HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-11-29, Page 24•II• Page 24--WinghaM -Advanee-Tittles, Thursday, Nov, 29, 1902 A farmer wrate to a veteri'n-' has -a decided limp; what shall arian for free advice, saying, "I I do?" have a horse who sometimes The vet replied. "The next wants normal and at other times time he walks normal, sell hirci Red cont Grocery t Phone: Our Prices Are Lower Free 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery McCormick's Big Value Assorted Cookies, 100 cookies 79c Maple Leaf Pure Lard 2 lbs. 37c Club House Peanut Butter, 20 -oz. 47e Donald Duck Orange Juice, 48 -oz, ..3/$1.00 "'Tide Powdered Detergent, 30c off, King, $1.09 DelMonte Fancy Peas or DeIMonte Fancy Cream Corn, (mix or match), 15 -oz.. 8/$1. Maxwell House Coffee, (regular grind), 4c off lb. 65c t Robin Hood Deluxe Cake Mix, (6 var- ieties), 20 -oz. 3/79c Royal Instant Pudding, (6 varieties), 3% -oz. 4/49c McCormick's Assorted Boxed Chocolates lb. ..79c Mildmay Apple Butter, 35 -oz. ..........65c Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. 57c Golden Yellow Sugar 5 lbs. 55c Purity All Purpose Flour 5 lbs. 49c Baker's Semi -Sweet Chocolate, 8 -oz. ....59c York Fancy Frozen Peas 2 lbs. 45c York Frozen Meat Pies, (4 varieties), 8 -oz. Frozen Headless Smelt, 10 -oz. 2/49c 21c Schneiders Packaged Cooked Meats, (6 varieties), 6 -oz. 2/47c Fresh Pork Spare Ribs Ib. 49c Devon Sliced Breakfast Bacon Ib. 65c California Navel Oranges, 163's, .... doz. 49c • Snowy White Calif. Cauliflower, 16's, ea. 29c r$ ++i i rr-rtik•'c•• . r✓rD».-•t-•i- Fordwich News Several newcomers have Moved into the village in the past week: Mr. and Mrs. La, verne McKenzie to the home recently vacated by Carl Die - Rem Mr. and Mrs. James Ross and family to the Joe McGinnes home and Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hunt and family to the former Hor&burg borne. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bride spent the weekend with rela- tives in Detroit. Mrs. Rosemary Campbell and Jimmy of London spent the week. end with Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Sotheran. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollock spent the week -end in Windsor and en Saturday attended the wedding of a relative in De- troit. Miss Phyllis Wilson of Lon- don spent the week -end at her home here, Messrs. Donald and Larry McDermitt, Larry Marriner and Gary Sothern of Kitchener and Paul Schaefer of Toronto, spent the week -end at their respective homes. Euchre Winners WROXETER- There were nine tables in play at the Wo- men'r, Institute euchre party last Wednesday evening in the community hall. Prizes went to the following: Ladies' first, Mrs. E. David; ladies' second, Mrs. E, Dins- more; low, Mrs. Wm. Mc- Lean. Gents' first, Wm. Tay- lor; second, Russell Nichol; low, Charlie Maxwell. Special bingo, Ted Smith. Lyceum THEATRE WINGHAM, ONTARIO Two Shows Each Night Commencing at 7.15 p.m. ADMISSION - 65e, 45c, 30e THURS.-FRI.-SATURDAY NOV. 29-30 - DEC. 1 "INVASION QUARTETTE" Bill Travers and Spike Milligan, patients in military hospital, swear vengeance on "Big Her- mann", a long range gun, deter- mined to put him out of action for good. Itl;::l��+'tiJ1415lcootwc7 :"Js:Js'81:Jc7 gs4;:/SQ0 9g, 40, Beautious Gifts FOR ONE AND ALL TO DECK THE OFFICE, HOME AND HALL Remember -- If you order flowers now for delivery to a distant point you save money on the cost of a telegram or phone call. Poinsettia Plants, Cyclarnen Plants, Azaleas, Begonias, Potted Mums Flower Gift Arrangements Artificial Corsages ---smartest in town Cut Mums, Carnations, Roses . A complete line of BRASS PLANTERS and TROPICAL PLANTS `' t 'Ask about FLORA CHEQUES 4 W q�j the gift certificate that can be redeemed b'1 for flowers or plants at any of the 24,-,�4, ' Silt4 000 member shops of the Florists' Tele- r graph Delivery Association iii .tl When you don't know what to send-- make R a FLORA CHEpUE �fi ry in denominations of 55.00 $7.50, 510.00 tsi Remember your friends, home folks and business /LEWIassociates with the most appropriate gift of all S FLOWERS PRONE 101 WINGHAM Mrs. Curtis Jordan spent last Week in London,. Mrs. gmtna Williamson re- turned borne Thursday after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs, Bruce WilIiatnson in London. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Royden Devitt were Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Harris and family and Mr. and Mrs.Arthur Harris and family of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, John Friar of Paisley spent Sunday at the home of Misses Letitia and Louise Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mc- Dougall, Margaret and Patsy of Palmerston were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Jeanie Mosure. Mr. and Mrs. Don Doig. Dianne and Debbie of Galt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Doig.' Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg were, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Rozell of Fergus, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Schneider, Gowanstown, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Hibberd. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, McCann were, Mr, and Mrs. John Baker and family of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Renwick and Danny of Belmore and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hutch- ison and family Mr. Earl Ridley of London spent the weekend at his home here, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doig spent a day last week in Kitch- ener. Miss Elizabeth Armstrong of Stratford spent the week -end with her parents. Miss Debbie McClement of Listowel and Miss Betty Me - Clement of Kitchener spent the week -end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McClement, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Voll of Kitchener visited one evening last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sothern Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith spent one day last week in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Chio- mey and Janie of Port Colborne were week -end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Alex Keith. Mrs. Tom McClement and Mrs. Wm. Sothern spent Fri- day in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Patterson of Toronto spent the week -end with Mrs. Pearl Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stewart Family Celebrates 25th Anniversary FORDWICH--Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hudson of Hanover and formerly of Fordwich were pleasantly surprised on Satur- day evening when members of their families gathered attheir home in honour of their 15th wedding anniversary. The couple were presented with a step table and several pieces of crystal. Jim and Isobel thanked everyone and a social evening was spent. A delicious lunch was served and also an anni- versary cake, which was made by Mrs. Hudson's mother, Mrs. Oliver Stewart of Gorrie. Babies Baptized At United Church FCRDWICHw-The rites of holy baptism were conferred at the United Church on Sunday morning, *hen seven babies were received into the church: Patricia Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mann; Gary Ro- bert, son of Mr, and Mrs. Jim Douglas; Robert Grant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Millar; Mary Ellen, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Siefert; Jeffrey Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs, John Baylor; Patricia Marie, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Faulkner. The minister, Rev. A, C. Coles, took as his theme, "God's Way with N'Ian," The choir rendered an anthem, Isn't it odd than the easier a gal is to look at, the harder the felIcrs stare? Christmas Bazaar Nets UCW $240 FORDWiCli - The United Church Women held a very sue cessfui bazaar and tea, Satur- day afternoon, The theme wa "Christmas Tree Lane", and was Carried out with decorated Christmas trees each side of the entrance and an aisle of Christ mas boughs and multicoloured lights down the stairs to the Sunday Scheel room, The conveners for the .after- noon unit were: Baking - Mrs. G. Pittendreigh, Mrs. P. Patte son, Mrs. A. Stinson, Mrs, Wm. Campbell; aprons, Mrs. N. Harding: fancy work, Mrs. A. Donaldson, Mrs. R. Agla; fish pond, Mrs. H. Wallace. The conveners for the eve• ning unit were; Mrs, Mel Tay- lor. Mrs. C. Ettinger and Mrs, 5, Clarkson. The 1 -1i -C girls sold home-made candy and Christmas ornaments. A tea table centred with mums and red and whitelight- ed candles was presided over by Mrs. Q. Ashton, Mrs, E. Williamson and Mrs. 1. Wilson, Mrs. Martha Baker and Mrs. W. Hainstock. From the united efforts of all the ladies approximately $240 was raised for the work of the organization. and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Kelly at 1w Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Wil- liams spent last week with rel- atives in Brantford. Mrs. Lucy Wilson is spend- 0, ing several weeks at the home of Rev. R. F. Holton in Agin- s Foster and Mr, Richard Arm- last week with Mr. and strong visited friends in 1lamil' Noah Reis. ton over the week -end. Mr. Tan Pittendreigh, Mr. and Mrs, Milton Weber London spent the week•e of Mildmay visited one day his parents, i<<1 ere pew h,„, as IBuy Novi/ and Say ON OUR BIG SELECTION OF GIFTS FOR MOTORISTS SEAT COVERS FOG LIGHTS A SNOW TIRES AUTO HEATE g GENUINE GENERAL MOTORS PARTS AND ACCESSORIES DROP IN AND SEE THE ft New CHEV. and OLDS i NOW ON DiSPLAY Everything for the Modern Motoris AT ---• Court. Wingham Motors PHONE 139 - WINGHA Mrs. Ruby Foster, Miss Jean !mI••� •e � •� - r•rv•tr i:1 w.�:s..ea.rS sS.ris..%:.Nanau�."�.�5ez?a :?&,aa; EP of $3, n Club McDc Circa ERICH g the board, oard o school aPPe Coun d expr ger sc tier te nd to lent ai arger st fable t extr a Woxd�a�d � Ai e * o Delight the Whole Famil I SANTA PAYS A VISiT TO WiNGHAM Ag DEC, l g and Santa knows all about the convenience of SHOPPING Ai EDIGHOFFERS --- where top quality merchandise is displayed in full view -- helping to make your Christmas Shopping a REAL PLEASURE At r.,,l LIFTS •4' Chenille Spreads 59.95-$12.95-514.95 Scatter Mats from 53.95 Lace Cloths in all popu- lar sizes, priced from 52.95 to 59.95 Fancy and Fine Linens from 52.98 PillowCases 51.69 to $2.98 Sheets 56.95 to 510.95 pr. All -Wool Kenwood Blank- ;" ets $13.95.$15.95.$18.95 Esmond and Wool Blend Blankets 54.95 to 59.95 FOR THE HOME Mouses LINGERIE OF ALL TYPES So feminine, so lacy and lovely including slips, gowns, pyjames \r:•••'• and bed jackets Priced from 52.98 MEN LIKE NAME BRAND MERCHANDISE 1s li Ai Ai 0,1 A 1t A 1i a Ai 16 A fi A a SPORT SHIRTS in real sharp pat- terns, regular or tapered styles, as well as knits 55.00, 56.00 & 57.95 Scarves in plaids and novelty patterns $2.95 and 53.95 DRESS SHIRTS by Arrow and Forsyth from 55.00 TIES and SOCKS in the smartest of patterns 51.00 and up Belts from 52.00 H'krchiefs 25c -50c up Jewellery from 51.50 Tie Racks $1,9$-S2.$0 A lovely selection of DRESSING GOWNS $8.95 tta 514.95 dainty and chic $3.98 to 56.955� Advan utnbe schedu en o sand norm ,0 ded a ext i T SWEATERS Bulky or fine knit in 0 digan or Pullovers and re resented in the seasoi leading shades and desig Price S7.95 to S12.98 SCARVES - GLOVES HOSIERY - from 51.0 Handbags in soft plastic calf or leather 53.95 to S9,95 Gloves from 52.98 Tie and Socks to match, attractively boxed 52,95 & 53.50 Continental Vests in red, olive green, Black Watch, etc., $7,95 BILTMORE HATS of distinction $7.95 Gift Certificates available Shop early and often croft our wonder fit( selection of fine merchandise ... and you'll enjoy a Merrier` Christmas, rni urs'o drast 5 us ell the o on Jo ,an tic di er of unda t thrt ere t ests wee e us mel the e the (Sin Thu to th ehan ators tom oved do ds 1iED1GHOFFERSin 1i • "Thir e" �'�4�f'�� ` Store"