The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-10-31, Page 11HLTfl8m SHOE SALE CO NTINEJFS till. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd Shop now for special values in Fall Footwear WINGAIIAM det'lure, 1 (It t writ. wy 11111 I:11::; thy :gaol" 4110.%'.,•11 it HP. 1. name lt1 111) dnd,1 you ve 1(1'1 on l maid with lel. O(. "Jt':: :rime nit t 1'°" this piano." the deli ai:tlrotl bad l to b1• woricrul: td :t 14o4 v.itlt e•lu her new maid, eat ltllL" �sflCaF•r,,.:4rmlc.-i: cse uwr�ux�•a ,,,z.. P A L v,ru.:a,.,,ww,•,:.yie„c.-„,IyQ1ero+7p�y.,xxvns•:z-o-rs�: 9•.sw. ..xrsus�uaf� tl For your Hmthig Trip OR ANY 'IRP 24.hours-a-day Coverage $5,000 to $50,000 Maximum Benefit for Accidental Death (Depending upon the lindt you ,,elect for your policy) PAYS ONE:-1Ita1.F the II:ckitoulu Benefit sett -vied fie loss; of band or foot PAYS ()N1:-'C111K1) the 11,c:eituunl 11011.fti selected for ita~ of one t yo *PAYS T1-IIC 31AN111( .11 BENEFIT for 1141; of both Bands; or both feet; or both eyes; or band and fold; or hand and eye or fool. and eye in one necitleut. Note: '1`o be coverer), Joss trlu4t occur within 90 days o1• nc,c•ilient Plus $500 to $5,000 Medical Treatment Benefit Your policy will also automatically imitate—at no extra cost --- a maximum .Medical Benefit ranging front $5011 to $5,000. The amount of your Medical Benefit will be JO% of the ]Maximum Benefit you purchase for Accidental Beath. This ..Medical Bene - ('it will apply toward actual expenses for medical, surgical and hospital treatment of covered injuries. Note: TO he covered, ntediel l expenses ntus( 29 weeks of the accident 1 i begin within 1,t 11K4'It INFORMATION ('AL1. W B. LY)l' ('11.T ON O , LLL RRSU A CL ARM JOHN ST. WINGHAM PHONE 772W Ageni rm. 1l anufaeiurer', Life Insttr'attee Co, S. A. SCOTT, Salesman NEW YORK I'N1)11:;tWRl'P1:ltS HOE )UR FAMILY S4-4 OE STORE 1• `il l,i pins :•'l'i• (11•83gI' 1'. "". -."" - -'-nr >^ f::•Y.r•;S trouble on Alley (1 'Thought �y for (3, tt(lnittl• he W:t4 playing NOW bt11. kVt•om., ()lave, 4 c'orge! Matt ;,l:tint,J( tonic quite a tumble. . :el:,), (having trouble, but ntdts. r.•1:1n•1 he has a gate log, '1 earn standings: Canadians 1; ,t:'1•.,. :57; I,t•afs 26: Rangers 25; .1; Bruins 17. Yd' N a Y s Ladies' League loam standing:,: ,ager: 1' rl,s l:',, Gay Lords 12; Bele,- i'''r. i 1 : 1'1•0.• er:s 9: an Iligll stogie, 11iIdn !':, tl; irt. •, ut, Y.'i t and Iiiglr triple, Hilda 1':dr•l:itc,ort. r144, tl-(1-0 • Lloyd's League , The ,Jokers, for t)1, :;rei,nl4 time this $4 Ui(Jn, tu011 all s1►'4'0 points with a total team score 411• 2:",•19. followed by the Avec with 2157, .Queens 2398, Diamonds 2:1218, SJutaies 2272 and Kings t (65, Bill Johnston took the min's ]sigh single with a score of 250 and the men's high triple of 613, Carol Lambertus had the ladies' high single of 237 and high triple, 5711. Carol has won these honors ,•very week 50 fat' this season. (7_rl 14 COMMERCIAL 11.1•:.1(:1' i•. October 23 Am wondering if the ware c•l11). tains had a little t:111c •.:i1.11 their respective teams tonight, l'':,•1crn:r seemed to be eight into It, with some very good scores Tile fight NNW) on between Norman (.' an'l Erie W. with baric coming 41(34 on 33; 40.0. Temphartan took the high •r'llrt :S.",'r anal Dot Bain the high lril,4,• :.iter 577. For ()nee, the n .1(•,reo lilt. hoilQis With .Joe kin] ',rt'1' I:1kieg the single with :•.11 :(1.11 Ernie 'Walker the high triple with 614. d,, 1;i Wild and ,1:telt Walker fill Id its anat'cs tonight. We really ;,J,t,reciate being able to call on our spares. I:i l,ile n!' the wecl(, How cont', 11111'41 you take the 1118(1 pin, the neat two bowls invariably follow? IJ 11-11 11en'4 Town League C'I'NX increasers their hold on first place last week by defeating the 1lp1ro team 7-0, Thirteen Seen'ls to be Ilydro's unlucky num. be'r as they have remaint+rl there for three weeks. High single, 1311) Hotchkiss 273; high triple, ,Jilt Wild, 713, Euchre Winners The hVorn<•n's Jntstitlrlo held a euchre party in the council chain. 1181'5 on Saturday with twelve tables in (clay. Mrs. Carrie Taylor wolf the first Jlrive, .V71•s, Charles Carter got the prize for lady playing as a man and (Gordon Walker was high man. PHONE 12, geOlatg activittes The " 'Ittgbain Advance tales, Wedttesd Y. Oe't, 31., 10611 rage Rim PENNIES FOR UNICEF WING IAM-'-.C.G.LT, will collect Hallowe'en afternoon. BELGRAVE--•--.C.G.I.T,, Hallowe'en night. Your hist eortrilt(ttions have been appreeillted, These Paine people seek 7001' support again itbii, year. People Who Shop in Wingham Read Tie Mvance.1131 PACK. 13 CUBS The boys of J Pack Crabs were arranged in thea sixes and the sizers collceted bones" and also the yearly ,clues, The Cubs received badges they had yarned by comp - Meting various achievements in the Cub mantle!. .Assistant Leaders Peter Russell and David Croth(''rs led the boys in games and the meeting wigs closed with the Grand Howl, The boys were .dismissed and the new Cubs who had joined were put into their sixes, Hard -Time Hop In United Gym The Hi -C of Wingham United Church sponsored a Hard Time Hop last Saturday night, when they had as guests the Y.P.S. of Bel - grave and Whitechurch United Churches and the P,Y,P,S. of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church. About 60 hillbillies and ragged looking characters enjoyed dancing to popular and old-time recorded music in the gymnasium of the church, which had a spooky atmos- phere of Hallowe'en The decorating was done by the social committee, Brenda Conron, Cathy Hodgins, Darryl Gibson and their helpers. Lunch was served by the Hi -C. The chaperones were Mr, and Mrs, Robert Campbell and Mr, and Mrs, I{en Wood • ASV• LADES VANITY --Exclusive built-in, pop up mirror with cosmetic tray plus convenient refresh- ment server. STANDARD EQUIPMENT ON ALL '63 LARKS AND AVANT!! • -1,, • LARK Wagonaire Slide -away Roof makes three cars in one... Sedan. Convertible and Truck LARK toad-. ritlain with even greater performance, safety, comfort arid econollly. Your choice of two V8's and a SIX cylinder engine, each one a powerhouse on regular gas. New self adlucsti:i(i, dual safety system brakes with sealed drums spec,ictlly designed for Canadian conditions, Admire the new luxury interiors, padded, fully functional control panel and limousine room. Options include 5 transmissions, bucket and reclining seats and race -car -proved disc brakes, Canadian made, so the price is low. A FULL LINE OF FR AHEAD CARS FROM THE ADVANCED THINKING AT STUDEBAKER (r.lr, Tlni ,mo HAWK (.Iossic 7ourrnl cnlrpo (lord $_,ate- bt•4ow ( owp(rtmon AVANT! Holder of 29 world's speed records. Disc Stakes standard equipment AU 1963 ST(JD113AKI R PRODUCTS ARE DEALER WARRANTFf FOR 2. YEARS OR 24,000 MILES. bow file 11(Miarnr! 17iinkinp ,1f srE M.A. 1I4P 11.111PRISPg AV YOUR $TUDELIAIIIR DEAt_E'R PHONE 18 WINCIIAM 1'AC1(A CUBS I The Pack A Cubs opened last week's meeting in the usual man. ler and then all set to work In building an imitation camp fire. This will he used in the near future as a settng fora Cub camp fire. Tests were passed by the follow ing: Randy J3irick, second star service and reading; artist, swimmer and thrift for proficiency badges, Gary MacKay( second star model and message; artist, toymaker and team player for proficiency badges. Ken Aitchison, second star mos sage. Brian Deyell, first star neatness and 0 Canada, Billy Fuller, first star balancing and exercise, and somersault, hop. ping and ball throwing, Cubs and Scouts at Church Service BELGRAVE — The Scouts and Cubs held their annual church par- ade to Knox United Church on •Sun- day. Flag bearers were Murray Vincent. Ronald Taylor, Alan Bos- man and Owen Fear. These were followed by the Cubs and leaders, Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler, Mrs, Harold Vincent, Mrs, Clare VanCamp and Mrs. Gordon McBurney; the Scouts and leaders, Lorne Campbell, John Nixon and George ,Proctor; the members of the Group Committee, Harold Vincent, Clare VanCamp, Norman Coultes. The service opened by singing the national anthem and Rev. H. J. Andersonreceived the flags. The service then proceeded In the usual manner, DONATiONS RECEIVED FOR HOCKEY TEAM A campaign has been in progress for the past week to raise funds for the equipping of the Intermedi- ate hockey team, Keith Johnston's garage has donated the sweaters for the team and cash has been received from the following donors: Brian Metcalfe $2.00; W. J. Hi). bort $5;00; Elliott's Beauty Lounge $5.00; Bateson's Model .Dairy 15.00; Downie's Sunoco Service $2,00; Templeman Cleaners $2.00; Wing - ham Body Shop $5.00; Hodgins - McDonald Ldmber $5.00; C. E. MacTavish Ltd $25.00; Mowbray Construction $25,00; R, A. Currie Sorts 16F.00;• Hayes Family. Clothing $10.00; •Dunlop Shoe Store $10,00; h dighoffers r Wingham) Ltd. $10.00 Bennett's 5c to $1.00 Store $10,00; Rapp's Bakery $10.00; Pattison El - vet ric $5.00; Fairyland $2.00; Heti. ghan's Store $5.00; Burke Electric $15.00; Hafemehl's ,Jewellery $5.00; Steadman Bros. Ltd. $2.00; Red Front Grocery $10.00. Further donations will be requir- ed to keep the intermediate team in aetion. Those wishing to partici. pate are asked to contact J. T. Goodall, Charlie Lee, Don Gurney or any team member, A meeting of the hockey club has been called for the town hall at 1.30 p.m. on Sunday next, Nov- ember 4, to which all possible play.. ors and alt who are interested in the sport are invited. The executive is asking for assistance to make this season an outstanding one for the Wingham team. Carrs Turned Out Bright and Clean The P,Y,P.S, of St. Andrew's Church cleared about $30 on SaLIr day afternoon, when a car wash was operated at the rear of the church. In spite of cold weather, about a dozen young people stuck it out for the entire afternoon, Rev. G. L, Fish and Gordon Leggatt put in a good .day's work, not only as foremen, but by pitching in with the scrubbing and polishing. Member's who turned out for the effort were Dick Scott, Dong. For. tune, Edna Mae Armstrong, Nan. ey Donaidson, Janice Henderson, Judy Forsyth, Allan Leggatt, Garry Reed, Mary Lou Jamieson, Brian Clark, Lorna, Woods, Betty Ann Lapp, 'Helen Currie, Mary Phillips and Cordon Moffatt. Nearly 30 ears were washed, polished and cleaned, out in*ide. Ce to F o1ding Aluminum AWNINtG, LUMBER — Telephone 260 FLOOR WALL T1LIS ice Aluminum SASH DOORS BUILDING •--- CUPBOARDS Wingham 11111Ill11111111111MIllitilet Il01'1161 f')E'111t11!%IlldU(Y;i!111111i11111 116Illf V1111 !Ilibhlllelill10!IIWII CATTLE MINERAL L Healthy animals mean extra profits and Co -o Minerals are formulated to keep your herds in to physical condition -- ALL the necessary ingredien are packed into Co-op Minerals for feeding th means extra dollars every time you ship to marke CATTLE MINERAL SWINE MINERAL $5.25 per cwt. $3.75 per cwt. FOR ALL YOUR FEEDING REQUIREMENT VISIT — Beig-:r Are BELGRAVE, ONTARIO Phone Wingham 1091; Brussels 388W10 MIIIwIIIIrWOMMOitrili litlilllNN IN iJ131i t)l'ilWili M lMI N I R l M'IM Idill ba thin Shouldn't we be saving you tax dollars ? Wide-awake people, right now, are making substantial savings on their income tax. They do it by putting money into a registered retirement plan and deducting the con- tributions from taxable income. Thy can look forward to carefree retirement, aide(. by income tax deductible dol- Jars. INVESTORS has such a tax -saving Plan. Shouldn't WO be telling you about it? Just write ell; I'1#O�tAS ,JAJ4DINorc Box 394 - .'hone 147 'IVTN(1RAM, ONTARIO 12 nvestors tit1Utit O P CANADA. L 1 M I t E b Hood 01.'ce, W:nn:pe.. ()Meat (n Pancrpot Citinit «°�^•.•'*�►••,'--'« Alt THIS COUPON TCib,4Y m m.-.�•�-•�..�t T61» THOMAS JAR DIN Box 311.1, 1'1'1N(:It:cu, 0N 6''.1. ;T t4tini , Address City Prov.