HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-08-29, Page 12le0Jr I'k'itThe Wiylgitanz AdVIO490-'y[`fai'nera WMdVtc.*i aye', Aug.2#> xUZ
�.� ..�'ockr�''us�r v'Qry
gere's an easy way to separate
the 'leases of head haeme and yet
keep leaf breakage to a minimum.
Cut out the tare and remove the
Coarse outer leaves rtrtld the head
alit part un, under caul running
water to loosen the leaves.
El II la griE
AS: A:
Alta' no rtui.utett tnruugli your tueaa
funeral director
PLA ! - ,,.
Open House Today
At Woodeden Camp.
On staff at Woodeden Camp this
year are three people from this dis-
triet, ,lane Megagite of Wrnghum,
one of the nursing assistants; Mary
Hamilton, Bluevaie, a kitchen t.outi.
senor at.ri Jessie Kennedy, Tees.
water, a volunteer counsellor In the
junior girls' group
Woodeden is just nut of London
and Is owned and operated by the
Ontario Society for Crippled Chilli.
ren. The Wingham Lions Club is
one of 22,211 service clubs in the pro-
vinee to s,,pport Crinpled' Children's
work through the sale of Easter
Seals fol the Society,
Open House is being held a'
Woodeden today and the public is
invited to see the children partici-
pate in an average day's activity
M camp.
o , erch
Bu& ess College
21st Annual Fall Term opens September 4.
Senior and Junior Courses approved by the
Modern Equipment - Qualified Teachers - Tuition $28
Telephone JA 4-8521 or 7284, Goderich, Ontario
"Order by phone and take some
home." --`Carl 216
Deep Fried Shrimp 45 & 85
Southern Fried Chicken 50 & 90
Fish and Chips 50
Steakburgers 40
Texas Burgers 30
Footlongs 30
Cold Drinks, Ice Cream, Sundaes
Cigarettes, etc.
Charles at Josephine
Open Daily 11.30 a.m. to midnight. Friday and Saturday,
11.30 a.m. to 1 a.m.
At Chalmers' Church
Chalmers' United ,Church was the
setting of a double ring. wedding
ceremony when Lauralne Martha
Ann Husk, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jahr; Husk of Kincardine
Lownship became the bride of
Douglas 1i'rankiin Bock, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Bock of Kincar.
uu e, r .ev. N.v. .i. l.irrson ottiv,a.eu
and Miss June Convey of Acton
was organist, Frank .Collar of
h ingitaur sang "U r c.r'Lect Love
and "The Wedding Prayer", during
the signing of the register.
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride wore a floor -length gown
of nylon net with bouffant skirt and
tutiei.a unuerstcirt and bracelet.
length sleeves. The nylon lace ho.
dicewas set off with cup sequins
and simulated seed pearls. tier
finger-tip veil was held in place
ny a crown of seed pearls and she
uarried a bouquet 01 red roses and
white mums.
Mrs, Bill Luxford of Preston,
the matron of honor, was attired in
a gown of yellow with lace bodice
and lull tatteta skirt wan a stool,
neckline and bracelet -length sleev-
es. bhe wore white accessories and
carried a bouquet of yellow and
white mums. .bliss i,lonua Hedley
ut Bervie was bridesmaid. She was
attired in a mauve gown identical
-o tnat o! the matron of honor and
carried a bouquet of mauve and
white mums,
Miss Carol Husk of Wingham,
junior bridesmaid, wore a gown of
yellow organza over sok whin lace
uodice, scoop necxinte and snort
sleeves, her bouquet was of yel-
low and white mums, Peggy Mr -
man of Kincardine Township was
tile chartiting flower girt, brie wore
a mauve nyion dress trimmed with
white lace, She wore white ac-
cessories and a flower headdress
and carried a basket of mauve and
white mums,
Ken McAdam of Goderich was
best man and ushers were John
Finkle, of 'Toronto and Delbert
Halley of Holyrood.
At the reception in the church
parlours the bride's mother receiv-
ed in a beige lace dress with green
accessories and a corsage of pink
carnations. The groom's mother
assisted and chose a blue tafteta
dress with lace bodice. She wore
white accessories and a corsage of
pink carnations.
For travelling the bride wore a
two-piece beige linen dress with
brown accessories. The bride is a
graduate of Stratford Teachers'
College and the groom is a gradu-
ate of Goderich Business College.1
The couple left for a. honeymoon to
the States and on their return will
reside in Kincardine,
Citizens of W
o You Know ?
1. What is a Dining Lounge License?
It is a license to sell hard liquor of every variety and beer
in an hotel or restaurant. A sandwich may comprise the
meal, while consuming liquor may continue to the closing
hour of 1 A.M.
2. What is a Liquor Lounge License?
It is a license to sell hard liquor and beer in a cocktail bar or
similar room to anyone over 21, and no escorts are necessary.
3. Who may obtain these Licenses?
Any establishment in town may apply for a license and same
may be granted without any further vote of the people.
4. Are liquor and beer available now in Wingham?
They are on sale at government controlled stores five and
six days and one evening. Banquet licenses are also obtainable.
5. Has Alcoholism increased in Ontario in the ten years of Cock-
tail Lounges?
Yes. 187% % (Ontario Alcoholism Research Foundation). The
population increase has been only 38%.
6. How will additional beer and liquor outlets profit Wingham?
They will profit the seller, not our present merchants. Whis-
key is produced at 50 cents per gallon. Sold by the glass m
lounges, the profit ranges from 300 to 500%. There are no
liquor sales on credit. The only "profits" Wingham citizens
would have would be increases- in accidents, in absenteeism in
our factories, in credit buying in our stores, and in alcoholic
human "wrecks" on our Main Street.
Be 1,, The Know
and VOTE. NO
SHIRLEY HARMER, famous Canadian television on Gordie Tapp's stage show in the Wingham
star, who will be one of the featured entertainers arena on Friday night during Frontier Days.
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-Mr, and Mrs. James Seli ha
returned home after visiting t
former's sister, Mrs. Mande Wi
son, in Detroit, and the latter's
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Hector H. Sutherland, in
Windsor, and Miss E. R. Suther-
land, in Detroit, Mich. They visited
relatives in Wheatley and went to
Kingsville, Leamington Point
Peele National Park, and by boat
to Bob Lo Island, They also stop-
ped off at London to visit Mrs.
Frank Seli, Sr., who was in Vic-
toria Hospital there, but is now in
Wingham General Hospital.
ve days with their son, Mr. and Mrs.
he Lev Balser, and family. They were
1- areompanied by their daughter,
Mrs, Rowland Cook, Mr. Cook and
two children, also of Moncton.
_-Mr. Hugh Sinnamon, of Minnie
Street, was taken to Wingham
Hospital on Wednesday last .after
he suffered a stroke at his home.
---Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shane,
for many years residents of Wing -
ham and former proprietors of the
Brunswick Hotel before .moving to
London, will celebrate their golden
wedding anniversary on September
5th, and will hold open house,
afternoon and evening, at their
home, 8 St. George's St., London.
Mr, and Mrs, Jim Bain were
visitors with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs, W. G. Bain, while they were
vacationing at Howdenvale.
Mrs. Vance Sanderson visited
over the week -end with her hus-
band, who is a patient in St, Jos-
eph's Hospital, London, Mr. San-
derson has been in hospital for
several weeks.
-Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Bennett
and family were visitors with Mr,
and Mrs. James Seli recently, and
Bradley remained to spend a few
weeks with his grandparents. Mrs,
Wilson and Mrs. Thacher wore
guests at the Seli home last week
-Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sparks, of
Detroit, were recent visitors with
their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Angus Mowbray, and
-Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith
and family, of Ottawa, visited
fxiends in Wingham last week.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Webster
and son, John, of Halifax, visited
with Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Sinnamon
several .days last week, before leav-
ing for the coast. Mrs, Webster and
John had been holidaying here
since May, and returned home with
Mr. Webster who is in the RCN, in
IIMCS Athabaska.
-Mr, and Mrs. Tony Langridge
and daughter, Julia, of Hamilton,
visited at the week -end with Mr,
and Mrs. F, Langridge and Denis,
near Belgrave, and with Mr. and
Mrs. John Langridge and family,
of Wingham.
---Miss Dorothe Comber, of the
WDHS staff, attended a conference
for home economics teachers of
Ontario at Waterloo Lutheran Uni-
versity College last week, where
teachers met the new inspector ,of
home economics, who had recently
been appointed from London
Teachers' College.
--Mrs. Gordon Hastle has just re-
turned home from a trip to Van-
couver, B.C., and .also to the
World's Fair in Seattle.
--Miss Dorothy Douglas, of Tam.
.) sui, Formosa, spent the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Aitchi-
Miss .Tulin Thornton was a
visitor with her grandparents. Mr,
and Mrs, Robert Golley, recently.
- Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Justnson,
of Kitehener, spent theweek-enol
with Mr. and Mrs, R. G, Gannett.
--Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacDonald
and Mr. and Mrs. John 4VIeKay
spent several days with Mr. and
Mrs R. M. Brll in Kingston re-
Mr, and Mrs. R. 0. \Venger and
family spent two writs' vaeatinn
at Pine River.
-Mr. Stafford Fintesnn visited
recently with his son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Haw-
kins, and family at Miller Lake,
where they were spending a vaca-
-Mrs, I. W. Merr.iek and Beverly
spent a few days in Uxbridge with
friends and relatives,
--Mr, and Mrs. W. A', Tirgman
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Graham
Fenn, of Parkhill, orie day last
Visitors at the home of Mr, and
Mrs James Netterfieid Inc the past
week Included Mrs, Netterfield's
brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs,
Jack Wngh:irn, of Matheson, Ont.,
and their sister, Miss H'nzei 'Wag.
horn, of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. I+:, A, Balser, of
Monetan, N.B., spent the past ten
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Forsyth, of
r'ra.nfnrd, N.J.. were visitors of
Mrs. Andrew Casemore and Irlma
and other relatives last week,
-. Visitors with Mrs. Joe Green-
away oh Monday to celebrate her
birthday were Mr, and Mrs. Knut
Karlson, of London; Mrs. Margaret
Ogram, of Toronto; Mr, Robert
Dixon, of Lakelet; Mrs. Dorothy
Greenaway, of Bluevale, and Mr.
Jim Warrell of Howick,
----Mr, and Mrs, Douglas II, Suth-
erland, Greg, Janice and Nancy, of
Farmington, Mich., were recent
visitors with Mr. and Tvtrs. James
Sell on their way to Paris and
St. Thomas, following a vacation at
Invrrirhurtin Beach.
Mr, end Mrs. Gary Leesdn .and
children have returned home to
Ottawa. Mrs. Leeson visited with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert'
Colley for two weeks.
Recent visitors at the her"
of Mrs. F. M. Snell were Mrs, td—
ward raffling acid son, Charles, of
retirngn, 111., Mr's, R. Bonner, of
Treatise of
Port Chester. N.Y., and
Pdiss Heather Snell, of Londes-
Mr. )and Mrs, W, G. Bain have
rotin'ned home from Howdenvale,
where they spent the past couple of
weeks on var..ation. Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Steward, of London, spent
two weeks with them there. Mr.
and Mrs, Wm. C. Bain and family
have also returned to Stratford
after a holiday at Howdenvale.
Sunday visitors with. Mr. and
Mrs, Bruce MacDonald were Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Scott and family, of
Blyth, Mr. Harold Keating, Bel -
grave, and Ted Laurendeau and
Jiin Fitzgerald, of Windsor,
Mrs. 1- I. J. Sloan, of Brantford,
was a recent visitor with Mrs.
Walter Davis and other Wingham
•--Mr. and Mrs, David Horwood
and Peter returned home last week
from Vancouver, B.C., where they
spent several weeks with her
mother, Mrs. McKinnon, and other
relatives and friends,
--Miss Holly 0, Martin, of Lon-
don. was in town for a couple of
weeks, She was in Wingham to
visit with her sister, Mrs. R. Wen-
ger, a patient in hosiptal, and called
on several of her friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Abel and Janie
of Listowel and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Newton of Harriston, were Sunday
guests of Mrs, R. Newton,
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walkom, Par-
is, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Russell Walker,
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, Ross Coates were Mr, and
Mrs, John Lucas, Listowel, Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Mapletoft and fam-
ily, Millbrook, are also spending a
few days at the same home.
Mrs, W. E. Weir and Miss Gert-
rude Bush, accompanied by Miss
Gienis and Master Murray Gibson,
visited Mr, and Mrs, Allister Green
and Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Weir at
their cottage at Amberly one day
last week.
Mrs. Sam Ovington is spending
part of this week with her daughter
and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs, Clar-
ence White, Lrussels.
Sunday visiitors with Mrs. James
Doig were Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Doig
and family, Drayton, and Mr, and
Mrs, Bradley Galbraith and family,
Wingham. Karin and Kathryn.
Galbraith remained for a few days
with their grandmother.
Mr, and Mrs. Vern Clark visited
Mr, and Mrs. -Bud" Stewart, Har-
riston, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Fight Hoffman, of
Clinton, visited the former's ano-
ther, Mrs. Elizabeth Hoffman, at
the week -end. Mr. aiid Mrs. Wil-
fred Haffner, Kitchener, were
guests at the same home.
Sunday visitors at the home of
Ross Toman were Mr, and Mrs.
Ralph Toman and family, Kitchen -
or. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Bow.
man, Petersburg, called there on
Mr, and Mrs, B111 Hart and sons,.
Douglas and Dale, have returned
to their home in Oshawa after
spending the past two weeks in
Port ihllgin and at the hornes of Mr,
and Mrs. Milani hart and Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Newton, '
Mr. Ross Coates, Mr. Lloyd
Mapletoft and Master Ronald
Mapletoft are on .a fishing trip to
Sauble and Chesley for a couple of
days this week.
1NV(STOtS GROWTH fUND combines the advantages of a diver-
!allied stock investment and frill-timie professional manage-
Assets of the fund are invested in a wide range. of Canadian
common stocks selected for long-term growth petentiel.
• Automatic, free re -investment of dividend$
• Cumulative investment plans
• Variable income plana,
• Income ta; credits
For complete infernultlers contact . , a)
Box 394
• Phone 147
... •• r4N,r•r. hear••
Mrd OBlrrr WI*41111. Wows la )tindargl pale
Front Grocery
Phone: Our Prices Are Lower
590 We Keep Down the Upkeep
12o O111'k'
Chase & Sanborn Instant COFFEE , ..6 -oz, 79c
Pineapple and Grapefruit DRINK .48 -oz. 3/89c
SHREDDED WHEAT Biscuits 18's 29c
Aylmer TOMATO CATSUP 18 -oz. 33c
MAPLE LEAF -7% -oz, --
Fancy SOCKEYE SALMON 2/$1.05
Stokely's Fancy TOMATO JUICE .48 -oz. 29c
Choice KERNEL CORN , ,14'oz. 2/29c
Deep Brown PORK and BEANS , ..8 -oz. 2/25c
Napoli Ready -Cut MACARONI 2 lbs. 29c
Crispy Flake SHORTENING lb. 22c
Sta-Fresh Heavy WAX PAPER ... .100 -ft. 29c
KLEAR LIQUID• WAX, 13c off ..32 -oz. $1.16
Blue Water Frozen FISH{ STICKS ..10 -oz. 37c
Frozen MIXED VEGETABLES . ,11 -oz. 2/37c
.York MEAT PIES • 8 -oz. 2/49c
SCHNEIDERS-24 Ib. average
Smoked COTTAGE ROLL ib. 79c
Maple Leaf Big 8 WIENERS , 10 -oz. 35c
Ontario NEW CARROTS ...20 -oz. cello 2/19c
Sunkist Valencia ORANGES, 163's ... doz. 39c
,,..0”r4111111 .=0
New and Exciting
For Your Fall Sewing
The lovely choice of colour and design—a large
new stock of Butterick Patterns, plus a large and
varied selection of sewing notions is sure to be
Good News to all.
Top of the list is our fine quality Woollens, There are plain
shades, novelty weaves, "match mates" and plaid eiteeks
-- PRICED AT $3.95 and $4.50 YD.
— $2.95 YD.
These elegant ,fabrics are rich and luxurious in tortes of
black, gold, brown, green and turquoise
-- PRICED FROM $2.49 TO $3.49 Yb.
aro a ""ansa" for your fall sewing -- Be sure to see the many
lovely patterns
--- PRICED FROM $1.00 YD.
A. CE LE S —
are batik again in their rfolinnt shades and beautiful
—=' PRICE $1,98 AND $2.49 Yb.
(Wingham) Limited