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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-11-29, Page 21
r- GIFT SLIPPERS FOR ALL THE FAMILY Newest Styles and Materials CALLAN SHOES YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 12 Aluminum SASH DOORS MBER -- BUILDING -- CUPBOARDS elephone 260 - W I NG HAM gingham Photo Stud'o • 1 s Phone 199 --S. SE IFERT ©rtraits - Wedding - Passports Cameras and Movie Supplies A COMPLETE LINE OF NUMBERED OIL PAINTING SETS and LEATHERCRAFT KITS O 0 O 0 O 0 pecialty -- FRAMES and FRAMING p p 0iC1O) - 4O1ccO 0iaO1Ci Stratford'sproduction of" The Gondoliers", was an enchant- ing 90 minutes of entertainmen with only a few moments of boredom creeping in occasion- ally. Gilbert and Sullivan's third operetta to be presented successfully at Stratford, it is the story of the search for a king who is believed to be a gondolier in the Italian city of Venice. The s.ltprise ending, much like the nding of" H,M.S. Pinafore" , brin,s you the feel- ing that you are watching a fairy tale in action; the costum- ing in the last scene must have been lovely to behold! The director of this Stratford produc- tion was Leon Major; Norman Campbell directed the tele- vision version which was filmed in Toronto's CBC studios after its closing in Stratford. Out- standing performances were given by Douglas Campbell as Don del Bolero, Ann Casson as the Duchess of Plaza -Toro (in real life, Mrs. Campbell), Ilona Kombrink as Casilda, and the two gondoliers, Victor Braun (Giuseppe), and John 'Tis Show Biz By Vonni Lee Arab (Marco). But to me, the one who walked off with every t, scene he was in, indeed, with the entire play, was Jack Cre- ley who played the role of the Duke of Plaza -Toro. When he came onto the stage the theatre literally 'lit up', and he stole the spotlight from everyone else, for if you dared to miss the ex- pression in his fantastically made-up.face you missed a good deal of the scene. He is truly Canada's finest character actor; no one could have done for that role what he did, Right now, Jack is starring with many other Canadian perfor- mers in a revue called "Clap Hands" on the West End in Lon- don, England. 0-0-0 For all you 'Ben Casey' fol- lowers: it may interest you to know that Betty Ackerman who plays the anaesthesiologist, Dr, Maggie Graham, and romantic interest of Dr. Casey, is in real life the wife of the kindly Dr. Zorba in the same series. No trick make-up is changing the appearance of either of them; there is some thirty years dif- t OCA ': 1 r IT r Just theword l LASER BEER CARLJNG s ,, FOR THE LIGHTER LAGER kImH THE HAPPY FLAVOL(R ference in their ages. Sam Jaffe is 64; she is in her early thirties. 0-0-0 Lucille Ball last weekbough out'Desi Arnaz's share of the studio 'Desilu', formerly owned jointly by the red-haired com- edienne and her ex-husband. This makes Lucy the only wo- man head executive of a studio movie or television in Holly- wood. And, unlike the scatter brain she plays on TV, she is very much the capable and shrewd businesswoman, which could well make her a very wealthy woman. 'Desilu' is still the largest studio in Holly- wood so far as acreage is con- cerned, but is now producing only three TV series, among them " The Untouchables", which is seen on the local sta- tion; and Lucy's new show, which I hope the local station will be carrying before too long. It was doubtful at first whether or not the gals from the old show, Lucy and Vivian Vance, could carry a show of their own but they are, and very success- fully. This show is every bit as great as their former 'series. There is a sad side to this story too, though. Desi Arnaz, whose name will still remain in the production company, has relinquished all rights to it and was, in fact, almost ready to sell the whole kit and kaboodle before Lucy stepped in to take over, He is no longer interest- ed •in producing, nor in very little else. The man who at one time was one of the wealth- iest, most successful and popu- lar men in Hollywood is now sinking lower and lower. Lucy made him famous; now, with- out her, even after having made his mark in the world, he is at loose ends and will probably never be heard of again. Al- though it cannot be denied that Lucy has earned her fame and fortune, and we at last can laugh with her as well as ather,. the other side of the story more than 'takes the cream off the pie', and we want to weep for Desi's misfortune. 0-0-0 Camera Canada's study of Montreal should have been 'the study of Montreal's people', for this is what we saw. It could have been any city in Canada except that some of the people looked and spoke French. I was waiting for some typical Montreal scenery and some • points of interest throughout LLOYD'S LEAGUE The team score totals this week were as follows: Jokers 2796, Diamonds 2543, Aces 2439, Queens 2415, Kings 2350, Spades 2206. The ladies' high single and triple were again taken by Carol Lambertus with 205 and 546 respectively. The men's high single this week was 275, bowled by Bill Sturdy and the high triple was taken by Bill Johnston with a 639. LADIES' LEAGUE Team Standings: Sweet Caps - 23, Gay Lords - 22, Belve- deres - 20, Players - 17, Du- Mauriers - 13, Matinees - 13. High single - Gwen Mac- Laurin 232, high triple - Gwen MacLaurin 625. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE There were some changes tonight, with the Leafs taking first place in the standings. Now, the trick is to stay there, and with those "trophy hungry" teams breathing down our necks, I don't think this will be too easy. Joe Schneider will be glad to bowl on another alley, as he was having tough luck this week. Perhaps, as your team- mates suggested, Joe, you need just a little more kick. Should also remind Ruth that sitting down in the middle of the al- ley doesn't help your aim any. Grace W. and Harold T. were dead on tonight, too, taking the headpin nearly every time. Team standings now are: Leafs -- 48; Canadians -- 43; Rangers -- 43; Hawks -- 40; Wings -- 40; Bruins -- 37. Ladies' high single was ta- ken by Dorothy Bain with 228 and the high triple by Helen Casemore with 532. Helen spared for our team tonight, and we thank her for the extra point. Men's high single, ta- ken by George Cameron with 287, and also the high triple with 645. Our thanks too, to Bob An- gus and Jack Walker who help- ed us out by sparing. We cer- tainly appreciate our "Spares" who come out to bowl for us, often at a minute's notice. the city. Its life was wellcov- ered, everything from religion to art to fashions to crime and the ever-present cocktail party. But the night club acts must have been the corniest in the city (excluding the female vo- calist; she had talent), the Twisters the stiffest, and the girls the homeliest. Thisgreat city has been called the 'Paris' of North America; surely, there must have been more interest- ing things to show us! 0-0-0 Congratulations to CKNX- TV on completing seven years of telecasting. But, where was Bud Cruickshank when the birth- day cake was cut??? This honor should have gone to someone who was around when the first show sighed on "and helped iron out some of the earlier problems, At least, them's my sentiments! Ulcers aren't caused by what you eat-- but by what's eating you. W.ingharo Advance -T. Thttrsday, Nov, 29, 1962«-P48e 21 SCOUT AND CUO MOTHERS' AUXILIARY MEETING IN THE $ QUT HOUSE Wednesday, December 5tb at 8;45 pm. All Mothers are Welcome Condenser Goes to Douglas Point Delivery of the condenser to the Douglas Point Nuclear Power Station marks the start of a new phase in construction at the site. The steam condenser, which reached the site on Nov- ember 22nd, is the first piece of major equipment to be de- livered. Civil construction is neating completion and deli- very and installation of equip- ment will continue throughout 1963. Douglas Point Nuclear Pow- er Station is being build by Atomic Energy of Canada Lim- ited with the co-operation of Ontario Hydro. It is Canada's first full-scale nuclear power plant, and will come into full operation in 1965, The condenser for Douglas Point is one of the largest ever to be installed in Canada, Each of the main sections weighs 50 tons and is 40 feet long, 15 feet wide, and 14 feet high. When the sections are welded together at the site over 15, - 000 brass tubes have to be fit- ted. The total length of the brass tubing in this condenser is 120 miles (the distance from the site to Toronto). Weight of the condenser when it is complete and operating will be 600 tons. Foster Wheeler Limited built the condenser at their St. Catharines plant, and it was brought from there to Port Elgin by rail. It completed its journey to the plant by road. A condenser is standard equipment in any steam power plant, and serves to condense the steam from the turbine back to water for re -use in the cycle. The steam is cooled by passing lake water through the tubes and back into the lake. At Douglas Point 175, 000 gal- lons of water will flow through the condenser each minute. The water is returned to the lake a few degrees warmer, but this rise in temperature would only be felt in the im- mediate vicinity of the cool- ing water outlet. "Do you realize your wife is telling everybody that you can't keep her in clothes?" "That isn't the half of it, I bought her a home, and I can't keep her in that, either." DossammeNsmortswooDamolawassmommine To Howick Twp. Electors: I would like to thank the people for nominating me to the position of School Trus- tee in Howick Township, and will endeavour to work in the best interest of the people if elected. Robert A. Searson 29b Is your water faucet a rust factoryP There's no need to fight it any longer. Now have all the clear, filtered water and soft water you want at a turn of your faucets. For a free estimate — CALL AND SAY .. CULLIGAN Water Conditioner 3° HAMILTON STREET Goderich - JA 4-9571 Shouldn't.we be saving you tax dollars ? Wide-awake people, right now, are making substantial savings on their income tax. They do it by putting money into a registered retirement plan and deducting the con- tributions from taxable income. They can look forward to carefree retirement, aided by income tax deductible dol- lars. INVESTORS has such a tax -saving Plan. Shouldn't we be telling you about it? Just write or call: THO1lAti ,JARI)IN Box 394 - Phone 147 %VTNGHAM, ON't'ARI0 r To, Investors 011 CANADA. t I M I t C D Hoed Office, Winnipeg • Offices in Principe' Cijica •MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY,'—• --------- THOMAS .JAIiIJIN Box 394, IVINGHA'i, ONTARIO Name .,.,..Y --- .------- , Address City Prov.