HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-11-07, Page 6Th s Aol.VO.AC,t,';IVXMOS, Wedn4iXdo, NON, UV/ GUARANTEED INVFSTMENT CERT/FICATES 1. D, MacWILLIAM, Representative, Wingharn 428 1111:111101111E lila 101 ; ! 22 1 SU IV 110 IA.110 hillittgill1111110t al 1 1 1 4 1 't 11, 1, zIi ;-11)4)1If 'flit' pl. unipt, J'1 'iII t% 1101 I lg flute: 1 I id 11 11110(11kt hack to :1;:olit It,i c‘cl /WIG T KEEPS YOU GOING „. onti: . you'll si4,p here 0.1W$tyz, WROXETER Miss Minnie Linklater of Wing - ham spent Friday witia Miss Gertie Bush ami Mts. W. Weir. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Green ot Teeswater were slipper guests with Mr, and. Mrs. Laurie VanVelsor- Mr. Kenneth Walker, Galt spent Sitialay with his parents, Air. and Mrs. Russell Walker. Mrs. J. P. AleLeati spe.olieg mune time with iwr daughter and son inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Woldq Gibson and other relatives in and around Dundits. Mt. and Mrs. Roy gaw uf New- ton were t-lunday vIsiturs at, the home of ILoss Tortuin. Mr, and Mrs. Laurie Van Velsor were in Clifford on Sunday whine they were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hooper. We are pleased to hene that Air. Lloyd McGee and Mr. (Runge tirif- filth who have been pal in %%Ingham and District Hospital, .,irt• improving anti hope to be home this Week. Mr. Murray McLean of Tara was a week -end visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. 11,11,1 /k/11:13. Ira Me, Lean. Aiisses Dawn Lue Clark, Helen McGee, and Donnie Edgar of Kit- chener and Mr. John Malice of London spent the week -end at their respective homes. BM HISTORY REVIEWED AT WI LAKELET The W. 1, held its November meeting in the hall on Thursday evening with a good at- tendance, the theme being "IiisLorl, cal Researeh". Devotions were read by Airs. Gordon Wright and the roll call was answered by display- ing an old or unusual button. The president, Mrs, Cliff Hall- man, conducted the meetteg and the assistant secretary, Nits. Atian Wylie carried on the secretarial duties in the absence of Mrs, Wal - lave. During the business portion it was decided to hold card par- ties each Wednesday evening in the Institute hall, for the winter. A report of the fall rally in Blue t-..! vale was given by District Director Mrs, Gordon McKee. An irterest. W ing part of the meeting was the 1.111.111: prepared by Mrs. II. Wallace " 11 lid _Mrs. 1 4I0P.1 311CUTIPS, W11101 11"114 read by Mrs. E. Ferguson, The title was "Highlights of Our .1.ostlinte over the Past Ten Years." The lo. cal bra»eh wits formed in Novem- ber of Itt2. A eoetest was eundueled by Mrs. Jam4nes mid the meeting closed with the national anthem, A deli- eious linich was served by Mrs. Stain Dennis. Mrs. Elmer Greenly and Mrs. G. Wright. WINTHAM MUTORS inpribintlititst t :I 11.1.1 f.41 eT-1 gt/ zit 1 i I s; 1 rts WLN(;HAM Prizes Given at " Hallowe 1)alite WIttr.71.11;111;It A smeessital b I • ia 1114`, 1111/VOIL I l 11(4. 11411 4)4('I,11w;e. Itch( Wettnes 1day evening in the Wiiiwter. Pow inunity halt and piite o bluets: ty dollars. Herb Hinkley of Tot dance, Les lien silty :{1111 .10111 .11 11114 ; 1 1'1 WI, June Wright :did Walt Alchlbinin; befit costumed pair, Thomas Meintee awl Elaine /...,aiiiterson; best 1 ill luwe'en costume, Phyllis Grant; the hest condi. costume Mrs. 0, Val. goner, one prize winner's 11111111,'is 111111A14111114(.. LAKLLET Visittei; with !41 r, and Mrs. Henry 1ohnstein last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, Stanley McAuslan and sons of Inwood. Mrs, Harold Wallace lett bv plane from Milton airport last Sunday for Saskatocm, Saak., to at- tend the funeral of her brother-in- law, the late Kenneth Millwood. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McComb and family spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Jack- son of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Halms and Mr, Otto Dahms of Mildmay were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon McKee, Mr, Gordon Wright left on Sat- urday on a hunting trip in the Mattawa District of Northern On- tario, with hunters from Clifford mid Harriston. Dept. to Resume Road Reports 1.111` VV1 lFt1'l 1Z owl Itejsnt IIg Her, 1.11C On tarill Department nf Highways will resume on November 5, it was announced by Highways Minister Charles S. MaeNaughtini. Up-to-chtle information on the 4:1/1 - ditiO 1 of all Provinvial Jligliways and Secondary Highways will be available from imy 01' the Depart- ment's 18 district offives as well as the Road Information Centre !e- mir(' at Toronto, This service is provided no a Irrur, veli -day -a week basis dur- ing the winter. Reports nee revelved at the Item{ information Centre six times daily and mini/tete reports are 1 rein/milt ted by an extensive teletype syst 1.11 1114. 1,1 1111' 1)1 Jr ) distriet offiees litromIttnit the pre vinee, TM:: information is avnilabt, lily or eight. by telephoning the nearr.d. Department of Illeliways Tbe item' information (testi," mattes Ulnae up-lo-ciale reports available to the mews 141,f111PPS W110, in turn, distribute them to news media throughout the province 1.111e,seng1.-.1-5 Elect Ni' 1 3/11,1IPAVE Messengers of Kim , Milted Cloni.ia met on Sian - flit.; la the eliniela school room, OP - ening, with the motto and prayer. A lie, :4", '41110g alld minutes re:el Lois 11.11111. Treasur w1.1'1 gl V011 1.1y Ivan W1icv11'1 Roll call wa,‘ answered by ;11 Offering was re eetveil by (ballot' Rhin anal Nell airman, and World Friends were distributed by Lloyd Mielde and Brio It 1 lopper. Election of offiveric remitted as follows: 1'14%4 Mary Ellen %Valeta: vice prim.. itlehard Anderson; nee., Joan Iroduan; 11Stit. 110C.,George Johnston; treas., Mary Urastry. The new study on Hong Kong wns miroditeed by Mrs. Roy Mc Sween, A continued story in a hook called "Tiger Tail Village" was r('ad. Next meeting will be held on i)ec. 2. The new officers ivili not take Ove('ti janitary, BIIIEVALE Mra. Carl Johnstml, will be host ess at her home for the evening meeting of the Bluevale Women's Institute on Wednesday, November 14th when Mrs, D. S. MaeNaugh- ton, of Wingli,m, will speak on canevr, The United Church, Women con- ducted a successful bazaar on Wednesday afternoon, the returns. totalling $185.00, The Recreational Committee has begun building a shelter on thc park heside the Maitland fo.r use skaters, your best buy in s "torTr FREE! Maio Irasers"Coltee Cels9 (Alm. hoe — new recipes all Better with t3uttoi !Mite tmlay, Couple Presented By Neighbours BLUEVALE -A pleasing event of Friday night was a social gath- ering at the Stone School, Morris, in honor of Mr, and Mrs, R. J. Me- - 1 Murray, who recently moved from that neighborhood to Blucvale, Mrs, Melville Mathors read an address of appreciation and good wishes to Mr. and Mrs, Mc- Murray and Gordon. Donna Edgar and Diane Elston presented gifts— a clock and a china floral centre. The evening was spent In playing progressive euchre, followed by re- freshments. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Hoffman and ehildren, of Exeter, have been with Airs, C. 13, Hoffman while Mr. lloffinan has been ill in hospital. Miss PlitimaJohnston spent Sun- day at Liman. Mi'. I Mrs, Win. .1 Th1011111 ore, Bobby and Karen, of Port Credit, spent, the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Elliott. ivir. And Mrs, Alan White ansi ehildren, of Springfield, were with Mr, and Mrs, jos, Horton for a few day,: this week. Vilitors with Mr. and Mrs. It, J. Mem erray on Sunday were Mr. s,nd Mrs Doti Agnew and Juliana, of Stratford, and ,Mr, and Mrs. Dun ivielVturray and Sharon, of Luck - now. Mr. end Robert Kearns, of Kincerdine, vinited Mi'. Jack Ad041" 117 1 11111;1y, Mr, and Mr:. A: I./. Smith at- leeded Ihe golden Vl.ptlitig vele- brottoe mr. and Alm. jos. Smith, f 1 hn Iminr. of mi., nod Mrs, Arlimr Edgar, of Mil r 1111. F114111* IS a daugh- ter or Mr, siol Mrs, Jos. Smith, M1'. and .Mrs. George Hethering- ton visited relatives in Goderieli on Sunday. R $ OUTSTANDING QUALITY nt „ OUTSTANDING PRICE You Get a Simmons Mattress and Box Spring One Low Price "'":',;'.•:...". ' ,....,...-„„. ...-Ac......,- ' „...,' ""- I9l,-• 1 STURDY REST MATTRESS. and BOX SPRING Both for only $69.95 DELMORE The,.Oetober meeting of the 13e1 - More U.C.W. was held 011 Wednes day at the home of Mrs, Alvin Fitch. Mrs. 1-lowairtl Pace was 10 charge of the meeting and mind:act- ed the .worship service, Mrs, fred Johann led in a prayer for the missionaries. Mrs. Johann also read the last chapter of the study book, "Hasten the Day". A reading ling on temperance was given by Mrs. Nellie Harper. The members begot) 0 new study book., "The Word and the Way". written by Donald Ntalliers, thh` first chapter being introduced- by Mrs, Earl Fitch, The president. Mrs, Harry Mulvey, conducted the business session and Ain. Pace closed the meeting with at bene. diction, NB. Woman Will Place. Wreath - A '13-year-uld another or f r1r1),1 a' New Brunswick fishing -village wilt represent 4.,anadisin • Plother- hood at the .National Remembrance Ceremony In Ottawa on November 11.• She is Mrs. Minim Lantrigne of ,Caraquet, who lost three sons im war: - The, Royal Canadian Legion has announced that Mrs, hanteigne will place one of the ()Metal wreatIn.; at the National War Memorial. Her wreath — on beindf of some 104,000 mothers who lost, sons in war—will be placed following that of His Excellency the Governor. General, Mrs. Lantcigne lui.cl five sons 111 the army during World War H. Three were killed, the other two wounded. Of the survivors, Luellen was wounded a-013ioppe and Daniel was wounded during " the North-West Eu toile campaign, Mrs. Lanteigne has eight living children. Mr. Dominictue Lan- teigne, 83, who lives in Caraquel. Is unable to make the trip with Itis wife, A Division or DAIRY PARMERg or (MAJALIA 147 Davenport Road, raloIIlo 5 Miss Anna Hooper Dies in Hospital /r2 I SS Anna Hooper, 04, or Turn' berry Township died in Wingliam Hospital on Friday, November 2. She was a daughter of the late James Hooper and Rebecca WO and was the last .rnember of her family. Several nieces survive. Rev. 0, IP, Johnson conducted the funeral service on Monday after- noon from the R. A. Currie & Sons funeral home, with interment in Wroxeter •Cemetery, Pallbearers were Eldred Nicol, Jas. Elliott, William Dettman, El - 11011 Kirton, Harvey Timm and Alex Corrigan, Guild Plans l'or Bati(Ittet II EL( 1) /5 vi'; Mrs, Arelile - 0m('('y and her mother, Mrs. flert .1aeltson, 'were has for tiie November meeting of tile Ladies' Guild of Trinity -Anglican Cilia/di. 1'11e meeting opened will»i hyinn, after which Mr.s. Cora McGill, vice President, led in prayer_ ripneral business followed. plaits were made for ow hazatir. Committees were set lip for lite liampan the group is eatering to ill i\to vem her : 'Pa Me ecanini tire, Mrs Clarke Johnston and Piobpj _Nelhery, .114111. and Mrs. Rieliard lint .Mrs, Ale/. Nelbery pint al'F. V (4110)1111.11, Robert. Higgins ;tad Mrs. 1./11W11.111.1" V1111111o1 ; gra Vy voinia„ Nips, 1.Si yr Armstrong and Mr:, ehr.ri A4 tly ; porroe eimmi., Miss /Ilene Nelliery unit Mrs. Archie Montgomery; turkey comm. Mr5. f :Ur El KM anti .Mrs. Itiehard rts•11.11', (..ards or 1 'imam were read .t1'i4, Robert Proctor and Mrg, 0. t;, 11'1.Crm. itoll call was answered with "a verse or something (Lbout. itemernbrance .1)ny". A delicious hineb was served by the hostesses. W. U. UONIION, CLU Insurance Agency COMPLETE INSURANCE COVERAGE N. A. SCOTT, Salesman JOHN STREET Phone 772W - Wingharn 0.0mrkeeng....• AGENT loon Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. It 4* CKACHE May be Warnirm Backache in often lamas) by Lary kidney action. When kidneys get out 91 order, excess adds and wastea reinaiu in (be system, Then backache, ills - tinted rest or that tired -out and Ilea vy- headed feeling may soon follow. That' the lime to lake Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action, Then you fed better—sleep better- work better. Cot Dodd's Kidney Pills now. IIIIIMallaisittlaulagrasaanismonsamia CROWN THEATRE HARR' SION WER.-TAITIRS.-1[81.-SATUBDAY NOVAB11.8118 7-8-9-10 "TOMBOY AND THE CHAMP" 111 Techilleolor Starring Candy More and Ben Johnsen The gallant, all heart story 01 a girl and her 111111SUIII ('et—a black calf A111.1 011 t110 same program The fans of the Three Stooges will get it bang when we present The THREE STOOGES IN ORBI T" S.1100S01,1'/I toy NWff`E.1 4-H Lctubp Shows start Mb, 0,17 and 1(1,10 p,In. nIoN, Ntry, 42 la "PRIVATE LIVES 01' ADAM ANI) EVE" l'artly 111 1 7ulor Starring Mickey !looney 'IVIttinie Van Doren ;•.tee the world's first. temptatioe nee the world's first kiss ADMITTANCE -0: TO fERZa,15 1 f YEARS Of AO* oit over h4unws start al '7,15 and 9.10 mot, ED. -T11 lltS,-Itert.1,-SATugDA y N 0 Yuivi 81,i8 9-1.7 "THE PARENT TRAP" 111 Teci,u100141r starring Hayley Mills, Maureen O'Hara, and Brian Keith This story :darts wibh a laugh and ends much the SaM0 way, You will love the tenderness iind drama sandwiched between Shows start at 7.15 and 9.241 p.m urcanagoasancansaaniorts_asy - . . . SP•11111.011=00111”•=1101•111.11WOMIND0411111041.11•01•01•4111•11.711111.10.1., ItIvNelq)411001•2.0.1•0111410.0116.1.111E.*11,1011,04111•0011,111.1% tt "Me fl It r,St•-oloef Coupon Days at Hayes N„ 4-4? •",..4;', 4 4. SUPER RES MATTRESS and BOX SPRING $89. Both for only p er Home Furnishin PHONE 1 0 6 S, J. Walker WINGE1AM 1 This coupon is worth VA) ON THE PURCHASE OF ANY ARTICLE OVER $.10.00 NOVEMBER 8.9.40 One Coupon per purchase Specials this week , . LARGE PURCHASE OF SUBURBAN -CI,)AT:ci ANI) BOYS' DUFFEL COATS LEN Rolm MEN'S SUBURBAN COAT rlirldtlY and KLGAf.8, 38 RI '1095 ORTON:Ill COATS „, . '8,95 A small deposit will hold any article until Christmas LAM ASSORTMENT OF C111113111A80111 ITEMS ON RANH Hayes Family Clo • 410 4.0.131e-0•000440,04S044-A50,300.09000.04:010-C=0,0=40:00.4=11.00042n0.04C415.=.61:00X14:0004=0,04223a3e1,60000,0.t.0.1=10.00 a0,