The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-09-12, Page 4kale Font The W1004711 Advance -Tunes, Wednesday, Sept FOR SALE PONIES 'FOR SALE, W, J. Clark, Wingham, Phone 141. 12* CCM TRICYCLE with 24" wheel, also 2 -wheel sidewalk bicycle for sale. Phone 763J, 12* HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS for sale, Grade XIII, chemistry, text and manual, .and biology. Phone 40332 after six, 12b DRY RED CEDAR POSTS for sale, any size. Raymond Neill, Wrox- eter, phone 540.12.^T12* GET BE7.TER television reception with a new set before the new fall programs start. Warren House will give you a good deal now. 12.19b SEVERAL reconditioned television sets at rock bottom prices, Ideal for the rumpus room or kitchen, at Warren House. Open after- noons, 12-19b FOR SALE -•- Girl's Sunshine bi- cycle, like new. Boy's CCM bi- cycle with balloon tires, Phone 549J4. 12b FOR SALE—Man's suit, size 38; pair men's black pants, size 34 waist; black dress, size 18. lady's suit, size 20; red dress, size 16. All in excellent condition and clean, Phone 445. 12b FOR SALE—Potatoes, large slicing cucumbers, and cob corn. Anth- ony Schefter, phone 403J3. 5-12-19-26b CEMENT GRAVEL for sale, top soil, delivered, Lloyd Whytock, phone 715W3, Wingham. lrrb ELECTROLUX Sales & Service. H. McDermitt, phone 59R31, Fordwich. 4rrb MOBILE HOME for sale, 48x10, Canadian Star, 3 bedrooms. New livingroom furniture. New insula- tion in roof. Excellent condition. $3,900. Price includes TV, washer, porch and verandah. Write Box 82, Advance -Times. 29-5-12b FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice, repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners of all makes for sale, Robert K. Peck, Varna, telephone Hensall 696R2. lerrb SEWING MACHINES — SAVE $ $ $ $ $ — Comparison proves you'll SAVE buying the FAMOUS ARROW Sewing machine—much .below the usual price at Smitty's Shopping Centre, Hanover. We repair, service all makes. 29-5-12-19b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 6 -ROOM brick house in Belgrave for sale; 3 pee, bath, new; oil furnace, hydro, hot water. Phone 73:I.W12, Wingham, Clark John- ston. 12* TWO -DWELLING home, Victoria Street, for sale. Good income pro- perty. Contact Mrs. A. McManus, 12 Waddell. •St., Stratford, phone 271-7992 or William F. Sturdy, 108 Highman Ave,, Galt., phone 621-1631. 5-12b CARS FOR SALE 1958 CHEVROLET Biscayne for sale, Low mileage. Top condition. Phone 956J. 12* 1952 FORD ,in running condition. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 1175J, 12b FOR SALE—'51 GMC truck, also '54 Chev. sedan, both in good condition. Phone 290W. 12 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 12 WEANLING PIGS for sale. Wal lace Moreland, phone 819R4, Wroxeter. 12' FOR RENT FURNISHED bed -sitting room fo rent, with kitchen privileges Phone 519. 121 TO RENT -3 rooms, ground floc apartment, private entrance Phone 417, 121 TO RENT—One .modern two -bed• room apartment. Phone 289 Brussels. 121 ROOM FOR RENT — Suitable fo two girls, Separate entrance, bat] and kitchen. Phone 767M afte five. 12 SALES HELP WANTED - MAN WANTED --For 1500 Tamil Rawleigh. business. Permanent i you are hustler. Write Rawleigh Dept. 1-453-123, 4005 Richelieu Montreal. 12 FEMALE HELP WANTE FULL-TIME SALESLADY wante for local store. P.O. Box 81 Wingham, 12 RELIABLE LADY wanted to Clea small apartment on Saturday Apply Box 88, Advance -Time 12 A GIRL, 16 or over, for child car and household help wanted, Sat urdays and Sundays. For inter view phone Brussels 10. 12 REGISTERED NURSES and Certi fled Nursing Assistants for sma hospital. Excellent peraonn policies. Apply to: Administrate General hospital, Palmersto Oiittrrio, 12 TAXI SERVICE b li el n, FOR ALL OCCASIONS call Lee's Taxi, for long or short trips. Phone 185. 4rrb WANTED TUTOR for Grade XI student in mathematics, l3ox 84, Advance - Times. 12* WANTED ---A good home for four kittens. Mrs, Ed. Finlay, Ventre St, 12•"•: DRAFTING TABLE wanted. Way- ne Woods, phone Wroxeter 824 R11, anytime after 0 p.m. 12` ' 3-4 BEDROOM house wanted to rent by October lst, if possible. Willing to pay good rent. G. Heim, phone 158, 12* WANTED — Middle-aged lady or couple to share house for winter months. Box 87, Advance -Times. 5-12b WANTED Volunteer wanted to take boy at- tending Golden Circle School into home over noon hour, 11.30 to 1.1 Supplies his own lunch. Phone I Mrs, Reavie, at school, 464R. 12* WANTED—Rock elm for timbers over 14 in. in diameter. Also good elm, soft maple and hard maple bush lots. Les Morley, R. R, 2, Ailsa Craig, phone 293-3009. Je20-Dc26* PERSONAL IF YOU WANT to see and hear Stereo Hi-fi at its best let War- ren House show you what you're missing. Good choice of quality units. 12-19b LOST LOST—Steer, between 500-600 lbs. Lorne Metcalf, R. R. 2, Wingham, phone 602J1. 12°x° TENDERS WANTED SEALED TENDERS Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, September 15, 1962, for the hot mix asphalt paving of Carling Terrace from Victoria Street to Diagonal Road, ,a. distance of ap- proximately 1400 feet, and requir- ing approximately 700 tons of asphalt. William Renwick, Clerk -Treasurer, Town of Wingham. 5-12b RIPLEY, ONTARIO TENDERS FOR AN EIGHT ROOM CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL Sealed tenders on a stipulated sum basis plainly marked "Tender for an Eight Room Central School for the Ripley -Huron Township School Area," will be received until 5:00 p.m. E.D,S.T, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1962 at the offices of Salter and Allison, Architects, 29 Clapperton Street, Barrie, Ontario, or by Mrs. Mary C, MacDonald, Secretary -Treasurer, Ripley - Huron Township School Area Board, Ripley, Ontario. Plans and specifications will be issued to General Contractors by the Architects on or after Monday, September 10th, 1962, on deposit of a certified cheque made payable to Salter and Allison, Architects, in the amount of TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($25.00), The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. SALTER AND ALLISON, Architects, 29 Clapperton St., Barrie, Ontario. 12b HEADSTOCK WANTED REMOVAL SERVICE — We are licensed to remove your dead or crippled farm animals for sanitary disposal in an inspected renderin plant. FREE REMOVAL—Phone No charge to ZENITH 88540 o Wingham 378 or Palmerston 123W GORDON YOUNG LIMITED, TOR ' ONTO - BARRIE - ELMIRA. Li cense No. 14 & 15R62 - 143 & 1 144-C-62. rrb , DEAD ANIMAL. ' REMOVAL ' FOR DEAD OR DISABLED I ANIMALS CALL— ' DARLING & Company OF CANADA LIMITED Wingham 561J E Dead Anitnal Lic. No. 1'75-C-62 Jny3rrb b k 1 • e b r MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service Highest Cash Prices Paid for Dead Cows and Horses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses accord ing to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT Bruce Marlatt Brussels Phone 133 24 HOUR SERVICE License No, 193-C-62, 121-It,I', 62 COMING EVENTS The monthly immunization clinic, sponsored by the Health Unit, will commence again on Wednesday, September 19th, 10:00 - 12:00 am. at the Town Hall, CE12b LEGION BINGO every Thursday in Lucknow Legion Hail, 8.45 p.'.n, sharp, 12 regular games for $10, 3 share the wealth and one spec- ial for $50.00 must go (no limit for calls), CE17rrb Home Economics and health is the topic for the Women's Institute regular meeting on Thursday, Sept. 20th, Program convenors, Mrs, J. Henry, Mrs. W, T. Lapp. Roll call, one box of home baking for sale. Name contents which will be sold in box, Motto, Let us honour the one who taught us our first lessons in home economics, our .mother, Demonstration, Mrs. C. R. Wilkin- son; contest, Mrs. Lapp; guests, Wroxeter Branch, Hostesses Mrs. 3. L. Currie, Mrs. A, Hastings, Mrs. F. McCormick, Mrs, R, Galbraith, Mrs, F. Thompson, Mrs, A, Brown, Mrs, G. Orvis. CE12* CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. Farrier and the family of the late Mr. W. R. Farrier wish to express their deep appreciation and gratitude to their relatives, friends and neighbours for their many ex- pressions of kindness and sympathy extended to them during their re- cent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. George and Mrs. Mitchell. 12b I wish to thank all relatives and friends who sent me cards, flowers and visited me while a patient in Wingham and Victoria Hospitals. Special thanks to Dr, W. A. Me- Kibhon and Dr. Tew and Mrs. Ken Wright.—Anne Thompson, 12b We would like to take this op- portunity to thank the fire dept, kind friends and neighbours, CWL of Sacred Heart Church, Salvation Army and anyone else who assist- ed us so willingly since our recent fire,—The Hartleib family. 12'x' I would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank everyone who re- membered me by visits, gifts, cards, letters and best wishes while I was a patient for five months in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Special thanks to Rev, Gordon Fish and d Bluevale, for Rev. T.E.Kennedy, a e special prayers offered for my re- covery, also to Dr, Crawford, Dr, Session and Dr. Clark, London. These were kindly accepted and gratefully acknowledged, — Mrs. Walter Smillie, 12b MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE If you are thinking of financing a car he sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, R, R. 2, Wingham, phone 703W3. Je13-Sp26* FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sick- ness Horne Protection — Call your CIA Agent—Lloyd Montgomery Wingham, R. R. 5, Phone 743.11 21rrb AVON CALLING WORLD'S LARGEST COSMETIC COMPANY Has immediate openings for ener- getic women to earn excellent weekly income. Territories avail- able in Bluevale area and West- field area. Car essential. Write Mrs. M, Millson, 960 Wellington Road S., London, Ontario, or call GE 2-9019 between 7 and 8 p.m. (2) CURRIE AMBULANCE WINGHAM Day 51; Night 636 or 716 WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate and Business Broker For prompt service in buying or selling all real estate properties. FARMS - HOMES BUSINESSES Ph. Wingham 292M J31rrb WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. THE Head Office, Dungannon Established 1878 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth, Dun- gannon; Vice -Pres., Herson Irwin, Belgrave; Directors—Paul Caesar, R. R. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Goderich; Piss McPhee, R. R. 3, Auburn; Do ld P. Mac- Kay, R. R. 1, Ripley; John F, Mac- Lennan, R. R. 3, Goderich; Allan Maclntyre, R. R, 5, Lucknow; Wil- liam Wiggins, R. R, 3, Auburn, For information on your insur- ance, call your nearest director who is also an agent, or the secretary, Frank Ti', Thonpson, Dungannon, phone Dungannon 48. 412/82 CARD OF THANKS On behalf of Mrs. Margaret Johnston and Gordon MeEwen, niece and nephew of the late Mr, James MeEwen, Q.C., and myself, I wish to thank the Rev, J. W, Evans for his kindness and com- fort; Sergeant J. Campbell and my own family for their kindness to Mr. McEwen; the Arthur Funeral Honie for kindly attention to every detail of the funeral; the 'pallbear- ers; the staff of the F. J. Davey Honie, and the many kind and dear friends who sent flowers, cards and letters and who called to pay their last respects. I also wish to thank the minister, the pallbearers and kind relatives and friends present at the service at the Wroxeter Cemetery, where he was laid to rest,—Laura Harris, 12b NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDPl`ORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHNSTON WIL- FRID BUSHFIELD, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Solicitor, Deceased, • NOTICE I'S HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Johnston Wilfrid Bushfield, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. T. GOODALL, Solicitor for the Ex- ecutor of the said Estate, on or be- fore .the 29th day of September, A.D. 1962, and that after such date the Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said Es- tate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 17th day of August, A.D, 1962. J, T. GOODALL. WINGHAM, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 29-5-12h NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF. JOSEPH FREDERICK DAVIDSON. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate sof the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingharn in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on the 28th day of July, 1962, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 22nd day of September, 1962. After thatda e t the executors e c will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 31st day of August, 1962. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 5-12-19b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MABEL WALSH. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Retired School Teacher, who died on the 16th day of July, 1962, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned .on or before the 22nd day of September, 1962, After that date the administrator will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the elai,ms of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 31st day of 'August, 1962. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Adminstratrix. 5-12-19b FOR NEW AND USED WELDERS CONTACT: JACK WOOLCOCK Forney Welders & Supplies R. R. 2, WINGHAM 5-12-19-26b SALESMEN WANTED TO (GRAVEL SELLING TO CONSUMERS PRODUCT USED 365 DAYS A YEAR Apply P.O. Box 10, BELGRAVE, ONT. 11111.11111••11•11,111•111. '111,61616.11d611. IN MEMORIAM DARLING In loving •memory of Mrs. Frances Jane Darling, vvlio passed away two years ago, Sep- tember 12, 1960, The dearest mom this world could hold, With cheery smile and heart of gold. To those who knew her all will know How much we lost two years ago, —Sadly missed by Mary, Charlie and family, 12* FALCONER—In loving ,memory of Cecil Falconer, who passed away one year ago September 12, Cairn and peaceful he is sleeping' Sweetest rest that follows pain; We who loved him sadly miss him, But trust in Cod to meet again. —Ever remembered by son, Reli- son, and daughter-in-law, Doreen, Brian and Paul, 12* HENRY---ffn loving memory of Wil- liam John Henry, who died one year ago, September 16, 1961, —Ever remembered by wife, Frances, and Wayne. 12* HILBERT—In loving memory of a dear husband, Bill, who passed away one year ago today, Sep- tember 12, 1961. Years of striving, little of play, Loving, giving the whole of the way; A cherished smile, a heart of gold; To the dearest husband, the world could hold, Happy memories, fond and true, From one who thought the world of you. —Sadly missed by wife, Adelia. 12* MORTGAGE SALE OE' VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK, COUNTY OF HURON, UNDER and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be of- fered for sale by Public Auction at the Town Hall in Fordwich, On- tario, an Friday the 5th day of October, 1962. at two o'clock in the afternoon, by Jack Alexander, Auctioneer, the following property, namely; ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Howick, in the County of Huron, and being com- posed of Lot No. 24 in the Sixth Concession of the said Township of Howick, containing 100 acres more or less, On this prbperty is said to be situated a brick house with clectriicty and water, bathroom .and furnace, all in good state of repair; a hank barn, 40x60 and straw shed 28x30. Electricity and water in the barn. Also a garage. The lands consist of approxi- mately 12 acres bush, 6-8 acres flats and 80 acres workable land. TERMS OF SALE—Ten percent of purchase money on the date of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter, when possession shall be given. The property will be offered subject to a reserved bid. Further particulars and condi- tions of sale will be made known on the day of sale or may he had on application to the undersigned, DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this Eighth day of September, A.D. 1962. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Mortgagee. •,12-19-26b HIL'BERT—In loving memory of a dear father and granddad, Wil- liam Hilbert, who passed away one year ago today, September 12, 1961. Just a thought of sweet remem- brance, Just a memory, sad and true, Just the love and sweet devotion Of the •ones who think of you. Dear God, take a message To our father in heaven above, Tell him how much we miss him, And give him all our love, '=Sadly,' nnissed by sons Ross and ' Jack, •daughters-in-law' Joan and Pat, grandchildren, Steven. Julie and Vickie and grandson, Dougie. 12* AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE Lot 20, Con. 4, Turnberry, 1 mile north of Wroxeter on September 20, at 1:30 sharp. Terms—Cash. Every- thing must be sold as farm is sold. Chad Hennings, Prop,; Roy Porter, Clerk; L, G. Bryce, Auctioneer. 12h LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE On Thursday, September 20, at 1:30 p.m., for Gilbert Nethery on the County Road, adjoining the Vil- lage of Blyth --10 young Holstein cows, milking and rebred; 3 two- year old Holstein heifers, due in October; 1 yearling Holstein heif- er, purebred;'4 spring steer calves; 4 Holstein heifer calves; 4 year - .king steers; Hereford bull. Terms-. Cash, Sale on account of ill health, Geo. Powell, Clerk; Bob Henry, Auctioneer. 12.19b DRAIN TiLE' 4" $ 55 per 1,000 delivered 5" $ 85 per 1,000 delivered 6" $110 per 1,000 delivered 8" $180 per 1,000 delivered Above prices based on 1,000 linear feet in full truck loads or more delivered within 35 mile radius of our plant. For detailed prices on all sizes of tile, either delivered or F.U.B. our plant at Henfryn, write or ph.0nie The HENDERSON Co. TILE MANUFACTURERS ' R: It1 No. 4, ATWOOD, ONT. Phone Atwood 356-2624 1.2-19-26* AUCTION SALE CATHERINE PATTISON ESTATE at her late residence, Minnie St., opposite United Church parking lot on SATURDAY, SEPT. 15 at 1:30 p.m. Sharp Westinghouse wringer wash- er; Westinghouse 6 cu. ft, refrig- erator; Westinghouse vacuum cleaner; General Electric floor polisher; Westinghouse iron; GE kettle; Acme table top range; kitchen chairs; extension table; buffet; kitchen cabinet; dishes; pots and pans, etc.; chesterfield and matching chair; occasional chairs; White treadle sewing machine; rocking chairs; Lazy - boy chair; ironing boards; 4 beds; dressers; wash stands; toilet' sbtse're; ;''''"rtie,'' 9x12; Congoleum rug; garden tools, shovels, spades, axes; lad- ders; set of new hardware for overhead garage door; 10"bench saw with 1 hp Leland motor; block and tackle; set of heavy blocks; chains; knitting ma- chine; sausage grinder; crocks; cast iron kettles, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash. John Pattison, Roy Porter, Executor. Clerk. Auctioneer, ,TACK ALEXANDER Phone 27 5-12b '11111IMII1■IIIBIIIUIII■IIIlIIIBIIIBIIIB1I11111■ SIGN PAINTING Commercial - Cut-out Letters - Trucks, etc. CALL LES REYNOLDS Phone 6W - Wingham 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011•11111111111b MOORE — In loving memory of Mabel, who passed away se sud- denly on September 15, 1961, God needed one more star up yonder, So He sent for that sweet, loving mother and wife. Mother come back from that echo - less shore, Take us to your heart again just as of yore. —Greatly missed by Art Moore and family and grandchildren, 12`" BIRTHS BAILEY—In the Virden I-Iogpital, Manitoba, on Monday, Aug. 13, 1962, to Mr, and Mrs, Thomas E. Bailey, Oakland, Man., a, daugh- ter, Donna Jean, a sister for Clarence, THOMPSON—At Victoria Hospi- tal, London, on Saturday, Aug- ust 25, 1962, to Mr, and Mrs. Sam Thompson, of Donnybrook, a daughter, Ellen Louise. WATSON—At the Wingham Gen eral Hospital, on Tuesday, Sept. 4, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs, Barry Watson, Brussels, a son. HODGINS—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Tuesday, Sept. 4 1962, to Mr. and Mrs, Glen Hodgins, R.R. 2, Holyrood, a son. RONSON—To Mr, and Mrs. Rob- ert Ronson, 306 Greenbrook Dr., Kitchener, at St. Mary's Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, Sept. 4, 1962, a son, Steven Eugene, a brother 1rin.r.§cQ.tt. ,,,S.• .1. CASEMORE—At the Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, Sept. 5, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Casemore, Wingham, a .daughter. WEST—At the Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, Sept, 7, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Eric West, R.R. 5, Mildmay, a daughter. LeVan—At the Wingham. General Hospital, on Sunday, Sept. 9, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Le - Van, Wingham, a son. Join the 99th Fd. Bty. RCA(M) RECRUITS MAY ENROLL ANY Monday Night AT TRE Wingharn Armouries iJP TO OCTOBER 1, 1962 12-19-26 PAUL S. STARR & COMPANY LIMITED Real Estate and Business Brokers "WE SELL RURAL ONTARIO" (No. 2418)—Large 3 Apartment House located right in the heart of Wingham. This louse has 3 self- containeci apartments together with laundry tubs, oil heating and a large lot. The owner has reduced the price of this valu- able property to $9,300, and a small down payment will be eon- sidered. Call or write to PAUL S. STARR & CO. LTD., IIANOVER PHONE 870 or Local Agent -- EVERETT PENNINGTON Phone 392-6064 Teegwater People Who Shop in Wingham. Read The. Advanoe.Time1 X44. 4. ".44..,IQiiOf...o.s...m UGi VY oaraPocavWiYfuo.iT•ticac 11=aIK:J.m Where You Vote ON SEPTEMBER 19 TOWN OF W1NGHAM No, 69 (VVinghalm No. 1)— W. J. CLARK'S STORE No. 70 (Wingham No. 2)— W, A. HEUGHAN'S STORE No. 71 (Wingham No. 3)— TOWN HALL No. 72 (Wingham No. 4)— WINGHAM MOTORS No. 73 (Wingham No. 5)— DOWNIE'S GARAGE 74 (Wingharn No. 6)— FRED CARBERT'S HOUSE 75 (Wingharn No. 7)— TOWN HALL No. 76 (Wingham No. 8)— i JOHN FINNIGAN'S I-IOUSE No. No. Campbell Soup Cornpany Listowel REQUIRE FEMALE EMPLOYEES FOR TEMPORARY PLANT WORK DURING THE FALL FOWL SEASON APPLICANTS SHOULD VISIT THE PLANT PERSONNEL OFFICE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE NOTICE TO Water Consumers The hours for watering lawns and gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and from 6p.m.to9p.m. This will be strictly enforced An ANNUAL. charge of $4.44 gross, Tess prompt payment discount of 10 per cent k made for the use of a hose or outside' tap for the above -noted purposes. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has not paid for this service will be billed accordingly. Wingham Public Utilities Commission t:. E. SHERA, Superintendent AMBULANCE, Service CALL — S. J. WALKER PHONE Day and Night -- 106 BUTLER, DOOLEY, CLARKE & STARKE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 44 NORTH ST. JA. 4.8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO A. H. MCTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TICESWATER - ONTARIO Tel. 392-7373, Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Wedneedr.l afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 Harriston, Ontario 0 r 7'. • r • 0 • w BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY • Gaviller, McIntosh & Ward CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Bell Telephone Building PHONE 633 WALKERTON CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. Wingham, Phone 40 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.O. J. T. GOODALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Etc, Office—Meyer Illoek, Wingham PHONE 14 • 1,