The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-10-31, Page 12"sx'' 4 ii' 1D E,01 BIBIUU As A ONTINU1t03 Tyi�Ni��tJAL 14ay be donated through your local funeral director ,>ra 7t'v►alve rho,. 17Ji;;S,,zr,: ®dva •-'*`?.:,be, 17704:4044y, Oat. S'1, i of Blyth, a,tteltded the 1eaudette- -- -- . -- I Laurendeau wadding ice '4V indsar i on Saturday. M. and Mrs. Stearn Thompson and faintly, of Brantford. were � Sunday > uestil with Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Bateson. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McGraw, of —Mr. and Mrs. A:tley King, of i and Mr. and .M.r,4. Percy Stainton. 1 Dayton, Ohio, visited with Mrs. J. i0ntrt`al, are guests at the tome or 1 Mhs:, Mice Reacting attended t A. Kelly one day last week. tr. and Mrs. (Ie, lige Cameron. ,l r. l 1 he anniversary celebration of Mr, I Mr. and Mr4, Elgin Coutts, _,.../ear Byron Ad:uu ,. •i f'1 u,•o t „.1 cwt Mrs. Allister Greets held at the ft Donald and Peter, of Leaside, spent I lianlup Inn at Godcrich on Sunday. the week -end with his parents, Mr. he t, Friday of �4'r':ctcvu r)ut.uic'' :iii. and Mrs. George An er pent I+ridety ni;:ht at his hnnu•i g � and Mrs. Alex ()mitts, and Nortna, lore and attended the V 1111', Iran.I v1"•ted last week wall their son- .Dr. Robert F. Parker and Mr. in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs.A. Anderson, of Dundela Park, Ilencement' ' Bill Mohan, in Listuwcl, and also Sandy Cove, Dublin, are spending - Me. and Mrs. Ken thelgiciusom,' attended the funeral of Mrs. An- a few days with the farmer's bro- ►f London. spent the week -end with ; er's ;ral, Mrs. Hugh Collins, in 1 tier, Dr. F. A, Parker, in \Vingliam I'll ii' (wile. ' l I xis parents, lilt, and rs. o) , I, ur, Laic t, , and Kitchener, kinson, and with hermother. Mrs. I Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Beecroft, i blight Sergeant and Mrs. L, R. Harry 1� ryfogle. ; of Don Mills, visited with Mr. and!Schroeder RCAF, Clinton, tools a --Miss Marlene Steelton. tit Tor- 1 Mrs. W. Vattii'ye last week. While; month's vacation and toured the Onto, spent the week -end with her! in town they attended tit reception Western Provinces, stopping off to parents, Air. and Mrs. Percy :+twin- : at the United Church Manse, and visit with relatives and friends ton. Mr, and Mrs. Neil Stainton renewed acquaintances with Rev.; along the w'ay. They were visiting and son, also of Toronto, were and ills. Jardine and other mem-1 in Victoria at the time of the wind week -end vis.tors with Mr, and I bers of tl.e congregation, ". storms. On their way home through 'Mrs, Archie Blair. of Teeswater,I Mrs. T. P. Barron and Mrs. B. the States, they took in a day at i H. Miller. of Detroit. visited recent- i the Seattle World's Fair, 1 ly with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gan- 4 ._Miss Jane Hetherington and nett and family, I Miss Ruth Hodgins, students at the -Mr and Mrs. Bruce MacDon- I University of Western Ontario, at - LYCEUM Theatre Wingham, Ontario girl spent the week -end in Windsor tended the commencement on Fri- t where they attended the wedding' day night and visited with their Two Shows Each Night I „f the former's niece, Miss Isabel I parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Heth- ('onneueing at 7.15 11.m. Laurendeau, to Mr. Andre Beau -1 erington and Mr, and Mrs. Chas. ADMISSION -05e - 43e - title t Bette, of Saskatchewan. Hodgins. Nov.t-','-3 -. -Miss Isabel Fortune and Mrs, 1`.4itUK i.-1+`li l: SAT. H. Breen and Mr. and Mrs. George "HELL IS FOR HEROES R. G. Gannett visited last week■■n(1 I with the latter's uncle, Mr. George' MRS, TIFFIN IS with Steve McQueen, Bobby Darin,+ Clark, of Lansing, Mich. Fess Parker, Bob Newhart 111) - -Mrs. Roy MacDonald and Mr. A graphic chapter out of the war's I printer, "Bill or Be Killed." I and Mrs, Alex MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scott, and Mr. Ken Scott, E. C. righam Realtor, Hanover is pleased tt) announce the %tpp&intniellt ()If arg Bennett AS REGISTERED SALES REPRESENTA- TIVE IN T1 -IIS AREA. She is now receiving properties, houses, farms, businesses, etc„ for sale or rent listings. YOU WILL iE ASSURED THE BEST OF TERMS. PH. 960 WINGHAM SPEAKER WHITECHURCH—The thanks- giving meeting of the United Church Women was held on Wed- nesday last with guests from Cal- vhl-Brick and St. Helens United Churches and' freak the {'dsbyter- ian Church here. Mrs. Millan Moore president, presided and gave the call to worship; telling the story of the child who asked for quietness, as God is here. Mrs. (1. C. Mitchell suggested a time of silent prayer for peace among nations, and then led in prayer. Mrs. DeBoer of St. Helens sang "He Leadeth Me" with Mrs. .Man Miller as accompanist. Mrs, J. D. Beecroft led in the thanksgiving prayer and Mrs. E. W. Beecroft led in the dedicatory prayer for the offering. Mrs. G. W. Tiffin, president of the Presbyterial, was then intro• duced and gave an inspiring and challenging address, speaking on "Freely You Have .Received, Freely Give". She asked all to be part of the big mission of the Church; even as 55 nations were members of the U.N. at first, and now, in 17 years, membership stands at 110. Mrs. Tiffin spoke of the increased givings to M. and M., and that it is a task for greater love and care, and stated ten reasons why we in this land cannot realize the need, Mrs, G. Mitchell thanked the speaker and Mrs. Moore closed the meeting with prayer. All enjoyed the social time that followed, 1 Protect Your far Now .. ,. AGAINST RUST AND CORROSION WITH SUPE TEST UNDER$PRV UNDERSPRAY is a revolutionary new combination of anti -rust ingredients in a petroleum base which when sprayed on the under- carriage of any automobile will form a protective layer next to the metal surface. UNDERSPRAY — 1—Will not dry out or flake off like conventional undercoating. increase protection and prolong life of undercoating now existing 0111 your automobile. -Will protect against water, salt, rust and corrosion. 4—Will arrest any further eorrosion from forming. ,i --Will acid life to ,your ear and increase trade-in value. 0—Will slot) all squeals and Iroise. GET COMPLETE PROTECTION TODAY AT AN INTRODUCTION PRICE ALL COMPACTS - Only ALL STANDARD MODELS (Chex., Ford, Plymouth, etc.) Only $ 0.0Q ALL LARGER MODELS (Cadillac, Lincoln, etc.) Only Make Your Appointment Now at $ /.95 $12.95 en Crawfird Motors Phone 710 Josephine St. Wing -ham, Ont. 10-17-24-31b onni Lei Foresees SuccessTeevee's Shirley Five years ago, the bigge t atoll t . in Canada as far as female11)ger:11 ODER ICH SPEAKER were concerned -Was a young' - biond singer w•hn haul her own tele- 111f1pil� UNIT, vision show 00 Sunday nights, H 1� �� } was. stilled „Showtime.". Every! t year; it: was a ooinmon O Ilrrcrner ;99th A \ iv Luny . to see her walk up the aisle to ac- I - 1.r l� a cept the Liberty Award which num- (.)n Snwhty, totes. W. .J, ten kloop- naerie was Shirley Harmer. ed her 'best singer of the year', Her I ell of Go'tei•kch preached two force- Nbw, after an absence of folic; fort sermons at the 99th anniversary years, she is making a eomebackI of Wingham United Church. In and is well on her way too again I the morning his subject was, "The becoming the biggest singing star Church a.i. Worship", based on Fro- in Canadian television this 3:5• "'I'hc place whereon thou came the great leader or lits t►cople and .they became 0 witnessing people. We must prepare ourselves to wc)r'ship (rod; if wt' cry mit In -(loef We ,will .receive )1n answer. hollowing ...the 81101" line of thought..' in the evening, Me N. n Hoopen• spoke about. "'Tile Church in 'the House" taken from 'Dent. 11:19: "And ye shall teach your children when thou sitl.r.,st in thy house." Religion in the hone was found with the nacl•i)rchs, clod " stanched. is holy ground", being the called Abraham and I.he church be. Shirley Harmer was horn 111 Osh• words that. Clod spoke to Moses. gan. ,Jesus found His early religion awa, Ontario, 11 small town abo.tt. Archbishop Temple has said that in the home. In our owls rnuutry, .30 utiles north-east of 'Toronto. this world can he saved from chaos before there were too many r.hureh mily moved to Thorntons' Corners, jest of man's worship. When and a fellowship was established. When she was quite young, bar fa - an worship and Goa is the eh- es, preaching was hold in the homes an even smaller place 420 houses, trouble arises, men call upon God Today we find family movement& she remembers from her newsnit- And turn to Him. Worship is the birth, marriage, sickness and death per routes; it is much larger now) all linked with the religion of (nod. In these times the family !',cues: it task, all aetivitits are being; lifted from the home; industry has moved out, education is in the sdhoois, recreation has gone to experienced leaders -and religion is no longe: a vital factor in the house, And so, the parents are faced with ti,e re- sponsibility of rediscovering the church in the home. Idr. ten Hoop- er closed with. the pertinent quer. tion, "What about the chereh your home?" The special music, provided baa the senior and junior choirs, was under the direction of H. C. Tre- ,neer, director of music, Two an- thems were sung, "0 Worship the Lord", with Mrs. George Guest as own families reside in Canada, they soloist and "0 King of Lova", with decided to spend Christmas at Mrs. Donald Lloyd taking the solo their homes, but she was so bom- part, In the morning, the solo "O battled with offers that they are LordMost Holy", was given by where her parents still reside, e encounter between man and God, Sh was one of a family of three boys Muses encountered God and be - anti three girls. Strangely enough, all the girls tackier show business; her two sisters aro now too busy vision, the Gohel show was done in raising families to worry about be- color,Following her work on his coming stars. show. shemale a movie at Para - She received her grade 13 edu- mountStudios. Called "The Hang - cation, was good in school, and man", it. was al western -type gig liked it; her favorite subjects werethat. starred Robert Taylor. While History, English Lit. and Home' it was not a big smash at the box Economics, "even though I couldn't offtee, it diel not discourage her about 'Movicland'. When I asked what she thought of Hollywood she said most emphatically, "I loved it!" cook!" Throughout her school years she never really thought about at future career. She studied commer- cial, but only because 'the rest of the gang did'; by the time she was I „ M elghteen, after many non-profes- sional appearances around her Actually, her return to Canada home town, she had decided that Was not, with the purpose of re. music and singing would he her turning lo Canadian television. entire lite. However, she admits Since both her husband's and her now, "I never dreamed it would be anything like this!!" A life of singing to her meant standing on a bandstand , pouring out your Wing -ham Photo Studie Phone 199 -- S. SEIF'ERT Portraits - i'1/eMotile - Pcifo��i'i r//lt Cameras and otil a Sup/lith'.':; • A COMPLETE 't'E LINE 01" NUMBERED OIL PAINTING 5E15 and LEATHERCRAFT KITSSpecialty -- FRAMES and FRAMING u...-bm® ,u11uw+Um+b.,„INNIIMnw,n11.1154, WWo> 11.fum411,41 , AL9nT 4,,Oane,-.i d.31 b:�' �.••,n+.? heart to people who weren't even still here, They still own their Mrs. Warren (:align and in tit+ listening. Never did she think than. home in Hollywood and many of evening Mrs. (,ileal. sang "Leave It with Him", Also in the evening, a ladies' double trio, composed of Mrs, T. Jardin, Mrs. A, Riotout, Mrs. Roy Bennett, Mrs. N. heating Mrs, T. Russel and Mrs, 1) Lloyd rendered "0, What Wonderful Love", Alt these musical numbers were greatly enjoyed and appre- ciated.. Rev. C. M. Jarrllue, minister til' the church, conducted the evening service and welcomed the people from other ehurchee who had join- ed in this anniversary. one day she would be :1 TV sat'' their belongings are still there; pet' - recognized the country over, or that chance, if Canada will let her go, her talent would take her to New they will return, Her first appear - York and Hollywood. "New York," dunce on the CBC after her return she says wih a twinkle in her eye, from the weak coast was on the "was where all the girls wanted 25th anniversary show last year, to go on their honeymoon, We all her segment. being filmed in New wanted to marry a man rich York, ft was -dais that led to this enough to lake us to New York yetir',s summer series "A Summer for our honeymoon!" Shirley dill not have to depend on a honey. moon to get her to New York. Shirley was only 18 011e11 site made her first professional appear ante and it was 011 a radio show with Cal Jackson, for the CB(.: She credits CBC with being respite sible for her first big break, fir7.1 in radio and then in 1elevieiou. Ar ter her first. radio show elle went into a radio show with l'.heood Glover, also at CI3C, With the ad vent of television, site moved In TV and for a u'uuber of years had her own show, "Showtime” no Sim clay evenings, en -hosting for n time with Bob Goulet., now a famous Broadw ty star. In 1958 she went to Hollywood, from Canadian 'TV to American, where she was featured on the George Gebel Show for a ye:c1'. Although there is no real difference' i in Canadian and American tele.• Night", which ended in September. n e 4 lthirley is married to writer - actor Alan Bertram and they have a 2/J11011110 Old son, Anthony. 'flee snake their home lit Torolito now. A•. fns' as her future Is concerned tslir' le 1)0r1111,11 for Elle next. six — n10ntlty. Among other things, she irs 1)ta rring In a new radio show, ;urrl flaking guest appearances on 1(11'vl:don. A representative iti New York is uegnl.dating n recording mediae!. for her and she s tying discussed for top role in 8 new mol inn piel.ul•e, Ono treed only to loop at Shirley Hamner to know how happy she is; tier career and personal life are riding about as high as she could want. It seems to me that the . lovely Miss Harmer is rn.akiiig one I successful comeback for herself: fed Front !9er1 Phone: Our Prices Are Lower 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep FIPP. 1)~zliv1l°y Clover Leaf Red Cohoe SALMON, 7'°/roz• .2,;891' Red Rose COFFEE, (regular grind) SOLO MARGARINE 30c Oli'.I OXYDOL Powdered Detergent . , . Del MONTE Fancy CANNED VEGETABLES Peas, Corn, Wax Beans, Blue Luke Cut Green iteate, or Seasoned Gireen Beans (Mix or Match 'Em), 15 -oz. 6.3;1.00 ll), 651' 4 lbs. 790 .King $1.19 11,0B1N noon Quick Cooking OATMEAL Puritan IRISH STEW, 7s;. off I-'U11ITAN—Se OL"F SPAGHETTI and MEAT BALLS . ,L4=oz. STRIPE Tooth Paste .Giant 55c; Economy Z4 ttz. 41 t: 3J(: 78('. I1FRASERVALE FROZEN FISFI AND CHIPS 244:4, 55c --. f. , II).. 47c York Fancy Frozen PEAS .. DRAGON CANTONESE SHRIMP or 'CHICKEN DINNER .14tiz, Fresh PORK SPARE RIBS ib, 50t' (VACUUM PACKED) Devon BACK BACON 1/2,11) 45t'. n1AI'LE LEAF COOKED MEATS (7 varieties), 6 -oz. Z 41 Hot House TOMATOES .. • .1.1b- pint box 1, )c No. 1 COOKING ONIONS 3 lbs. 15c. South African ORANGES, 216's doz. 55c 1 JACKETS... Smart Clot SUITS I. 01" STYLE CONKI01S 1ILI\ PI of of r r 0 4 q� a q1 Our new Irall and Winter selection represents the NI11aftest tY fabrics ever assembled, Tip Top Tailors with their limey ye)lI), of experience have, gained the rel►utatiuu nI being a leader in tailoring suits of distinction for 111011. STOCK SUITS from—$59,50 TAILORED-TO-MEASURE—$75.01 r TOPCOATS ... Light weight cloths of all wool material et' the popular mod Laminated clouts for extra tvetriulh are among 01(1' etrilee1100, Shorter lengths are mainly featured, presenting it very smart - effect in this new style for mien. PRICE—$39..50 and $49.S0 IB org lined, Reversibles or Laminated elotlir3 llaintee ,lriy styled iti ear coal or jacket length, Drop iti end are liege new styles complimented by fall's newest shades. i PRICE—$19.95, $24.95 and $Z9a95 i 1 nM.wV.nr,n.r rlV" SPECIAL. CLEARANC ONE RACK OF LADIES' D)41ESSEE, PICKED FROM OUfi R_E;CJU1 Alt STOCK Values from $1.1.95 to $19.95 To Clear at $9,99 til EDIGHOFF€RS Ingham) Lim rfed whit. trunINI LV S'1'ORI'i" 1 .. .... ... „�.,®„@tau®om^3u®usxoebcr,x�ienrs �.-'.� ----".-•'� 1