Kingston, Woods, Davidson, Dudgeon, Walmsley H., Waltnsley G., Jackson, Tompson, Sinclair, Snyder. Bridge Club The Howell system was played at Bridge Club on Thurs- day night. The results were: First, Mrs. E. Campbell and Mrs. H. Fisher; second, B. Ortlieb and H. Crawford; third, Mr. Wharry and 0. Hasel- grove; fourth, Mrs. D. Nasmith and Mrs. Wharry, Debate Held At St.. Paul's Barbara Hall conducted the A.Y.P. A. meeting in St. Paul's Anglican Church parish room on Sunday evening. Pat Hall and Diane Deyell led in the worship service. A debate was held, "Should the age of receiving driving licenses be set at 18 rather than 16?" Peggy Ahara and David Wenger took the affirmative and Tom Deyell and Ward Har- rison the negative. The af- firmative won by vote. Following the debate a dis- cussion was held on the subject when all members of the A,Y,P.A, took part. Mr. Johnson pronounced the benediction. ' Party Follows Lodge Meeting The Legion Branch and Aux- iliary to the Royal Canadian Legion entertained approxi- mately 150 children of the members at their annual Christ- mas party Sunday afternoon. Herb ,Fuller was master of ceremonies. They were enter- tained by St. Paul's junior choir and by Mr, and Mrs. Earl Heywood with their magic tricks. Santa Claus was pre- sent with his bags of candy, and there was chocolate milk for the children. The adults were served donuts and coffee. PACK B CUBS About 30 boys turned out for the Pack B meeting in the Scout House on Thursday night when they tried the new Grand Howl. The leaders were Fred Steinmetz, Dave Crothers, Peter Russell and Ruth Hotch- kiss. Three new Cubs, Johnny Schipper, Doug Selling and Ricky Downton were presented by Peter Russell to Cubmaster Steinmetz for investiture. David Lloyd passed balanc- ing and telling time tests in First Star requirements and games were played. The meeting this week will be a Christmas party. 0--0--0 1ST WINGHAM TROOP Ron Hitchings, patrol leader of the Stags, broke the flag at the opening of the 1st Wingham Troop Last Wednesday at the Scout House. Scoutmaster Bob McIntyre, Assistant Scoutmas- ter 13111 Yemen and Troop Lead- er Dave Wenger were present. Dues were collected and the troop formed the horseshoe for inspection by Scouters lute- Intyre and Yemen. The patrols 1101111116 WINGHAM STORES Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday Evenings 'THE TELEPHONE -HOUR LADIES' LEAGUE Team standings: Gay Lords, 27; Belvederes, 27; Sweet Caps, 25; Players, 24; Matinees, 23; du Mauriers, 18. High single, Gwen Mac- Laurin with 280, high triple, Gwen MacLaurin with 687. Sorry for the mistake last week, the Matinees should of had 19 instead of 16. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Everyone in a joyful mood, in spite of the poor weather. Our spares were Helen Case - more, Vicki Wild, Jack Walker and Gary Templeman. Jack Walker had some tough luck, but he was such a good sport about it all that he not only had his own team cheering him on, but the team next to hitn. Shirley Storey took the high single with 284 and also the high triple with 644. Jim Bain took the men's high triple with 720 and the high single, 265. One thing about our "Leaguers" no one will admit defeat, and the team standings to date show that we are all in there, still fighting: Wings, 61; Rangers, 58; Leafs, 57; Bruins, 55; Canad- ians, 50; Hawks, 45. By the time you all read this, it will be almost Christ- mas, so to those of you who read this bowling report faith- fully, and to everyone connect- ed with seeing that it gets in the paper each week, "A Very Merry Christmas". LLOYD'S BOWLING The team's scores this week were, Queens 2732; Kings 2622; Aces 2601; Jokers 2477; Dia- monds 2202; Spades 2157. Mac Ritchie had the men's high single with 293 and high triple with 695. Carol Lam - beaus had the ladies' high single with 229 and high triple with 543. alt vities then went to their respective patrol dens to prepare for tum- bling. Art Furness was a guest and demonstrated tumbling, the method of corning out of a sudden fall by using a roll, and how to roll to prevent injury in accidents such as stumbles, car accidents, etc. Scouter McIntyre gave in- struction on receiving morse code and a short message was sent. By the interpretation of the message it was evident that more practice is needed. The patrol rooms were in— spected before the closing cere- monies and the duty patrol leader lowered the flag. The Cougars are out front in points with the Buffaloes second, Wolves, third and the Stags in fourth place. Although Santa Claus doesn't visit Japanese homes, the native god Hoteiosho, the kind old gentleman who car- ries a pack on his back and has eyes in the back of his head, makes a realistic sub- stitute gifts bearer. Boys and girls are warned to be good, because the alI-seeing Hotel - (Mho knows everything they are doing. CL a iu t.a.m JANE WYATT, Hostess Starring FLORENCE HENDERSON EARL WRIGHTSON THE ROGER WAGNER CHORALE MILDRED MILLER 'THE BUFFALO BILLS ROBERTA LUBELL • MICHAEL MAULE With DONALD VOORHEES and the Belt Telephone Orchestra Presented by YOUR TELEPHONE COMPANY A MEMBER OF THE TRANS -CANADA TELEPHONE SYSTEM SUNDAY DEC, 23 10:00 P.M. till 11:00 P.M. CHANNEL NOTICE THE TOWN OF WINGHAM PARKING METERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM ONE HOUR TO TWO HOUR METERS. YOU MAY NOW OBTAIN: 12 minutes for 1c 60 minutes for 5c 2 hours for 10c Wingham Town Council q i� F, L mea M R M 11 ,ts3 R 14r, i TRAYS - OVAL AND SQUARE BASKETS filled with K luscious Gay -Lea Cheeses g VI -k Will make an excellent Christmas gift for friends and b° P customers. R Vts, A ORDER EARLY -.--We welcome your inquiries—Come R iand see the samples at the Cheese House. P, ri a United Dairy & PooitrO Co-operative PETF',It Ci'TTEtt, Manager ia, iI 64 fis Telephone: 357.3150; 357-3151 g Fr :..„-k M:: Si',,"` mp..ssupe.7-..7 "r'a; , "r.�.'r" Ago sk Fr�,-Jsovnts ; Now Something new has been added Cay -Lea Gift Pack available at the Gay -Lea CHEESE HOUSE GAY -LEA GIFT PACKS IN THREE DIFFERENT SIZES