HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-09-26, Page 4tap Four The %Virl,gloom Advanec-Times, W1 b tl Sept. 26, 1902 ,,,, fa T*RENT - S L k t+ t?LI rai?ar 5n I R.:. * T R A ly e. • nif01111. FIND IT IN DIE WANTADVIN FOR SALE POR SALE Forced air oil furn- ace. Phone 633. 26'k FT;NCE POSTS for sale, all sizes, any quantity. Hurry Bateman, phone 737W3. 26"' AFRICAN VIOLETS for sale, in full bloom. Mrs, AI1en, Catherine St., phone 041j, 20-3b ROAST CHICKEN, oven ready and packaged ready for freezing. Mrs. Harold Elliott, ,Bluevale, phone 709W4. 26-3-17b THREE girl's coats for sale, 8, 10 and 14, also man's suburban coat. Can be seen at Templernan's Cleaners. 26* APPLES FOR SALE McIntosh, Tolman Sweets and Snows. Tak- ing orders for Spies and Delic- ious. Any quantity. Free delivery, Harry Brydges, phone 618W2. 19-26b COIT MIDDY and skirt for sale, size 12, Good condition. Phone 389, 26b 4 PUPPIES for sale. Two months old, mother German Shepherd. Phone Donald Walker, Wingham 72134. 26b SEWING MACHINESALE -Smit- ty's in Hanover can save you 260.00 on the purchase of a new Famous Arrow Automatic Sew- ing Machine during their 13th Anniversary Sale at SMITTY'S SHOPPING CENTRE, HAN- OVER, 19-26-3 FOR SALE --Potatoes, large slicing cucumbers, and eob corn. Anth- ony Sehefter, phone 403J3. 5-12-19-26b G•IRL'S blue coat for sale, size 12; misses' black and white coat, size 13. Reasonable, Phone 173, even- ings. 26b CEMENT GRAVEL for sale, top soil, delivered, Lloyd Whytock, phone 715W3, Wingham. lrrb ELECTROLUX Sales & Service. H. McDermitt, phone 59R31, Fordwich. 4rrb $'ILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice, repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners of all makes for sale. Robert K. Peck, Varna, telephone Hensall 696R2. l6rrb SLASHED PRICES •- Many late models used sewing machines, portable or cabinet models at terrific savings, from $29.50 up. Contact Singer Sewing Machine Co., Goderich, phone JAckson 4- 8431, or Wingham 665. 24b FOR SALE OR TRADE on Hol- stein heifer or pigs, one power washing McCormick - Deering cream separator, like new; one Moffat pail water heater; one sink and stand, suitable for barn use, John Norman, Wingham, phone 640.12, 26b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 7 -ROOM HOUSE for sale in Wing - ham, Good location, near main street. Part mortgage can be ar- ranged. Phone 536R, 26* TWO -DWELLING home, Victoria Street, for sale. Good income pro- perty, Contact Mrs. A. McManus, 12 Waddell St., Stratford, phone 271-7992 or William F. Sturdy, 108 Highman Ave., Galt., phone 621-1631, ' 19-26h REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 2 -storey red brick, kitchen, din- ing and living room, 3 bedrooms, 3 -piece bath, oil furnace, asphalt roof, newly decorated. Lot front- age of 290 ft, with a depth of 24.4 ft, Immediate possession, Full price $11,000,00. 1312 -storey house in Whitechurch, 3 bedrooms, large living room, kitchen with built-in cupboards, new 4 -piece bath, water on pres- sure from drilled well. Property in good repair. Full price $4,700.00. For your real estate requirements contact- . WILLIAM S. REED REAL ESTATE $RORER Phone 292M - Wingham 19-26b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE .7 FEEDER STEERS for sale. Mrs. Percy King, phone 512J1. 26* PUREBRED YORKSHIRE BOARS for sale, serviceable ,age. Top R.O.P. bloodlines, Priced right. Robert Wood, I.akelet, phone Clifford 122.71. 26b POULTRY I+OIi, SALE 150.175 RED SUSSEX hens for sale, year old, Phone Brussels .344J4. 26* 100 PULLETS for sale, Baboock Bessie X Columbia Gray, S mos, old, raying some. Robert Kreiler, phone 81914211, Wroxeter. 26h SALES IIEL•P WANTED -MALE FI,AWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW OPEN IN 'Huron County. Trade well established, Excellent oppor- tttnity Full tune. Write at once.. Itawleigh, Dept, I-453.189, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 26b FOR RENT PRIVATE ROOM with board for elderly lady, Kindly care given. Phone 61632, 26.3b CENTRALLY LOCATED apart- ment available to reliable couple, November 1st. Apply Box 93, Ad- vance-Times, 26b CENTRALLY LOCATED office space available, November 1st, Apply Box 94, Advance -Times, 26b KELP WANTED -, MALE FARM elose to Seaforth --- beef, swine, poultry. Modern equip- ment, good working conditions, Yearly employment for right man. Good pay. Hours; 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Saturday, Ref- erences required. Apply in writ- ing to Box 89, Wingharn iAd• Vance -Times, 19-26b TAXI SERVICE FOR. ALL OCCASIONS call Lee's Taxi, for long ur short trips. Phone 185. 4rrb MISCELLANEOUS WIN a Hoover vaeuunr cleaner at Sehuett's Mildmay Furniture Store, Enter your name. No ob- ligation to buy. Draw to take place on October 15, 1962. In- spect Harding carpets; new pi- anos; Kroehier chesterfields; Hoover cleaners.- -G. E. Schuett, Mildmay. 19-26b CAREER SCHOOLS, Watchmaker - Jeweller, Barbering, Hairdress- ing. Ask for prospectus, transpor- tation allowance and benefits, TRANS -CANADA BEAUTY IN- DUSTRIES, LTD., Moncton, N.B, 19-26-3b COURT OF REVISION MORRIS TOWNSHIP b'EIYIALE HELP WANTED The Court of Revision on the 1963 Assessment Roll for Morris HELP WANTED -- Girl, not over 30, must be fast and willing to work. Good wages, Apply Good's Coffee Shop after 2 p.m. 26b WANTED Reliable woman to care for three small children in my home, four days weekly 7.30-4.30. Phone Brussels 338.16, 26-3* WANTED IMMEDIATELY -Baby sitter to live in, five days a week. Phone 63033, Wingham, or con- tact Mrs. Don Cartwright, R. R. 1, Belgrave, 26b WANTED HALF -TON PICK-UP wanted. Ap- ply Cameron's Billiards, 26b CLEAN cherry or lard pails want- ed; also child's rocking chair or rocking horse. Phone 942J, 26b HARDWOOD BUSH AND LOGS WANTED. Top prices paid, Craig's Sawmill, Auburn, phone 526-7220. 26-3-10* TUTOR for Grade XI student in mathematics, Box 84, Advance - Times. 19-26-3*' WANTED -Rock elm for timbers over 14 in. in diameter. Also good elm, soft maple and hard. maple bush lots. Les Morley, R. R. 2, Ailsa Craig, phone 293-3009. Je20-Dc26* NOTICE TO CREDITORS Township will be held in the Town- ship Hall on October 1, 1962, at 2;30 p.m, 26b Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. NOTICE If you are thinking of financing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first, Reuben Appleby, R. R. 2, Wingham, phone 703W3. Je13-Sp26* FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sick- ness Home Protection - Call your CIA Agent -Lloyd Montgomery Wingham, R. R. 5, Phone 74331 21rrb ARE SOX -TOOL EXPENSES PRESSING? Help Out Family Budget Earn with Avon Territories available in Bluevale i area and Westfield area. Car es -i sential. Write Mrs. M. Millson, 960 Wellington Road S., London, Ont., or call GE 2-9019 between 7 and 8 p.m. (1) CURRIE AMBULANCE WINGHAM Day 51; Night 636 or 716 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ANNIE MARIE PORTER, ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Turnherry, in the County of Huron, Married Woman, who died on the sixteenth day of June, 1962, are re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the Sixth day of October, 1962. After that date the executors will proceed to distribute the es- tate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 17th day of September, 1962. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontarilo, Solicitors for the Executors. 19-26-3b DEADST'OCK WANTED REMOVAL SERVICE - We are licensed to remove your dead or crippled farm animals for sanitary disposal in an inspected renderin; plant, FREE REMOVAL-Pihone No charge to ZENITH 88540 o Wingham 278 or Palmerston 123W GORDON YOUNG LIMITED, TOR ONTO - BARRIE - ELMIRA. Li cense No. 14 & 15R62 - 143 & 144-0-62, rrb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL- DARLING & Company OF CANADA LIMITED Wingham 56IJ Dead Animal Lie. No. 175-C-62 Jny3rrb MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service Highest Cash Prices Paid for Dead Cows arid Horsed Inver 1100 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses accord in andcondition, s to size e nd tion, FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT Bruce Marlatt Brussels Phone 133 24 HOUR SERVICE License No. 193-0-62, 121 -/LP, 02 FOR NEW AND TJSED WELDERS CONTACT: JACK WOOLCOCK Forney Welders & Supplies R. R. 2, WINGHAM. 5-12-19-26b WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate and Business Broker For prompt service in buying or selling all real estate properties. FARMS - HOMES BUSINESSES Ph. Wingham 292M J31rrb 4 DRAIN TILE 4" $ 55 per 1,000 delivered 5" $ 85 per 1,00() delivered 6" $110 per 1,000 delivered 8" $180 per 1,000 delivered Abbve prices based on 1,000 linear feet in full truck loads or more delivered within 35 Mlle radius of our plant. For detailed prices on all sizes of tile, either delivered or F.O.S. our plant at "{entry'', write or phone The HENDERSON Co. TILE MANUFACTURERS R. R. No. 4, ATWOOD, ONT, Phone Atwood 356-2624 12-19-26* WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. THE Head Office, Dungannon Established 1878 BOARD OF DIRECTORS .President, Brown Smyth, Dun- gannon; Vice -Pres., Berson Irwin, Belgrave; ,Directors -Paul Caesar, R. R. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Goderich; Ross McPhee, R. R. 3, Auburn; Donald P. Mac - J' ay, R. R. 1, Ripley; John F. Mac- Lennan, R. R. 3, Goderich; Allan MaeTntyre, R, R. 5, Lucknow; Wil- liam Wiggins, R. R. 3, Auburn. For information on your insur- ance, call: your nearest director who is also an agent, or the secretary, Prank _P. Thompson, Dungannon, phone Dungannon 48. $12162 COMING EVENTS BRUCE COUNTY HOLSTEIN CLUB I3red Heifer Sale, includ- ing seven tops from Huron County. October 9 at Walkerton, CE26-8b LEGION BINGO every Thursday In Lucknow Legion Miall, 8.45 p.m,. sharp. 12 regular games for $10, 3 share the wealth and one spec- ial for $50.00 must go (no limit for Laths), CEl7rrb CARDS OP THANKS� We wish to express sincere gratitude and appreciation to our friends and neighbours for their many expressions of kindness and sympathy extended to us during our recent bereavement. - David Murray and family. 26b We wish to express our thanks and appreciation to friends and neighbours for their kindness and expressions of sympathy extended to us at the loss of our mother. - Lloyd and Jack Taylor and fam- ilies. 26* We wish to express our heart- felt appreeiation to our relatives, and friends for the many expres- sions .of sympathy to us in our re- cent sudden bereavement. -Margar- et and Harold Robinson, 26* We wish to express our deepest gratitude to our relatives, neigh- bours and friends for their sym- pathy and kindness to us in our recent bereavement, and for the Iovely floral tributes and for do- nations to Gideon ,Bibles. Thanks also to Drs, Corrin and Klahsen and the staff of the Wingham General Hospital; also to the Moir Funeral Home and to Rev. Fred Taylor, of Gorrie.-The Wylie Family. 26* I wish to extend my grateful. thanks to Dr, Klahsen the staff of Wingham General Hospital, Walk- er's Ambulance, Rev. F. Taylor; to Dr. S. Sober and staff of 4th floor St. .Ioseph's Hospital, London, Mr. Jim Wylie and friends and neigh- bours for letters, cards and gifts sent to me while in the hospital. - Mrs. Marion Longstaff, Wroxeter. 26b TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR SNOWPLOWING TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 4.00 p.m,, Tues- day, October 2nd, 1962, for snow- plowing in the Township of Howick for the year 1962-63. Tenders to be submitted on Township tender forms to be ob- tained from the Road Superintend- ent, .Anson Galbraith, R. R. 1, Gor- rie, Ontario, Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, W. E, Whitfield, Clerk, Township of Howick, Gorrie, Ontario, 19-26b TENDERS WANTED MORRIS TOWNSHIP Tenders for the contract of con- structing the Sholdice Drain will he received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, October 1, 1962. The drain consists of 4856 lineal feet of oovered drain. The tile will be supplied by the Town- ship. Plans and specifications may he seen at the Clerk's office. A certified cheque for 10 percent of the contract price must accompany each tender, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Geo. C. Martin, R. R. 4, Brussels, Clerk 19-26b TENDERS WANTED WINGHAM ARENA NEW FRONT Tenders on the general contract for new front on the Wingham Arena, in Wingham, Ontario, will be received by the Town Clerk at his office up until 5 p.m., Septem- ber 28th, D.S, Time. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Drawings and specifications may be obtained from Robert E. Brown, Walkerton, Ontario, Box 570, upon deposit of $35.00 which will be re- funded when plans and specifica- tions are returned in good condi- tion, Plans on display at the Kit- chener Builders' Exchange. 26b RIPLEY, ONTARIO TENDERS FOR AN ADDITION TO TILE RIPLEY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Scaled tenders on a stipulated sum basis plainly marked "Tenders for an Addition to the Ripley Dis- trict High School, Ripley, Ontario," will be received until 5:00 p.m. MONDAY", OCTOBER 8, 1962, at the offices of Salter and Allison, Architects, 29 Clapperton Street, Barrie, Ontario, or by Mrs. Mary C. MacDonald, Secretary- Treasurer, Ripley District High School, Ripley, Ontario. Plans and speoifications will be issued to general contractors by the Architects on or after Monday, September 24th, 1962, on deposit of a certified cheque made payable to Salter and Allison, Architects, in the .amount of TWENTY -WIVE DOLLARS ($25.00), The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Salter and Allison, Architects, 29 Clapperten Strati, Barrie, Ontario, 26b CARDS OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere gratitude to friends and neighbors who helped make our 50th wedding anniversary an enjoyable event, Everything was greatly .appreciated, Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hamilton for the use of their home, --Mr, and Mrs, Morris Bosman, 26* I wish to express my sincere appreciation to all my friends who sent letters, cards or gifts, to all Iwho visited me and for the kind- ness shown me while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London,•• -Chester Gilkinson, 26* 1 wish to thank all my relatives and friends who sent me flowers, cards and treats while a patient in. Victoria and Wingham Hospitals; the staff of nurses, also Dr, Klah- sen, Dr. Corrin, Rev, G. L. Fish and Rev. D. Sinclair. - Thomas Gaunt, 26* I would like to express my thanks for ,all the cards, flowers and visits that I received while In Listowel and Kitchener -Waterloo Hospitals. They were much appreei- ated, Special thanks to the doctors, staff and nurses of both hospitals. -John McElwain, Fordwich, 26b I wish to thank sincerely the friends who so kindly remembered me with cards, letters, gifts and visits while in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, Special thanks to Rev, G. Fish and Mr, Pym. Also to the Furness family for helping at home, --Mrs, Nelson Pickell, 26* AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE Monday, October 1st, at 1:30 p.m., farm, farm stock, implements, hay and grain, Highway 86, 4 miles west of Wingham. Terms - cash on chattels. Terms on property made known day of sale. Angus Falconer, Prop., L. G. Bryce, Auct. 26b AUCTION SALE Clearing auction sale of farm stock and machinery at Lot 17, Con. 8, Morris Township, 1'4 miles north .and 3 miles west of Walton, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, at 1 p.m. Cattle -- 1 cow; 8 cows, fresh 2 mos.; 1 oow, bred in June; 1 cow, due in Oct,; 2 heifers, bred March and April; 1 2 -yr. -old steer; 3 heif- ers, 1 -year-old; 3 steers, 1 -year-old; 5 calves, All well bred Durham cattle. Machinery - W4 McCormick - Deering tractor; McCormick -Deer- ing Ace bottom 3 -furrow plow, (like 'new); McCormick -Deering 15 -run j power lift fertilizer drill; McCor- mick -Deering drop head hay load- er) ; McCormiek-Deering 6 -ft. mow- er; Massey -Harris side rake; 7 -ft. Massey -Harris binder (like new); Oliver 2 -wheel manure spreader; set of harrows; Massey -Harris rub- ber tire wagon with hay rack; Vik- ing electric cream separator (like new); McCormick hammer mill; set of bench sleighs; woven fence stretchers; 32 -ft, extension ladder; 24 -ft, cedar ladder; circular saw and frame; 2000 -ib. scales; sugar kettle; 10 water bdwls; pipe yice; 45 -ft. 7" belt; pig troughs and crate; chicken crate; earl tag punch; grass seeder; cedar posts; lumber; snow fence; slush scraper; sap pan and pails. Household effects -2 beds, mat- tresses; dishes; lamps; sealers; pails. Other articles too numerous to mention, TERMS -CASH. Proprietor, Albert Skelton; Auc- tioneer, Harold Jackson, Clerk, George Powell. 26b MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OP HOWICK, COUNTY OF HURON. UNDER and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be of- fered for sale by Public Auction at the Town Hall in Fordwich, On- tario, on Friday the 5th day of October, 1962. at two o'clock in the afternoon, by Jack Alexander, Auctioneer, the following property, namely; ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcelor tract of land and premises situate, lying and being In the Township of Howick, in the County of Huron, and being com- posed of Lot No. 24 in the Sixth Concession of the said Township of Howick, containing 100 acres more or less. On this property Is said to he situated a brick house with electrilety and water, bathroom and furnace, all in good state of repair; a bank barn, 40x60 and straw shed 28x3b. Electricity and water in the barn, Also a garage. The lands consist of approxi- mately 12 acres bush, 6-8 acres flats and 80 acres workable land. TERMS OF SALE -Ten percent of purchase money on the date of sale and the balance within thirty days, thereafter, when possession shall he given. The property will be offered subject to a reserved bid. Further particulars and condi- tions of sale will be made known op the day of sale or may be had on application to the undersigned. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this Eighth day of September, A,D. 1962, CRA.WFOIR,D & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Mortgagee. 12-19-26b tIBERAL SPEAKERS AT BELh1gRE MEET Three members of the legislature and an aspiring member Friday night told a large and enthaslastic audience that the days of the Tory domination of Queens Park are numbered and that Murray Gaunt, Liberal candidate for Huron -Bruce in the by-election on October 4 Was the :clear choice of those who believed in reform, progress and enlightened administration in pro• vincial affairs. The meeting was held in the Belmore Community Hall and was chaired by George Inglis, president of the Huron - Bruce Liberal Association, Murray Gaunt stated that Qn- tario needs reform as it never diel before, He referred to the appal- ling revelations of the Wintermey- or-inspired crime probe, the "bung- ling" of the three per cent sales tax, the inequality of taxation for secondary education, the "neglect" of the small towns and small farm- ers and business men. Under a re- form government as visualized by John Wintermeyer and the Liberal party, these evils would be elimin- ated, he stated, John Spence, M.P.M. for Kent East aaid that scandal after scan- dal and deficit after deficit has eliminated any faith in the Tories. The inexcusable debt of Ontario now stands at $1,200,000,000, and is still growing, he pointed out. Farmers in Ontario last year had the lowest net income on record, stated Gordon "Sparky" Innes, CARD OF THANKS We would like to thank our rela- tives, friends and neighbours for their help at home, visits, gifts, cards and letters while we were patients in Listowel Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Connors, Dr. D. Munn, Rev. Taylor Mrs. Lillian Gallaher and nurses on first floor and everyone who assisted at the accident. -Doran, Earl John, Doug- las and Allan. Thornton, R. R, 2, Gorrie, Ont. 26b BIRTHS MERKLEY -- At the Cornwall General Hospital on Tuesday, September 18, 1962, to Mr, and Mrs. Harley Merkiey of Corn- wall, a son, Kevin James, a bro- ther for Cathy, BARRIE-At the Wingham Gener- al Hospital, on Wednesday, Sep- tember 19, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Barrie, Blyth, a daughter, WE-MEYER - At the Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, September 19, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wehmeyer, Wing - ham, a daughter. SMITH -At the Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, Septem- ber 20, 1962, to Mr, and Mrs. Wil- liam Smith, Brussels, a daughter, SCHIESTEL -- At the Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, September 23, 1962, to Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Sehiestel, ..R, R. 1, Teeswater•, a daughter. • HAMM--At the Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, September 23, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. George Hamm, Blyth, a son. 1 EIP-At the Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, September 25, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kelp, R. R. 3, Lucknow, a son, Join the 99th Fd. Bty. RCA (M) RECRUITS MAY ENROLL ANY Monday Night AT THE Wingharn Armouries UP TO OCTOBER 1, 1962 12-19-26 PrAtteetidtr BOSTON, LOS ANGELES LONDON THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR AN INTERNATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPER Interesting Accurate Complete 1nterttatton8l News Comae* The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., Heston 15, Mase, Send your newspaper for the time - checked. Enclosed find my theck or Money Order, Q 1year $22. El 6 months $11 C 3 months 65,50 Name Jlddres$ c zona gots Million Dollar Packing Plant Co.op Operated By Elmer, Ireland One of the highlights of our two weeks' vacation in the Mari- times was to meet Douglas Cur- tis, president of the new Nova Sco- tia Co-operative packing plant and to be take an a conducted tour through this new and modern mil- lion dollar plant. Mr, Curtis is sincerely interest- ed in the welfare of the small farmer. In this province farms are M.P.P. for Oxford. He saw as un- fair that all the cost of education should he levied on the property owner. The man who sells his farm and ,draws interest an his money pays none of it. He said that the inclination and the practice of the Tories was to help big companies and big cities --not to help the kind of people who live here. Bob Nixon, M,P,P, for Brant said that the Tories see the hand- writing on the wall here --- "that handwriting being Murray Gaunt" -and that they will spare ,no effort to win this seat. The Tories are on the way out and cannot stand the loss of this riding becoming a finger to point their way to exile from office. Vertical integration In agricul- ture is an abomination encouraged by the Tories in order to pander to big business at the expense of the farmer. Mr, Nixon cited an example of a pea growing farmer co-op canning plant being elimi- nated by a large packing company which then grew its peas on rent - eel land and ,drove the farmers back into the over -production of milk, "The Tory euchre players at Queens Park will not be there in. the next parliament if you start the return to reform by eleci,ng Murray Gaunt'on October 4th," he concluded. small and Most farmers have a small number of dairy type cows, thus the quality of the livestock they have to offer does not come up to the quality of the cattle of* fered to the market by most On. talio far')ners. They market from seven to fifteen ,head of cattle per year, l3eing small units they were unable to bargain and obtain the highest possible prices :for their livestock and sold to drovers who made good profits, Since the new plant has been built they are send - Mg their livestock direct to the plant and are receiving up to thir- ty and forty dollars per head more, '.There are about 10,000 farmers in Nova Scotia, 70 per cent of which are members of the Co-operative. There .are also 500 members who are non -farmers, The necessary funds to erect this plant were raised in a very short time, the new plant built, and processing of livestock commenced within a year. As we were conduetcd through I was very much impressed with •the efficient manner in which the • processing of beef was done, T,he9 slaughter hogs, cattle and lamb and process, package and deliver to the trade, They have no difficulty in obtaining a market for their pro:- duct. ro-duct. It is ,all consumed in the province, The plant has a capacity to handle 225 cattIe and about 700 hogs daily. When sufficient local supplies are not available to keep the plant at full production ;cdress- ed beef is imported from Western Canada. Mr, Curtis is also a farmer and feeds some 300 hogs. All feed is im- ported from Western Canada and although they receive a substantial freight allowance feed is 25 per cent more expensive in Nova Scotia than it is here in Ontario, Mr, Cur- tis said that all people were en- thusiastic about the success of the plant as they realize by improving the financial position .of the 'farm- ed everyone else will be prosperous. Mr. Curtis was quite satisfied that this plant would show a profit at the end of the second year. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY IN WINGHAM For a Girl with some office experience'. Starting salary and prospects for advancement both good. APPLICATIONS CONFIDENTIAL, BOX 91, ADVANCE -TIMES 19-26b 4 • 4 PAUL S. STARR & COMPANY LIMITED Real Estate and Business Brokers "WE SELL RURAL ONTARIO" • Large 2 -storey brick house in the Village of Blyth, divided into 3 apartments, House in good state of repair with forced air coal furnace and stoker, new chimney, large lot fronting on No. 4 Highway, Priced for quick sale at $7,000 with lots down pay- ment. No, 2-625 INCOME PROPERTY IN WINGHAM, Yes, friends, here we have a large house which has been converted into a triplex. This valuable property is at present twinging in over $1,600 per year in revenue, There are 3 nice apartments in it, and each is equipped with modern conveniences, The Dreher lives too far away to look after it and is very anxious to dispose of this pro- perty. Why not call around and let us show you this tine pro- perty, priced et only $10,700, with $3,000 down. No. 2-418 Hundreds of Farms, homes and business properties. Send 50o for mammoth 96 page picture catalogue, J. EVERETT PENNINGTON PHONE -- 392-0064 TEESWATER Local -Agent for: Paul S. Starr & Co. Ltd, HANOVER PHONE 870 AMBULANCE Service CALL -- S, J. WALKER PHC►NE bay and Night -- 106 BUTLER, DOOLEY, CLARKE & STARKE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 44 NORTH ST. JA. 4-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO A. H. WHITISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TENSWATER - ONTARIO Tei, 392-7373, Tecswater Wroxeter -Every Wedfeedo;ir afternoon, 2--4 p.m., or by appointment. Y Frederick F. Hotnuth Phliri.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth► R.O. Mrs. Vida H. Noma), R.H. OPTOMETRISTS PRONE 118 sto Harr i tr► Ontario a BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL. DIRECTORY v 1 e Caviller, McIntosh & Ward CHART +`RI.r,D ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner ,7. E. Kennedy, C.A. Bell Telephone Building PHONE 1;93 WALKER.TON CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, 11td. Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.O. T. G _ . J.DOHA LL i13AIt.ItISTElt., SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Ete. Office -Meyer Meek, Wingharn Pi/ONE 14 r. r