HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-11-14, Page 20Page 4 - Winghalii Advance -Times, Thursday, Nov. 14, 1962. FOR SALE SHOP BENNETT'S 5c to $1.00 STORE FIRST for a fine selection of Bell -Lon Pullov- ers, $3.29; Bell -Lon Cardigans, $3.98. Use our convenient lay- away plan. N7rrb ELECTROLUX Sales & Service. H, McDermitt, phone 59R31, Fordwich, 4rrb CEMENT GRAVEL for sale, top soil, delivered. Lloyd Why - tock, phone 715W3, Wingham. FILTER QUEEN Sales & Ser- vice, repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Used clean- ers of all makes for sale. Robert K. Peck, Varna, tele- phone Hensall 696R2. 16rrb SCOTCH PINE CHRISTMAS trees. Every tree carefully selected, For quality as well as lowest price order direct from Georgian Bay Tree Farms, Owen Sound. Phone FRanklin 6-6254. 31-7-14-21* SIX -PIECE dinette suite for sale, in golden finish with red trim. Reasonable. Phone 39W. 15b TWO 200 -gal. upright fuel oil tanks for sale, $18.50 each. Phone Clinton HU 2-9227. 15-22b LADY'S WINTER COAT for sale, blue; girl's winter coat, wine, both size 16. Phone 441W, 15':' LLOYD BABY CARRIAGE for sale. Metal' crib, white bunting bag, rangette. Phone 601M. 15b CHOICE COLD STORAGE Mc- Intosh, Courtland and Delic- ious apples for sale, at reason- able prices. Please bring your own containers. Apply Blake Bros., R. R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W. 15b FOR SALE -Litter carrier track and hangers; Universal milk- ing machine, pipeline, pump and buckets; also 350 Red - Sussex and 400 Honeggers pul- lets, 5 months. Frank Alton, phone 67R15, Dungannon. 15* CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Sewing Machines - Smitty's in Han- over offering FREE - BONUS GIFT, New Sewing Machine Cabinet with every sewing machine purchased. Large sel- ection Arrow, Singer, White Machines. Very low prices. Smitty's Shopping Centre, Hanover. 15-22-29-6b CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE -1952 Chev. in good condition. Best offer. Call Teeswater 392-6572. 15b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1958 PONTIAC 4 door 6 cylinder with standard transmission, in guaranteed good condition. George Brown, Gorrie. 15* FOR RENT I+ ARM FOR SALE --$15,000 (Some extras included) One hundred acres, (approxi- mately), excellent farm land, choice location on Highway 86, 21/2 miles east from Wingham, 1+:. miles west of Blucvale, Hydro, spring water and valu- able hardwood bush ar'reage on back of property. Large barn with stables, good straw shed above. Also driving shed. First class drilled well. Seven -roomed two - storey white clapboard house. Extra large living room and two down stairs bedrooms, with three bedrooms upstairs. Large kitchen, etc. For further particulars, write or phone, Mrs. N, L. Murch, 75 Alexan- dra Blvd., Toronto 12, phone Toronto HUdson 3-4877. 15b ONE -BEDROOM apartment for rent, heated, with separate bath and kitchen, Apply Box 110, Advance -Times. 15b FOUR - ROOM self contained apartment fox rent. Central. Reasonable. Reliable middle- aged or childless couple. Ap- ply P.O. Box 495. 15b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Manufacturing building, brick and cement block, 2500 sq. ft. Excellent condition and priced below cost. 3 -bedroom brick cottage in the north end, needs some re- pair. Priced very low. TED ELLIOTT Salesman for H. C. MacLean Real Estate PHONE 115 - WINGHAM N7rrb THREE - ROOM self contained apartment for rent. Very cen- tral and residential. Available Dec. 1. Phone 127R, 15b UPSTAIRS one -bedroom apart- ment for rent, not heated. Ap- ply Box 111, Advance-Times. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Two-storey red brick home containing living room, dining room and " kitchen on ground level, three good bed rooms and thre-piece bath up. Newly dec- orated, oil furnace. The price of this house warrants an inspec- tion. Before you buy see this 11/2 - storey home situated one block off main street. Owner leaving town. Priced for quick sale. Mortgage available. Several 100 to 200 acre farms throughout this district priced reasonable. For your requirements in real estate contact - William S. REED Real Estate & Business Broker Phone 292M - Wingharn 15b FOR RENT -Attractive heated apartment in Teeswater. Ap- ply J. Meyer, phone 392.7327. 15b SALES HELP WANTED -Male REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 11/2 -storey, 7 -room brick ven- eer home, 2-pce. bath, 3 bed- rooms, two open verandas and overall good asphalt roof. Oil fired furnace in basement. Size of lot 53'x132' and located on main street. Asking price $8,300 cash. One -storey rug brick veneer 3 -bedroom home, 4-pce. bath, full basement and fully modern. Standard size lot, Electric wash- er and dryer, valued at $700.00, to remain with balance of equip_ ment. Located on east side of town. Built in the past five years and pribed to sell for cash. WHO IS INTERESTED in mak- ing $10 to $15 or more a day selling quality Products of re- liable firm over 72 years in business? Write Rawleigh's, Dept. K -453 -OB, 4005 Richel- ieu, Montreal. 15b FEMALE HELP WANTED WOMAN OR GIRL to do house- keeping. Live in. Phone Wing_ ham 610J1. 15b WANTED TO BUY TAXI SERVICE FOR ALL OCCASIONS call Lee's Taxi, for long or short trips. Phone 185, 4rrb NOTICE TO CREDITORS CARDS OF THANKS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF HUGH WALKER DOIG, ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Township of Howick, County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the elev- enth day of October, 1962, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or be- fore the 17th day of November, 1962. After that date the executors will proceed to distribute the estate having 'regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 29th day of October, 1962. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 31-7-14 A 3 -bedroom country home of rug brick veneer. Completely modern with garage attached. Size of lot, • 1 acre. Located on paved highway, 3 miles from town. Price4 to sell with terms available, with $3,000 odwn. WANTED TO BUY -Bungalow type home in Wingham for cash, Apply Box 109, Advance - Times. 15* WANTED WANTED ----Rock elm for tim- bers over 14" in diameter. Also good elm, soft maple and hard maple bush lots. Les Morley, R. R. 2, Ailsa Craig, phone 293-3009. J20-Dc26* 11/1 -storey 6 -room frame home with inssl brick and white brick siding. Two closed in verandas. Roofing good overall. Built in cupboards and sink, 4-pce, bath and water on pressure. Good flooring. Good sized lot and well landscaped. Also a bank barn in good condition, 18'x15'. Upper part suitable for garage. Located near Wingham. Only $6,300 cash. We wish to express our thanks and appreciation to our friends and neighbours for their many expressions of kindness and sympathy extended to us during our recent bereavement, - The family of the late William George Patterson. 15* NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE BAIRD, ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Town of Wingham, County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on the 13th day of October, 1962, are re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the lst day of December, 1962. After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the' claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingharn this 8th day of November, 1962, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 15-22-29b 100 -acre farm, 75 workable, balance bush, clay loam soil in very good condition. Bank barn, shed and 2 dug wells. 11/2 -storey, 10 -room house, with asphalt sid_ ing. Roofing in good condition overall. Located 21/1 miles from Wingham, 1/2 mile off highway. Priced reasonable, Terms avail- able. `I wish to sincerely thank my many friends, neighbours and relatives for the many acts of kindness to me at the time of my sudden sad bereavement, A special thanks to Rev. J. H. Anderson, Mr, D, A. Rann and the Fifth of Morris U,C.W. group; to all those who sent flowers, gifts of Gideon Bibles and donations to the Cancer Fund and for visits and cards. It was all deeply appreciated and will remain a precious memory. -Mrs. George Martin. 15b The family of the late Walter Lockridge wish to express their sincere gratitude to the many friends and neighbours for kind- ness and sympathy shown to them during their recent ber- eavement. 15b I would like to thank everyone for the lovely cards, gifts, flow- ers and telephone calls which I received when I was a patient in the hospital. -Linda Temple- man., 15* I would like to express sincere appreciation to the many friends who were so thought- ful and remembered me in so many ways while I was a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and particularly to The Wingham Advance - Times for sending the paper each week. - Hugh Carmichael. 15b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ANNIE M. MAXWELL, ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Wroxeter, in the County of Huron, married woman, deceas- ed, who died on the 13h day of. July, 1962, are required to file proof of the same with the undersigned on or before the 1st day of December, 1962. After that date the Adminis- tratrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Brussels this 9th day of November, 1962. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Solicitors for the Administratrix, Brussels, Ontario. 15-22-29b 100 -acre farm, 83 workable, balance hard and soft wood bush. Clay loam soil, very pro- ductive. Drilled. well on pres- sure throughout. Bank barn with addition, and small shed. 11/2 -storey 7 -room frame home, insul brick sided with 2-pce. bath, All roofing good. Located 2 miles from town. Asking only $10,500, with terms available. Vendor will also trade for a larger farm. MONEY TO LOAN For farms, homes, lots or businesses contact - FRANK CASKANETTE Box 167 or Phone 305, Wingham Agent for Wilfred Mclntee Realtor, Walkerton, Ont. 15b DEADSTOCK WANTED NEED MONEY? I would like to thank all who remembered me with cards and visits while a patient in Wing - ham Hospital. Special thanks to Dr, McKibbon, Mrs, Morrey, and her nursing staff on first floor. -Lloyd McGee. 15b NO BONUS You Repay Monthly You Principal Number Receive & Interest Months $1800 $40.00 60 Months $2000 $50.10 60 Months $2500 $62.62 60 Months $3000 $75.14 60 Months Business Loans against 30, 60, 90 day Accounts Receivable Capital Loans to Businesses REMOVAL SERVICE - We are licensed to remove your dead or crippled farm animals for sanitary disposal in an in- spected rendering plant, FREE REMOVAL Phone. No charge to ZENITH 88540 or Wingharn 373 or Palmerston 123W. GOR - DON YOUNG LIMITED, TOR- ONTO - RARRIE - ELMIRA. License No. 14 & 15R62 - 143 & 144-C-62, rrb Sincere thanks to all my friends and relatives for their visits, letters, treats and get - well cards while I. was a patient in the hospital and since my re- turn home. Your kindness will always be remembered.'- John Sangster. 15* I would like .tor express my sincere thanks to all friends and relatives who kindly remember- ed me with treats, cards and flowers while a patient in Wing - ham Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. McKibbon and; all nurses .on first floor, who were so kind. Thanks again, - Mrs. Marie Merkley. 15b Special arrangements made on larger loans up to $250,000 each Phone FR 6-7324 BLUEWATER ACCEPTANCE LTD. 937 - 2nd AVENUE EAST OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO N7-D2b IN MEMORIAM ALLAN - In memory of a dear father, Andrew Allan, who passed away eleven years ago, November 20, 1951, Surrounded by friends we are lonesome, In the midst of joys we are blue, With a smile on our faces, we've a heartache, Longing dear father for you, Lovingly remembered by Len and Marie Schmidt, 15* HOLLOWAY - In memory of Edmund A, Holloway, who passed away five years ago, November 13, 1957. The rolling stream of life rolls on, But still the vacant chair Recalls the love, the voice, the smile Of the one who once sat there. -Remembered by his son Stuart, Reta and family. 15b I would like to express my most sincere thanks to all the friends in Wingham whose vis- its, cards and other remem- brances were received while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. In particular I would mention with gratitude Dr. W. A, MoKibbon, the Royal Cana- dian Legion Branch 180 and The Wingham Advance -Times. - T. E. Moszkowski, 15b MISCELLANEOUS WILL PERSON seen taking bi- cycle from Minnie Street gar- age Hallowe'en, return it and avoid trouble. 15b KRELLER - In memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Mary Krel- ler, who departed this life three years ago November 19, 1959. To those who have a mother, Treasure her with care. For you never know her value, Till you see her vacant chair, -Fondly remembered by Or- lando and Marie Schmidt, 15* WOULD THE PERSON who took the wrong coat Tuesday between 3-4 p.m., from Wing - ham Hospital hall rack, please return same to Hospital office. 15b THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Head Office, Dungannon Established 1878 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth, Dun. gannon; ti ice -Pres., Herson Ir- win, Belgrave; Directors -Paul Caesar, R. R. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Goderich; Ross McPhee, R. R. 3, Auburn; Donald P. MacKay, R. R. 1, Rip- ley; John F, MacLennan, R. R 3, Goderich; Allan Maclntyre, R. R. 5, Lucknow; William Wig- gins, R. R. 3, Auburn, For information on your in- surance, call your nearest dir- ector who is also an agent, or the secretary, Frank F, Thomp- son, Dungannon, phone Dun- gannon 48. S12/62 Box Holders' Names Not Given Out It is strictly against our rules to divulge the name or ad- dress of any advertiser using an Advance -Tines Box Num- ber. Please do not ask us for this information. SEWERS -In loving memory of our little nephew, Alan, aged 5 years, who passed away sud- denly November 14, 1950. A day of remembrance sad to recall, Without farewell he left us all, Precious memories treasured ever Of the days we were all to- gether. - Lovingly remembered by George, Reta and Jim Dreh- mann. 15* FOR BANQUET facilities see Sam Bondi, phone 207. N15-D19b WELLS -In loving memory of Harry Wells, who passed away six years ago November 13, 1956, Good took him home, it was His will, But in our hearts we love him still; His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away. We often sit and think of him When we are all alone, For memory is the only friend That grief can call its own. -Ever remembered by daugh- ter, Dorothy, Jack and grand- children. 15* SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2, Brussels; phone 442W6, Brussels. 017-D12* NOTICE If you are thinking of finan- cing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, R. R. 2, Wing - ham, phone 703W3, O24rrb AUCTION SALE ESTATE AUCTION BALE Estate auction sale of proper- ty, registered and grade l•-lere- ford cattle at Lot11, Con, o , 6, Morris Township, 5 of Brussels or 5 miles north and 21/2 miles east of Blyth, on Tues- day, Novrmber 20th, at 1 p.m. (Sale under cover), Cattle -Herd sire, Larry's Tri- umph Aug, 1, 1960, AR test ADG 3,1 WPDA 3.1 FW 1235; females - Dolly Domino, Jan, 29, 1952, registered heifer calf by side, born March 16th; Roycroft Miss Anxiety, Oct, 9, 1952, calf by side; Sunshine Dolly, Feb. 27, 1955, registered heifer calf by side, born April 7th; Miss Rea - peat Larryette, Jan. 12, 1956, registered heifer calf by side, born March 24th; Laurene Lar- ryette, April 30, 1956, calf by side; Cedar Point Larrie Mon- arch, May 27, 1956, calf by side; Belgrave Patricia, Oct. 23, 1957, calf by side; Sunshine Domino Lass, Jan. 29, 1957, registered heifer calf by side, born April 1st; Sunshine Lauren,, Nov, 10, 1958, registered heifer calf by side, born March 24th; Sunshine Susie, Jan, 4, 1956, calf by side; Sunshine Daisy, March 11, 1959, registered heifer calf by side, born March 28th; Sunshine Miss Anxiety, March 28, 1959; calf by side; Sunshine Domino, May 2, 1959, calf by side; Sunshine Pa- tricia, Feb, 26, 1960, calf by side; Sunshine Lily, March 5, 1960, calf by side; Sunshine Lass, March 5, 1960, calf by side; Sun- shine Doris, March 11, 1960, calf by side; Sunshine Isabel, April 30 1960, calf by side; Sunshine Miss Larryette, March 5, 1961; Sunshine Delena, March 7, 1961; Sunshine Rosie, March 20, 1961; Sunshine Belle„ March 29, 1961; Sunshine Pearl, April 2, 1961; Sunshine Dorothy, April 9, 1961; Sunshine Miss Anxiety, April 27, 1961; 10 quality grade Hereford cows, with calves by their side; 5 steers approx. 750 lbs. Poultry -425 Sussex Red pul- lets laying 80%. Property - Also at the same time the farm (subject to reserve bid) will be offered for sale Consisting of 150 acres, 100 acres workable, barn 36x76 with L ad- dition, 40-42, cement stabling, box stalls, ties and pig pens. Water bowls throughout. 11/2 - story 8 -room house with all mo- dern conveniences, coal or wood forced air furnace, 4-pce, bath, running water, hydro and built- in cupboards, steel driving shed 32x48, hen house 16x40, garage 15x22. A full line of modern farm machinery will be offered for sale by public auction at a later date. Chattels -Cash. Property 10% down, balance in 30 days, im- mediate possession. Proprietor, Estate of late Geo. C. Martin; Auctioneer, Harold Jackson; Clerk, George Powell. 15b BIRTHS THOMPSON--At the Wingh General Hospital, VWredneaa November 7, 1962, to Mr, a Mrs, Donald Thompson, Luc now, a daughter, STILES -At the Wingham Ge eral Hospital on Wednesd November '7, 1962, to Mr, Mrs. Gordon Stiles, R, R Ethel, a daughter. HARVEY - In Wellesley H pital, Toronto, on Saturn November 10, 1962, to Mr, a Mrs. Peter Harvey (Shirt Casemore), a son, s ItlNtl Thurs(i doll, S:� gan.'s 110: and (no lir Towns day, Nc membe d Helen acting S FEDI slCIJL'T rkeY $u; ters Hal ,ember eaker, I ator 51,50. CURRIE AMBULANC WINGHAM Phone 51 = Anyti IF IT'S Painting or Papering YOU WANT DONE Contact your Decorator Russell ZURBRIGG 31-7-14-21b CEMENT SEPTIC TANKS Manufactured a n d installed. Backhoe service. Pumping and cleaning service. Contact - Ronal.d E. Forster, phone 29, Lucknow. 03-D26* FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Hothe Protection - Call your CIA Agent LLOYD MONTGOMERY Wingham, R. R. 5, Phone 743J1 21rrb TRADE = IN VALUES FINGLE DRESSERS • KITCHEN SUITES • SINGLE BED UNITS • DOUBLE BED UNITS • DINING ROOM CHAIRS • 4'6" SPRING MATTRESSES R. A. CURRIE & SONS FURNITURE WINGHAM 15-22b AVON CALLING WORLD'S LARGEST COS- METIC COMPANY Has immediate openings for energetic women to earn excel- lent weekly income. Territories available in Bluevale area and Westfield area, Car essential. Write Mrs, M. Millson, 960 Wel- lington Road S., London, Onta- rio, or call GE 2-9019 between 7 and 8 p.m. (2) • Member of the Grey -Bruce Real Estate Board Ask One of Our Agents How You Can List Your Property As a Mulitiple Listing "We Sell Rural Ontario" 200 ACRE FARM north of Wingham, with 2 storey, 8 room white brick house with all modern conveniences, Two barns on property, one with hydro, water bowls and good stabling. 140 acres workable, good water supply, school bus service. Priced at $12,900, with terms. HUNDREDS of Farm, home and Business properties. Send 50c for Mammoth 96 page Pic- ture Catalogue. J. EVERETT PENNINGTON Phone 392-6064, Teeswater Local Agent for: Paul S, Starr & Co., Ltd., Hanover - Phone 870 WILLIAM S. REE REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKER For prompt service'in buy or Welling all real estate properties FARMS . - HOMES BUSINESSES Phone Wingham 292 431 ERS El held it on Fr m, she: nch. A, g turd e welcor TO CU. structic ht and urling ri t at 8 1 Im will play a All new DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLE ANIMALS CALL - DARLING & Cornpa OF CANADA LIMITED Wingham 561J Dead Animal Lic. No. 175.0 Jny3 EAS Tl rifted ( lag their and B Novemb School will be here w: Christn for sale MARLATT'S Dead Stock Seri HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows and Ho over 500 lbs. More for sick disabled Cows and Horses cording to size and oondit FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLE BRUCE MARLAT Brussels - Phonel 24-HOUR SERVICE License No. 193-C-62, 121.10, N -C and for the held in ty Ce: r 20th, lease br ent mer terested G B. TATE for E. CED: 5 roc \1¢e Iiv ;n at ve bus Parma NI IOW I es, the Campbell Soup Compan Listowel REQUIRE FEMALE EMPLOYEE for TEMPORARY PLANT WOR DURING THE FALL FOWL SEASON APPLICANTS SHOULD VISIT TH PLANT PERSONNEL OFFICE AS SOO AS . POSSIBLE. BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BUTLER, DOOLEY, 1 CLARKE &STARKE Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 44 NORTH ST. JA 4-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO A. H. MCTAMISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC Teeswater - Ontario Tel. 392-7373, Teeswater Wroxeter -Every Wednekday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO OPTOMETRISTS Phone 118 HARRISTON - ONTARIO AMBULANC Service CALL - S. J. WALKER PHONE Day and Night GAVILLER, McI TOSH & WAR Chartered Accountant Resident Partner 3. E. Kennedy, C.A. Bell Telephone .Buildin Phone 633 - WALKERT CRAWFORD & lETHERINGTO Barristers, Solicitors, EI Wingham - Phone J. H. CRAWFORD, Q. R. S. HETI{ERINGT°v, J. T. 600DAL BARRISTER, SOLICIT NOTARY, Etc, Office -Meyer Bik., Wiflt PHONE 14 ,la lsurpris rall,� eve 1 So fa n to ei bile. can and sl Year'sai le, IWhe