HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-11-29, Page 14Page 14'uWingha Advance -Tim s, Thur ay, Noy,`l, 1862 MANY FINAL TESTS and checks must be made before intricate dial equipment is ready to swing into operation. Here, Northern Electric technician Robert Armitage listens in on a ringing machine to ensure dial tone, ringing tone and busy signals are ready for Sunday's cut- over to dial, BIG BATTERIES -- The commercially -supplied power at the new exchange building is of the alternating type. The telephone equipment, however, operates on direct current, the change being made by generators linked to these banks of storage batteries. The generators operate at the correct speed to keep the batteries at the required level. Here, Vincent Austin, of Northern Electric, makes a hydrometer test, HERBERT CROXFOTD, Northern Electric Company technician, works on test board in new tele- phone office to see if equipment is ready to start connecting calls early Sunday morning. Test board will be used constantly to check operating efficiency of all equipment after dial system in Wingham is in full swing. Hockey Fund Reaches $d82 Total donations for the Wingham Intermediate Hockey Club now stand at $482.00. The executive acknowledges the following donations since last week: Cameron Billiards, $5,00: iack Orvis B.A. Sta- tion, $2.00 and The Wingham Advance -Times, $10.00. In addition the club thanks Brophy Bros. Goodyear Tire Service fora donation of 50 roils of tape. This is the final week for donations, If you have not already done so, please con- tact Charlie Lee or any tnerrf- bet of the club. Hockey practice was held In Walkerton on Thursday eve- ning, when about 13 players turned out, There are others who intend to try out as well, so it appears that Wingham'S chances for a strong contend- ing team are good. The schedule of games has been drawn up and will bepub- lished in The Advance -Times next week. Watch the sports columns of this paper for news of your hometown hockey team. To get your prospect luke- warm you have to get yourself red hot, WROXETER ER We are sorry to hear Mr. Albert Gold, Willowdale, passed away suddenly on Mon- day. Mr, Gold is well known around here and is the hus- band of the former Mary Paul- in of Wroxeter. Funeral ar- rangements are incomplete. Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Hart, Patti and Susan, Mrs. Edward Newton and Mr, and Mrs. • Wil- liam Hatt spent the week -end with Mr. arid Mrs. Bill Hart, Oshawa, and attended the baptistnai service of Dale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hart. Business Office To Ele Located In Owen Sound The Service records forBell Telephone customers in. Wing, ham will transfer from the Bell's Stratford office to Owen Sound, The change will be made coincident with the in- troduction of dial service Dec- ember 2, On that day, J. M. Goodwin, Bell manager in Owen Sound, will beeorcte manager for Wing, ham. Wingham telephone users wishing to discuss matters re- lating to their telephone Ser- vice will, after the dial intro- duction, simply dial 0 for Operator and ask for Zenith 7- 4400. They will be connected (without toll charge) with the Bell's business office in Owen Sound, where a service rep- resentative will speak with than. Molson Trophy Comes to Wingham Three cars of women, mem- bers of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion, at- tended a euchre tournament on Thursday night in the Walker- ton Legion Home. There were 42 tables in play, with all towns in the district being rep- resented. Mrs. Bill Renwick won a $10.00 prize for high score and Mrs. Ralph Hammond won a box of candy in the penny auc- tion. The Wingham Auxiliary had the high average of the eve- ning and came home with the Molson's Trophy, which must be returned to the district for competition again next year. "CROSSBAR" SWITCHING EQUIPMENT, one of the latest telephone developments, is readied in new dial building for use when dial system goes into operation early Sunday, Vincent Austin, telephone craftsman, tests terminals that connect dial apparatus to tele lines. "Before one decides to live by his wits, he should make sure that he has the necessary equipment." eelceless Keeper" Boon to Anglers Anglers long have sought a method of handling the fish they catch so as to avoid spoil- ing. Frequently, in a "back in" camp, an ice chest is impract- ical. Under such circumstances, an " Iceless Fish Keeper" is claimed to keep fish from spoil- ing for from 48 to 72 hours, re- gardless of temperature in shade or sun. It is described in the State of New York Conservation Department's "Conservationist" as follows: "Split opening at one side of top pillow case for inserting fish and ferns. Hang on limb. Fish must be gutted and gilled im- mediately after catching and slime or mucin wiped from the inside and outside of each. Place fish and ferns in layers so that no two fish are in contact. Do not use common leaves orgrass as these tend to mat and will not give sufficient air space. "Hang awater-filled tin can or small plastic bag with a hole in the bottom above thepillow case so that water drips slowly at neck of pillow case to keep the entire surface of caie moist. Evaporation causes a reduction of temperature inside the case which keeps the contents cool. " If using tin can, insert small plug of wood to regulate slow drip of water. The water may cause the wood to swell and, therefore, needs regulating. If using a plastic bag, two or three pinholes are sufficient. "Thismethod also eliminates fly contamination, (Be sure to hang where the raccoons can't get at it)". The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service at Ann Arbor, Michi- gan, says that the only satis- factory method of preserving fish without refrigeration and, at the same time, convenient to the angler, is salting, apply- ing salt to the inside and out- side of the eviscerated fish, then packing them in dry salt, (rock or canners' salt). Thus they can be held for three or four days without developing any appreciable bacterial load. Town League Standing: CKNX 53, Lees 45, Burkes 34, Mustangs 23, Hydro 21, Rockets 14. High single: Frank Riehl, 355; Bill Johnston and Frank Riehl tied for high triple with 730. A little boy is walking the street crying bitterly, man walks up to him and, "What's the trouble son -a thing wrong?" • Among sobs the littleb plies: "My mother lost he chology book and she's usi own judgment now." pyontt side --t becaut " Fryir, ar coo vorful Colu tender hen th frying" ct look but th With 's less h is fl the h y this ' •frying e assur t be ov lit con cern requi f lem y migl sauc Readman' TEXACO SERVICE CENTRE PHONE 84 - WINCH • C : 't.:i[ 50,4cziWratr-t,ar ,.x.e.. r...... _. SANTA COMING TO WROXETER SANTA CLAUS WILL VISIT WROXETER ON Friday EVENING, Dec. 14th tl THERE WILL BE CHRISTMAS MUSIC, PICTURE SHOW it AND TREATS POR THE CHILDREN rI� Show starts at 8 p.m. SHARP Stores will be open for your shopping Wroxeter Store Hours for December STORES WILL REMAIN OPEN Thursday afternoons, Friday an Saturday nights UNTIL CHRISTMAS AS WELL AS EVENINGS OF DECEMBER 19th to 24th, iric1usiv TILL 10 P.M. moxicovogiavousoomoottagoattgego convenience from to 10 y.m, �� Closed December 26th for oxi �g nay ���`'`��yy��r���.�0 emin at ar of w p win s sitt el ou and, hougi h of fury 1 A , ha ore& itt at lentis tain, ide, ce 1 rter el ese ani s ar or 1 tri pec n1 wro for 1: 1' layg Irsg ar on M th arwoostat- woo sc rS rh ars the ou e os rt �tl