HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-10-03, Page 101 x, TN QY. R. G: A•: Sl L ;Fi,,1 (`'�'et4 The 1'S'int1aam Advanee<'].'Rines, i'iretlrlestluy, net. :1, 1969 ORR1S Cli ci1 f'tI. accounts as presented be paid, �J Shortreed - Elston Tbat the meeting adjourn to meet again on 'SETS... NOMINArrION November 5 at. 1 pan, or at the call of the reeve, General Atesonrats W. 'Tiffin, express, $1.25; relief account, $317.91: George Martin, postage. Kelly oriel Pease drain, $2.10; Callender Nursing Home, The Morris. Township Connell Met in the towmshiu hall un Oe- tober 1, With all members present. Minutes of the 1:t t. uu•eting were mead anti adopted on motion of $79.75; S. Procter, selecting jurors, WieHer Shortreed and James h1:i,r. 14011 J 13tewer sela ecting. juror's .$nrith 1,11$1"" .11•1"it the -Cuurk of •, 4t10; G. Martin, selecting judors, Asterisk/it on the assessment roll 00 •1.(s0; Brussels Fair, grant, $200,00; opened. ' pt nt e1 , 3lyth Pair, grant, $100.00; 13elgrave Shortreed Maly Thai the Courti :'air, grunt, $3"5.00; of Iiev0 kui oil 1kt• 1:1(,:1 aesessnient Poll be. closed Sltortret•a Smith That the. Court of Reveille! on the Shuldice Court of revision assessment: S. Procter, $5.00; W. L1lston, $5.00; its Smith $5.011; J. Mair, $5.00; W. Shortreed, $5.00 Brew - drain beLamedunci that by lave No Milner, $79.75; J. I3rew- No 10, 140.2 be finally passed, + -r, bal. of salary, $50.00; S. Procter Shortreed i,;Istou That the ten voila of revision, Shotdiee Drain, (ler of L'rauk Kirkity st. ,yon to $5.00: W. Elston. c•uurt of revision, cOiistruct the Silealdit•r drain, les, $5.00: R. Smith, court of revision the wur•k UMI the county roar! for $5.UU; J. Mair, court of revision, the sunt of $1,2141 tie at eepted. Mair Smith Thai 13y.law No 11. 1962 setting the nomination for Nu• venlber 23 and the election, if ne. comity for December 1, and ap- pointing deputy returning officers $18,00; Wingham Motors, truck re. and poll clerks lie passed. pairs, $30.12. Marr--Nistuu 'Tit:tt the road ae. + Road Accounts counts its presented ci by the coact SU- 1 V. McArter, wages and mileage, :Smith -Man 'That the general I perintendt nt be passed, $214.22; J. Smith, wages, $101,20; M. Craig, wages $227.70; Mel Brad- burn, wages, $59.00; A. Inkley, fuel oil and grease, $181.40; Corrigated i Pipe Co., culverts, $139.79; S. Swee- ney, bulldozing, $552.00; Listowel Transport, freight, $8.98; Dominion 1 Road Machinery Co., repairs, $341.- 17: G. Nicholson, cutting grass, $137.50; G, Radfond, crushing gra- vel, $3,025.44; Belrnes Welding, welding, $19.87; Maitland Ready Mix, cement, $314.28; J. C. McNeil, oil, $42.30; M, Carnichan, backhoe work, $38.50, Stewart Procter, reeve, George Martin, clerk :.5:111; W. Shortreed, court of revi- .on $5.00;; M. Carnoehan, Laidlaw drain, $110,, Johnston drain, $287.- 50; Bodie Craig, Johnston drain, $35,00; W. Shortreed, Laidlaw drain SAVE MONEY An Investors Syndicate plan will help you to have enough in the future. A plan can be tailored to suit your objective whether it's owning a new horde, educa- ting your children, buying a business or providing for your retirement. See your Investors man -- your best friend financially. THOMAS JARDIN Box 394 - Phone 147 WINGRAM, ONTARIO Investors OfoprndiciocFthco CANADA. t t :4 1 T C D Head Office: 'einem • Offices in Piinc;pnl Cilia! r-• MAIL THIS COUPON TODAYeal 1 TnomAS JAft.DIN Box 394, Wing -bans Ont. ; 1 Address ........ a Name ....1.1.00.. City Prey. li 18 - _ ieraginumakk 9 BELCRAR Miss Marlene Walsh and Miss Eleanor Walsh of Kitchener were visitors with Mr, and Mrs, James Walsh. Mr, Jack Allen and Mrs. Thyra Townsend of Toronto visited over the week -end with Mrs, Tom Smith, Miss Karen Anderson of Strat- ford spent the week -end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Ander- son. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Grasby, Donna and Mary, spent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. Jess Chri- tianson of London, Mr, Harry Hirtzel and Mr. Mor- ris Hertzel of Crediton spent San - day with Mr. and Mrs. James Coultes and family, Mr. and Mrs, Dave Armstrong • spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Armstrong of London. Mr, and Mrs. Ken Wheeler, Mary 1 Anne and Ivan spent Sunday with 1 Mr. and Mrs, Harold Buffet of c:'trrlili�l111LttirlriIlli'Tiilit�li!�lll�t��nitili{rin>riulflnitrul�ul�lu�luwln�lllr�lu�nrwlnrinwl 'L-'' 1 II 01,11 FORMOSA BRANCH S it i i IS NOW SUPPLYINfi ii i 0 _i !r 7 y_ ■ a ARTIFICIAL I\SEMINATION r i_ 1 FOR VV i i i _~ii -GO A TS -6: i •i ,_ i • if Yiaterloo Cattle BreedIn ASSOCIATION r i IIIINIIIr111! II111Ili111111 ell!11111111'1111INIIit1111III111111111/III111IIIlt1111.111 1111i1il111lhrllllw11111111)ti OVER 40 LADIES assistecl in arranging the mier, on Monday evening. Part of the large reception for Hon, John Roberts, provincial pre- crowd in attendance is seen here.—A-T photo. Carsonville. Mich. Miss Stella Nethery, Mrs. Harry McGuire and Mrs, Dave Armstrong spent a day last week with Mrs. Neil McCrea of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Bolt of Wrox- eter and Miss Lorna Bolt of Kitch- ener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolt. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Ralph McCrea and family of J;lyt.h on Saturday evening were Mrs, Tom Smith, Mrs. Julio 1feN:111 and :\Ti- chael, Mr, and Mrs. James L:tmonr and family, airs. L:tur:t Johnston and George, Miss Mary T,amont and Miss 1•tosentorie Larmont. \1r. Martin Grasby and .Tice Lois liras by and Mr, .Jerk Allen awl Mr:4. Thyra Townsend of 'Toronto '\i N01 McCrea rl•i ur11t•tl 1 1 oI t, ,1' with them to spend it f•t•,• t.I t to with Mr, aura Mrs, 11. Williamson of Toronto, Mr, and errs. Albert Vinseni spent Sunday with Mr and 3 Lis Vineerli and f,IJuiIV in London. Eleven Receive First Communion Rev, Fr, Freker offici,tt.ed for the Sacrifice oP the• Mass at. s a.m. • Sunday in Sacred Heart. I-Swilnn Catholic Ch•urelJ, \\•ingharn, when eleven children received their first communion. They were (af herine White, Fay Moir, Debbie Reij,•ririlc, i Sharon Peijerirrk, I,ruet• Ortlit•b, Bruce Skinn, John Hamilton, .John Crawford, William Bauer, James! DoGroot and John J3rnyn.e. The choir of Secured Tit art Sep- arate Sihuot sang +htr•iilg t he •rr- vice, IT'S SCHOOL TIME AGAIN We attended the Annual SHUR-GAIN Feed School September 1.9th and 20th in Toronto. This is just one way in which we try to keep up-to-date on the management of livestock and poultry. We spent two days at school so we can be of greater service to our customers. ASK US ABOUT IT—WE HAV THE ANSWERS TO YOUR PROBLEMS Wmgham Feed Mill ?i'IGNE 142 WZNGUAM C, G.I. T C.G.I.T. Elects New ,Officers BELGRAVE --The C.G,I.T, meet- ing was held on Friday in the (001(11 and opened with the sing- ing of verses of the C.G.I:.C, hymn, followed by the purpose and basic Scripture. The secretary's report was read by .Joyce Proctor and the treasurer's by Marilyn Camp- bell. Next meeting will be held on • ()farther 12th. The election of officers resulted as folhrvs: Pres„ Marilyn Camp. bell; vit'e.pros., Lynda Cortese', sec., IFelen Anderson; estst., ha:on Fit avis: trews,, Ruth Michie; asst., ' l,r:fttta Grasby; pianist, Joyce Proc.. tor: asst„ Audrey Coulte, ,3 etanmittet• was sot up to put ,t::•:fy the chairs and clean up af_ tet' the meeting, consisting of Marie ('uttlt,•s and Janette Johnston, Ruth Michie taught a .new song called, "If I Had a Hammer". Mar - Fyn Campbell and Joyce Proctor ;; ere in chamge of the worship ser - viers Marilyn gave the call to worship, followed by Scripture reading and Joyce read the story. A hymn was sung ana Wendy !'car ant! Janette Johnston took subject was "Idolatry", Chapter up theoffering. The groups div- 7 of Deuteronomy was read in i.led into two: The intermediates Unison. • , IDOLATRY SWEET OF U.C.W. STUDY BELGRAVE---The Evening Unit of the United Church Women met on Wednesday evening in the church. Mrs, Ted Fear, leader, op- ened the meeting with a poem, "If Only", followed by a hymn and the Lord's prayer in unison. There were two home and seven hospital visits reported. A reminder of the Thankoffering meeting for Wed- nesday, Oct, Srd was given, It was decided that each member donate 10 cents to the Messengers' re- freshments for their graduation services, Mrs, J. Coultes was In charge of the worship and gave the call to worship, followed by the general thanksgiving in unison. Scripture was read by Mrs. Ted Fear and meditation on the Scripture was read by Mrs, J. Coultes and a hymn was sung. The study, "On Asia's Rim", was taken by Mrs, George MIchie and the chapter on Korea was studied. Bible study was lend Mrs, rs, Ross Anderson and the with Miss C1rff Logan decided to study, "The Encounters of Jesus", The seniors, with Mrs. H. J, An- Ilersa,l are to study a book of the ()Id 'I'estantcatt, "Psalms", The meeting closed with Taps, S.S. Awards at St. Paul's Church .\t the regular morning service in St, Paul's Church on Sanday morning, children of the Sunday School received attendance: awards presented by the superintendent. Alvin Higgins, The following received books as Prise : Mary Ahara, Edith Austin, titian Cronkwright, Teddy Ahara. Catharine Wenger, Mary Austin, (;ary MacKay, Brian Deyell, John bene:ul, Russel Porton, Wayne Carter, Parol Higgins, ;Tulle Fox. ton, Laurie Ireneau, Marlene Fox ton, Richard Hodgins and Allan Fox ton. The reef.or, Rev. C. F, Johnson, , abut presented members of the Jr. Congregation with their attendance feuds, which are received when ile;v have attended for twelve Sun - clay::, These were Judith Biggs, Paul ('r,nnell, Laurie Deneau, Douglas lelJaron, •Tulle p'oxton, Cathy Hudgins, Carol Higgins, Kathleen Ring, Michael King, Trudy Mar Katy, brad MacKay, Iirtith Nr'thery, James Ritter, Debbie Salter and Lorna Wenger, Thirteen of the fifteen .Junior Congregation winners were present and all seventeen of the Sunday l;c}lool pupils wet' on hand to re tel*.'e their awarder. A panel discussion with Mrs. Cliff Logan, Mrs. Gordon Bosman and Mrs, Sam Pletch taking part, on the subject of Idolatry was held. It was stated that "if our greatest desire oz' loyalty,is given to some- thing other than God, that is idol- atry". Mrs. Roy McSween con- ducted a contest on "Winds", Grace was sung and lunch served, Mrs. Alan Dunbar will be hostess for the next meeting on November 7, with Mrs. Jack Taylor in charge of the study and Mrs. Albert Bie- m.an in charge of lunch. G. L. Ernest Moved To New Post The Shell 0}l Co. of Canada Ltd,, recently announced the appoint. ment of Grant L, Ernest as Ham- ilton District real estate represent- ative. Hamilton Distl'}et includes such cities as Niagara It'a11s on the easterly limits and Kitchener on the west, As real estate representative Mr. Ernest is primarily responsible for the development and acquisition of retail outlets and the ,management of existing properties, Grant has held a number of posi- tions with the company in Toronto and Hamilton, including that of reseller representative, just prior to his present appointrent. The junior choir, under the di.. rection of Mrs. G. L, Davirison, sang an anthem, "Woodland Pray- er", with Mary Ahara taking the solo. The junior choir also contri- buted to the service by singing '"rhe Lord's Prayer" and a vesper. PREMIER VISITS SCHOOL ---A reception for Premier John Robarts was held at the Wingham District High School on Monday night when nearly 500, people went through the receiving • WHITECt1URCH Miss Helen Macintosh, of Van- couver, who, with a friend has spent the past two months touring the British Isles, visited last week with her sister, Mrs, Annie Mc- QuilIin, and Mrs, Neil McCallum, of Lucknow, and with Whitechurch friends, This Sunday, Thanksgiving 'Sun- day, is World Communion Sunday, and will be observed in the United Church here, Baptism Sunday will be October 14th, Miss Gertrude Stewart, of Cooks- ville, is spending this week with Mr, and Mrs, Harold Walker, Mr. and Mrs, George Thompson and sons ,of Feversham, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Milian Moore, Mrs, D. Willis visited on Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Musgrove, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bennett Mitchell, of Molesworth, Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Beecroft were in London on Saturday and 1 Miss Janet Watson, of Aylmer, ac - companied them home for the week -end, BIRTHS JOHNSTON--On Sunday, Septem- ber 30, 1962, to Mr, and Mrs, Jack Johnston, of London, in Vic- toria Hospital, a daughter; a sister for David and a grand- daughter for Mr, and Mrs. Ger- shorn Johnston, -SCHOLTZ -- In Goderich Hospital on Wednesday, September 26, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Scholtz, a son, a brother for Karen and Lease. FLEIRSCH•AIJER -- On October 1, 1962, in Clinton Hospital, to Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Fleirschauer (Barbara Parker), a daughter•, a great-granddaughte,. for Mr, and Mrs, Ben McClenaghan. Large Vote at Advance Polls If the number of voters at the four advance polls in the riding is any indication, we can expect .a near -top turnout for the regular balloting tomorrow, Returning Officer W, B. McCool reports that 232 ballots were cast in the advance polls which were open three days at end of Iast week. They were located in Mildmay, Rip- Iey, Brussels and Wingham, line. Jim Hamilton of Wingham is seen shaking hands as PC candidate George McCutcheon makes the introduction, --A4 photo. LIBERAL SPEAiERS Murray (;aunt chose as Itis theme for his last ltlalfurtn :Heiress res - AT LUCBNOPP MEETINfi ponstotattbilitye,He unsaid tier• llttrt of ole c. the electorate is Liberal candidate Murray Gaunt addressed a largely -attended polit- ical meeting in the Lucknow town hall last Friday evening. Officially welcomed by Reeve George Joynt, the meeting enthUsi- astieally supported Murray Gaunt, and the guest speakers on his be- half, These in luded Bob Nixon, M,P.P. for Brant; Ross Whicher, M.P.P. for Bruce and Bob Hether- ington, mayor of Wingham. The meeting was chaired by George Inglis, president of the Huron - Bruce Liberal Association, Bob Nixon summarized the gov- ernment's position as one of grow- ing mismanagement, successive scandals, neglect of law enforce- ment, neglect of both agriculture and education and fear of change. "We are not afraid of change. True reform is the answer. I feel that tonight's enthusiasm is a fore- runner of next Thursday's support for Murray Gaunt, a truly out- standing candidate to represent the people," he concluded. Ross Whicher, opposition critic of the government in the financial field at Queen's Park, said that On- tario is in as bad financial trouble as is Canada itself, He pointed out that the province spends over a billion ,dollars a year and too much of it on civil service salaries. Bob Hetherington spoke on two subjects; He attacked the leeches who regard a political campaign as an opportunity to get some easy money instead of an opportunity, through voluntary service and con- tribution, .to elect decent people to make for decent government, Until people choose to work voluntarily rather than for handouts they will never achieve the greatness in gov- ernment that is possible, he said. "Murray Gaunt has the training for the job of member of Parlia- ment. He has outstanding ability, leadership qualities demonstrated by organization and is devoted to the principal of public service ra- ther than private gain. Murray can stand on his own feet and speak persuasively and convincing- ly, Murray Gaunt is the man to send to Queen's Park," he con- cluded, often too apt to think of the legis- lators at Queen'; Park as "they" when they should be thinking ot them as "vee". He saw the faults„ of government as the faults of the electorate unless air! until the lat- ter turned the guilty out of office, N 144 ask your DR(JCG/ST for_' NIXON'S PELLAGRE STOPS S&;OVRS Y PREVENTS IKON DEFICIENCY Y CONTROLS KERVINESS to' INSURES TOP wlaeirr GAINS PELLAGRI:.X PASTE eaessFE BAY TO IRON 'TOUR PIGS, , NIXON LABORATORIES L70. Okla:UtVicl E. ONT, McKibbons Pharmacy PHONE 53 - WING -HAM KEN'S ALIMENT SERVICE t'HONE 3 u5 - DIAGONAL ROAD WING MM GODS BCH DEAL R SH Starring the new models from AMERICAN MOTORS CHRYSLER INTERNATIONAL FORD CEN RAIL MOTORS VOLKS'WACEN STIJIIFE KER. RENAULT Free Admission Free .Door Prizes Free Refreshments Free Entertainment GODEfiICH ARE Thursday- Friday, Odober 13 12 Sales awl Finance consultants will be there to help you CJ1t11'di1Ueac MUST BE ACCOMPANIED ii'Y AN MAIM'