HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-10-10, Page 8!Mae Eight The tC iuRll;1)u Advuntne-Tilnt>s, Wednesday, Oct, 10, 1116.2
Dad: .hid t'i•, ea 1• our tutug1t
ter that iup, at Wise: Every tlirl
fahmlild 1Sntt1'
Malllt•r: 1.'.*. she!, (written it let
te'r tri flit• 411'04W sttrla'$tutg ;t
t•.itple u} terve 3 ,• Li anti tilt.
k*.1.1llitlt .,f r;en lett ehaptt•t•5.
assault, 4ARLIN', WE'RE
t3; i AUG ROOM
Drive -In
krena Front
it`ontinued frutn Page Oiti'l
that the project had been thrown
out, became concerned and began
to eat! members of count'il. stating
they were very much in favor of
the• project. even if it did mean
few dollars more on the tax bills.
l"rgeney was stressed, as further met'tingi seemed to be of a differ-
, delay would mean the building ent opinion, and it was agreed the
1;111151 Susie* could not be completed this year. grant would certainly make a dif.
' The (lomat, Salad :+usit•s held the By Friday evening pressure on ference. He said plans for the
fourth meeting of the homemaking 4:wascii }r;td increased to the point , building had been sent during the
dub at the home of Mrs. Clareneei where a special euuneil meeting week to Toronto for approval by
1 Stokes with ten members answer- I was tatted for f+aturday evening, the department. With the tender
ing the• roll tall. with at planned i at Which members of the Arena wllittlexd down to $45,000 and $2,000
dinner menu The meeting opened Commission, the architect, and the for the architect's fees, the amount
in the usual manner and the dis- ; contractor stere invited to attend. was still high, but the grant would
cussion was on vt•gc•tahles for as well as any interesttdi citizens. make the difference.
lunch or supper. Special Meting The mayor then asked for those
Miss Isabelle tiilchrist, home tea • It was anotht•r two-hour session. at the meeting to express their
ununtist for Huron. will attc•n d the but it resulted in council giving views.
next Int•eting on t)etobc•r 15. Mrs." final approval to the project, and (grant Assured
Russell Hattan demonstrated the'' eonsi�derably more at ease about Mr. Conron said he bad phoned
making of st•alluped potatoes,public opinion and the fact that a A'ir, Lashley of the Department 1)t
Cream of toilette :soup and dnuble . fair proportion of ratepayers were and asked for Mr. Lashley's opin.
boiler scalloped eabbagt.' were pet - - anxious to see the building started sure on the grant. Considering the
. at once. number of square feet in the upper
At the special meeting Mayor hall of the building and other fa.
like to du the job aii;ltt, but nut in "VS e eannut use it: it is the neat
•it'fiantt' of },abltt ) )italtiu." thing to btiug touutvuned."
'1.111' mayor went on to say that The mayor asara Mr. White fur
time is running out. and if the job
is to start this fall It must he
immediately. He explained that at
the time of earlier talks it did not
appear that a grant was possible..
but Mr. Conron (who Was at the
Friday and Saturday
October 12 and 13
HI`I` No. 1-S hotwn at 3:30 only
Starring Joel aleC'rta and
Gloria Talbott
Color - scope!
HIT No. 2Shutvn at 1tl:tin
attau•ring Gregory Peek and
Joan ('(aline
1 ('tllor - Scone'
Closing for the
Season !
Reason: Freezing
11:;.?:f•, 'i: kind
1st r...
},ares: by Mrs. Stokes
P - e• -
Sunshine Satls Hetherington outlined eounetls eilities, he said he had received as -
stand on the subject, and what he , surance of the grant.
The fifth nteetitr� of the San. ; '
eunsidere3 to be the fart: of the
"M r.
1)r t
' e ]tt t t Alavo
411 • w••t • held at to r
.hunt Sala was •
vase- e rthink the building
1 do
� .• e*:••id 'r �o Ironu
\ � • •n d• Brrt ti .. 1. t o
niembt-its answered the roll :all and •
He •Said that it appears the old 11111 be eligible for the grant?'' Mr.
Miss Breckenridge discussed vc e. betiding cannot be used again; it
g cant be fixed erg, It seems to be CO»rat replied, 'Ter definitely, and
tables in salads, Mrs. Peacnck t x the Community Programs Branch
a ease of build or dose the arena. eestigate and this plan is the min-
131ained how to prepare Pelt s would be behind it."
salad. perfection jelly and eVokt•l i He !vent un, ^I want to see tate Mr. Hetherington then asked the , imam, Personally, I don't want to
J : front built, and built right, but as see my tax dollar spent toulish.y.
salad. Achievement Day teals alis-„ architect to give some reasons for
t oared, This will nt
nil be held in Potent- ! mayor I must have consideration the type of 511'81"5 which he had' The mayor 18111'51, "Where are
qtr. Everyone sampled the fou.;, •for the people of the town. I came used Robert Brown of Walkerton, the we going to get the extra $2,000
e - e - e ' to the conclusion that the people or $3,000?" Mr. Adair said, "\1't
I didn't want it, particularly as there will out more out of the building if
X3elg1:1ve Club XI had been fel? who said it was es_ architect. said the shape of the it is at all possible." Mr. Hether- 1
This group of homemaking elttb sentiat. However. since Tuesday I property determined the type of de- ington said, "We will be OK if we
tsign, as the peculiar triangle of grant, otherwise we will
tnentbeaa mat at he home of �1r,:• have had dozens of ratepayers get the
Cliff Purdon with eleven anseeer- • to say they supportland was very difficult to build on
phone the pro- have to dip into the general ac
ing the roll 1'111. Lynda Couhes, I ject," He remarked, "Council would and to obtain the number of rooms count for the difference."
asked for b the Arena Commis-
president, opened the meeting in i y :afore Revenue
the usual manner. and 11.1111 tile -Sion, Mr. Conron interjected, "The Councillor Cruickshank stated,
food rates for health, Mrs. Pura3o i ; Searson and Janis Woods: dressing
demonstrated stuffing a g Commission travelled to eight "We will not be able to do any
e baked e r- up raw vegetables by Lorna vegetables
othe" arenas and had been in con-' other renovation in the arena it.
making harvat i beets, car -1 The demonstrated vegetables
rots and creamed unions. Each girl were enjoyed at a noon -day lunch tact with various groups who are ` self." MConron replied, "We hope be
made herself a salad plate. It was 1 accompanied by delicious additions interested in the arena and carne it can be put on a paying basis
decided to call the Club the Be!. by the hostess. The meeting then tap with what was felt to be a mini- with the future plans we have,
grave Wegener. adjourned. mum of rooms and minimum scan- such as roller skating and other
11 ( i' 0 - 0 - 0 dards as to space and facilities." . things." Mr. Adair interjected, "I
He also said that all arenas which think we can doable the revenue.,'
had been visited were of the same : Councillor Buchanan said, ••1
general age and that those of swoo4 haven't gone for this plan ail
construction were not today in , along, but I decided to call a man
very good condition. Commission , with five youngsters and told him
members had measured dozens of what we had in mind and that it
rooms and felt the space allotted night cost him another $4.50 on
in the W'ingham project contained his tax bill. He said, "Go ahead." I
only minimum requirements. The am therefore prepared to support
upper viewing room had been ask- the project if the public wants a."
Mr. Douglas spoke up, "Matey
his opinion of the old building. He
replied, "I didn't know how bad
it was until I inspected it. I would
not want to see it Opened again."
"Do you think it unsafe," asked
Mr, Hetherington and Air. White
replied, "Yes, definitely." 'rhe may-
or asked Mr. White, "Were you
under the floors?" "No," said Mr.
\\'hire,, "it was full of water down
Build It Properly
Vaughan Douglas, when asked
f i i said "I believe we
people+ who do not have children •
stall have terse pride anti woes"
slLppurt the plan.'
Mr. Adair suid, "As ehairn)an tat
the Commission. I could not eta
anything but advise the arena be
closed if the new front is not '
Passed. Unanimously
t1r. Hetherington then called for I
a motion. Warren Callan, seconled
by W. G. C'ruiekshank, moved that
the go-ahead be given with the
ttvo.storey building and to accept
the tender of Mr. \White. The nw
tion was passed by eminent mcama
would miss a bet if wt' didn t put
up the building properly. The tar --
rate may be nebulous compared to
the need and we serve a large area.
We threw away a swintitting pool
and a decent hotel. V4'e need some-
thing in town to keep the farm
trade, or the farmer will go to
other towns. What we need are
facilities, both to keep the fanner•..
. and to attract industry," He con -
eluded. "It isn't a question of you
and I, it is the children we mast
think of,"
Reeve Adair said, "We may be
ohly taikulg about a difference
$5,000 and maybe not that much.
The plan wasn't picked out of the
i sky, We travelled around to in.
Faneiettt•s fleet
The sixth Meeting of the \Vh:re.
e ureh Bedroom Pattie it•ttes was
heal on Tuesday at the home of
Mrs. Peter Norman. Five membeta
and two :eaders were present. Dis.
. ass}on was held on: Achievement
Day and the girls worked on their
machine hent stitching. They a:sc
worked on the covers of their re•
cora books.
The next meeting was scheduled
for this Wednesday at the horn, of
Mrs. Hugh Hand.
Lettuce Lassies
The third meeting of the Eleven
Lettuce Lassies IBelgravei was
held at the home of Dini Nethery
-.n Saturday, The meeting opened
with the pledge and motto and
Catharine de Jonge res the he minu-
Society Seeds
Last week the Bluevale Society
Seeds met at the home of Nancy
Taylor. The roil call was answered
and the minutes were read by
Betty Hetherington. Kathleen -Mof-
fatt was appointed press reporter
and Ann llcKercher as secretary.
Mrs. Jack Nicholson and Nancy
Taylor, leaders. led in the discus- ed for by many people and had
sion of vegetables and planning : been urged by every interested
meals. The next meeting will be group. With a row of seats and;
held at the home of Mrs. Nicholson. • standing room, 100 people would be 1
able to see the ice surface, he
Report from Councillor Cruickshank asked
what the second floor would cost.
Mr. White, the general contras-
PARLIAMENT DILL tor, said he had not estimated•thls
part of the cost separately.
By W. Mars -in Howe, M.P.Mr. Brown said the saving would a
Wellington -Huron not be substantial, and when quiz. I
zed by the mayor, said "You
ter. Thr roll can was answered by This being my initial report to wouldn't save anything like half
"my- favourite vegetable and how you from Ottawa in connection of the total cost and not much
I likeit cc kt•d." This was answ- ,with the first session of the 25th - could be sated in structural steel
creed by 10 girls. Next meeting
to be held at Margaret Nichol- Parliament, my first words must if plans were changed to a single
son's on October 13, at 2 pm. be those of appreciation for the storey." He concluded. "I don't
Mrs. Clarke Johnston told about honour of representing the con- think you could save S10.000.00- 1
the vegetable plate and the oven' stituency of Wellington - Huron I Councillor Nesmith suggested a
dinner. Mrs. Ted Fear spoke a bout 1w t th'm the House of Commons
saving on steel could be made as 1
vegetables in meal planning and l There aremany and varied re -
the weight of the cement floor onthe second floor would be removed. I
vegetables to servelvith the rain i ports as to the life of this par- With that everyone in the room i
course. Demonstration: were given I }lament. In fact there is some pos- crowded around the council table
by Mary de Jonge, who cooked .
1 p-,_nility that the Government may to inspect the plans and discuss i
lima beans: Marjorie Hopper. who have been defeated by the time this various aspects of the problem.
cooked asparagus: Margaret Mich -
olson. who cooked turnips, and Dini i erticie is printed in the local press. Back in their seats again, the
Nethery, stuffed potatoes. The I The Speech from the Throne meeting was called to order by the
girls then made up a salad plate I contained many important items mayor, who asked T. A. Currie
of the vegetables cooked and nom- i which. if put into legislation, will what he thought of the problem,
! Mr. Currie said, "Leave it as it is, i
merited an them. help to maintain the prosperous
0 - 0 - 0 cor
( dition which we are enjoying in get going—if you're going to do
ing, do it right:'
5.7 Varieties t Canada today. something.
Hetherington asked Wil -
marefourth meeting of the Bel- The Government of Canada lis Hall to speak. Mr. Hall said the
mare .�•T Varieties Vegetable Club i farce» a great challenge in meeting new building would certainly im-
was held at the home of Irene the problems that seem to become prove tate appearance of the siruc- "
Douhltaive on October 8th with
eight members present, The mina- larger and more impressive year ture, the rooms are needed and the
tes of the last meeting were read by year. and I hope all the Mem- hail will assist older people who'
by Lois Simmons. The roll call was/ bers of the House of Commons will cannot stand the cold to be able
to attend games. He said he would .
"The Dinner Menu I Planned." It realize that our first duty is to not want to have any responsibility
was planned to meet at Corinne legislate and maintain this Parlia- for opening the old building agatn
Kieffer's home on October 20. for : ment until some definite solutions this winter.
the fifth meeting. may be arrived at to cope with Mr. Hetherngton asked him if he
Mrs. Simmaris 11';151 the discussion , these problems both nationally and could object to another 32.25 per
or, soups and Mrs. Kieffer dis- internationally, year on his tax bili. vies Hall re-
vegeed erailoped hs.dishes. stuffed I will be discussing many of these plied, certainly not.
vegetables. garnishes, appetizers
and relishes, problems as well as some of the Mill and a Half
Demonstrations were given an prnposed legislation introduced In Mr. Hetherington pointed out
the cost to the taxpayer on the
BROWN and STAFF the fnllnw•ing: double boiler seal- the Speech from the Throne in an total amount will be about one and
leper' cabbage by Irene Iioubledf-e: i,�tPrview with Archie McKenzie of a half mills for 20 years. "This is
IreatatazialamatMalaMMINIREMMIM ream of tr=m stn soup by Nettie the Canadian Press over CKNX, the important fact." he said, "and
1.:taifin!MiS idii11i1811101i11011111s1>•Is1111M1•111111.1111111'1111'■
Vaingham. on Sunday. October 14, it is not going to be a big load
at a:15 p.m. on the average taxpayer."
Cal Burke was asked for his
opinion. He said. "I have one quay-
ua: -
'FI m Doctor Goes tion. What does council think a
y one -storey building would look
To Nigeria, Africa like? It would mean the roof on
g t the east side would only he three
Dr. Neil A. Duncan has been en. feet higher than the level of Dia -
gaged in Operation Flying Doctor gonal Road, and the Arena Com
mission felt this would he very
in Australia. Now he is to open' poor planning."
up a similar service this fall in Mr. Burke went on to say. "We
MFR. -FRT. -SAT. or'r. 114243en Fridayand Saturday
p Nigeria,
ONLY Radio contact will be established
with some 20 villages, the base of
operations being at Gusau. Nigeria.
Twenty-four out -stations will be
operating with transceiver sets on the second storey structure would
the Australian Flying Doctor pat. be best. \V1' can't put in a base -
tern. ,ment." He concluded. "Is it worth
This is the first of this type of E cutting back to a one -storey build
service to be given in Nigeria, In i ing for this kind of a. saving?"
Congo. missionary doctors have I Donald Kennedy was asked for
Starring been usng smali aircraft to reach his opinion. He replied, "It would
Tony Curtis, .Joan Blaeknlan remote villages for some years. be a small saving, and the Arena
Besides their medical supplies. ° Commission has done a good job.•-••-
ire Teehrlieolr.r Filmed in Africa
'tarring .tabu 'SS'ayne, Elsa afartin-
e11i, Red Buttons
fain entt•rte111u01•r.t fur the whole
family Starts 7:00 9:30
aro'V'.-'T"CE`;.-\VED. OCT, 15-16-17
i11 (.'oln' Starring
Doric Day. Ile flarrieon
The lower r !pat lied story Of the most
elite -titan genie veer played with a.
l'te( 1 8 iota a'=d her sanity
Starts 7:1:1 • 11,21
FEL -SAT, OCT. 12-13
may be arguing about s10.6e0 bat
let's say it is 315,000. and it would
only he a saving of about 75 cents
per year on the average tax bill,
and likely closer to 50 cents. This
is the reason the Commission felt
t these mission doctors carry quanti- I go ahead with it."
ties of Scriptures for distribution 1
Richard LeVan also said. "You
have two choices. either go ahead
.Tames Brown anti :lean Willis among the literates. In this Cvay, or close the building."
people are reminded of the powers IMr. Hetherington asked Mr. Cur.
in all the fury of the old West : of healing for body,. mind and spirit 1 ries "Can you open the old building
1 gni- i glad 11:1,111 Iii -I (N,I 11 111 gig cell available in the Great Physician. s this winter?" Mr, Currie remarked.
It11'&S 1115(1 decided to apply for
further grants under the Winter
Works Program of the federtal gOV
eminent. A third reading was given
to the money by•law to raise $211,.
000.00 by debenture at 6 per cent.
Mr. Nnamith said before the
meeting adjourned that A•1r. Adair
should be eongrxtulatted fur his ex
eellent efforts mot fur his patience
With V01110.'il, whk'h he has shown
}n regard to the problem.
1n actual dollars and cents, the
101)11(11 Will be fared With tt deben
ture debt of $45,000 plus It couple
Of th00800d for architect's fees. To
the r11tepaver, III1 1I}1.l11' will mean
the 10111 still lelee 11 #11111(1' au
annual p (1111 11 tale'1':et years, of
;apprua)t3alrlt ..1111 'i't tlit hu)ne
owner, el/11':lder 111: a.vel age 1188(55 •
)tit•1t 111 l':1;111, 11 means that"fa
mill a1.51 1t hill will be added. to
hie 111•:1.5• wheal will amount t(i
$$7b. llow•rerr, the lung argument
tva:1 arUladly Only over tthout 01(1'
111111' it nail!, la. It 11111 z((ui;'nlzed
that no mailer what wait dune, and
i'umelhill; 111151 ltt be (11)01: alt 1P1I t
one chill would be required to foot
1110 hill iur 1he 1nt1:w (Inti minimal
gyp( of (1(2:,11.11 1(ttO baled at. the
0001 ERRAMY01,
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a f3.30.3r£ia"
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The Wingham Advance