HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-10-17, Page 10ovkao ',Cent The Wingham Advance -That r;, '{'('tedncndtlY, 001". 17, 1.961 + YTORE 1,J. :Shower Held nt , , .' ordyce School kirrD.t'IfiR H About sixty PE seswes st:ut)e, PRgY :NTS IRON DEFICIONN le CXR, rRoLs SCURFINES$ „FRA/It S TCP WtitCHT GAINS �'ELLCR AEC PASTE TOESAFE 1VA1 'TU111,K U I ON YULIt , NIXON I.AtiORATQRIM UeiA..a6UU64,,. vt.s. McKibbons Pharmacy PHONE 53 - YVtNGLIAM and children attended tale miscellaneous shaver, held in leer- dyee School on Saturday evening in honour of a bride of this week, Miss Ruth Irwin. Mrs. ('has. Rob- inson was in charge of a tnusieal contest, with Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw at the piano. Mrs, Gordon McBurney gave a humorous reading, and the teacher, Mrs. George Kennedy, and her pupils held a mock wedding. Y\'H1'I'1CCHl11)013 The October meeting of the \Wennen's institute was held last 'luesday evening in the memorial hall with guests Proal I I-u('know, tit. Helens and \Winl;ltana institutes. About 75 ladies were prevent. Alis. Dan Tiffin. president, presided and the roll call was an- t swerved by naming :t way in whle•h a the atonic image had ('htulgcd our F lives.:Vlra. F. Rice ft•atll t. Llelens, sang "Keep Right 11n to the I:nd of the Road." Airs ')hos Metcalfe f gave °t tails on the opportunity Mrs. Thos. O'Malley read an ad- „lasses in pubidt schools. telling of dress and Mrs. Chas. Robinson as -;the benefits of etafts. to help in 'sistld in preyentt'"• m3nv boaut' fill gifts. :Mss Irwin thanked her ' means to these pupils, friends thoughtful ifts. MisS Margaret line, of Luc•hnow•, g. sang a Solo. Presentations were �9fiilllh4'11N111iM'I IIt II t i , _ made to Weiss Annie Ktnnetly, by 1$ II�'I'ili'hilailN l IR til Ll1 Li1•I1i1111YJllil7l111!11 1111111:11*111f1111M U1! 11vIrN, Fz 'a S(•holtz, ;ow ti) airs 1' 1 expression and how melt braise t t s for their useful and • biP Try 13f, once .. yoi.i'lI stop here always! THAT KEEPS YOU GOING There's Ilt)t11i1)i' .!bout 1111L- prompt. friendly, competent way of doing things that bring motorists back to tis again and again for every auto service! WINOAM MOTOR PHONE 139 — WINGHAM 111t�11 RYiI'�II Et 1:1811,x:111111111111t11'1i1111R111111; 11111911!111111WIIIR1111t1111111 1111111111111,1111 v .h. °"=• astir.,t-.�.2s�.,._._ .... _. ... _ Orli.:.... trot CRAWFORD MOTORS 1961 METEOR 4 -DOOR SEDAN in tip-top condition 1960 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN A one -owner car, in A-1 condition 1959 FORD FORDOR SEDAN with V-8 motor and automatic transmission, in tip-top condition 1959 OLDSMOBILE 4 -DOOR SEDAN Also a one -owner car 1959 DODGE 4 -DOOR 1958 VOLVO 2 -DOOR 1958 DODGE 4 -DOOR 1957 DODGE 4 -DOOR with radio 1956 DODGE 2 -DOOR with radio 1955 DODGE 2 -DOOR HARDTOP A e,yl, Automatic 1954 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN 1953 FORD SEDAN SEDAN in good condition SEDAN One-owi r HARDTOP 1953 CIIE:VROLET SEDAN Len Crawford Motors Your Dodge, Plymouth, Chrysler, Valiant Dealer Phone 710 W ingham Rota. Pardon. by MIS. tleorgle ' Walker. 'These ladies have recently 10a d Ito t (01811t . t received the Wt10e21'5 lustitlat. On- tario Badge. t'laolt thanked the so- ciety and lnvitott the tad it's (u gauge 2111)1 st•0 tlmnl to tht 1t' t(0!v hutnoS. Mrs. Victor I:tnet•s0n and Mrs. I:)an Tiffin w111 attend the \V'.1. Bruce (Snotty rally et 1':u•hht'ail 011 October 125. Mr,. Schutt 1v:1), cup- 't(linted elotirnt:tn G r the radio Farm Foran. 't'hi'n was a (lisplay 1 and sale of eis•bttt•n apron:: 1 t•1' - were made to cater t;) 0 welding 1n early November 'l'ht' cinch„); est "The Queen" and Grave eloeerl the tneetlne. W1.11T[llllEN1;11 Mr. and Mrs. Myles, McMillan, of Teeswatet• visited one clay last week with Mr. and Mrs,. \Weeley Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs. t'hau'leeton and Mrs, Cecil Falconer visited 0n Sun' day with Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Par- don, Belgrave. Mr. awl Mrs. Robert Aittheson and children, who have lived at St. Helens for the tend year, moved this well -end to 11(101.1011, and her mother, Mrs. Dowling„ aetompauied them for the week end. Mr's. Alain I'ur.tou received word 00 Saturday that her grandson, Shawn Simpson, of Flint, :lIit'h., had been injured when riding his bicycle, and had his ankle :and foot badly broken. The buy is in hos pital in Flint. Mr. and Mrs, Pur - don spent the week. end there. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Henry and family of Ashfield visited on Sun- day with Mr and Mrs. Archie Par- don. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and fa• n1ily visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Chambers of Harris.. ton. Miss Gertrude Stewart, who hate been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walker, returned on Sun- day to her home at Cooksvitle, Little Joyce Taylor celebrated her ninth birthday last Thursday by entertaining a few of her sc'huol pals at her home. Mr. and Mrs. GerShoul Johnston visited on Sunday with Mr. George Casemore and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Ross of Turnberry. The United Church Women of Calvin -Brick Church are holding their thankofforing meeting this Sunday with the Messenger and Explorer groups assisting and with a film strip, 'Taiwan The Un- known Island". Mr. and Mrs, \\'m, Fisher of To- ronto spent the w•('ek••end with iris parents, Mr. and Mrs, George fish- er and Mr. and Mrs, Elliott Car - rattlers and family of Holyrood. They visited at the Fisher home 00 Sunday. Miss Anne Rinioul and Miss Mary Pursloli of Kitchener, spent the week -end at their respective homes In West Wawanosh, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Charleston of Hamilton are visiting with Mrs. Cecil Falconer, Mr. and Mrs, A, E. 'Pardon of Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs Athol I'urdon of Sarnia visit- ed there on Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Huffman and Beverley of Luran visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffdn, Mr, and Mrs, James Easson of Grimsby and Mr. and Mrs. Atmore Hopton of Brantford spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Walkr. Mr, Thomas Gaunt of Wingham returned to Wingham Hospital on Saturday after being six weeks at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Routeliffe, who had been visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Edgar (10001, return, ed home to Ottawa on Thursday WE HAVE SH U ®CAIN NEARER • for extra profits from veal calf production *An all-new product for efficient economi- cal veal production. *Shur -Gain Veater will produce calves with the desired bloom for top grade in only ten weeks. Profitable veal calves with only 200 1ha. of% Shur -Gain Vealer. SEE ✓ vS TODAY! Wingham Feed Mill PHONT 142 W INGFIAM eANA1 A a PACKERS' SNunj*t. plilISIOR y'EALJ j e I ;and :lir. :inti Mrs. ,Ttuuee Oa nit J ' i11 lf.1t 1 1 t, 1)> ell at his parents home, loft on Stm day t1.) rt't urn 111 I1:1g0()11 Qlit'het', Other r1•l:ttivlw who gathered last' Tuesday :11 the ).aunt 110(111' w•)')'i' Mr. and Mrs. James Inglis. (`lif-. ford, Mr, William Inglis. Walker-. ton, A1r. ,tants Inglis. Guelph, and Vernon Inglis et -Georgetown. Ver. Robert Ilutehixun was able' to return haute• front \Winghem Hospital last week. Mrs. S. 1', Willis, of tlow':ulNt()lun, spent the Week -t'11 With Mrs. 1).' Among those who took tt duty off last week 10 make the rounds of the 'wawa City" at the plough - 1, ing matt l., dwell Sound, were. Mr.! 00d Mrs, Walter Elliott. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence ltitehie, Air. 80(1 Mrs. George McGee, Mr and Mrs. Alex' Robertson. Nelson Dow, Gilbert I3eet•roft, David and Jinnuie, Mr.I Will. R. Ptirduu, Mr. •1(1111) Allelic- I eon, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Pardon, Mr. and Mrs. J:tek Oodles. Mr. 110(1 Mrs. Mervin 11111, M1 :001 Mrs. 1 Ito se 11 c 1011111 Mr. :11111 Mrs;, Pun - add 1t'»1';, lir. :Intl lire. Jelin GLnunt,' Ala. and dt' c'al 1 llet'lelntl'lttu,,. A'lt•. anti Ml:•; M,e:cat li.,hin,cun, Mt. and Mo.. Albert Diene1n, Mr. uutl \1V111114 :and ,:)1118. Airs. Aiurraty 1)erbyshire, 7tunieson t', 1 t,titleta•, Johnston C'ulllt, James 111t•hareleon, James Anderson, Wil- fred W tlisef and sons, Donald. 1)ottglats and Al:tit, Harris Pardon, Calvin Robinson. Roy Robinson, t'larence ('haln1ey, Nil% and Airs. Hugh Simpson and children, Mr, and Mrs, Douglas n. e•1 a s Simpsc)n and t'urrie. Mils. Jahn Mc(lee., A[1., and Mrs. J. It. Ileecroft, Ronald and Kirk B(((•roft, Mr, Alex. AleKen- 41', Mt'. and 1\14'5. \Wil. 1'lvaus, Mr. 'and Mics. Ater Coulter, Mr. and Mrs, Aldin Pardon. li'v. T. E, Kennedy, of 131uovale, coltd1(0(0l vommuition services in thy Presbytoritttl Church here 011 Sunday :and baptized David Gordon, sou of Mr. and Mt's. Donald Ross, and 1>001(ld Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1t'Raer, A1iss Pe:tn McLeod will be the speaker at the WMS'I'1/ankoffa•ring tin cling this \i'ednIsdtty :at the Peesbytt'1•i:tn t'hurvit when the la- dies of this c•utumttnit,' tit e• i11141011 to bp pt•ose'nt Mr. anti Mrs. Win, Itintuul anti daul;htt Is visited recently with Mr. :and Mrs. Jttnit•8 iteict, of A111010l. Mrs., AVI11, It. Pardon has been a patient in 1,Vint;barn Hospital, suf- 1t : 1141 111.111 pneumonia Mr. :1101 Mrs. John Jolts :and fa uti;,t of Mono) I1,yeJgts :went the '4510l( end with MI'.:tnd 1\11 Kennedy of Mar11oeh and Alan Moore, Lloyd Peagan and John McArthur of I.00'l)) l visited with Mr, and Mrs. K(nueely on :anday. Mrs. Harry Cook of M:uvoc•h spent a few days last wri'k at the home of her ,laughter, Alt's, Har. old Slessor of Mantis, who under weal an u11t•ration in Kineardi111' Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. ltusscll Cook of Blyth visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook. The 1at1e:; )4 Calvin );rick and St. 11111115 1luilOd ('hurc4a's 11(01 of the 1'resbyttelan (`hutch here have boon invited to attend 1thtulkof fortng meeting in the tinned Church here on \\'ednee,lay, Ot robe)' 34 at e."0 p.ns. Art:, C. W. Tiffin of \Wi0gha111 will hi' the sp(cal 8)1011 t, r. A1/ tart weir ane to Mrs. William Henry rettu'ned to 1,ut,clun this week to take a Spc'Citll course }41 hair dressing. Mr. and Mrs. George Wadded of Culross, who held 21 sate of farm and farm stoles last 11'riday are moving to it new home in Tees water. FOROWICH A4rs, M. Kirby, of \\ritlowdale, 1'iisted over the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Peter Browne and Mr. and Mrs. Hector Browne, Mrs. Ross Dust and family, of Listowel, visited on Saturday with Mt. and Mrs. George 'Ashton, A1i118 Elizabeth Cooper, of Water - Let, tented the week -end with her parents, Mr, and Mr's. Wray Cooper. attend. Allem Mahe. Conn of Toronto spt•n; ent8tl1t week 011 1 with her Par j �r .�� ��� �� 4 Mr. and MIS, \Watllece. ('um).l 1 Mr, 010 ATr:s. ,llill'11 (uune0 10111 Mrs. Bruce Webb and daughter,)itnr, 1 : l �t•• 'Brenda, of 1'niustvi('Is, have, Spent deo Un rittel:t1 ((1111 .tar 00.1 11r•i.! a wt•0Ic visiting her parents, Mr. Wilbert :)rheitlttellbett; at ,;t}.it}t. runt Mrs. t'. 13. Ilofflnaa, Mrs. Ross r;onglarl, of Toronto, amptoll. LARGEST CROWD EVER T TURKEY SUPPER 13FLGRAVF For the first tittle st in the history of the I3(lgratv(' ane nual turkey supper nearly 100 per- sons were. turned awaty. Over 800 persons packed the comMunity centre on Wednesday evening for this annual event, which Is unique in rho fact that everyone is seated at ono time. '1111' supper is sponsored by the arena board and the proceeds are Used for the maintenance of the centre. Rev. W. Mot't'ieott of the .Preasby- t •`'1uta-t ' l lsurc•b, 13elgrave, asked the blessing. Alter s,1ppet a concert was presented i)1 Earl and Martha Heywood of \1'ing;hain and Murray Gaunt, M.P.P., spoke briefly. is visiting her sitters, Misses Mary and Ruby Doff and Mrs. M. L. Own, Mrs. Aronitl Lillow and Mrs. Nellie 'Allow :peat Sunday with relatives In Stratford, 'atIAL SAUIT� 1.a coop PEOPLF Itkt 11ISINE$$ tO SOW V#' TIIFM3M':1 Vit You can't buy better tires! FILISKIIE Snow Tires Safer, surer stops. Start and go in mud, ice and snow. First line, nylon cord, 24 - month guarantee. `lSie DEPENDABLE BATTERIES _ i17rt+r=st For sure winter starting .... dependable Co-op batteries far car, truck and tractor. Co-op Sale Price, each 6 -Volt, 30.mo, $90 97 12 -Volt, 24 -ma. $12° 97 guarantee ° guarantee 670 x 15 (Conventional) Co-op Sale Price, each 750 x 14 and 670 x 15 (Tubeless) Co-op Sale Price, each $16.97 9.6 Save over $6,00 pair — SAFELY ALL TRANSISTOR PORTAMATIC AUTO RADIO Take it with you wherever i; _ , '• «, .. , ,' " � you go . , .. plays 1,000 hours with lust 6 flashlight i• cells. Attractive simulated leather case, Regular Value $59.95, $aAL 87 Co-op Sale Price, each i� Timely Special Purchase -- BATTERY BOOSTER CABLES $2.77 PER SET Nothing to ht_fy1 Here's all you del: You will enjoy the t'me•saving benefits of this portable, "12 place settings" automatic dish. washer, It features the complete cycle of pre - rinsing, washing and drying . , , does it for you automatically. Two of these handsome, "exciting -to -own" G.E. Dishwashers valued at $389,9$ each, will be given away during the Fall Sale. If your bqtlot is drawn we will ask you fo exchange a photo of yourself for ane of the wonderful prizes. Simply visit your CO.OP during the FALL SALE, October 18, 19, 20, fill out the official entry blank and drop It into the ballot box. Every- one is eligible except employees of Co -open olives and affiliated organizations and their immediate families. PUTTY AND PUTTY KNIFE 1 -lb, tinfoil package glazing putty with steel blade putty knife, Co-op Sale Combination Price ,27e TOOL CHEST Full width lift -out tray, full -grip handle and hasp for padlock. All welded steel con. struction. Baked enamel finish. Co-op Safe Price, each $3,33 Regular Value $69.95 6-%a" DELUXE SKIL SAW Complete with three assorted, long -life blades. The sow preferred by profession- als and hobbyists tool Rugged, powerful, well-balanced -•- a real worker tool Co-op Sale Price, each $49.97 24' WRECKING BAR %' hexagon shaped bar made from cold rolled steel. Sturdy claws, ample leverage. Co-op Sale Price, each .67c Save 25% an Light Bulbs Westinghouse 1,000 hour guaranteed inside frosted light bulbs. 40 watt and 60 watt -- Co-op Sale Price: 4 for .791. 100 watt — Co-op Sale Price: 4 for 85c. CAULKING GUN AND CARTItilG€ Cradle style steel gun with easy trigger action. Enamel finish. With 13 -oz, caulk- ing cartridge. Co-op Sole Price, Roth $1.37 5' ALUMINUM STEP LADDER All aluminum construction --light weight and dur- able. Skid -proof steps, slip -proof rubber feet, pinch - proof spreaders. Bucket holder. Outstand- ing value at this price. Co-op Sale Price, each $9097 5 -TINE MANURE FORK -. "D Y" HANDLE regular value $4.75 Co-op Sale Price, each $3.44 14' REGiS PUSH BROOM Block fibre bristle. Regular value $2.39 -- Co-op Sale Price, each $1.77. GENERAL PURPOSE STEEL SHOVEL -- 4 -foot handle. Regular value $2.35 --- Ce -op Sale Price, each $1.67. BROOM RAKE with 18 re-Inforcecl spring steel teeth and long sturdy handle. Co-ep Safe Price, each $1,29. SPECIALS ON PEST KILLERS CO-OP DISINFECTANT. All-purpose... for use in stables, hen houses, brooder houses, hog pens, etc..,. Regular value $2.75 Co-op Sale Price 1 gal. $2.33. CO-OP RAT KILLER Save' two ways -- prevent rats eating your profits and save on the purchase price. Co-op Sale Price 1 -Ib. fin only .63cDO. CO-OP OM 0115T controls lice on cattle, horses, hogs, poultry and ticks on sheep. 1.5% Rotenone content. Regular value .79c. Co-op Sale Price, 2 lbs., ,63c. FREE! Handy Feed Scoop with co•ov PIG PRE -STARTER With every cwt. of Co-op Pig Pre -Starter you get a rugged feed scoop absolutely free. And, remembt r Co-op Pig Pre -Starter is the feed supplement baby pigs thrive on. You market more pigs, thriftier pigs per litter with Coop Pig Pre Starter. S"ALt-'NfERCHAN Improve herd health the Co-op way and save! e CO.OP CATTLE MINERAL 50c off Per cwt, Make a profitable difference in your yearly milk cheques with Co.op Cattle Mineral, the supplement with the exact balance of calcium arid phosphorus, so necessary for lop animal health and milk production. Available at this price in 100.Ib. bags only. LGRAVE CO $1.95 Plastic Pall -- only 50c with each cwt. of CO.OP CALF STARTER PELLETS Research has shown that a properly balanced diet in pellet form increases rale of gain and Improves feed efficiency by one third compared with the same diet in meal form when fed to calves during the first month. And remember... for 3 days only, with every cwt. of pellets you get a durable $1.95 -value pail for only ,$0c, PHONE — WINGHAM 1001 Deluxe --" not "stripped" models CO.op PIM- tat CHEST FREEZERS With all of the fine, modern features you want and expect at wonderful savings. Serviced across Canada. 5 year warranty on sealed refrigerator unit. CO.OP SALE PRiCE, EACti 21 cubic foot -- 17 cubic foot -- 15 cubic foot -- $258.95 $238.95 $222.95 r AY:AI"4AOLE: ON ca•on I `1 >r' s W1' H 'NO DOWN. PA' ',PLAN Beat winter drying weather with a IVaI-VouNW AUTOMATIC CLOTHS DRYER "Fresh -air" drying '-- Safely door switch — Large lint trap -- Infinite heat.controt switch -- Porcelain top -- Enamelled Cabinet -'-• Ozone lamp -- inferior light --- ihree year guarantee ort the element, Co-op Salec13 /.y Prise, each i Weighs only 63/4 Ibst ELECTRIK BROOM Strong suction) elimin+ ates'dirt quickly, thor• oughly, conveniently. Coop Sate Price, each $35.89 elgrave, Ontario ERUS$ELS 388W10 4 4 .r 4 1, 1 r 4, t1.