HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-11-07, Page 11 With Which is 4Y*!algatu4ted the t ,n;x * V;tette and Wro Teter News -WU ALONG THE MAIN ORM Be The Pedestrian 1' II I.: Sll Mt.tiaJ.',. ,Butchers tit, thl:i area. are in for a period of depression with all available on Stands out after deer on tvlrlc.lt the season opened this t\ eek. 'No reports as yet. U u - ,several times this fall Whit Urose has pieltell (IVO. r£isptic;rrips mar his cottage at .Antberley, On Mon - Clay he found a few of the Suselous red berries and vas' be picked them there was a light snowfall in pro press, The be'rcies had not been frozen. it i 1. 1 t STILL IN HOSPITAL. --- Linda Templeman, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Mery Templer/tan, who was injured .Hallowe'en night when she, fell off from the back of ;I car near her home on John St.. is still In hospital, where she le being treated for concussion and otitt a head injuries. 0.0-0 Ira N t1`ts±'i _- Would the person -with a Gerrie address wltu mailed a payment of 3$3.00 1a one -dollar bill mid a two - dollar bills to The Advance -Threes on 'Monday, please send in their name and full address? We reeethe ed the payment, but there was no name hesitated, so we don't know telt° to credit. BusinessAssoc. to .Meet: Thursday The 'Wing/lain Business Assoeia. 50 Lion has called a• meeting for this Thursday evening, Nov. 8th, at 7,30 A t at the t'allatt Shoe shore. - Tim meeting has been called to lea- plans fur Lhe Christmas promo- lion1 „. town t t1 andt dv i se,uss stere heart fur tate early part of next year. 'ii -vers" merchant in the (•011tIlittn ity Is asked to attend the 'meeting. Three Tractor Next Week to See Completely Re - a • e m This Wee of The Wingham Ad- vnnee-'1'11nes is the final one to all. tear• in its present format. Next .veelt's paper will be printed by the 'offset" process on equipment which has been installed in oar plant during the past six months, TURNBERRY PUPILS SAKE COLLECTION The students of Turttberry To't'tt • ;hip ('enLral Seined eolleetefi frit ENRAGE on Hallowe'en and real - zed $15.5(J, The r•hildr•en in Mar. mefeereey.e room gave donations at the I.la1- elwe'en party at the te,thool. Puplis from Mars. {Joultes' and Mr, Tiil- Patrick's classes collected In Turn - berry Township when they Made their "trick or treat" calls un t I:allu,ve'en night, EfetaAtigISLENT Mr. and Mrs. ICai:ry Elliott, Blue - vale, announce the etrgage.irhent 01 theirdaughter, 1Lu ghter 'Fir 11ls 'Harriett, to Y • air James ,Alvin ('amble, thin of • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Gamble, AL. wood, The marriage will take plash November 24th in Ktiox Presbyter - ill!! _Manse, Bluevule. F'7o UNITED TEI) fillU1iCal LSERVICES Owing to the fternetrlbranoe Day observaoer- at the Cenotaph ott Sunday at 10.30 a.m., the morning service lit the Wingham United Church will begin at 1.1.10 a.m. Evening service will be at. 7.30 pm, _._. :EI'7b MILI I N(; Begins at 'Wingitarn Curling (flub Fiaturday, November 17th, Annual dues, Fneu, reg. $:10,00, new curlers, airmen women, reg, 312,00, new, S'f,CJ, it'ree curling and expert in- * etruetion will be given Nov 14, 15 and 10. Conte out and have a. try, No obligation to join. F'71.1 EUCHRE 'Jas holle Wm/Lent's League are starting their weekly eucitres on 'I'ueedtrt'. November 13. at sacred Hart Parish. Hall at. 8.30 p.m. Adm. 50c. Lunch and prizes. F7b Itun J!firIIo.4 ANL) DA.NCJ! For Mr. and .Mrs, Bert Hastings let :F+luevale (Jwiuitunity 'Mall, Fri- day, November ). Music by Wil - bee's orchestra. Ladies please bring lunch, Everyone welcome, .If7b HOWIC.'it 'M`WP. F1PlRVIt_e; Van REMEllli3Ri NtIJt IPA f' Will be held at the 'Howlett 'T'wp. e_ettutaprlt in Ii'ordwich Sunday. Nat ember titer, at 3 pan. :Everyone is !welted to attend, (A eettut.ap.t' service only). I'7b MO t1t(i4 �'>a1S)1jftA fl0N OF' At!UCW LXTR41; ANN Hai., A.,.r1 tltekey vuprom. will be held 1rr semesters Hall, Betgrat'e, Friday, elov, 10, at 7 p.m. Guist ;speaker, Pet Jervell, fano continental -or t.lrPL, f.on(fon,'T'lckets $1.50. 'F7b MOIRE eledfelluws euchre party will be held In the Ocldfellows Hall an Thursday, November 8th, at 8.8(i pen. 1'7b ECiCl IRE '1'he Lawn Bowling Club is hold- ing a euchre in the Town 'Rall On Ky ✓; 'aturtla everting, November loth a a at 8 p.m, Admission 50e. Everyone welcome, F7b »A1 1' SALVE Vegetable and apron sale will be t held by Whiteelturclt Presbyterian v'Choir in Wingham Council Cham- ber Saturday, Novenber 10, at 3 , o cl )clr, pro Year Members Installation Junior Past Grand 'William Bain peettirlerl at the meeting of 1001' No. 1111 trudge last Thursday even- ing for the opening ritual. All !metalling 'team Pruett Seafut'tu, L1 al:eI.M, Atiatt Campbell end his stall +:ondu+'Led the installation of the new members. Murray 'Taylor was Metalled as Noble termed; Arthur 1,a,idla:u 'tire (fraud; WIlford Caslick, re- cording secretary; Ernie Cewln. a5 t •• eand d fhtaicral .°,e_retary iiarul,! Wild, ire/wince.. William Caldwell of L'rucefield was a guest. Other visa tore tlrnung the 00 people present were from Brussels and Jerucefielci lodges. 'l;wo member's of over 50 years' titandiog in the WOE who were at the meeting were Jim Murray of 'Wingham anal Dave Benedict of the Chesney Lodge„ Lunch was served at the close. WINGLIAlii, ONTARIO, '#STKINlft.SDAY, NO Irl V'Ir 7a SING1,•la -CQPIF$ ar- isbn 1ir.:txgt Marini, 51, clerk of .titr,ii'ii '1'uw11ship, was 0115 01' t:llree _,T ',copse' who died In .H, ear -tractor cullieion, on the etre lisle of Morris 'Iowlutliip, 3 miles west of Brussels t+hour 3.30 Tuesday afternoon. Alttu trilled lit the accident were John Jones, and leis wife, whtl died itltortly after arrival at Lite Wing - Mira hospital, Martin was driving the tractor when it wait struelk by the west- br'tlntl ear, 1t is not known which direction the tractor was travelling. The result of the Impact was one of the worst crash scenes In the area fur many years, The car was completely demolished, and appar- ently the driver of the tractor was crushed when the 'maclhine turned 'ever 00 tip of the car. The battery of one vehicle was thrown 75 feet into an adjoining field, The crash also took out a telephone pole as the two inachines ended up in the north ditch beside the road. Three small children in the Jones ear were rushed to hospital, where they were reported in fair conch - lion. One suffered a broken leg and severe ruts and abrasions as dict the other two. A fourth child, also a. daughter, of the dead couple was at school at the time of the accident. 1'lhe Jones family have only re- sided in Brussels for a short time where lie was employed at the Texas brill, Mr. Martin lived about five utiles west of Brussels. just off the fifth t'oncessivn. He is survived by his wife 1-1r, ft. W. Stevens, of Brussels. attended the injured and was later assisted f -t, s1. e by'Ir, W. A,McKibben, o d.Mt, b _ , Wingham, '1'he injured woman was brought to Wingham by the 'Walk- er ambulance and the children by the Rana ambulance, of Brussels. ..Che accident was investigated by Provincial Constable Murray Frid- enburg, of the 'Wingham detach- ment, e The get1r'l al eppritrttlier +,1 the paper tt•i11 ,tut ler girt+tiv Page size will be reduced from eight. Lo seven 1.0111111 11N, leturuing to the centro' :.ire 111 whist! T110 Ad vimee.Tilnes wets published unlit about six years ergo. 'i'he reading mailer h! the pttpel' will be p(it)ted in 11 larger type awe, recognizing the ,teens for the greet/est possible leseihiltty. fteprttlbueism generally i:, rr.p'•l•I" eft to be Wellen clearer, pare iiemlrly where jatitttres are cWnrerllf° ( The biggest ehiange out readers will note 101 that the pipet will not Ire in the 1tr,,A1. 01 (tee 011 We•_lne day 1rlorlhi!l . We will do elm best to have it. there ''n '1111ttstlay ntornitlg, but we are not. evert going to guar - ante? that taxiing fur the hest week ur two. Praetically Pvely 01)e18- 11U1i 111 the pr-oductit'n of the- pie. per will be new and strange to rale: staff: new equipment Illia t,,, be cu -ordinate:! and we fully e apeeti to rule into seine "bugs" which will delay the runs. However, we ea. Peet to be onto regular; eteredllie :rllurtly, slut will maintain Ir Thurs. day meriting trailing .'late The reason ter` flew Ilt.J'-e Lu it later day is that tin let leesera tar_ curustancee we ate 1atre11 to re- ffairly e re- fuse' a .y high 1, iCeutagP of advertising anal ne with matter every week. !'Tactically ;111 paper!' in Ontario are p,ibtit;li>:d on star:.. Clay and su advertisiut; seiieitules nt'-' geared to the majority, ratherI than Lu our earlier requirenietits.l JJOM "1'11 iJ ii III I IN1�11Af I-IO!d[<, '1'!te .Lions ('lub has ruideitaken a ',reject which sllvulr( prove of great benefit to the community generally. Next spring they will proceed with plans to pla.ee num- bers on all the :homes in town, and so facilitate the finding of address- es by those who are less familiar with our residents, Mark Fiftieth Anniversary A. family dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, ,Art T+idgat•, of Morris Town- ship, In honour of the golden wed- ding anhliversary of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph 1 , Smith, of Wingtharn. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, who were married on November 7, 1019, in Winglharn by Rev. Petrie, farmed in 'Currhhet'hy Towtiship ttittil three years £tgo. At that time they retired and moved to their new home on Shuter Street, They have two daughters, Mrs, Art(II'lma) Edgar, of Morris, and Mrs, Floss (:Alma) Jamieson, of Wlr€gharn, and two soils, Hartley, of 'rillsonburg, and Ross, of Scar. was held ou borough. They Itr,ve el"vr'11 g in lid - r..hiidren. - Alen rltteltding the r(iitnr+r t•', to Mt, repel Mr's. A, 1.). n;tttiI'lt, of Blue - vale, a brother of Mr. S;iu'ith, and (Virg. Verna ,terry, of firucei'leld, his eleter. A brother, hfitnt' Stulth, of Dakota, was unable in anent!. The 'nide ritia grol'rut of fifty years ago receiver ninny lnvelt gifi:s, 1nclucl111g Al 'top -tip toitster, gold jardiniere, golrl blanket, gold rimmed relish trete told ens and set 00011', A delicintts turkey dinner was served to the 24 members of the faintly by Mrs. Harvey Edgar, Mrs. James Casentor'c, Mrs. Harold'' err and Mrs. Leonard Phillips. ! !Il 17lhS NOT! - iN_,....�.SER,QdJS Inc AND TRAIN MUT , I AI URSINE! INI! FORDWICH—A 'train-tru:k col- lision at the northern limits of @'ordwicsh resulted in a (:limon man, John Andari, who barbers Iwo days a week i11 k'ordwicll, be- ing confined to Winghain District Hospital, suffering from cuts and bruises and severe shock. So far as Is known 110 limbs were broken. '1'!le panel truck was the property el: Maitland Barber Supplies iv C'liftoii, and supplies in the truck tveee scattered over a wide area. The diesel freight was proceeding vest and Mr. Ander' was going south. Ile was thrown about 47 feet out of the truck. Dr. W. _A__ McKibben, of Wingltant, attended the injured ural, Provincial Police Clonstable Jack Parkinson, of Wingharn, is investigating. Mrs. Whittle Downey, wilt) lives near the track, witnessed the acci- lenl from her window and called police. CURT OFREVISION MRS FEW PAIRS Court of Revision for Wi igl'tant': 1903 assessment roll was held on October 29, members being R. (4. Retlleriilgtoir, W. H. French, Frank Howson, Elmer Wilkinson and .1 Roy Adair. R. S. Itetherington was elected chairman. Miss Mary Forsyth claimed that her assessment should be lower due to the fact that her property i.:t !mated next to the C'lar•k sal eitge ;raid and leas no sewage out- let. It was agreed that assessment be :lowered $50.00- oil tate land and 3100 00 on the buildings. Robert Mowbray appealed the nasessntent on his new apartment building, He said that assessment was higher than on comparable apartments in the cities, The t'0un ly asiessor• said that he had no buildings to compare with In Hur- on county except all older build- ing and It was assessed at approxi. (Please turn to Page Tent KINEIVIS TEA Klrlette fall tea will be held Wed- nesday, November 7th, in the court - ell chambers. Special attractions, (Intl clothes, a touch -and -take table and 11 candy table, 'Usual home made baking, and tea will be serv- e('. 1C ceuta MANGLED WRECKAGE OF A CAR and tractor, the result of an accident Tuesday afternoon in which three persons lost their Hees. Dead are Mr. and Mrs. John Jones of Brussels and George Martin of Morris Township. The Jones' three children, who were passengers with their parents in the car are in the Wingham and District Hospital in fair condition.—Advance-Times' photo. ouncil CritIcd ne '3r• elore concluding its regular *November lneeting at the council citatnbere on Monday night, town count:il tanned the postal service to avid lroirt Weigher!! 'The t Coati - 1 e rtubjel_. ,aa opened by wilier Garden Buchanan, wino point - eel out flat well arriveded in the lnutlti!!g to late that It could not he- picked sup before 9.30 a.m. and that the last. mail out was about 3.41, p In. Sale ereates a real hard- ship for many business firths in the community, as it leaves only a min- imum amulutt of time during the business day in which to get replies out. 1f niail dues not get out on the afterttouv stickup it does not leave the post office until noon the next day, lie said Contttciiloi r-fa,inith eaid the ser• vice is a breach of faith on the part el tine post office department, as It was uniiete.tood that when snail service by teal!! was discontinued the service would be as good or better. He claimed the service was better for a time, but that such is ;tot the case today. "You are almost losing a day's business,' he said. "and Ir1 a competitive mar- ket this t:, bad " Uv!11u'illut Buchenart ':lzirned it is Clair t; sit of thing that is hurt- ing email totem, and it could read- ily mean the differet!te between an Milted t-',' decidilrg to settle in 4tiiiigln vii t,, eel. "t think we ehouid register a protest," he aald. Leunail discussed the problem and agee'-d teal] Councillors Na- snlit!! ,f,+ t 13t!clnri:'rt Councillors C:ruicliai!ank and 13ucilana.n were delegated to step vault the 'author'. ties 01+ tbt -'owlet 'S-!ttLer, Works Alginate! 1'I!e r'lees_ team:Led that labor 'costs had been apl,totred under the winter "01ks program to the ex.. teut /,1 3,141,&"0 maximum tor the sets' Igt, prole -, t '.viticle rill be handl- ed by the Ontstip Witter il.esoorees Joneet''.1'''' Another 'i? :roll in la- ke 1t'at• ' app,oa•t'lt tor the ltl'- ena front amt. $t,'e'() tor the change douse a1 fie. .. ' i1,eni,,,ry etre 1 ('c,i.1. ii :ll,510',1 •1+. Ft1'rt 111-11t froth 1 he ,oc ?1 I1, ai ,•(, est t1ar- T,t. greet 1', 1011, the: pereca' on Rentent- bratior later A tepet-t [tele t1,' tt'lr+ol,d111 Turn "WI tV 1'l171nitg 1.100 hi 11141t•1. 111«' 1101(110,.aitl :,Iti,+ti'.' niton WON r�utl. The repot1 i,1dieatecl that M. liencler.olt intendr',! he ;rel two lots and tarnd agreed tlLh the bc:tr,l on 'metals aspects of Nervier, lir the area. Ii would mean an estent.tolt of i'atrieli ;street and of Summit L)rl"e. 'flue beard 1'etomlrrnled to ' i • t •r rr'ttn' 1 c o .uu t , n -I g, t c .t_ tt vs•:th slit gard to engineering standards for mile speed 1ir_it on the streets ad - the street, which has not as yet jacent to the hospital. Council been taken -weer by the to:oo agreed to ha'•e signs placed to .0 ,'8vtanoe13-'ULIIteIl lower the Inuit Mayor Hetherington '"'elconird Councillor' i7azgrnitle reporting fOt Ilteinbers of the East vv atn°anosh t,ubli tr•oIks, said that the G. A. council to the !fleeting to discuss Gibson Construction Co had the the sewage lagoon that will be built iowe:,t tender foe sidewalks on In the township south of W in 'urns Leopold and Bolan,s -Streets, The Th p mayor stated that a ublic tender of 41.l rents per foot wa'- ac - hearing will be held on Thursday by the Municipal Board, to hear opted by council Council agreed any complaints that tniglrt rise to tranl•fer .L small amount from p road consthtiction to bridge and the township. He suggested if culvert construction The condi- there was any difference of opin- boll of the treat' truck was elis- ion between the Iwo councils it ceased ;,tic! it wan decided to have would be a good idea to settle them it gone oeet before winter Mr, before the meeting. He explained Nesmith recommended that funds the proposed lagoon to the town_ be set aside in 1963 for vire removal ship councillors and showed them . the engineering Ina_o, of dead elm trees in the town. Reeve Clarence Hanna of Wawa_ Reeve Adan .a?d work is tiro- Reeve stated that there did not ap- pei!° to be any major objections and the steel should arrive next to the plan. Sonne minor "cussing" week Councillor Buchanan said had been heard, but he felt it was slit i'- at the e enntarit had Bred had but the supplier, Ross Dtinda,, due to the people not being aware ,, of the circumstances. agreed to hire them replaced The lagoon would not be des:: to any housing, Mayor Hethering- ton said. and according to the est- GC ii.,.r.•'S Halloween gineers there would not be any ob- noxious odor ;!'lou e I waba 'ig :tvLr. Nllnell, of O:zkvtllC' •as h, 'T'111 ear the gals c,f the tYing- tr'odueed by Lloih Bill Conlon Ml ham ' 1T enjoyed both a Hailo:F..- 14liatell e..plained the system of e'en patty and a aer•ice ploject.I house numbering it•ltich the Liune 'They are ,'leased to announce that have taken on as a project. He re the i-,eeple of W'ingltam supported commended that the namhere et.tet 1.11.11CISN l genet -,twl • agates by giv- at the highway lnterseetion 10 the mg 1'3'—rtlattlt ?n pennies, but south of town and work. Herts! ,T'_ a11' to hllLS nett' MOO to 310`)"00 athe t' t_Fn11 -a 1'.r "IC ,lrr1 c te., e, tet sep11lI1,. ;;t would be t__e • 1v"�'_ I g i for east and west '1 lmberir!g plait 6 based on hat 6 1alo."1 di"'..Pi •c* thi.y. , ntr,I. t c•,, ill t10I {� "the unit system' with IIIlrtlbc-ie b,-_ e;''•e. Fn.,:. ' 11 y ' h. ' (Ti'' feline. lug allotted for every 211 !1` ( R,lt`- ntdl'ir!;; tltt peeettile--- i•est11ts in any glven iettrrb, l r„t 111'1 11 :•1 ',tae ' n,c f•„ pet, parallel streets being opposite 111r IP ti.;! e tit,, council agreed to the nese sse 1% .1 ee „rt ;; .• - i ee,.• t ,,lt lathes. r•.ti ' laws to Corer the pro:ect, vertical ?Iteratem ettr.r erltn` in,;, P tn'is-• 1 will be paid for 1n the 1,erttt;. !:'tine pea ale pans tat Tuesday P' e1I- Assessor's Report the i •,It ...ash/inert figures Aseessor Jack Rea:'ie reported eetine r,i !n t},• e_!!t rf Etre tease,” to Council that total assessment ,• a t, l,r11. F, 1 ,t tF, <• t„ ni,9: Ll at, •i $2,1305.715, compared to •.-..,re e , ,,, t, r„- ,,.1 rtE. r ^r gresstng "'ell at the arena font Nets $236 for UNICEF. jam. . year. Re .,aid 15 tto" mei—a. 't,, le lieei, gtr-r ell. eat.- had it'Irad been built, and oil,' 41,.1(t11,, ,( 1.'" 01 9,. 1• li • a.e.t,n:, building far all in, tease of eiteeee.i ,+e1 g 1„ 11-.-. t,.,lt;• ,•1,1 ,,,:11 1,, t::. in residential =,ssec::,tnent 'Leer 8'11 row!t,"rr .. A' rr,, J.,, J.... :'tri 'Telephone building meant :iii 111 t+r,,•'l, ,"„t11i, 1V11+_tiro ii,:..,p•.„ „t• cfeaee of $3.35u ill bueit1c,, assee,- 1''lt11l 1;It'1011 I1,,11, rtlent. Loss due to fires and ad. T'rr:r'hev, e•r.rrpto, 't'''ree att"ttg justrnents amounted to 321,475. Etna tlttt 'It•t,•.•t Separate School portion is $18.4/(1 .l11 ;ttrt•,t•e,•i i,::. (l ' (111nrtwlt .t and Public School $2,bt37.J4o. Popo I „allele -le 01 ttnt,,,r: •,n,i n,.tn=ante{ ration figures had remained state' a, hob ire e1ple :.e, ethole for at 2,830 people in the comm.1111, it^arumttrt,l find 11111111,.•r'er! pump. L7lstrr• I (idvErtt',r, trto✓ho Vdlt3+yr ,`iolne $532,450 1inbuildingbuilding*ter?tots lane at, 1.11,;'' e:atlt• rite„r.aterl vnt 1715 n4fi�ial v' .t1 the IIIlott5 n RETIRING FROM SERVICE PR[SE\TATIDN MOE TO RSM CORRIGA 1 A very pleasant y pea ant event was held In the Wingham Armouries on Sat- urday evening when R,S.MM, Atex Corrigan was honored, by fellow - members of the 39th Battery, iRCA(M) upon his retirement, after many years of service with the unit. ” A. deLelous trrkey d'inne'r was i serl'ed by candlelight and the new 'R.S,11?., Archie Mitchell, presided as I master of ceremonies. for the oc- I casion. Bdr: Ed Hand proposed the Itoast to the Queen. - - Mrs A. Mihtchell 'presented a . bouquet of roses to Mrs.' Corrigan. land the retiring sergeant' -major was presented with a gift from"the WO2s, junior and senior NCOs. The ;presentation was s m e ad by Sgt. -Maj- J C>•. Blackwell, Mr Corrigan replied on behalf of both his wife and himself, ex - 1 pressing his deep appreciation of the honor which had been .bestowed upon him by his comrades; . Lt. -Col. Vickers, Lt, -Col. Oliver and Lt. -Col. Hetherington each spoke of the excellent quality of service which had been devoted to the regiment by Alex Corrigan, not only in the peaceful years since 1945, but also on the battlefields of Europe - 1t the conclusion of tlxe di Sgt. -Maj, G. Appleby expressed the appreciation of the guests to Bdr Frank Seddon, who was responsible for the etteellent meal, and his help- ers, Mrs. Seddon, John Campbell, Mrs. Bill Templeman, Gordon Rine tout, Allan Harrison, John Ed- werds, 'Bob Angus, Bob Ostrom and Mrs Robert Powell, EDWIN WALKER were issued until the end of Et: 1 v,r• t ...'(If t”/nl _1,.1t„rul,r,, ,ntetel_�,,.„,( ,art on Tues'1aVHrealet:o11 endemetic!! complied tebertheme,' ell.--..- iters. neer: 17IS"ifVEtrt(`1 Lirn Ed is a C1cC:Cr with the recoiutuendatljlic:. Council accepted the t-eport :tuts :it,.i her rtltit,:;;, trete plug pone nte,nbct 'tf the Midland Lions A hill for evert; 011 lite extension voleed approval of the •jot, Mt. mow Club, tn;t', club h1't?sldettt in of ('ortlye Street to the `;tparate Reavie has done for the tower 'Closer• ,;wit i f,tti,npt {rte Inuit, of 1041-42; deputy district oo er- drool vas Neel. Connell decided ter Committee Reports i tt;•r, if ,.,lei:. r.n tnnrh vvtrs nerved ttC r lit 1949-5(3 and affairs in 1960.61. 11e h r a4, bon actively interested ii) the promotion of ttestshe. Lions.' public speaking con - tutu the mailer freer 10 the Roman Catholic I)lorese of London, as it felt under the ugreemet_t made p+7b when the school was built, 1n re. Warren Callan reported that Po en! daerielellrerl 11111 ieea1ly! The lice Chief James 141111er is having groups fir 7nlir etiee were formed sortie traffic problems around the and given their dist•teetr before hospital and had requested tt 15- , the evening ended with. "Tape."