HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-10-17, Page 3.4 .61 BELTONE HEARING AID SERVICE CLINIC THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. VANCE'S DRUG STORE WINGHAM PHONE FOR FREE HOME APPOINTMENT Service to all Makes of hearing diets E. R. TIIEDE HEARING AID SERVICE 88 QUEEN STREET SOUTH - KITCHENER 1;I c 4 FEARS OF THE BIBLE'Surprise Couple nun i RELATED HY U.C.W. FORDWICH Mrs. Stanley Bride,1st vice-president, presided for the general moettttg of the' Unit( d 1'.hurch Women held in the church on Thursday afternoon. The theme "'Thanksgiving" was used and Mrs. Mae led in a. Litany of Thanks- giving. The worship service was on "Feasts of the Bible," led by Mrs. W. Cooper, assisted by Mrs. G. Ashton, Mrs, F. McCann and Mrs. (', Ettinger. Mrs. Cooper spoke on the first Thanksgiving by the grim Fathers, Mrs Ashton on the feast of hospitality given by Abra- ham, Mrs, McCann on the feast of forgiveness given by Joseph, and Mrs. Ettinger on the feast of dedi- cation given by Mosure. The date of the bazaar was set for the last Saturday in Novem- ber, Mrs, Allan McTaggart, of Cranbrook, vice-president of the 1-luron Presbytery U.C.W., spoke on the woricsnop veld In Goderieh, in- troducing the new study book "The Word and the Way." Mrs. G, Rich- ards rendered a solo "My God I Thank Thee." �OI1 2atli ALnn vprc i y ti'r)It1)WI(.'11 Mt'. and Mr&, Car- roll Johnson were pleasantly sur- prised iast week when members of their families gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Johnson 1n Listowel on the occasion of their 25th wedding .anniversary and presented them with a number of lovely gifts. Margaret and Carroll thanked everyone. The evening was spent. 1n a social way and lunch was served. Rela- tives attended from Harriston, Wingham, Forclwich, Kingston, Palmerston, Owen Sound, Kitchen- er and Listowel, Presentation Held FORDWICH A presentation and dance was held in the For•dwieh community hall on Friday night in honour of Mr, and Mrs, Gary McClement, Murray Mulvey read the address and the young couple) was presented with a china eabinet and a purse of money. Jean and Gary thanked everyone. Music for dancing was supplied by Lambkin's i orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Doug, Wiidfang at Cooksvllle. Mrs. Ruby Forster is spending this week with relatives in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDermitt and Donald McDermitt spent Sat- urday in Kitchener. Mrs. Ernest Jacques, of Caledon- ia, is visiting for a couple of weeks with Mrs. R. Watters, Mrs, Mex Wray, Brian and (;race, of Toronto, spent the week- end here and .attended the wedding reception on Saturday night in Wallaceville Hall for Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Gilmore, Others from here attending were Mr. and Mrs, Tom McClement, Miss Betty McClement, Paul Schaefer, Misses Phyllis and Margaret Anne Wilson, Ron Mc - Clement, Holger Feldskov, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Rruee Sothern, Mr. and Mrs, Wel- lington Hargrave, Mr. and Mrs, William Sothern, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Reid, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Tom 'Hutchison, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Hutchison, Mrs, Ida Gal- lagher, Miss Elizabeth Cooper. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Gibson and little son, of Toronto, were week - au s ALS ZTLAND PONY LUS ITHER VALUABLE PRIZES IN TOAST.1ASTE?, AKERIES' WINAPONYMCONTEST! Toastmaster Bakeries' Bonanza -tame is here with the Win -a -Pony Contest and the Town's wide open with big prize winning chances for you and your parents. You can enter any number of times ... and win any HERE'S ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO ENTER: Clip out and fill in the entry form nn this page number of prizes. There'll be big draws on TV. And because your entries count for all draws, your chances are good for the grand prize right up till the last day. Get your entries in soon ! Attach to a cornpleto Pony Band from any Toastmaster Bakeries' Bread Minter any number of times! Win "Toasty Toastmaster" 'h6 Shetland Puny complete with saddle and bridle (or Cash equivalent)—or ono of these Kodak Camera Outfits! .rW sh 9�e. Orr`ttn CA.M!MA Wtfrf:fT ..• three. awarded an each drawl Egli itidudes'Kodak Brownie Stormier Ca>tiera with built-in light meter --Flash Holder --2 batteries -4 flash bulbs—rolt of fili>yi-a complete picture -taking outfit for you t Mail to Contest H.Q. or place in store collection box •1.:7 , will`tijr w... •\ : 4 Watch the draws on CKNX-TY, Wingham, October 23, 30 and November 6. Errl STAR IM MIt!!,EMI GSift M, I,!!!!,eIlle1TR'4f` 1E1 LAN kmennEs= mum WIN-A-FONY COITEST t;nmplcls this entry blank, enclose one Pony and from any Toastmaster, Sunshine, Tables Pridh or Barnby dread and send te'Toastmaster CKNX•TY, Wingham, Ontario, unlace in any of the Collection boxes located in stares. NAME ADDRESS CITY OR TOWN PROP,........ ................ NAME OF STORE WHERE YOU BUY YOUR TOASTMASTER, SUNSHINE, TABLE PRIDE OR BAMBY BREAD 4...,,,...... ADDRESS OF STOP NAME OF PARENT tiR GUARDIAN N.1 ro N...40 ....•............ a .........d. ! Ce4= at4e=1==i= SCIPAT Itlf oxirnrer - seedmaei vot gilts sovitt end *goo with Mr. irsd Mrh,. Deng. 'Knit, VI -lends of Mies Marian Diekeret will he sorry to hear that she un. derwent an appendectomy in Pal. nlerston hospital last week. Mr, and Mis. Peter Browne and Teddy spent a couple of days last week In Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Lynn, Karen and Judy, of Orillia, visited aver the week -end with Mrs, Dora Rid- ley, Miss Phyllis Wilson and Miss Sharon Pollock, of London, spent the week -end at their respective homes. Mrs. John Harrifield returned home last week from Palmerston hospital, We wish her improved health, Messrs, Carl Stewart and Jinn Vittie visited over the week -end with Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Vittie at Wainfleet, Sunday visitors with Miss Mary Cattanach were Mr. and Mrs, John Knechtel, 'of Chicago. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Campbell, of Seaforth, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Hibberd. Miss Betty McClement, Messrs. Donald and Larry McDermitt, of Kitchener, and Paul Schaefer, of Toronto, spent the week -end at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Orth, Thel- ma and Shirley, of Listowel. visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, W. Hargrave. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Gibson visit- ed on Sunday with Mr and Mrs. N. Baetz at Elmwood. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wade and family, of Woodstock, .and Mr, Alex Nethery, of Belgrave, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, C. Jordan on Sunday. Mr, Dick Honey and Patricia, of Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rob- erts, of Listowel, visited Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Ashton. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Moore enjoyed a motor trip through Northern On- tario for three days last week, Miss Glenna Hibberd returned home last week from the K -W Hospital, Kitchener. We wish her a speedy return to good health. Messrs. Gary Sothern and Riek Sandford, of Kitchener, spent the week -end with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm., Sothern. Mr, sand Mrs. Addison Jaques, of Sumrraerla.nd, BC., were Sunday visitors at the same home. Quite a number from here at- tended the ploughing match last week at Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Jack King and family visited over the week -end with relatives in Toronto. ire m Advarmi- an$, 1V44nEtt41', 1 3, rr, 1343 "I `414 LADIES! Be sure to attend "MELODY IN FASHION" COURTESY WINGHAM ME1:RC1ritANT$ Directed by Business and Professional Women of Wingham WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Wednesday, October 17, 7:45 p.m. All Jewellery in the Fashion Show selected from the wide variety at 1 HAJEkP 4H! .S qi PHONE 250 �wownN1010e1.111worn...o11M1.o.1..owo...o,r EWELLERY WINGHAM, ONTARIO BELGR4YE CREDIT UNION WINGHAM CREDIT UNION Join with HURON COUNTY CREDIT UNION CHAPTER to celebrate INTERNATIONAL CREDIT UNION DAY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1962 with a.banquet in • ' Forester's Hall in Belgrave Turkey, Entertainment and Karl Krug, special speaker TICKETS LIMITED — GET TIIEM EARLY Get your tickets at the Credit Union office 10-17b anada Savings Bonds easytobuy simple to cash good to keep The rune Canada Savings Bonds pay 43,�% interest for each of the first three years; 5% for each of the next three years and 514%, for each of the final eight years —an average interest to matu- rity in 14 years of 5.11% per year. In dollars and cents every $100,00 you invest will grow with accumulated interest to $172.50 at maturity. You can buy a $100.00 bond for At little as 29$ a day, through the convenient Payroll Savings Plan where you work. Canada Savings Bonds can also be bought for cash;, or on tiristatmeStta at any bank, investment dealer, stock broken, trust dr loan company. They ane atiailabI€ in aliiotznts as low as $50.00 to arty Canitdiart resident—adult or child—lip tee a limit of $10,000.00 per person. Estates, too, May buy. Triteri is payable annually by coupon, or on the higher denominations by cheque, if desired. You can cash your Canada Savings Bonds at any time, at any bank, at full face valuf., plug earned interest. Buy new Canada Savings Bonds today—best ever! (CSA SAVINGS BONDS