The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-09-19, Page 3.-1 MI ! 4 Yl • Just Arrived! UTC imported from the bulb basket of the world We've just received our annual ship• meat of .the world's finest spring flowering bulbs, Prices are reason• able. Bulbs are clean and healthy. For a beautiful garden next spring, come in now and select your favor. / t f : ite varieties. LB BENNETT'S Sc to $1.00 Store, Wingham THIS YEAR YOU CAN STO UST ON YOUR CAR BY HAVING US GIVE IT A COAT OF TEX C UNDASPRAY THE NEW PETROLEUM RUST PREVENTATIVE $7,95 a. NO UP °,. ea an's TEXACO SLUICE CEN(FRE PHONE 84 - WINGHAM Carmichael's ' . THE FAMILY CL(O'1.HING STORE Suggests you look over the following Specials before the enol of the week. GIRLS' Laminated Fall SCHOOL JACKETS, sizes 8-12, reg. ,$13.95; only 4 left at ..$8.95 GiRLS' Back School SLACKS, sizes 8.14 $1.98 to $4.98 GIRLS' WINTER COATS Just arrived!, sizes 7.12, in the all new Lamin- ated Cloth, beautiful colors, perfectly st'led. YOURS FOR -- $19.95 BOYS' SCHOOL TROUSERS Styled by Carhart's, sizes 8-14, at $4.98 SHIRT to match, at $2.98 BATH TOWELS, large size, only , , .. $1.98 pr. TEA TOWELS, good quality at $1.09 pr. 47 X19 Fid L S Last chance to stock up on First Quality Pencil Seam Walking Sheer Weldrest Nylons 9c pair 4 pairs for $2.00 for Quality at Economy Prices CAR I H EL'S 45% Nitrogen Ideal for Preplant or Plowdown Aero Urea is the lriort concentrated dry nitro- gen you can buy! It is long lasting, resists leaching arid easily applied. Plowdown Broadcast and plow under 2-3 bags of double- duty AERO) UREA to tot stalks and supply nitrogen for top corn yields. Preplant Work in Aero Urca before planting to sage sidedressing. Put nitrogen in the root zone where it stays until the plants need it. If you have a lot of stalks to blow down and are growing corn—use Acro Urea. er'.M. Rs('�. "%TA, ra r rTs'>a 8437 B LG V G�, ►;*OP JtELGRAVE, ONTARIO Phone Wingharin 1091; Brussels 388W10 BULB BLITZ.THIS FRIDAY—John Pattison, Geo. Brooks and President Cy Robinson of the local Legion branch are seen here as they bagged light bulbs on Monday evening in preparation for the blitz of the town which will start at 6 p.m. this Friday. All proceeds raised by the Legion in the bulb sale will be turned over to the Wingham and District Retarded Children's Association. Bulbs will sell for $1,00 for four 60 watt, and $2.00 for four 60's and two 100 watt eyesavers. Nearly 1000 bags are being packaged for tine bk sale.----A-T photo. Hi -C Group Plans For Wiener Roast BELGRAVE • -• The Hi -C Group held its first meeting of the sea- son on Sunday and opened with a sing -song, conducted by Marie Coultes and Lorne Campbell, The worship service was taken by Ma- rie Coultes and Marilyn Campbell. During the business it was de- cided to have a wiener roast at the Morris Federation Park on Thursday, September 27, beginning at 7 o'clock; All members and new members are cordially invited to attend, Mrs. Ross Anderson read a ser- mon from the book entitled, "A Man. Named Peter". The meeting closed with the Mispah benediction, RLUEVRE Among those attending Weateru Fair at London last week were Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stone and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Craig and family, Connie and. Harvey Mann, 13, 1-1. Moffatt, Mr, and Mrs Harvey Ed- gar and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisch- er, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavil of Walton spent Sunday with .rela- tives in Windsor. Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Paterson, Mrs. Fred Strowdger and Mrs, Simmer, all of Toronto, visited at the homes of Miss Mary Duff and Mr and Mrs, Charles Coultes on Sunday. Harold Bosman of Regina is on a visit to his parents, and attended their golden wedding celebration a.t the• home of Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Hamilton of Wingham, on Satur- day,. Visitors during the week -end at Clic home of Mr, and•Mrs, R. H. McKLnnon were Mr. Cecil McKin- nqn„.of Toronto, • Mr. .and .Mrs. Spence McKinnon and family of Niagara Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Willison Milliere of Mount Forest. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Neelands a.nd Jimmie from Mono Road visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Lil- low and Mr. Norman Minn on Sun- day. Memorial Service BLUEVALE -• A memorial ser- vice for Mrs, T. E. Kennedy was held in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday when Rev. T, E. Ken- nedy preached and gave particu- lars of her life with special refer e.noe to her work in the church and for the community in various centres where they lived. Mrs, Kennedy is much missed in this community, where she was a friend to all, ON SAVINGS Interest from date of deposit Checking Privileges Deposita by Mail Hours --9 to 5 Fridays -9 to 9 Saturdays -9 to 1 GUARANTY TRUST CANADA'S LARGEST INDEPENDENT TRUST COMPANY 261.10tli Street ICANOVEIt PiIONE 1580 C.G,LT. Members Learn New Hymn P.,E LGRAVE - The first. meeting, of the C.G.I.T, was held on Friday evening in the church basement. Games were enjoyed and the met . ing was opened by Marie Coultes with the C.G.I.T, hymn, the pur- pose and the Scripture, on which the purpose is based. The prayer, was repeated in unison, the score- tary's report was given by Joyce! Procter and the treasurer's report 1 by Marilyn Campbell, The next meeting will be held' September 28 at 7 p.m. and tin former executive members will he in charge of the worship and games, It was decided that the group will again collect for CLP' on Hallowe'en night. The or'w officers will be installed at the next meeting, A report on camp cxperrenre.:l was given hy the girl; of . thin Brick. Helen Atele reon taught 1i lrynin called "Spirit of the Clod", that she had learned at leee Camp. The call to worship wa. given by Donna Grashy, followed! by a hymn. Scripture was road by Muth Michie. The offering wns re_ eeived by Lynda Celine:: and Do- reen Pailison, and the story was repel by Urnuno Grasby, followed by prayer by Ruth. Michie, The rneeL, n ing closed with Taps. , New members present were And rey Coultes, Rhonda Wear, Nancy VanCamp and Margaret Pattison. WINNERS A NNO INLED IN CROP COPETTOJ BELGRAVE - Judging of the field crop of corn in conjunction with the Brussels Fail Fair was held with Alf Schmidt of Mildmay as judge. The results are as, fol lows: Silage Corn Class: Cecil Coultes. 95; James R. Coultes, 93; Liu;'o1 Montgomery, 94; :tau! 1(nnuer, 9:1; John Wheeler, 92; Bob (.raspy, 91; John Knight, 90'x; Cliff Bray, 90: Ronald Coultes, 89; James Kni ;ht 88; Harvey Craig, 87; Bill Turn- bull, 86; Clem Steffler, 85; I,loy.l Black, 84; John Bann, 81; Done1,1 McLean, 80; Dick Proctor, 79; Harry Bolger, 78; James Ilnlger. 77, 'Cher(, were 19 out of 20 finished this class. Cob Corn Class: Stewart. !'roe tor, 89; Hob Grasby, 86; Charlie Thomas, 85; Graham Work. sI; Ronald Coultes, 83; l:ldnn 1t'iL.een. 82: Ross Proctor, 80; Cecil ('n'il' 79; Leslie Bolt, 78; Junes R. ('nal res 77; Dick Proctor, 76; Bob Pre,,. tor, 75. BRUME Mrs. ellen Van('amn is a native it, the \Vingluun Ilnspital. 3Ir::. I�tck Chantney of Wing sine, visited :t few (days Iasi week •:';ih her sister and hrother.in-law, Mrs. Jne•k McCallum and Mr. Mc- Callum. 'Jr. and Mrs, Cecil Armstrong, Bela and Kenneth of 'l'hncnelale nt I.he week end with Mr. and Air::, 10,. Armstrong. 1 ., ,.11 Proctor is a paticn dei 1i'in;;h:on General 1(o; pital. REGIBN SECRETARY SPEAKER 1314/LGftAV3---']'he annaai rally of Huron Presbyterian Church was held in Knox Church, here last Tuesday, with close to 100 persons attending, The theme was "Re -De- dication through Prayer" The morning see' ion got under way with an executive meeting al 9.30 (Arlt1 a full meeting at 10. Worship service was lel by Mrs. Walter :Shorlreed and Mrs. M. Dalrymple of Blyth. Words of wel- come were given by Mrs, led Wightman and the treasurer's statement by Mrs.,J, A. McConnell of Goderich, Literature was r•e. viewed by Mrs. S. Blake of God- erich. Miss I,. MacArthur introduced the guest sneaker, Miss Ruby Wal- ker, regional secretary for Lon- don and Hamilton Synodical, who divided the ladies into two groups and led in discussions on helps for auxiliaries and executive ses- sions. Mrs. Gordon McManus of Goderich offered prayer, Greetings were sent from Presbytery from Rev, Fred Cromey of Kincardine. During dinner, served by the ladies of Belgrave Auxiliary, a program was held to honor the Belgrave Auxiliary on its 75th an- niversary. The head table was in- troduced and Mrs. 0, G, Anderson read a history of the Belgrave Aux_ Wary. Mrs, G. Porterfield and Mrs. Ander•so.n cut the birthday cake. „ * The afternoon session opened • with the worship service being ta- ken by Mrs, Robert Wilson and Mrs. E, Straughan of Goderich, In Memoriam followed with Miss B. Campbell of Seaforth in charge. Observations and pictures from Kintail Camp were shown hy Mrs. .1. 13, Russell of Seaforth and Miss E. M, Somerville of Goderich. t 1: ry nl visitor:; wi111 Mr, and 111•::. Boy 34(•Sween and '1ac'y were, it;, foran•r':; brother, the. l.ev. 3(11(1 1r' . e', A McSween and Anna, of 111113llon, 11,olnuda. [ , c' I hn r 'I'aylnr, (sad(-riL11, ill to err 1 spealier tt Flte a11- ei,ta,.ar''telco„ in Knox United '!, 1r•l' ,+ on ,iaurlay. Special 1uusic. :• ill 1''' hy the choir and Herbert Tie neer of Wing.hatu 11 ,!weer• 11''.d: it. Miss Eleanor v.'01:1, :rnd \1ri:; Lorna bolt, 3111 of I drhru,r toric week -end visitors '3t 11rl;;rav't',, iSLiri)rise Parties On Anniversary 111.:1,r AVE • '1'Miry neighbors awl friends 0 3}r, and Mrs. George Marta) drooped in en them Friday cveving as n .surprise for t}leir 25t11 wedding atiniverratry. Progressive euchre was enjoyed. I1i11 McArthur react :ort address :1)11 Mrs. George Michie a n'1 Mrs. Bob (trashy pre- sented them with many lovely gifts from their m'ighbors, A delicious lunch was served, (3n Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. James ('nultes were hosts at a The afternoon address was taken by Miss Walker, She took as her theme, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel.” She told of the church's work in Canada and the sphere of toil. The offering was received and dedicated by Mrs, M. Farquhar of the Clinton Auxiliary. The report o • 1,(•1lvdllo Training 5 lu School was given by Mrs. D. R. MacDonald of Heiman and the report of the courtesy committee was given by Mrs. Albert Taylor of Goderich. A hymn was sung and prayer by Mra. McManus closed the meet- ing, Officers Named Honorary pros., Mrs. A. Taylor of Goderich; pros., Miss E, M. Somerville, •Goderich; vice presi- dents, Mrs, D. R, MacDonald, Hen- sall, Miss Belle Campbell., Seaforth, Miss A. M, Toll, Blyth; sec. Mrs. A. H. Erskine, Goderich; treas., Mrs. .1. A. McConnell, Goderich. Secretaries and Departments: Afternoon Auxiliaries, Mrs. Walter Shortreed, Walton; Y.W. and girls' organizations, Mrs, W. Bradnock, Auburn; children's groups, Mrs. W. Good, Blyth; Home Helpers, Mrs. I.. Davies, Auburn; welcome and welfare, Mrs. E. Wightman, Bel - surprise turkey dinner honoring grave; literature and library, Mrs. 31r, and Mrs. Martin. The table S. Blake, Goderich: Glad Tidings, was r,-nired with a three_tier cake Mrs. 0. G, Anderson, Belgrave; nu:'}e },y Mrs. Coultes. A social press, Mrs. .1, L, Bell, Seaforth; Hen - time was cat,i�ryed and 31r. and Mrs. supply, Mrs. Basil Edwards, Hen - salt; life membership, Miss J. Era - .Martin reeeiv' ;1 manly lovely gifts. I'reseui. for the party were Mt, ann,1 3Irs. Cecil Armstrong, Reta and Icenn'th, Mr. and Mrs, ,Joe Dunbar, Mr, ;out Mrs Harry tras- hy, Lois 00(1 Martin (;rasby, Mr. and Mrs. George Martin, Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Coultes, Marie and Aud- rey. Dies at the Soo JlL['h:�"A1,Ie; 1)r. James S+it'a- nhan of ~null 149 Marie, (lied this week. Surviving is ane hi'n.hPI', 1)url:eld, ni ithie -ase. Tie was pre- der•e:, el by Ilia wife and four s'.., rs. Mrs. 1'. 14, Meledwnn, Mrs. Telsie Lamont,n Mr:. Nelson Cardiff, ;nal 3 ro. Isael Yeomans, Uetrnit. ser, Seaforth; historian, Mrs, A. Taylor, ,Goderich; anniversaries, Miss Belle Campbell, Seaforth and Mr's, A. Taylor, Goderich. Mrs. Aubrey Baker Dies in Windsor Funeral service was held Satur- day from the Robinson funeral home, Hamilton, for Mrs, Margaret Baker, 81, of 610 Wyandotte Street, Riverside, Ontario. Mrs, Baker died on September 13, following a short Illness. She was born in Belgrave and had lived in Hamilton, Her husband. Aubrey Baker, predeceased her in 1949. Mrs, Baker was n member of the GEORGE McCUTCHEON, Praylressivo Cotlserva tive candidate. admires fio(';J exhibit or thr. Mildmay Fall Fair. Left to right are Mrs. Geo. Culbert, Mildmay, Mr. McCutcheon, Mrs. Lloyd ,Iasper and Mrs. Mac Metcalfe, the latter wife of the fair board's president. `Zine. 'WInetitna t. liee.e lixte*, WedlYb4 iy. PO, ' 'i 190 Pige "r'hvAT Lincoln Road United Clattreh, in Mrs. ,Arthur (Shirley) Thomas of Windsor, a Riverskle and N116 Isabelle wirer, tiul'viving are a son, Gordon 1'., of also of Riverside. There are five Hamilton; three daughters, Mr's. grandchildren and three great H. P. (Allison.) Snell, iiamilt(>n, grandchildren. 4,o'rn1111sowso0Mea•1116.noawoa0.oq•1.1o11.o.111.o+01.su+e9+DMoaSe.1,moa.uaauaoa0 For the Finest in * JEWELLERY * CRYSTAL * ENGLISH CHINA HAFERMEHCS �. 1> 4 I EWELLERY PHONE 250 WINGHAM, ONTARIO t IN A SPIN OVER MONEY? Talk it over with a Niagara Loan Advisor. It's his job to help you! Niagara loans are made up to $2,500 — and are usually completed in less than a day. Remember, you will always be welcome at,Niagara. NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Largest All -Canadian Consumer Loan Company • • special Announcement The Odcdfellows and Rebekah Humanitarian Service Committees (Hospital Bed — C. P. & T.) of CLINTON - SEAFORTH - BRUCEFIELD - HENSALL EXETER - BRUSSELS - WINGHAM announce that they are sponsoring a subscription campaign for the purpose of futhoring their Humanitarian Service Pro- gram "Instituted for the purpose of. 'relieving distress wherever found," and for purchasing additional sickroom equipment such as hospital beds, wheelchairs, etc. This sickroom equipment is made available to any resident of HURON COUNTY FREE OF CHARGE for Home use Your MAGAZINE ORDER (New or Renewal) will help further this community prosect and every resident is urged to co-operate Residents when called upon should request to see the repre- sentative's letter of introduction signed by a C. P. & T. Com- mittee Member. of Clinton, •Seaforth, Brucefield, Hensall, Exeter, Brussels and Wingham This is to eliminate any misrepresentation by unauthorized' persons DONATIONS ARE NOT SOLICITED OR ACCEPTED Janus A. Cox Clinton, C. P. .0 'T. Chairman Ralph McNichol. Seaforth, C.P.& T. Chairman Ray McNall, Brucefield C. P. & T. Chairman Mrs. Eva Parker . Hensall, C.P.& T. Chairman Mrs. Helen Parsons • Exeter, C.P. & T. Chairman Murray Cardiff Brussels, C.P. & T. Chairman Mrs. Mary W. Caslick Wingetanl, C. P. & T. Chairman a.waw.nwu...nwwo.1MWS•n.sn...,....u.,wo..«u.n eso� The Wallpaper Shop SEMI-ANNUAL Wallpaper Sale Sept. 13th to Sept. 2nd WAi,I,UAPER WALLPAPER PATTERNS PATTERNS Reg. price up to 69e Reg. price 79c to $1.25 singke roll per single roll FOR SALE FOR SAIIE 29c to 39c single roil 49c to 59c single roll M ,rr�' 1101111116LA i � [FNS AND PLAINS FOR SALE TO CLEAR AT - 3c - 5c per yd. 19c per single roll 1 ROOM LOTS ALL PAPERS ARE 1/Z price or LESS WASHABLE Come Early while the Selection is Best