The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-09-19, Page 7..e ing abbancr Zintr.s,
'Il'trGUAiil, OX1t'i`f1.i11<101 W,EANESPA ', Slll;l" EIVISEIL !9, 1962
i ;its Shown at School
Fair Are of High Qualit
(Continued from. Page Qnel
W 9; Ken Mathers, Morris 8; Mur-
ray Scott EW 9; Willard Ander-
son, Beigrave; .olrir4ey Petition el
W 9; Joyce Nethery, Iielgraw,
Cucumbers; Ricky White, Mor-
ris 3; Lois Eckenswiller EW 7,
Cameron Ancierson, 1elgrave; 13111
Sellers, Morris 8; Neil l3iemar, Bel -
grave; Elaine Robertson EW 7.
Onions; Kith Elston Morrie 7;
eterinry White, Belgrave; Judy
White, Morris 3,
M Parsnips: Joan McLennan Mor-
• ris 8; Brenda Johnston, Bel;rrrve;
Leslie Brewer, Morris 8; Glenn
Walker, EW 9,
Squash; Willie Nonkes, 16W 16;
Debbie Cook, EW 13.
Muskmelon: Sidney White, Mar-
ris 3; Ronnie Cook, Belgrave; Jucly
Cools, EW 13.
• Watermelon: Gail McLennan,
Morris 8; John McKercher, Morris
10; Linda Mary Walden, EW 6;
Larry Robinson 1DW 7; Donald
Pattison, EW 9; John Koopman,
USS 6.
Mangels: Glen Walker, EW 9;
Keith Black, EW 13; Donald Walsh
EW 10; Murray Craig, EW 10.
« Potatoes, early: Kevin Pletch of
Potatoes, late; Richard Ander-
son, Belgrave; Arnold Pease, Mor-
ris 1; Donald Pattison, 111W 9•
Clayton Bosnian, Belgrave; Linde
Walden EW 0; Ila Scott, Belgrave.
. Turnips: Raymoncl Nicholson,
Morris 5; Christine Ilar'tlieb, 13e1-
• grave; Louis Sanders, Morris 5:
Bert Sanders, Morris 5; Jack San-
ders, Morris 5.
Largest Pumpkins: Willie Non-
kes, EW 10; Henry Fedn J•1W J3,'
Sidney White, Morris 3; Rickey
White, Morris '3.
White Beans: Cameron Anderson
Belgrave; Gail Barbour, Morris Fe
'r Kevin Pletch, Belgrave; Gary Bar-
bour, Morris 8; Ila Scott, Belgrave;
Beth Scott, Belgrave,
Coloured Beans; Clayton Pr' -
man, Belgrave; Brian. Warwick,
Morris 8.
Collection of Vegetables: Nnnr'y
Anderson, Beigrave: Kevin Pietc .
Belgrave; Paul Gross, 'NW 16;
• Glen Walker EW 9; Rirhard An-
derson, Belgrave; Ramona Manna,
EW 6.
Jr. Grades, 1, 2, 3, 4
Asters: Warren Thynne, Morris
3; •Monna Purdon, Belgrave; Dun-
can Anderson, Belgrave; Raymond
R VanCamp, Belgrave; .Billie Snell
USS 6; Debbie Cools, EW 13,
Cosmos: Cameron Anderson,
Belgrave; Sharon Cook, USS 6;
Linda Walden, USS ii; Marlene
Armstrong, USS 7; Debbie•-
son USS 16; Kenny Fidom EW 13.
African Marigold: Christine
l3art1ieb, Belgrave; Donald Walker
• Belgrave; Joyee Taylor, EW 9;
Ruth'Ellen Currie, :FIW 9.
-French Marigold: Nancy Brew-
er, Morris 8: John Koopmans, i1
SS 6; Ken Mathers, Morris 8; Mur-
ray Craig, EW 10; Brian Warwick,
Barris 8; Bill Garniss, Morris 7.
Larkspur: Malcolm Anderson, of
e Belgrave.
Snapdragons: Elaine Robinson,
MSS 7;Donnie., .Edgar, Morris 7;
Patsy Casemore, Morris 7; Frank-
lyn, Wilson, Morris 1; Velma Fear
Belgrave; Paul Gross, USS 16.
Pc;tunles: Shirley .Pattison EW
9; Gordon Rinn, Belgrave; Roy Ro-
binson, USS 7; Joyce Nethery, Bel -
grave; Janice Anderson, Belgrave;
John McKercher, Morris 10.
Zinnias: John Congram, EW 9;
Gait Barbour, Morris 8; Donald
Pattison EW 9; Ken Empey, USS
1 16; John McCallum Morris 5; Bren-
da Johnston, Belgrave,
Phlox: Linda Snowden . USS 7;
Louis Saunders, Morris 5; Marilyn
•, Robertson EW 9; Keith Black EW
13; Gail McLennan Morris 8.
Cornflower: Ken Hopper, Mor-
ris 7; Murray Black, EW 13; Eve-
lyn Bieman USS 7; Brian • Black,
'13 Ii;W; Marlene Pletch, 3 Morris;
Arnold Pease, Morris 1,
Gladioli: Nancy Anderson, '13e1-
grave; Janet Haines Morris 7; Ju.
lgine Anderson, Belgrave; Richard
Anderson, Belgrave; Nell Vincent,
Beigrave; Debbie Cook, 1♦1W 13.
Dahlia; Wayne Hopper, Morris
7; Monna Purdon, Belgrave; Arta
old Pease, Morris 1; Glen Walker,
EW 9; Ricicy O'Neil, EW 13; Bev-
erley Casemore, Morris 7.
Bouquet of roses: Jeffrey Thorn-
ton, Morris 10; Janet Haines, Mor-
ris 7; Nancy Anderson, Belgrave;
Cheryl Patterson, USS 16; Raymond
Hanna, USS 16; John McKercher,
Morris 10.
Dining table bouquet: Ray Rob-
inson, BW 9; Donna Walker, Bel -
grave; Donnie Edgar, Morris 7;
Donald Pattison, EW 9; Neil Vin
cent, Belgrave; Alan Walker, Bei -
Living Room Arrangement:
Grant Vincent, Belgrave; Mary
Grasby, Morris 5; Roy Robinson, 9
EW; Donnie Edgar, Morris 7;
Donald Pattison, EW 9; Brian War-
wick, Morris 8, •
Homemade corsage, .not artificial:
Brian Warwice, Morris 8; Mary
Grasby, Morris 5; Judy Cook, EW
13: Janet Haines, Morris 7; Don-
nie Edgar, Morris 7; Keith Elston
Mai ris 7.
Junior Grades
Spys: Clayton Bosman, Belgrave;
Larry Robinson, USS 7; Kathy
Dunbar, EW 13; Ronnie C:oolc, Bei -
grave; I3arbara Cook, Belgrave;
itobert Nesbit, Morris 1.
Snow Apples: Ronnie Cook, 13e; -
grave; Barbara Cook, Belgrave;
Baptist Evening
Mission Circle
The Evening Mission Circle of
the Baptist Church met on Thurs-
clay at the home of Mrs, P. Iloo-
uaard, Mrs, R. Kilpatrick presided.
The meeting opened with the sing-
ing of a hymn, and prayer by Mrs.
D, Sinclair. The secretary then
took the roll call and read the
minutes of the previous meeting.
A. business session followed.
Mrs. G. Hotchkiss read a leiter
of thanks from Miss Laura Collar,
who had received a birthday gift
from the group.
The 'offering was received and a
hymn was sung. Mrs. R. Burchill
read an article entitled "I: Saw the
Dark," and Mrs. F. Collar led 'in
a devotional period on "Promise
and Prayer," She pointed out that
God's promises are to be turned
into prayer, and the result will be
performance of the promises. Pray-
ing Christians ought to remind God
day and night of His promises in
order to hasten their fulfilment.
Prayer is breathing out what God
has 'breathed in.
Letters from missionaries, Rev.
and Mrs. Wm. Large, South Am-
erica, and Miss Bertha Zimmerman,
Ethiopia, were read, and prayer of-
fered for all missionaries by three
members of the group. Mrs. A.
Pr•octcr read an article "A City on
Fire," by "tiss Doris Woodley, mis-
sionary in Brazil.
The meeting closed with a hymn,
and prayer by Mrs, R. Kilpatrick.
Refreshments were served by Mrs.
D, Sinclair and Mrs. R. Burchill.
Larry Robinson, USS 7; Clayton
Bosman, Belgrave; Jahn McCalluin,
Morris 5; Olen Naylor, USS 7.
I McIntosh Reds: Barbara Cools,
Belgrave; Keith Dunbar, EW 13:
Larry Robinson, USS 7; Ronnie
Cools, Belgrave; Clayton Bosman,
Belgrave; Dorothy Nlchalson, Mor-
ris 1,
Apples, any other five varieties;
Larry Robinson, USS 7; Barbara
r•r1s,Belgrave; Robert Nesbitt, 1
Pears;. Paul Gross, USS 16;
Brenda Johnson, Belgrave; Shirley
Johnson, USS 7; Marian Armstrong
USS 7; Beverley Birchill, EW 9;
Betty Johnson, 7 N.W.
Crabapples: Murray Wightman,
USS 6; Richard Anderson, Beigrave
Nancy Anderson, Belgrave; Shirley
Johnson, 7 EW; Nancy Johnson, 7
16W; Lorna Mason, 7 EW.
Basket of assoted fruit: Mur-
ray Rinn, Belgrave; Calvin Niaon,; Janis. Anderson, Bel -
Junior Frrrdes
Pullets, Light breed for egg pro-
duction; Evelyn Bieman, USS 7;
Nancy Dowing, Morris 10; Mary
Grasby, Morris 5; Paul Gross, EW
16; Brenda Johnston, Belgrave;
Elaine Robinson, 7 EW,
Pullets light breech under 5 mos:
Paul Gross, EW 16; Glen Wacker,
EW 9; Donna Walker, Belgravc;
Douglas Walker, Belgrave; Allen
Walker, Belgrave; Bill Sellers, 8
Market .Cockerels:. Donal:. Pat -
'Lison, EW 9; • Glen Walker` EW 9;
Joyce Nethery, Belgrave; Raymond
Nicholson, Morris 6; Brenda John-
ston, Belgrave; Kenneth (lowing,
10 Mor•rIs.
Pullets, heavy breed: Donald Pat-
tison EW 9; Nell Bieman, Belgrave
Bryon Black, EW 13; Donald Wal-
ker, Belgrave; Ray Robinson, EW
7: Douglas Walker, Belgrave.
Pullets heavy breed under 5 rhos:
Ray Robinson, EW 7; Raymond
Nicholson, Morris 5; Beverley Bur-
chill EW 9.
Young Ducks; Duane Currie, 9
EW; Giem Walker, 9 EW; Rodney
White, Belgrave; Keith, Elston, 7
Morris; Iia Scott, Belgrave; Beth
Scott, Belgrave.
Muscovy Ducks: Calvin James,
Morris 3. •
Brown Hen Eggs: Murray
Wightman, SS 6; Neil Bieman, SS
7; Marjorie Procter, Morris 5;
Brian Warwick, Morris 8; Henry
P"ldom, 3;W 13; Cathy Barbour, 8
White :Efen Eggs: Bill Sellers, 8
Morris; Doris Couites, EW 9; Judy
White, Morris 3; Sidney White, 3
Morris; Marlene Pletch, Morris 3;
Sherry Stackhouse, Belgrave.
Seniors, Grades 5 to 8
Mangels: Teel Lutz, USS 6; Tom
Black, EW 13; Billy Fear, Bel -
grave; Ralph Scott, EW 13; Joan
Bosman, Belgrave,
Turnips: Leslie Caldwell, EW 10.
Beets; Larry Nethery, Belgrave;
Mary Ellen Walsh, Belgrave; Mar-
garet Craig, Morris 8; Harvey
Black, EW 13; Douglas Smith 6
USS; Faye Eckenswiller, USS 7. •
Cabbage: Neil, Edgar,, Morris 7;
Murray Elston, Morris 7; Gordon
Campbell, Morris 5; Murray Wal-
ters, Morris 12,
Carrots: Barry Pletch, Morris 3;
Ivan Weieerer, Belgrave; Ronald
McBurney, EW 9; Brian Hopper,
Morris 7; Gerald Brewar, Mortis
8; Linda Casemore, Morris 7.
Cucumbers; Sharon Warwick, 8
Morris; Joe Sanders, Morris 5;
Bobby Black, Morris 6; Ruth Ma-
thers, Morris 8; Brenda VanCamp
Belgrave; Dorothy Kelly, EW 10.
Onions: Brian Fear, EW 10;
Gary Walden, USS 6.
Parsnips: Allan Bosman, Bel -
grave; Gary McSween, Belgrave;
Katherine Fear, Belgrave,
Squash: Eric Campbell, USS 6;
A CALF HALTER donated by Heughan's store,
Wingham, was presented to Brian Hopper, left,
at the Belgrave School Fair as his prize for sen -
for pupils in the dairy calf showmanship class.
The prize was presented by Edgar Wightmman,
right.--Advance-Times photo,
Brian Walden. USS 6; Larry Elston,
Morris 7; Norma. jean Mair, Mar-
ris 6; Margaret Pattison, LW 0;
Mary Snell, USS 8.
Musicmeron: Dianne Casemore, 7
Morris; Dianne .Elston, 7 Morris;
Leonard Robinson, USS 7;
Klashe Koopmans, USS 6.
Watermelon: Rae Mathers, Mor-
ris 8; Donald Vincent, Belgrave;
David Bosman, Beigrave; 1toss
Wilson, (155 16; David McDowell,
13 EW; David Walsh, Belgrave.
Mangels: Joyce Walker, EW 9;
Leslie Caldwell, EW 10; Tommy
Black, 13 EW; Ted Lutz, USS 6;
Carol Gooier, 10 EW; Muray Walsh
10 EW.
Potatoes -Larry Elston, Morris 7
Gary McSween, Belgrave; Ted
Lutz USS6; Dianne Elston, Morris
7; David Bosman, Belgrave; Mary
Ellen Walsh, Belgrave,
Potatoes, early: Ted Lutz, USS
6; Ruth Anne Pletch, Belgrave.
Turnips:Ted Lutz, USS 6;
Ralph Scott, EW 13.
Largest pumpkin: Carol Govier,
10 EW; Ann McKercher, ]Morris
10; Larry Walters, 12 Morris; Les-
lie Caldwell, 10 EW.
White Beans: Sharon Warwick
8 Morris; Donald Bosman, Bel -
grave; Ruth Ann Pletch, Belgrave.
Coloured Beans: Ted .Lutz, USS
6; ,David Bosman, Belgrave; Lloyd
Michie, Morris 5,
Collection of Vegetables: Joyee
Walker, EW 9; Ted Lutz, USS 6;
Audrey Coultes, Belgrave; George
Johnston, Belgrave; Michael Mc -
Nall Belgrave; Ruth Ann Pletch,
Belgrave, '
Senior • Grades
Aster, Ted Lutz, USS 6; Dianne
Caseiliore;' 7 Mdrris;' 'Ai.ii Mb1ter-
cher, 10 Morris; Cathy Bone, Mor-
ris 6; Gary Walker, USS 6; Mary
Snell, USS 6.
Cosmos: Dianne Near, Morris 8;
Carol Govier, EW 10; Leslie Cald-
well, EW 10; George Johnston,
Belgrave; Bobby Black, Morris 6;
Billie Snowden, EW 7.
African Marigold: Leonard Rob-
inson, EW 7; Joyce Walker, EW 9;
Joe Saunders, Morris 5.
French Marigolds: Linda Rinn,
Belgrave; Elaine Snell, USS 6;
Ross Wilson, USS 16; Brenda Van
Camp, Belgrave; Clare Rodger, 6
USS; Frank Procter.
Larkspur: Ray Scheifele, Bel -
grave; Ian Scott, EW 13; Larry
Walters, Morris 12; Leon Sprung,
USS 6.
Snapdragons: Jack Saunders, .5
'Morris; Donna Edgar, 7 Morris;
Brian Walden, USS 6; Dianne EL-
stmn; 7 Morris; Lloyd Michie, Mor-
ris 5.
Petunias: Larry Elston, . Morris
-7; Dale, Pletch, Morris 3;, Lois Rinn
Belgrave; Larry Nethery, Belgrave.
Phlox: Audrey Coultes, Belgrave;
Ronald McBurney, 9 EW; Murray
Vincent, Belgrave; Brian Hopper.,
7 Morris; Ruth Ann Pletch, Bel -
grave; Elaine Saunders, 5 Morris.
Zinnia: Eric Campbell, USS 6;
Sandra Proctor, 5 Morris; Sharon
Reavie, 9 EW; Linda Casemore, 7
Morris; Donald Bosman, Belgrave;
Harvey Craig, 10 EW.
Cornflower; Murray Elston, Mor-
ris 7; Marjorie Smith, 13 EW; Bri-
an Fear, 10 EW; Sharon Warwick,
8 Morris; Jim Robertson, 9 EW;
Barry Pletch, 3 Morris.
Stocks: Katherine Fear, Bel -
Gladioli: Gary McSween, Bel -
grave; Ray Scheifele, Belgrave;
Murray Vincent, Belgrave; Ted
Lutz, USS 6; Ralph Scott, 13 EW;
Lloyd Michie, 5 Morris,
Dahlia.: Ray Scheifele, Belgrave;
Joyce Walker 9 EW; Sharon War-
wick, 8 Morris; Margery Smith, 13
EW; Brenda Bone 6 Morris; Ron-
ald Purdon, Belgrave
Bouquet of SWeet Peas: Ray
Scheifele, Belgrave; Rae Mathers,
8 Morris; Sharon Warwick, Morris
8; Joyce Walker, EW 9.
Dining Table Bouquet: Lloyd
Michie, Morris 5; Ray Scheifele,
Belgrave; Mary Ellen Walsh, Bel -
grave; Donald Vincent, Belgrave;
Larry Elston, 7 Morris; Ann Mc-
Kercher, 10 Morris
Livingroom Arrangement, Ray
Scheifele, Belgrave; George John-
ston, Belgrave; Larry Elston, Mor-
ris 7; David Walsh, Belgrave; Di -
aline Near, Morris 8; Ted Lutz, 6
Bouquet for Coffee Table; Gary
McSween, Belgrave; Brian Fear, 10
EW; Donna Edgar, 7 Morris; Ray
Scheifele, Belgrave; Brian Walden,
USS 6; Sharon Warwick, Morris 8.
Senior Grades
Northern Spys: Len Robinson, 7
USS; David Bosman, Belgrave:
Joan Bosman, Belgrave; Douglas
Cook, Belgrave; Donald Bosman.
Belgrave; Donald Vincent, Bei -
Snow Apples: Doug Cook, Bel -
grave; Keith Van Camp, Morris 5;
Joan Bosman, Belgrave; David
Bosman, Beigrave; Leonard Rob-
inson, USS 7; Allan Bosinan, Bel-
Mcintosh Reds: Doug Coals, Bel -
grew); Leonard RohInsan, ISS 7:
it.h Vaetr emp, Morri$ ,5; Dav1d
sman, Belgrave; Naitr v Van-
mp, Morris 5; .Toast Bosnian,
l o'ra ve,
Apples, 5 varieties: Len Rnbiee-
erne USS 7; T'irr Seott, FW 13:
Flalnh Scott. EW 13; 'C'ed Lutz, 6
USS: John Nesbit, Morris 1; Doug
Cook,. Belgrave
Pears, any variety: Ted tufa, 6
'MS; Nancy VanCamp, Morris 5;
George Johnston, Belgrave; loss
Craig, 10 TOW; Keith VanCamp; 5
I+Torr4; Lio$ < Caldwell, 10 VW
Crab Apples: Ralph ,scott, EW
13; Nancy VanCamp, Morrill ;
Ian Scott, 13 EW; Keith Varr(alelp
6 Morris; Lloyd Miehie, 6 Morris;
Janette Johnston, $eigrave
Assorted Lrralt; fan ,scott, I'iW
13; Ralph Scott, EW 13.
Senior t i' leu
Light Pullets for egg production
Ian Scott, EW 13; Ralph ;;cotL BiW
1-3; Leonard Robinson, EW 7; Ron-
ald Garter, EW 10; Joyce Carter,
EW 10; Murray Elston, Morris 7.
Light Pullets, under Q mouths:
Joyce Walker, BW 9; Ross Yuill.
Morris 3; Billy Fear, Belgrave;
Barry Fetch, Morris 3; Dale Pletch
Marris 3; Larry Piston, Morris 7.
Meavy Pullets; Harvey Black, 13
Heavy Pullets, under 5 montil;o:
Marjorie Smith, EW 13.
Market Cockerels; David Crow.
ing, Morris 10; HIarvey Black, 13
16W; Joyce Walker, EW 9; Larry
Nethery, Belgrave; Ralph ,.sort,
IOW 13; Ian Scott, EW 13.
Young Ducks: Grant Currie, IOW
9; Arnold Pease, Morris 1; Murray
Elston, Morris 7; Joyce Walker, 9
EW; Janette Johnston, Belgrave,
Muscovy Ducks; Ross Yuill, Mor-
ris 3; Ian Scott, EW 13; Ralph
Scott, EW 13
Brown Hen Eggs: Frank Proc-
tor Morris 5; Brian Fear, EW 10;
Margery Smith, EW 13; Sandra
Proctor, Morris 5; Sharon War-
wick, Morris 8; Beverley Burchill,
EW 9,
White Hen Eggs: Barry Pletch,
Morris 3; Dale Pletch, Morris 3;
Ross Yulll, Morris 3; Leonard
Robinson, EW 7; Norma Jean
Mair, Morris 6; Neil Edgar, Morris
Special COI npetition
Conservation scrapbook: Jill
Thornton, Morris 10; Leon Sprung
EW 6.
Pie Pumpkin: Cathy Barbour, 8
Morris; Mary Edith Garniss, Mor-
ris 7; Beverley Casemore, Morris
7; Robert White, Belgrave; Mur-
ray, Rinn, Belgrave; Janet Haines
Morris 7,
Citron; Mary Edith Garniss.
Mature Sunflower: Joan Black,
13 EW; Dale Lamont, Belgrave;
Murray Rinn, Belgra"e; Trudy
Shoeman, Morris 1.
Tomatoes: Cathy Barbour, Mor-
ris 8; Calvin Nixon, Belgrave;
Beverley Casemore, 7 Morris; Dale
Lamont, Belgrave; Kathy Dunbar,
13 EW; Raymond I'lanna, USS 6.
Onions: Murray Rinn, Belgrave;
Calvin Nixon, Belgrave; Cathy
Barbour, Morris 8; Raymond Han-
na, USS 6; Beverley Case.nore, 7
Morris; Dale Lamont, Belgrave..
Carrots: Beverley Casemore, 7
Morris; Joan Black, 18 EW; Dale
Lamont, Belgrave; Noreen Arm-
strong, USS 7; Cathy Barbour, 8
Morris; Murray Rhin, Belgrave
, Largest Potato; Mary Edith
Garniss, Morris 7; Calvin Nixon,
Belgrave; Bonnie McInnis, EW 7;
Robert White, Belgrave; Joan
Black, 13 $;W; Sandra Currie, 9
PETS -Beginners
Pr. Kittens: Joan Currie, EW 9;
Grant Vincent, Belgrave; Joyce
Taylor, EW 9; Nancy Anderson,
Belgrave; Joyce Nethery, Belgrave
Donald Walker, Belgrave.
Cat: Cathy Barbour, Morris 8;
Ruth Ann Currie, EW 9; Beverley
Casemore, Morris 7; Barbara Cook,
Belgrave; Stephan Fear, Belgrave;
Gordon Rion, Belgrave
Rabbit: Joan Currie, EW 9;
Joyce Taylor, EW 9; Joyce Neth-
ery, Belgrave; Franklyn Wilson, 1
Morris; Nancy Anderson, Belgrave
Connie Nethery, Belgrave.
Dog: Gail Barbour, Morris 8;
Dianne Currie, EW 9; Velma Fear,
Belgrave; Bruce McCallum, Mor-
ris 5; Kevin Pletch. Belgrave; Mur-
ray Rinn, Belgrave, -
Bantams: Arnold Pease, Morris
1; Juliane Anderson, Belgrave;
Glen Walker, EW 9; Janice An-
derson, Belgrave; Calvin, James,
3 Morris; Larry Robinson, USS 7.
Any Pet not listed: Douglas
Walker, Belgrave; Alan Walker,
Belgrave; Lloyd Carter, EW 10;
Bill Sellers, 8 Morris
PETS -Grade 4 and over
Rabbits: Ian Scott EW 13; Ralph
Scott, EW 13; Lloyd Michie, Mor-
ris 5; Richard Anderson, Belgrave;
Nancy Elliott, Morris 3; Wayne
Hopper, Morris 7.
Pigeons: Grant Currie, EW 9;
Malcolm Anderson, Belgrave; Neil
Edgar, Morris 7; Cameron Ander-
son, Belgrave; Doug Cook, Belgrave
David Gowing, 10 Morris.
Collie: David Walsh, Belgrave.
Open Class --Goat: Owen Fear,
Belgrave; Ronnie Cook, Belgrave;
Rhonda Fear, Belgrave,
Dairy Calf, Heifer: Brian Hop-
per, 7 Morris; David Walsh, Bel -
grave; Wayne hopper, Morris 7.
Dairy Heifer Calf, born after Ap.
1: Anne De Groot USS 6; Ken Hop-
per, 7 Morris; Lloyd Miehie, Mor-
ris 5; Grant Vincent, Belgrave.
Baby Beef Steer: Harvey Black,
EW 13; David Gowing, Morris 10;
Brian Black, 16W 13; Marjorie
Smith, EW 13,
Pail Fed Beef, steer or heifer:
Toni Black, 13 EW; Keith Black,
13 EW.
Junior Beef, orale or female
born after April 1: ,Till Thornton,
1 Morris; David O'Neil, 13 F,W;
Neil Vincent, Belgrava
fled r alf, Heifer: Brian Black.
13 EW; 'Marjorie Smith, 13 EW;
Donald Vincent, Belgrave; Grant
Coultes, 9 91W; Ivan Wheeler, Bel-
Showriranship, dairy calf: Wayne
Hopper, 7 Morris; Ken Hopper, 7
Morris; Neil Vincent, Belgrave.
Showmanship, beef calf: Brian
Black, 13 EW: Neil Vincent, Bel-
grave; Jeff Thorn len, 10 Morris;
Finn Clowle.,*, 10 Morris; Keith
Black, 13 1W.
Showmanship, dairy calf: Brian
Hopper, 7 MorrW,
Belgrave: FAtule Ilis;e (;root7iavid, U5Ssisln6;
Lloyd Micelle, 5 Morris,
Showmanship, beef ealf: tarveY
Black, 13 EW; Jili Thornton, 10
Morris; Marjorie Snaith, 13 EW;
lata.vid 'O'Neil, 13 16W; Tom 13Iack
13 EW; David Gowing, 10 Morris.
Market Lamb -80 to 100 pounds
short wool: Grant Coultes, EW 9;
HARVEY BLACK, left, was winner of the prize
for senior showmanship of a beef calf at the
Belgrave fair. The presentation to the winner
was made by Edgar Wightman, right, faf a calf
halter donated by Vance's Drug :store, Wi,igham.
-Advance-Times photo.
Don Edger, Morris 7; Donna Ed-
gar, Morris 7; Neil Edgar, Morris
Market Lamb, 80 to 100 pounds
long wool: Marjorie Smith, 13 EW.
Ten year: and over --shown on.
line: Joyee 'Walker, EW 9; Brian
Coultes, I+3W 9; Donald Vincent,
Belgrave; Neil Edgar, Morris 7.
With Saddle- -Murray Vincent, Bei -
grave; Nell Edger, Morris 7; Brian
Hopper Morris 7; Donald Vincent,
Belgrave. Over 48" Murray Vincent
Belgrave; Neil Edgar, Morris 7;
Harvey Black, 13 EW; Donald Vin-
cent, Belgrave. Under 48" -Joyce
Walker, EW 9; Brian Ooultes, EW
9; Dianne Casemore, Morris 7;
Billy Fear, Belgrave.
Ten years and under ---shown on
lh.e: Billy Fear, Belgrave; Patsy
Casemore, Morris 7; Donna Edgar
Morris 7; Duane f'hrrrie, EW 9.
'With saddle -Neil Vincent, Bel -
grave; Donna Edgar, Morris 7;
Glenn. Walker, 16W 9; Duane Cur-
rie, EW 9,
100-175 lbs -Connie Nethery, Bel -
grave; Neil Gowing, 10 Morris;
Margery Smith, 13 EW; Neil Ed-
gar, 7 Morris.
175 lbs and aver --Doris Coultes,
9 EW; Grant Coultes, 9 EW; Aud-
rey Coultes, Belgrave; Ivan Wheel-
er, Belgrave; Mary Anne Wheeler,
Sows, 150-230 lhs: Mary Grasby,
5 Morris; Audrey Coultes, Belgrave
Margery Smith, 13 EW; Larry
Nethery. Belgrave; Ivan Wheeler,
Weanling pigs under 50 lbs. --
Dowdd Edgar, 7 Morris: Stephen
Fear, Belgrave; Joyce Nethery,
Belgrave; Murray Vincent, Bel -
Pigs, 50-100 lbs.: Donald Edgar,
Morris 7; Doug Walker, Belgrave;
Duane, Currie 9 EW; Margery
Smith, 13 EW.
CALF RACE' --- Grades 6 to 8:
Marjorie 6,mith, EW 13; Lloyd Mi-
chie, Morris 5; David Walsh, Bel -
grave; Torn Smith, EW 13
CALF RACE --- Grades 5 and
under: Keith Black, EW 13; Da-
vid O'Neil, FW 18; Brian Black,
EW 13.
Date squares: Velma Fear, Bel -
grave; Evelyn Bieman, USS 7;
Christine Hartieb, Belgrave; Joyce
Nethery, Belgrave; Mary Anne
Wheeler, Belgrave; Brenda John-
ston, Belgrave.
Ways of serving apples: Doris
Cr;iltes, FW 9; Marlene Pletch, 3
Mor'I'is; Beth Scott, Belgrave; Ju-
laine Anderson, Belgrave; Elaine
Robinson, USS 7; Joyce Taylor, 9
Assorted cookies: Donna Edgar,
Morris 7; Joan Bosman, Belgrave;
Brenda Van Camp, Belgrave; Nan-
cy Van Camp, Morris 5; Joyce
Coultes, 9 EW; Barbara Pattison,
9 EW.
Raisin Pie: Sharon Warwick, 8
Morris; Jill Thornton, 10 Morris;
Ann McKercher, 10 Morris; Lyn-
da Coultes, 9 EW; Dianne Case-
more7 Morris; Dianne Elston, 7
Vegetable salad plate: Ann Mc-
Kercher; 10 Morris; Janette, John-
ston, Beigrave; Lynda Coultes, EW
9; Ila Scott, Belgrave; Joyce Coul-
tes, 9 IOW; Jill Thornton, Morris 10
Butter tarts: Marlene Pletch, 3
Morris; Doris Coultes, 9 EW; Nor-
ma Jean Mair, 6 Morris; Mary
Anne Wheeler, Belgrave; Jill
Thornton, 10 Morris; Donna Edgar,
7 Morris,
Collection of snowflakes: Melin-
da Sprung, USS6; Janice Anderson,
Belgrave; Mary Anne Wheeler,
Belgrave; Nancy Anderson, BeI-
grave; Velma Fear, Belgrave;
Sharon Cook, USS 6,
Yarn lapel ornament: 'Elaine Ro-
binson 1'155 7; Patsy Casemore 7
Morris; Ramona Manna, USS 6.
Embroidered dresser scarf: Linda
Rinn, Belgrave; Joan Bosman, Bel -
grave; Audrey Coultes, Belgrave;
Joyee Coultes, 9 EW; Nancy Van -
Camp, 5 Morris.
Knitted mitts: Alain McKercher.
10 Morris; Lynda Coultes, 9 EW;
Linda Casemore, 7 Morris; Dianne
Elston 7 Morris; Lois Rinn, Bel -
Dolle nightie: (.ail McLennan, 5
Morris; Joan Mcl,nennan, 8 Morris;
Judy Cook, 13 EW; Debbie Cook,
13 EW; Connie Nethery, Belgrave;
Joyce Nethery, Belgrave.
Foam rubber article: Carol Go -
vier 10 EW; Ann McKercher: Lyn-
da Coultes; Joan Bosman; Elaine
Snell, IJSS6; JoYee Coultes,
Sewing card of dog: Duncan An-
derson, Belgrave; Murray Wight -
man USS 6t Murray Rinn; Ken
Hopper; Dale Lamont; Calvin Nix-
on, Belgrave,
Ornamental fence: Richard An-
derson; harry Robinson; Cameron
Anderson; Gordon Rinn; Eric
Campbell; Raymond Van -Camp.
Halter for calf: George John-
ston; David Bosnian; Donald Bos-
man; David O'Neil; Walter White-
head; Billy Fear.
Bird House: Donald Machan;
Ronald McBurney; Lloyd Michie;
David McLean; Ted Lutz; Brian
Grade 1 print -girls; • Catherine'
Bonne, 6 Morris; Jean Caldwell, 10
EW; Connie Cook, 13 EW' Bonnie
McInnis, USS 7; Kathy Johnston,
10, Morris; Evelyn Bieman, USS
Boys -Bill Seders; Brian War-
wick; Murray Black; Kenneth 91
dom; David Watson, 13 EW;
Wayne Rabireau, Morris 4.
Grade 2 print G•iris: Mary Anne
Wheeler; Shirley Johnston: Avon
Toll, 10 EW; Christine Barthel);
Gail Searle, 12 Morris; Marion
Armstrong, USS 7.
Grade 2 print, boys: Ronald
Snowden, USS 7; Joe Eckenswiller
USS 7: Rodney White; Nelson
Nicholson, 3 Morris; Douglas
Brigham, 12 Morris; Stephen Fear.
Grade 3 writing, girls: Mary
Passchier; Betty Jo h n s t o n,
USS 7; Julaine Anderson; Janice
McDowell, 13 EW: Beverley Mc-
Call; Marlene Pletch.
Boys: Clayton Bosman: Gary
Barbour; John Koopmans; Neil
Bieman: Keith Black; Glen Walk-
Grade 4 writing, girls: Mona
Purdon; Linda Snowden. 'sail Lle-
Lennan; R,lth +r'anipbeli. Donna.
Cook; Nancy Brewer.
Boys: Jim Beecroft; Claris Co,r-
an; Willie T�Tonkes; t.1'r5ue
lespie; Neil Vincent; ,Jin. Brigham,
Grade 6 writing. ear lea Mary E.l-
len Walsh, Cheryl Falconer; Bren-
da Van Camp. Rennie Cook, San-
dra Watson; Barbara Brvons.
Boys. (George •Jnhnaton; Brian
Adams, Ronald Henry; r'ougias
Smith; George Cowan; Neil Mee
Grade 6 writing, c;Iris: Ilut.h Jer-
myn; Brenda Bone, Jane Camp -
hell; Gladys Jermyn; Linda Reid;
Brenda. r"otilte.
Boys: Fernald 're..;'inn' Thin] 7.ur-
vey; John Henry; l iril ':dowing;
David Bosnian, Ross Winn,
Grades 7 and 8 writing. girls;
Ruth Mathers, 'RMarl;arer• acinleen;
Marilynn 'T'aylor; Dianne Vanf"annp;
Ann McKercher; L,vnde r'rrlte,s.
Boys: David flowing: _Fi_„T Henry
Gordon (,n_,•leCori•. * '1sh
Dwight Conran,r; Tnnr,a.lrl 3'.ta•'han
Print '.•riting, nprn, girl: r'-r,rel
: hnrtreed; leathern ie rr r, ; ;Jan-
ette Johnst''n, 1.oi': Rien, '_Mary
Ellen Walsh, Ann Mr'liereher.
Boys: Muri'av Vieeeirt., Jim
Henry; Ronald Heine, Donald Ma..
Wch; George Johnston; David
Paragraph, grades 22 and 4. girls:
Janice Mt'1`iervell, !,inns Jllliett;
Julaiare Anderson: 'bletnna P"'don;
Ruth Campbell, War; r.resby.
Boys: Clayton L:rr-an n; J!
Brigham,; Gera Barreiro; reit Bae -
man; Willie T.Tonkee; Eric Canmp-
Mary L11en %Val:;lr, fii' itln Mt--
Dowell, Berbera taeiter: Ann De
Groot, Brend Bone. '; it l i Rabi-
Boy> Jelin Beene: Tleil
Ronald Teyinr ;'Jahn Turvey;
Frank Procter Fajen ? ia_laeir.
Essay. girl.:, atedere 7 and s•
Neredn Lempeei1, J:_ta lie T'_oop-
mans; Linda " ."more; rrornMa
Smith; Katherine Fear; Ann Me-
Boys: Tim Henry; Gordon Goner
Dwight Cowan; Dared Goterng;
Bob Houston; Tia rd Walsh.
Descriptive palagiaph opsit, iTor-
Ina. mith; I':.ia;-.lre c..Dpnennc; TAO -
da Casemore; 11i:3i,nr• "rat, Camp;
Margery :email, etereae,',:ner-,1?ell
Boy.',. Darer tarreleg. ,.tin Treer.;
Brian Hopper, Gerdes Camp'he1t;
Ted Lintz; By "'rn T'+,.
original rewire _r:.lrl' .'. gi'-1,:
Jnyre ( mif' .1! It a ;"arson;
Limns nn.,,,lr n. I '-1 ' la' 1., Li-
ainr' R.rhln:nn; 1",-, M3i1.
Boys Ronald' T-JMiry ; limn T,nn..
can: Wayne TJnpper; Willie lr,rl-
kes; ,nun I eerrnfl ; Bobby Black.
Original preen, grades 6-8, gills:
Ann Mr•Kereher•; .Till. 'ilio n+•an;
Linda C''asentnr•e; Margaret Fireee a
Marion Youegblut Marjory Young.
Bays. Gender r n...,A, ,Jnr„ Rehr;
Gorden Campbell, 1.e ire rtri,_,,an,
Ted Lutz. Allan "' eih rg
Bnol_, 71ti n, n C,,,l'l to '.ail 'r,•.
Lennart, Lireie Elli'-.te Perth "Maine.
hell. 1ctargaretY'ennY'hiee ranee
Brewplcv; Tai,`. r'_.? n--
Pleas tilrn i„
terested players
wheel at the Sacred
body knows! Three in -
the crown and anchor
Heart garden party last
Saturday evening. From the left r'ire John Des
Groot, John Sproule and Wilfred White. Oscar
Kieffer was the gamekeeper. Photo by Connell,