The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-10-31, Page 5t ,A s • 4 Runs No Program 1'eollle often tisk what. progr•atn:i 1JNf('J 1' runs for c•uilclrert around the world. Actually, it runs none ... , it helps govel'tunents get their own programs going by providing f essential iuppliem anti eryutpmpnt not 0vailnhle in the ecnultry Itself.I iloverttlartlts )oust mind). the' t'Uf.• tri1/1111o11 with 10va1 goods unit ser.. • vices. Yu it 1'NIC'lae` 1-tallotvc'en pennies help this work. `I AVLI. varti THAII.WAYS i'O 'fill'; Iti()Yi , V1IN`IT,R FAIR SPECIAL CHARTERED COACH TRIP W1ti1)Nl SDAY, NOVEMBER loth F()i; 11l 1 l+;l(V:VI'IUN,4 INQUIRE AT WINGHAM Orvis B.A Service Station WROXETER Gibson's Service Station Wed al lierean Chapel GET YrJ( 1 R t IGS OFF TO A GOO 57 Your starter feed is the most important swine feed you buy. It protects your pigs at the most critical period. Stresses such as moving, handling, wean- ing, vaccination and bad weather often lead to bacterial infections. 13e sure your starter feed contains AUREOMYCIN at 100 grams per ton of feed. AUREOMYCIN pre- vents scours, saves pigs, helps eliminate runts. Ask your dealer for your free copy of Cyanamid's Feed -Health Prog'riurl, It complete guide to swine Health and prolii,. BEI,CiRiiVF CO -1 F LCRA'VE, ONTARIO Planck: Winglnlrn IOW rtrns4rh, :tasi tc 10 COORDINATED FEED -HEALTH PROGRAM IDV Mr. John Martin of Ifawkesville officiated at the 1:ereau (ospel Chapel, Wingharn, nn October 2a when his niece. Muffle!. Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A4artin of Foidv•ich was unit.('d in marriage to Richard Aiken Fore man of \Vinghant, son of Mr. :Ind 1VTrs. IInrol(1 Foreman, 1;.R, 1 Allen_ ford. Miss beryl :4leelis of Strat- ford was pianist. and Frank Collar of Winghant sung "Thr A4'ed;ling Prayer" and "0 I'erfec•t. Luxe". The church was graced with gold and bronze rooms. Mr. Martin gave his 1ighlel in marriage, who ('ilo:a' (1 1'(rnt.tl gown of /ran de sole, fashioned with a scoop neckline, lily point sle('ves, a boll skirt. :11111 two ('0:111 c11 coir• roses at the 1,ael( of 111e• waist, The floral headpiece was trimmed with pearls and the sib( illusion three tier t•e it tell elbow length, She carried gold ruses (111(1 white stephanotis. Her ((1tomia(li ',:ore her skier, :Miss Karen Martin as mati(1 ul' honor fold het• (ou::ilas, Aliss 1). Frey of Galt kind A1iss Arleta. Alal tin of b;hnir:t as bridesmaids. The ootid of honor ten:::11 tired in a gold wool dress, round neckline, three.qua ilex length sleeves, full skirt with soft, impressed pleats, and she carried a semi cascade of gold burins, '1'h(• bridesmaids wore jade green wool dresses and ear. rind bouquets identical 'u that or ¥OU HAVE A HADD IN THINGS CANADIAN when you own Life Insurance narprising? Yes—but true. Like most people, you have probably thought of your life insur'anc'e ---as protection for your family ---as a good way to save money regularly—as a valuable collateral if you sired a loan for an emergency --as 8 retire- pnent plan for you later on. Actually, your life insurance dollars are Shore than an investment ill your personal ereurity and your family's. 'These dollars are also an investment. in Canada. They e inrulate growth and progress and help srialte this Country a better place in which to live and work. Al this moment, 9 BILLION DOLLARS :fa lite insurance savings are invested in ,THE LIFE 111: IJRANCE important Canadian enterprises— through the purchase of ponds and :Alias and through mortgages. These hard-working dollars are helping to finance great projects all over country such as pipelines, shopping cen- tres, bridges and highways, Moines, apart- ment and o ffice buildings, schools, factories, industrial plants and power developments. These investments ('trate employment opportunities, ton. The income from these investments bone. fits you directly by reducing the ete,t of life insurance to you and' the 0 million other Canadian policyownerrl. COMPANIES IN CANADA 1.•9620 Photo by Conned the maid of honor, Joanne Martin, sister of the bride, was flower girl, Shr, too, wore a gold wool dress and car. tied 11 basket of gold and bronze MUMS, She wore a floral crown of matching flowers as a headdress. Robert Foreman, cousin of the groom from Pinkerton was hest man while the ushers were Claade Martin, brother of the bride and Ralph Foreman, brother of the groom. A reception was held in the Tees'.vater Presbyterian Church where the bride's mother received. Noe wore at two piece taupe brown brocade dress with green accessor- ies:, and was assisted by the groom's Mother in a brown dress with gold accessories. Their corsages were ;;011 and bronze mums. l+'or (.ravelling Mra, Foreman was attired in 0 three-piece double knit raspberry reel suit with beige and bilu'k ac'c'essories. Her cor- sage was white carnations. St. 11 ndretv's Club IViet Last Tuesday The regular meeting oftheCou- ple's Club of St. Andrew's Presby Ragan Church was held last Tues- day in the church parlors with a good attendance. The call to wor- ship was given by Mrs. Jerry Smith, followed by a hymn. David Horwood read the Scrip - 1 ore, The comments were given by John Ostrom followed by prayer by Mrs. .Jim Smith. The offering was received and offertory prayer ;:ice° by Mrs, John Donaldson, A hurl business period followed. A variety program was present - e••1 with each couple being respon- :Able I'or one or more numbers, hich consisted of trios, solos, vio- lin (:rle(•tions and readings. One of Ihr member's gave a few tips on upholstering. A hymn was sung :end Rev. (lordon Fish gave the rinsing prayer. A Bible quiz was conducted while Ianch was being prepared. Lunch wits served by. the couplers iii'chn.rge Mr, and Mrs. Jim Smith, Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Casemorc and iVir. and 21vs, John Donaldson Next .month's meeting will be in clump, of Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Philips and Mr, and Mrs. Bruc.� Mac•I)onald, with 0 pot luck sup- per on November 27 at 7.15 p.m, J. COLEY HEADS 4H1.I( PROI]CCERS FOIL' )ICH. The Concentrated .Milk Producers here held their an- imal meeting and banquet recently in the Kurtzville community centre. Over 15(1 guests enjoyed the tur- 1(e y dinner, catered to by the Wal.. lace Instituto, ,Jon Conley welcomed the guests curl the six provincial board mem- bers who were present. Charles Millon of Belmont introduced the guest. speaker, Wilfred Honey of Villa Nova, president of the provin- cial board, who spoke principally on the milk marketing plan. He said the plan is not a sole answer to all problems, though it dors offer nearly advantages, He warned the :,kippers of drastic steps the gov- !eminent could tale through low- ered supports and cut off subsidies. unless the alarming surplus of .milk leruduets can be diminished. ( wenn Wallace expressed rip. previa tiott to the speaker, Mt, lie! ley and itIr-. Chapman, •Sid 1'eersuu and Ken Carey, check teetere, all spoke briefly. The fin- ancial statement and minutes of the last annual meeting were' read lay the secretary, Robert Gibson, 1'h:rles Milton conducted the election of officers, The .following P, err eieete:t for 11163: 1'(('(li(lenl, J. ('onlay; vice', Lloyd .Turgors, :,ew. tree's., Robert Gibson; the rive diractors aro loToleard Win Prizes at C.W.L. Bake Sale The Catholic Women's League of Sacred Heart Church held a suc- cessful bake sale and fall tea in the council chambers on Satarday, Pour draws were made for prizes. Pirst prize, an electric hand mixer was won by Mrs. Louisa Hislop of Wroxeter. P. Ifiostrzewa of Wing - ham won the second prize, a five piece TV table set, and third prize, a kidney bench hassock was won by J. P, Runstedtler, Diagonal Rd. rhe fourth draw for a rayon table. cloth and four napkins, wen+. to R. L. Stephens of Got'rie, Open House on Friday Evening WROXETER The parents and friends of pupils of the publi:: school are cordially invited to at- tend an "open house" at the sohoo, on Friday evening from 7 to 8,30. Mrs, Woods and Miss Bucilana.r, wish parents to feel free to tails over any problems regarding the progress of their childrort atter°- ,ng school. FIVE MEMBERS JOIN CJLI.T. WROXETER Last Tuesday the Wroxeter C.G.I.T, commenced fall meetings with Mrs. Bill Brown as leader and Mrs. Lloyd McGee as assistant leader. The meeting open- ed with the purpose and projects for the coming season were dis- cussed, Five new members were welcom- ed, Jean Newton, Margaret Wright, Eileen Reed, Linda Reed and Shir- ley Moore. The meeting closed with Taps, WROXETER Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Denny of Moorefield visited with. Mr. and Mrs, Richand Ingram on Sunday. We are pleased to .hear that Mrs. George Griffith and Mr, Richard Griffith have returned home fr:am London and Wtngham hospitals and wish them continued improve - merit. Mrs. Clarence White and family of Brussels were Sunday visitors with the ' f rmer o s moth''r, Mrs. Mary Ovington, Mr. Ken Miller, London, called on Miss Gertrude Bush and Mrs. W. E. Weir last Monday. A successful repossession and new furniture sale was held in tin community hall on Saturday, We are pleased to hear that Mr. George Griffith, who is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital, is show.ng some improvement and we hope he will soon return home, Mr, and Mrs. Allister Green of Goderich celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary at Dunlop Inn near Gaderieh on Sunday, Those attending from here were Mr, and Mrs, George Gibson, Murray and Clients, Miss Karen Gibson of To- ronto, Mrs. George Harric,, Miss Gertrude Bush and M,r% )V. Weir • Mr. and Mrs; Willlar,'t Mart spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Marry Hart, Preston, Mr. and Mrs, George Gibson, Murray and (Denis, ac^empanied by Miss Karen Gibson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Archie Gibson of Nelson, B.C., and who is attending the Toronto Conservatory of Music, visited Mr, and Mrs. Dein Gibson. Lucan, on Saturday. We are sorry to report tnat Mrs. Mel Finlay is &patient in Winghann hospital aatd we hope for a speedy return home, Gary Thornton Is Messengers' President GORR,IE---The Messengers met in the United Church on Wednes- day afternoon with 13 present. The Scripture was read by the members. Mrs, Robert Elschner gave the first chapter of the new study book "Sun Hee and the Street Boy." Murray Grainger and Gary Thorn- ton received the offering which Mrs. George Brown dedicated, and showed pictures of Korea. Jean. Brown, Frances and Bever- ey May gave a skit on Sun Hee, Mrs, Elschner presented the slate of officers as follows: President, Gary Thornton; secretary, Michael Grainger; treasurer, Jean Brown; pianist, Lynda Johnston, Clarke, Glenn Wallace, Robert Brisbane, Clifford Behrns, Ross Gray; auditor, Clarence Sparling. A free draw was held for a new milk can and four other prizes. Winners were Alex Hall, Mrs, Te1- mer Harding, Walter 'T'enholt, Charles Martin, David Honeyford. An hour's program of musical and comedy numbers provided by five members of the Lang family of Mildmay was enjoyed. Mrs. Collins Dies The Win1;7t Following Birthday FiORDWICH This community was saddened to learn of the death of Mrs Hmma Collins just two clays after she had celebrated her 84th birthday. She passed away at her home .on Wednesday after a short illness, She marked the birthday occasion on Monday. She was born at (iowanstown in the year 1863. After the drape of her first husband, John b'i'k(3s, (4111' was married in Wallace Township to Hugh Collins, who dlierl in 1428. Mrs. Collins is survived by one son, Herbert, with whom she re- sided, There are five grandehildren, 14 great grandchildren and 25 great -great-grandchildren. T w o .ions and a daughter predeceased her, Mrs. Collins was a member of the United (church arul a Outlier member of the Women's I(istit'de. Service was conducted at the Moir funeral home in (1orrie on Friday at two o'clock, with the Rev, A, C. Coles and Itev, John • Hirci officiating. Burial was in the Fordwieli cemetery. Prizes Awarded at Hallowe'en Party P'ORDWICH The Hallowe'en masquerade dance, held in the corn munity hall on Friday night, was well attended, Prize winners were: Youngest, Debbie Lambkin; fancy, Mrs. George Richards; hest Hal lowe'en costume, Donald McDer mitt; beat clown, Larry McDer. mitt; door prize, John Carswell. Four draws for fowl were also made. Winners of the turkeys were Anson Rattan, ,Tim Stew^.rt, Harold Doig, all of Fordwich; cap. on chicken, Fred Edwards, Pal- merston. If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody gets a "tired -out" feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help V this stimulate the kidneys to relieve ev condition which may often cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest Netter, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red hand atall drug counters. You can depend on Dodds, so m Advance411)1Cs, '4VednesdaY, O 't. 31., 146 rage jr Something to sell P Try an A -T Classified Ad re - Christms SALE BARGAINS GALORE! 401/4 OFF ALL CHINA AA CAFES - TABLE AND POLE LAMPS A splendid opportunity 10 l}err/ Christmas Presents SHOP EARLY! VISIT TIIF. Warren House Open Daily from 1.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. ATTENTION: MILK PRO UCERS! BULK MILK EQUIPMENT DEMONSTRA- TION AND MEETING to be held Wednesday, November 7 8:09 P.M, in the HARRISTON ARENA AUDITORIUM DISCUSSION AND PICTURES COVERING 1—BULK MILK HANDLING AT THE FARM 2 -BULK MILL{ HAULAGE t—MILK HOUSE CONSTRUCTION AND SANI'PATION 1—OT111-ER INFORMATION OF IMPORTANCE TO SHIPPERS IN CO-OPERATION WITH ,TAIMIESWAY CO, LI.MITED, Suppliers of Dairy Equipment and the ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Free Door Prizes -- Lunch All Interested Patrons Are Invited to Attend Canada Packers Ltd. HARRISTON W ONTARIO BUVAN ELECTRIC CLOTHES DR ER NOW L3ET A FRES ELECTRIC BLANKET MAKE EVERY DAY A DRYING DAY ELECTRICALLY... COSTS LESS THAN 5V A FULL LOAD TO OPERATE! • ECONOMICAL • FLAMELESS • ODOURLESS • SAFE • PRECISELY AUTOMATIC A $29.95 VALUE!! • DOUBLE BED SIZE • FULL 2 -YEAR GUARANTEE'. * A TOP QUALITY BLANKET • CONVERTIBLE" CON, OOHED CORNERS to CAN BF WASHED AND Lalli:) AUTOMATICALLY CHOOSE FROM ANY OF THESE FAMOUS BRANDS • BEATTY • INGLIS • COFFIELD-HAMILTON • KELVINATOR • CONNOR •LEONARD • CORONADO • MAXWELL • DOMINION • MAYTAG • Eaton's -VIKING • MCCLARY-EASY • G.M. FRIGIDAIRE • PHILCO-BENDIX at GENERAL ELECTRIC • RCA WHIRLPOOL,- • SIMPLICITY • Slrripson's._KC:NMORI- Slr,Ipsnns-^-.tsars • SPEED QULEN •THOR • Co-op VISCOUNT • WESTINGHOUSE immix* Is vaunt .,.AND OTHER FINE MAKF;8. THIS QFFOR RPP AT THF *TOIW* Pl4PLAYINQ Tt114 4YMli(St NQV, arm TQ Iii , laTtit