The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-09-19, Page 8Page i1ght The SV,la „'iinmr Alienee -Times, Wednesday, Sept, 19, 1902
Ptritk St., Wingham
Phone 770
ask vow QRUG'l/Sifor,.
8 snaps b4;QVRS
CQNIRUI,S :i t ai l:,Iiss
911n1ipri1tI.S. ONT.
McK.ibbons Pharmacy
PHONE iia - teratIHaiti
KE f 9
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IWA. to Cater for
Fair Board t s"l 1.`L .. i " 1 �.. e
�. it
1 Intl; VS It'1'1 1.1 laity Ant heat
`'t' A Hu•t at the home of Mrs
Leavti Jai:ewes tor the Senterebta
((nett/4g, withal ulleIartt by Mann
1.l la nsai Mrs lelsie Strums, west
hitt, :nail it tine 410th The Scrip
title readmit was ,Iveil by Atte
Kula; laustt•r. Roll can wits, 111Ysster
t i by Il )(u mbers and tutu visitor)
wan a verse till "!Faith`. Mrs. aline
F?IYit•".bong rate 1.I reAtlas e tilt.
Aire a:leer/ion Ft 'son led in tit
litany :1X1:^3 setrong• was in taxerg't'
et the alliin;• btiuli ;;ad Zara Andel
silo :and Mrs L. Jaeatl s artsistt t
1°l tao.! ,4t 11.' lilt:11.11, 10 l':l1t1!t) Ili
k,ui 110:a1'a .10110 r ua, 4.1 tuber 1G
.airs ssea e nem read 3 lent„
titan Poi. J. E. 1,e.eaS)ltt. pzint't
pat et the nt'11oul it) t ;uY^lawn, Al
1,1. -ata. Gentians., the W.A for hales
,sirs AYuit•Ir.u11 seater the n1,eetlns.
• alit player.
I ;ars. i'rtrr Brown e ondutteti 1•
eolirest and lunch way served b)
teobert Allan and Mrs. Fan
, aat',"io 1` ergttson.
Plans Sale, Tea
Fa JIU)WIC'H • The La+lies' Auxi
Bary to Howiek Legion met or
Monday night. Owing to renova
Cions being made at the hall the
group met at the house of 1.11.
laresidN111 Mrs. Andreae Temple-
man. Mrs. Nellie Allan, treasurer
gave a report and Mrs, Serena
Austin, secretary, read the minutes
of the last meeting. Some corres-
pondence was read. Seventy-two
dollars was realized from the booth
the ladies sponsuz•ed at the Lions
The mystery prize was donated
by Mrs. Jack Wilson and won by
Mre. Ross Doig. Pians were made
for an opportunity sale and tea
t1., be head in Furdwieh Hall in
tier tuber. two prizes to be drawn
• tar and tickets to be sold on the
day of the sale only,
At the close of the meeting a
penny auction was held and a de-
licious lunch served by Mrs.
liam Sothern and Mrs. Earl Un-
derwood, assisted by the hostess.
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1,,n us for
need !
g- ol.l to know there's
one place
you can go for anything from a
tankful 1.11 gas to an engine tune-up
anal he sure of heads -up service!
That's here!
El PHONE 139
Among" those who attended Lon-
-eon Pair lae5t ween{ were Mr, end
Mrs. Mel Allen, Me. .and Mas. C'al'
roll Joluisun, Mrs. Tom R'fe('lezn
via, Mrs William Suthet•n, Mrs,
idtl Gallagher, Mr. and. Mrs. Glad
Edi;ar. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kell.
S1r ,and Mrs Harvey McDermitt,
Messrs Larry and Donald McDer-
naitt, Miss Audrey Ruttan, Garfield
Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Sether'tt, Miss Pauline Sothern and
Bill Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
SVurrcll, )Mrs .Sant. Johnson, Mrs
1Vi11ian1 Campbell, .vLr. and Mrs
turn Inglis.
Sir and airs. Crosby Sotheran
spent Stride~' with relatives in. I)-
ierton and Strathroy.
Mrs, Emma Williamson returnee)
home from leoud011 Saturday,
where she had sueilt the past ween
:with Mr. and Mls. Bruce William
Ma and Mae William Austin of
Laney, B.C, are visiting at the
home of the latter's mother, Mrs.
Pearl Patterson and with his pa-
''eut'a at Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Austin Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore visited
to Waterloo on Wednesday at the
bonne ot Mr and Mrs. Frank Ben.
in. Mrs. Moore remained and will
visit for a week at Waterloo and
Miss Sharon Pollock of London
spent the week -end with her pa
Friends of Mrs. John Harrifield
will be sorry to hear that she is
at present confined to Palmerston
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johnson and
Helen attended the Acton Fair on
Miss Pauline Sothern of Wing.
ham spent the week -end with her
parents, Ivlr. and Mrs. Bruce Soth.
Mrs, Ross Doig spent several
days last week at the hone of Mr
and Mrs, - Donald Doig in Galt
Mr. Ross Doig visited Sunday at
the same home.
Week -end visitors
with Mrs
Pearl Patterson were Mr. and Mrs
William Bennett of Timmins and
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Patterson of
Mr. and Mrs. Scott
children of Hamilton
Sunday with Mr. and
Mr. John McElwain returned
home last week' from Kitchener
Hospital where 11e had been con-
fined for several weeks,
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gibson, who
have resided on the fourth con-
cession of Howick for a number
of years, moved their household
effects to William Edgar's house
in the village. Their son, Harold,
and his wife moved to the farm
from the Heise house and Mr. and
Mrs. Gary Jacobson of Listowel
will move into the apartment just
vacated by Mr. and Mrs,' Harold
Mr. and. Mrs, Jack Montgomery
of Milton visited on Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Williamson.
Harvest Home service will be
held Sunday, September 23 in the
Trinity Anglican Church, at 10
o'clock in the morning.
Mr and Mrs. Gary McClement
and Mr, and Mrs. Glenn McClem-
ent and Paul of Listowel, were
Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs
Tom McClement,
Mr. and Mrs, William Mulvey of
Behr -Lore spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, William Sothern.
Keith and
visited on
Mrs, Alex
The Shur -Gain .AII=splash Program
was designed with your poultry
profits in mind. With this Program,
every bill is assured a
propelI;y balanced diet,
virtually eliminating
eegul ,shies
in egg production and quality due
to unbalanced feeding.
Come in, we'll talk about your flock
and the extra dollars
you'll profit with the
Shur -Gain. Alt=Mash
%Viniham Feed MillWINGHAM
Mrs. A.n Jerson: Is
Introduced to Guiles
htO1fl W'I('U The Sleptt ibe
meeting of pit. Anne's Guild wa
belt. at the hullo, or Mrs. Lois Situ
1110115, with a itynw end praye
being used an tate opening', Tie
:5c1'lpt0rr h'ssoit was read by MI's
Idcntrice ,Jordan and a eheple
from the stti iy book, "Tile Roo
of Life", thus read by Miss Louts
The president, Mrs. Jean Sothern
welcuxned Mrs. Anderson, the new
tnit'lister's wife. Mrs. Bennett was
also weleozucd Ituai. thanked. foe
briatging Nils, Anderson and ititt•u-
tineing Ju i to ntenabers who hadn't
timet her previously.
"Your favorite newspaper col -
unlit" was the roll call, and was
answered by 14 members.. They
were inforined of the Sunday
School picnic to be held September
23, harvest Sunday, on the church
grounds, A. business discussion fol-
luwed 111 which members planned
for booth to be erected et the
Fall Fair,
Mrs. Anderson closed the meet..
Ing with prayer and lunch was
served by the hostess and Miss El-
va Foster,
Mrs, Irene Patersori of 'Toronto
spent the week -end with her bro.
tiler, Charles 'l'tiylor; and with her
s mother, Mai, VVilliera Taylor, a
- patient In Munson hospital,
r Mrs, Will Conn and Mr. and .Mrs.
Johnston Conn anent Sunday with
• Mt'. and Mrs, Hardie Slntpeon of
r '1'ceswatet'.
1.1 Miss Elaine Conn and IY[ISs Ke
ren ren Groskortit of 'Toronto. spent
the week -end at the homes of their
Mrs. Millan Moere and falnilY
visited on Sunday with her fa-
. tiler, Rev. W. J, Watt, at Walk-
Mrs. John Miller and her tro-
t he
1 r, Mr. Alex Ivlci{enxle of Lucia
now, visited Sunday with Mrs, Ro.
bert Ross, Mr, and Mrs. .Donald
Ross and children. spent Sunday
at Story Boots Gardens, London.
Mr's. William Henry and Fran
des, and Miss Phyllis O'Brien of
London, spent the week -end at the
Henry farm, Mrs. Henry has eons
pleted her course in hairdressing.
Mr. and Mrs, Dan Tiffin and
family visited on Sunday with Mr
and Mrs, Thomas McInnis, Gorrie
Mr, and Mrs, Wilbert • Schwich
tenberg, who visited last week with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Albert
Coultes, returned .Moine to South
anlpton on Friday,
Mrs, Ezra Scholtz and Mrs. Elroy
Leidiaw were in Clinton on Tues-
day last, attending the funeral of
nine-month Diane Elizabeth Schot-
tz, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Elmer
Scholtz of lien Miller, who passed
away suddenly from a heart ail-
ment, Interment was in Colborne
Cemetery with Re''. Ducklow of
Ben Miller officiating, Besides her
parents, she leaves five brothers
and two sisters.
Mr, Keith Rock has been busy
,during'the past week doing his fall
plowing on the farm he 'bought
from Robert Purdon,
Mr, and Mrs. W, A, Humphrey
of St. Helens and. Mr and Mrs Geo
Walker visited' on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Clifford Menary of Ash-
Mr. Leslie Deacon of Coronach,
Sask., has been visiting over the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Alan
Pattison and on Sunday all visited
with Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Arm-
strong of Brussels.
FORDWICH .-- The general
meeting of the United Church Wo-
nien was held In the Sunday School
rooms on Thursday evening, pre
sided over by Mrs, William Wilson
The theme was "Christ, the
Strength and Hope of Our Lives"
and the roll eall was "The Price
of Success",
Mrs, Mel Alien convened the
program. Mrs. George Pittendreigh
read Scripture and Mrs. Mel Tay -
'or offered prayer, Mrs, Jack
Wilson sang the solo "0 Love of
God". Mrs. Cecil Wilson Introduc-
ed the new Bible study book, "The
Word and the Way", the first
chapter dealing with "What Is Re.
ligion?". A film of Korea, "Land
of Morning Calm", was shown.
Business included buying a new
vacuum cleaner for the church,
donations to the Westminster Col..
lege Fund, grant to Session to as-
sist with the hydro bill, donation
to the Messengers and a payment
for the third instalment of the
missionary allocation,
Envelopes are to be sent out in
place of holding a fowl supper this
year. A bazaar and tea will be held
tater in the fall,
New Study Book
FORDWICH — The Afternoon
Unit of the United Church Women
met le the Sunday School room
on September 6 with Mrs. Wray
Cooper presiding. The theme of
the meeting and roll call were on
The new study book, "On Asia's
Rini", was introduced by Mrs.
Crosby Sotheran, assisted by Mrs.
Agla, Mrs, H. McDermitt and Mrs.
G. Richards. The afternoon was
spent quilting. Lunch was served
by Mrs P. Eurig, Mrs. H. Fraser
and Mrs, W. Lloyd.
111 LillIU Ulf 0111 I.
mothers' meeting of the .Women's
Institute was held last Tuesday
evening in the Memorial Hall with
a good attendance, After the open.
ing exercises the roll call was ans-
wered by easel telling of some-
thing she had learned from her
grandmother, Mrs. V. Emerson in-
troduced the speaker, the new
district president of Braee South.
Mrs. Clifford Hewitt.
Mrs, Hewitt spoke on farm safe..
ty and showed a film on accidents
hazards or the results of accidents
and read an interesting and vita
item taken from a magazine, "Hove
I Face Being Left Alone", telling
of four accidents in the Beryls
district, where the wife was left
after an accident, with the young
children to look after, Mrs. Russel
Ross thanked Mrs. Hewitt for het
timely and interesting tally,
Community singing was enjoyed
Mrs. George Fisher read a paper
prepared by Mrs, Wallace Conn
on the history of china dishes. Mrs
E. E. Walker gave a sp.lenriid re-
port ot the recent convention at
Southampton, Bruce South was
proud of the trophy given by the
Grey -Bruce Area to the Institute
with a 100 per cent report and 100
per cent branch delegates attending
the convention, There were fifteen
delegates there from Whitechurch:
Mrs. Thos. Metcalf and Mrs. Jas,
E, Currie won the prizes for the
grandmother contests.
The national anthem closed the
meeting and lunch of fruit bread
and tea was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart, Doug-
las and Gregory of Listowel were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
James Vittie.
Mr. Doug Wallace of Markdale
spent the week -end with his pa..
rents, Mr. and 1:2x5. Harold Wel-
Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Ryan of God.-
erich visited on Sunday with Mr
and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan and
Mrs, Harry Moss, Jane and Susan
of Plattsville, spent Sunday here,
Mr, Ben McClenaghan, who had
been visiting in Plattsville, return-
ed home.
Mr, and Mrs. S. J. Ellis of Pet:
tawawe •spent. the week -end with
Mrs. D. Willis
Mrs Robert McNall of Lticknow
visited on Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Swan and Mr. and Mrs,
Swan and children spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, John. Swan of
Quite a number from this district
took a day off last week to attend
the Western Fair at London: ,Mr,
and Mrs. Russell Gaunt, Mr, and
Mrs. Wallace Conn and family, Mr.
and Mrs, Carl McClenaghan, Mr.
Charles Martin, Mr, and Mrs. Ezra
Scholtz and Joanne Laidlaw, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Coultes, Mr. and
Mrs, Murray • Shiell, Mr, and Mrs.
Roy Robinso:z and sons and Billy
Naylor, Mr, and Mrs. 'Mason Rob-
inson and Elaine and -Linda Snow-
den, Mr. and Mrs: John McBurney
and Grant, Mrs.. Jahn McGee, Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and' Kirk
Beecroft, Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Currie and Duane.• •
Mr. Walter James, Roy and
Leonard, of Woodstock, spent Sat-
urday with Mr. Arthur Moore. -
Mr, and Mrs. Myles Ste. Marie
and children 'visited an Sunday
With his aunt,' Mrs; Thos. Rowan,
of iAyton.
The UCW of CalvinsBrick United
Church meet this Wednesday even-
ing at the home of Mrs. Mina Mc -
Mr. Eldon Emerson made a fly-
ing trip to his home last week -end,
when his boat, the Murray Bay,
tied in at Hamilton.
Mr. an Mrs. Kenneth Currie
and Joan spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Currie Groff, of Elora,
Mr, and Mrs. 13radley Galbraith
and children spent Sunday with her
parents, Mr: and M. James Doig,
of Wroxeter,
Mrs, T. Marts who spent last
week with her rants, Mrs, Andrews,
Wilson and Mrs. McPhail, left on l
Monday for her home at Holland,
Manitoba. !'
Mr, and Mrs. E. E. Walker spent:
Sunday at the home of their son,
Constable Roy and Mrs Walker, of
Mr, and Mrs, 'Russets Alton and i
Mr, Elmer Alton, of Ashfield, vis- for a List of questions about the
ited on Sundaywith Mrs, Wm, exhibits, They certainly were very
Dawson and Mr, and Mrs, Wesley busy and interested spectators•, as
Shower field for
Miss ul
I/o se�:t�in
WIlITI+.CFITJRCH . - A iniscel-
)ancous shower was held in the
Fordyee .School lust Saturday eve -
sling by Mrs. :Harold haunt, Mrs,
Wm. Rtntolal and Mrs. Norman
McDonald, honoring Miss. Louise
Irwin, prior' to her marriage- this
Saturday, Over 100 women and
children were present.
Mrs, Chester Taylor was at the
piano and en excellent program
was presented, including readings,
accordion and piano selections and
Mrs. David Kirkland had charge
of the co tes1.s Mise Irwinthank-
ed her friends for their grind and
thonghtfui gifts, and a soviet time
was enjoyed daring lgnch,
Homemaking Club
Holds First Meeting
B.ELGRAVE---The first meeting
of the Belgrave Homemaking Chib
No 1, was held Saturday at the
Dome of Mrs, Ted Fear, The meet-
ing opened in the usual way,
The election of officers follow
ed when Linda Johnston was elect-
ed president, Wendy Fear, press
reporter, and the girls will take
turns as secretary,
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs, Clarke Johnston at
9 a.m, Saturday, The roll call was
answered by an abbreviation used
in recipes,
Linda Johnston and Wendy Pear
/demonstrated the correct method
of measuring flour, sugar and lard,
tMrs, Johnston read subject mat-
ter called "Good Food for Every-
body", stressing the use of the
Food Guide for Health, Mrs, Peal
tool( the part on "Vegetables Poi
Family Health" and on "Vegetables
— Fresh, Canned, Frozen 'and
iles have been doing themselves
Proud in the final games. Joe Tif-
fin, as leader, had his team in To-
ronto on Saturday, where they
played a game with the team from
Norwood, near Kingston, and won,
The score was 3-1, This Saturday
a team from. Capreol, near Sud-
bury, will play with them, in • the
Wingham Park, •
Those who made the trip to To
ronto to see the game were Mr,
and Mrs. H, D. McDonald, Mr. and
Mrs, Wesley Tiffin, Thomas Mor
rison and Kenneth, Andrew Hen.
derson, Robert Henderson and
Larry, Elroy Laidlaw, Dawson
Craig and Harvey, Mr.- and Mrs.
Robert Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Purdon, Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Sim.
mons, of Wingham, •Jamieson Pet-
tapiece, Dan Tiffin and Bevin,
Shirley Tiffin, Campbell Thompson
of Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. C.
Robinson, Jimmy, Tommy and
Mrs. Hector McLean
Had Lang Illness
A respected citizen of the com-
munity died in 'Wingham General
Hospital on Friday after a long ill-
ness, She was nn her 81st year.
Born in Turnberry Township,
Mrs, McLean was the former Eli-
zabeth Sara, Bryce, a daughter of
the late George Bryce and his wife,
Jane Turnbull. In 11)09 she was
married to Mr, McLean, who pre-
deceased her on September 4, 1944.
She was a rnember of the Presby-
terian Church and the Rebekah
Surviving are one daughter and
oche son, Mrs, Harry (Jean) Merit -
ley of Wingham and Allan, of Fort
Lauderdale, Fla.; one brother and
one sister, Leslie Bryce of Turn -
berry and Mrs. Nettie Haines of
Guelph. There are six grandchild-
ren and five great grandchildren.
Service was at the Currie fun-
eral home at two o'cloelr Monday
afternoon, conducted by Rev, G.
L, Dish, with. interment in the
Teeswater cemetery. Pallbearers
were L. G. Bryce, Arnold JelIfrey.,
Arthur Bryce, Alvin Mundell, Har-
old Casemore and Arnold Halliday,
Tiffin.they [litted around, getting answers
Mr. James Falconer has sold his to the lists,
house in Bluevale and moved on' Mr, Grout McBurney, who re -
Monday to the Graham farm, in turned home last week -end from
Kinloss, east of corer, w, I working at Montreal, left on- Mon -
Mrs. Cecil Falconer, Mr. James day to register at Waterloo Uni-
Palconer and Lois, spent the Week- versity for his second term.
end with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Wei -1
A/[1,, and Mrs. Chas, Robinsonand
wood, of Caledon,
sons spent the
Mrs, Angus Falconer, Alan and weekt+endwith Mr,
i 1 and' Mrs. Stewart Coupiand, of
evin, spent thweek t
-end w n
her husband and with Streetsville •
riends. ! Mr. and Mrs. Noel Wittich and
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Johnston, of her brother, Billie Lee, of Toronto,
Ashfield, and Mr, and Mrs. Robert spent the week -end with Mr, and
McInnis, of Peeswater, visited on Mrs. Wm. Rintoua and other rela-
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, ,James tives here and in Ashfield, and with
Mclnnts. Mr. and Mrs: James Reid, of
Mrs, Kenneth Wheeler, teacher of 1k/itchell.
s. S. 'Ro, 10, Kinloss, allowed her, Mrs. James Laidlaw and Mr. and
pupils to attend Belgrave School Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw and family
b''air Iast Wednesday on the con- Spent Sunday with Goderich rela-
tion that they find the answers tive3
?all Theme s1.,
Messengers e
WZ OXETi R .. • Jean .Adams,
preelde.nt, was in .the chair for the
September meeting of the Messen-
gers, while Brenda Townsend act-
ed lis pianist, Alt members enjoy-
ed a game to open the meeting.
After the call to worship, Murray
Gibson read the Scripture lesson
and Gary Chambers led in pray.
e1,. Ricky Clarke gave a reading,
"September", Kevin Townsend and
Reggie Kern accepted. the offering
and several ,members presented
birthday 'pennies for the month,
Mrs, Loyd Townsend told Ia story
from the 'study boost
The roll call was answered by
member:5 giving a sign of fail, The
next meeting will be the Autumn
Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Bradshaw
and Vicki returned gnome from a
trip to Alberta and the Western
United States, spending a week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. New-
ton, Edmonton, Mr, Newton is
home frons, Ole hospital and Im-
Misses Nancy Newton, Elaine
Statia and Joyce flelaipel of Lon-
don spent the weep -end at their
Miss Muriel. Haskins, who has
been on • the staff of the Wroxeter
bank .leas left for London, where
she will be employed by the Can-
adian -Imperial Bank of Commerce
at Dundas and Richmond,
Mr. and Mrs. George - Gibson,
Murray and Glen's, Mrs. W, E.
Weir and Miss Gertrude Bush
spent Saturday In Toronto visiting
Mr, a,nd Mrs, Lloyd Web'.
Ross Tomans visited with Ralph
Tomans, Kitchener, on Sunday.
Mr, R. Griffith was a patient in
the Wingham Hospital. last week
for observation.
Mr. and Mrs, James Pritchard
and family of Galt spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs, C, Smith.
Mr, and Mrs. Clements and Mr.
and Mrs. J. Ellul spent the week-
end at their homes,
Mr and Mrs. Lawrence. Ryan,
Mrs, Charles McCutcheon, Mrs, 011.
ver Riley, Theron and Doreen
were in London one day last week
and attended London. Fair,
Sunday guests -at .the .borne of
Mr, and. Mrs. Vernon Denny and
Thelma, Preston, were MI'. and
Mrs, Clifford Denny and ,family
of Owen Sound, Mrs, Laura Mun-
ro and Winifred and Mr. and Mrs.
W. Wright of Wroxeter.
Mr, and Mrs, Clayton Coates and
daughter of Sarnia were Sunday
visitors with Mr and Mrs, Ross
At the baptismal service in the
United Church on Sunday the fol-
lowing babies were baptized: Shar-
on Ann, daughter • of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Brown and Paul Kenneth,
son of Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Mc-
A pi:blie meeting, under .the aus-
pices of the W.I. is to be held in the
Wroxeter community hall on• Wed-
nesday, September 26, at 8.30 p.m,
F. E, Madill, principal of the Dis-
trict High School, as guest, will
speak on the new Wingham Techni-1
cal and Vocational School. Every-
one is welcome. No admission,
LS I CI IL la 5
A5 A
envy ne jimmied through yew. lutlll
funeral director
KA .1 ' _�.---------- -- �.* _
W. �Ni le
Insurance Agency
1.e. A. SCOTT, Salesman
'Phone 712Wi - Wingharl
Manufacturers Life •
Insurance Co.
11ii111�111i111fE11lidlll�Il sill liiMlhl�Il;iti111111! Iiifi►
Drive -In
Wed., Thurs., Fri.
September 19-20-21 a
Hit No, 1.—Shown at 10;00 only
James• Stewart - Richard Widmai1r
Shirley Jones
Hit No. 2 --•,Shown at 8:30 only
Glenn Cordell
Adult Entertainment
(A. mystery) (Cartoon)
Saturday and Monday
September 22-24
Hit No. 1—Shown at 9:45 only
,Terry Lewis - Helen ,Tranbei
Flit Nn, 2—Shown at 8:30
Tony Wright - Shirley Eaton
(A Mystery) (Cartoon)
Tuesday and Wednesday
Seplembelr 25-26
Shown at 8:80 and 16:66
Bob Monithouse
Leslie Philips - Shirley Eaton
An hilarious British Comedy
l,lIu111.I11Iil111111•1Il111IIi 1111M11111111i011111IUIlIS111•ll11111111111lllfiilllifi111af1111111i1111i111
*THERR,-FRL-SAT., SEPT. 20-21-22
Starring Hayley Mills
,The moving: story of a child's faith
—starring BTayley, Mi11s in her
greatest rale
Showa at 1:15 and 9:15
0•- 0 -0•
;tWed, and Thurs. evg,, Sept, 19-20,
are sport ored by the I•Iarrlaton &
Minto - .Agricultural Socy.—Get your
tickets from a public school ehlld---
Advance tickets are 500 --Regular
admission prices Will be charged at
theatre box office—Tickets good for
either Wed, or Thurs, evg., Sept.
19-20—Come to the Fair
NION,yTl;Ji~+."SAVEf, SEPT, 24-25-29
111 Technicolor and starring Natalie
Wood and introducing. Warren
'Beatty in his Very first picture--
a very special star
(Adult Entertainment)
• Muralat lax) tad 9:20
FRI.-SAT. SEPT. 21.0eZ
(In Technicolor)
starring Troy Donahue and
Dorothy McGuire
Troy Donahue does it again—feom
his smashing success in "Perrin"
to his present smash hit of "Susan
Stewart Grainger, Rhonda .Fleming,
Chill W(IIe
..+.. �... �... 1.......,..,,...,,,,,._y, R
Plus •
Sunday late above starts 11 p.m.
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