HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-08-29, Page 2!' fie Two The Wingiiarn A.ctvanee.Tinies, Wedneeflan Aug. 21), 190 Our Sbrin dng Nation One of the miracles of our age ft the rapidly shortening rare .re of dis- tance between points Which were once so far apart. When Canada be- came a nation in 1867 one of the prices of Confederation had been the construction of a railway from the Atlantic to the Pacific, for without the tie of steel rails there was No hope of holding the far-flung pro- vinces together,. \Vhat changes this country has seen since those times! 'l'he first steam locomotive to operate in Western Canada was riot run tmt from Montreal on steel rails, It was brought up the Red River from the United States on a barge. Winnipeg was weeks away from Ontario in those days. • last Monday evening we board- ed a jet. airci'aft-at Marton and an ef- fortless two hours later stepped out at Winnipeg, in plenty of time to at- tend a business meeting before bed- time. This tremendous change in travel facilities has had .a 'far-reaching ef- fect, We are riot so much conscious of the saving, in time to get from place to place. Rather we think of distant points as being closer to us. Canada no longer seetns so large. This change in mental outlook is creating profound differences in our social and political consciousness. The results. of the last two or three federal elections have set all the old political hands to wondering just what has' happened to the Can- adian voters.. We believe that the change in political patterns is a dir- ect result of this new attitude to- ward distances-.' - Fifty years ago various areas of the country always voted in set pat- terns. Quebec ,always went Liberal. Ontario -was. solidly Conservative, and so on.. Today, however, most people are thinking in broader terms. The influences 'which have created new political -thinking in British Co- lumbia are readily transported to the east. Thousands of travellers pour - FRIGHTENING WORDS Mr, Thompson, national le.ader of the Social Credit'party, has had a lot of explainiing to do since his Quebec party chief . ventured to name his own .political idols last week. Asked whom he most admired among world leaders, M.r. Caouette unhesi- tatingly replied, "Hitler and Musso- lini." He diel add that he Was referring only to financial and economic. lead- ership, but the dunnage was done. Mr. Thompson has, app.arently, been able to think up no better excuse for his deputy than the rather lame sug- gestion that the man from Quebec talks too much. Those who have observed the de- velopment of Social Credit in Can- ada have long been aware that its tendencies are pretty far over to the right, but this -is the first titne that one of its own leaders has openly ad- mitted any admiration for actual fascist tactics. We would agree with the nation- al leader that the man in question talks too much, and in doing so has given alarming evidence of an atti- tnkle which has no place in Canadian thinking. More than that, he has certainly demonstrated a shortage of normal common sense in expecting Can- adians to accept his words withotrt a deep sense .of shock. Imagine, for example, how he has endeared him- self to Canada's thousands of war veterans. The Wingham Advance=Times Published at Wingham, Ontario Wenger Thos. Limited W, Barry Wenger, President Hebert 0, Wenger, Secretary -Treasurer Member Audit Bureau of circulation Authorized by a the Toot Office Department se Second Class Mail and for payment of postage in cash SubSeriptibn Rate One Year, $4,E3G Six Months, $2,25, in adVanee J.S.A. $5,00 .per Year; Foreign tate $5.00 pear year Advertiding Rated' On application ing back and forth across the coun- try every day transport with thein the thinking• and emotions of people in the far ctalnt.l, of the nation, Though the change is unquestion- ably disturbing to the planners, its eventual outcome should. be bene- ficial rather than detrimental, Cer- tainly an air of confusion has been created, but this will sturdy away when the have all geared ourselves to the tempo of changing times. Since the salve rules of shifting thought apply throughout the world, there may, for the first time since the unfortunate experiment at the Tower of Babel, be soine hope that this unhappy conglomeration of tongues, creeds and colors knoavn as mankind, will reach eventual understanding. THIS IS YOUR DECISION With September 19 set as the slate of a vote on whether or not premises in \Wingham shall be li- censed for the sale of liquor, there may be some of our readers wonder- ing what "stand" 'Phe Advance - Times will take on the question. The answer is that we are not taking a stand. You may attribute (nr attitude to moral cowardice if you wish. Our reasons, however, are valid. This is not a question which is complicated by unseen or obscure background. It is a straightforward matter of whether or not a majority of people here believe that liquor should be available in local hotels. We give you credit for sufficient in- telligence to make up your own mind. Those who favor the outlets con- tend that without then the business life of the conuntunity and the erec- tion of a new and modern hotel are jeopardized. The opponents believe that the introduction of additional outlets/ will inevitably lead to a- higher con- sumption of alcoholic beverages and a consequent degeneration of moral and social conduct. In this matter you must. follow your own conscience. However, one word of caution. Give the other fel- low the benefit of the doubt. Don't jump to the conclusion that simply because he doesn't agree with you he is your enemy. We sincerely believe that 95 percent of the voters in this town will be acting from the sound- est motives. A CHANCE TO HELP This week -end the Wingham Lions have arranged their annual Frontier Days program for your particular enjoyment, Several major changes have been made in the plans for this year in order to streamline the festivities, One of the major al- terations is the elimination of the customary parade on Saturday after- noon. Since participation in this event was low during the past two of three Frontier Days, the money usually ear -marked for prizes, etc., will be directed to entertainment in. the other events. Frontier Days are commended to public attention and interest. Per- haps some of you can recall the or- igin of this annual celebration. It all carie about when the Lions decided that there was .a more acceptable way of raising funds for its welfare work than the old and too -familiar "frolic" F'r'ontier Days were con- ceived as a ftt'nd-raising event in which the general public would be given more entertainment value for its money. This is the Tions' big event of the year as far as money is concerned. That money is badly needed. The club is committed to assist with wel- fare projects of many kinds and only through your generous co-operation can they fulfill their responsibilities, �rrnonnnnn•WMAI*410•n•.tXrnMOM !n,ittnpnnnn,,r,,urnun„n,m,nm,nnnn„V,p,nrrrr,nrignifi nniMMlmmgnmPUIM }WMInt,"1 sttnisrrp7r R4mneW Ily Rev, >i , A, i,tlwrnitn, ',CeeS'tvtlter, otl,tils'lo. ONE MMO. E . T,. PLEAS "The WAY, the truth Anal, the life," .John 14r1l, A „lissiunury to ladle once ask- ed an .Indian Christian what he thought was the great difference between Christianity and any of the religions of India and after a moment's thought, the num replied, "Jesus Christ, sir." "Yes, I know," said the missionary, "but what is there that is different?" The In- dian Christian again replied, "Sir, it is Jesus Christ." And so It is, There is everything about Jesus that is different and that mattes all the difference to our faith. The text above says that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is the Way to Walk, the Truth to Trust and the Life to Live. Jesus is the great example. Every- thing that He was and d'd are our great inspiration, His righteous life, His fearless courage, His loving and gentle deeds, His compassion, His meekness, His self-sacrifice, He was the perfect fulfilment of all He taught and the exposition of the greatest way of life for us to fol- low. He is the Way to Wailc. Jesus Christ is the inspiration of all our doctrine. What He taught was a revelation from god and is the foundation of Christian truth, More than that, He Himself Is the truth of God, What Jesus said About life and death and heaven and hell and judgement, is to be trusted. He taught that people are like sheep gone astray, whom He had come to seek and save. He said that the Devil is a real person and that His powers alone can defeat the Devil. Jesus said that the cross was necessary and that unless we eat His flesh and Alrink His blood we have no life in us, Dear friends, a we would come to God, we must trust Jesus .Christ for He is the Truth. God's final revelation to sinful and disobedient men, P. 3eslls is also the Life to Tuve, Think of some of the things that Jesus said about this. "I -Te that be- lieveth on the Son, hath .everlasting life and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath Of God abi,deth in him," John 3:311. "'['he water that I shall give him snail be in him a well of water, springing up into everlasting life." John 4,14, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10, Sp we most receive Him for life. You, see it is possible to be a goad man and not be a Christian because you do not have Jesus Christ, It is possible to be a re- ligious man and not be a Christian because it is Jesus Christ who makes the difference, "If I ask Him to receive me, will He say nay? Not 'til earth and not 'til heaven pass away," mm SUGAR and SPICE By. Bill Smiley Fair warning. This column—all his gym shorts are, or when his of it—is going to be about my son. weed collection is due, or what day I used to think it was bad form to talk about your kids, But after years of sitting around listening to it is, or what time the party starts. He doesn't remember. He can work from seven in the other parents rave about their fan- morning to ten at night on his tastically clever and talented child- music and school work, without ren, I became fed up. Now, you'll find me right in there with the most boring of them, trying to in- sert a few brags about my own off- spring with the proper degree of false modesty. Fifteen years ago this week, my son was sitting in his mother's lap, in his bare feet, looking like a miniature Winston Churchill, blink- ing at this hot, bright world, and waiting for some more of those goodies that came every three hours. Right ;now, he's sitting in the liv- ing room, in his bare feet, at .the piano, al.ternatng between Chopin mazurkas and Blues in the Night. The Lord alone knows what is go- ing through. his mind, but I'll bet anything that within. 20 minutes he'il be in the kitchen looking for somethng to eat 0 - 0 - 0 Food is almost a religion at that age. Their most familiar pose is standing with the refrigerator door open, gazing into the interior with the rapt look of a Buddhist priest at his prayer -wheel. All that grub seems to bear fruit. complaint, But when summer ar- rives he can scarcely find the strength to put on his shoes and he can develop a complete mental block about the fence he started painting six weeks ago and never finished. He's an honor student at school, but he can't find the shirt he took off last night. He can play a clari- net, but he can't get the lawnmow- er started. In short, he's right in the mid- dle of that bewildering experience known as adolescence, when the body is undergoing chemical and physical revolutions, and the mind is groping through the no-man's- land between the cool sanity of childhood 'and the confused fever of young manhood. U-0-0 However, our son is taking it with remarkable calm, I must say. In fact, he's so calm that he can sleep until noon without moving a muscle, if he's not called. I don't pretendto understand hint. But we like each other pretty well, which is more important. The chief difference between him and to Blyth, where he becomes mar... t ager. Mr. Sturt made a large circle of friends daring his residence i,l Wingliam, Miss Lizzie Cummings resigned her position as a member of the public school teaching staff and at a special meeting of the beard Miss Annie Barber, daughter of Mr, Chas, Barber was engaged as her successor. Mr. Edward Corbett, who for many years has been manager of the Ripley Flax'Co., has accepted a position with the Wingham Flax Co., at a much larger salary. Mr. Frank Taylor of Toronto, for- merly of the Western Foundry Co.. was visiting for a few days during the past week with old .friends In town. 0-0-0 AUGUST x924 Mr, P. McEwen Sr., of the 2nd concession of Turnberry, recently threshed 37 loads of fall wheat on his farm which yielded 55 bushels per acre and was an excellent sample. Most impressive were the cere- monies at the unveiling of the Wingham Monument in honor of those heroes who gave their lives that we might have liberty and British freedom. General Sir Ar- thur Currie unveiled the monument and gave a Most appropriate ad- dress. Over 40 Wingham autos went to meet what they expected to be about one hundred cars of London business men on their hike from Listowel to Wingham on Thursday last. The Londoners were, howev- er, unable to get up any more than eleven cars and the Wingham auto- ists sure gave them a smothering reception—with dust. The party was escorted to the town park where Mayor Willis, Mr. Abner Cosens and Mr, A, H. Musgrove spoke words of welcome. In the last year he's grown about other boys of the same age is that a foot. The shoes you bought him ire is my son, and I would not trade a month ago are suddenly pinch. him for eight million dollars, Eliza,_ ing his toes, The trousers yo:1 beth Taylor, and the last 20 years bought last Saturday are halfway,of my life returned, singly or to - to his knees. gether. Hugh is an odd kid, in some ways Oh, I almost forgot my brag. The but show me a 15 -year-old who isn't kid tried a music exam in June, odd in some ways, and I'll show you .Grade 10 piano. The results have a freak. Like most boys, he's a been coming in ever since. He ob. confusingcombination of opposites —sulks and sunniness, selfishness and thoughtfulness, cowardice and courage, In my perjudice.d opinion the virtues heavily outweigh the others. He's as stubborn as a mule, when he thinks he's right. Just like his mom, Or he can be the easiest per- son in the world to get along with. He can give you a look so surly you can scarcely keep your hands off him, Or he can melt you with the most charming and disarming smile any boy could ever produce. 0-0-0 He can sit and discuss Communist China intelligently, but don't send him to the store to buy four pork chops and a loaf of bread. He will come home with eight lamb chops and a bag of buns. Isle can memorize n. Beethoven Soltata, but don't ask Brim where ``ITS A TIME TO GIVE SOME THOUGHT,.. ,,ted tained the,..highest . mark in the province. He won two cash scholar- ships and admission to a special school of music. His mother nearly went out of her head. When asked, how he feels about it all, Hugh replies, "Pretty good, I guess," with a small grin. • �..w. Reminiscing AUGUST 1912 Word was received in Wingham on Saturday of the death in Los Angeles, Cal., on Friday of Mary Ann Netterfield, relict of the late Duncan Groves, in her 74th year. Mr. F, S. Sturt, who has been in the Bank of Hamilton here for some time, has been transferred ��1lit111�111111lI�IIIMitl�lil�l11�11Iriii�I11�1H>MI!I�1!!�Nlirlil�lllM!11�1114111�11!MIII�Iif�� s Special Prices w Prices affective August 29 to Septe;rnber 4 ...E i l r Tablets, 100's , , ,... , ...Ile ASA PainKle f EVELYN SOWARD wellEATl7iICAI." lir MAGNESIA, 16 -oz., reg, 50c, ,37c • LD.A. MILK ii COLD . CREAM, 1-113. jar, reg. 89c . , ... ...73e lr • NORTHRITE Bali Point Pen Refills , ...4/44c iM BALL POINT PEN, Fine Point ..... , 9 c .. , , , , 3 -RING BINDER , . CLIPBOARDS with 5%" clip w COLOURING PENCILS SET AUGUST 1937 Major Kenneth Weaver, M.C., is attending the annual provincial convention of the Canadian Legion which is being held in Timmins this week. Mr, Weaver is repre- senting this Zone and also the lo- cal branch, of which he is president. Mr. W. J. Henderson, son of Mr. W, James Henderson, Wingham Junction, has accepted a professor- ship at Perdue University, which is the state university for Indiana, at LaFayette., Master Hugh Et il, son of Mr. and Mrs, Matthew Bell, who had his leg fractured at Hanover last Friday is progressing as well as can be expected. 0-0-0 AUGUST 1947 George A, Reid, dean of Canadian art, and native of Huron County, died at his home in Toronto on Saturday. First principal of the Ontario College of Artists, Mr. Reid started out in a small studio in Wingham and gained international fame for Canadian art throughout the world. Wingham residents received their share of the prizes at the Blyth Lions Club frolic on Thursday eve- ning. The major prize of $50 in cash went to Douglas Richey; the studio couch to Mrs, Cecil Cook and a bicycle to Mrs. M, B, Ball, » 1O OIIi2 )+'REE WAY .OP' LIFE.. ... OUR RIGHT TO WORT{ AND BARCAl1&. TRE SPIRIT" OF 1:1 EEDOM• Al3D prMOCRACX... ,.,BUT MOST °PALL L IT'S THAT CREAT DAV_. a..kvij:l.otgtNG wJttcH� 7.ot1 gips GO %MKCTpSCHOOL apo 77c 66c� 59c EXERCISE BOOK, 40 pages, reg. 15c ...5/69c ill EXERCISE BOOK, 80 pages 4/88c 2 FILLER, 100 sheets, reg. 49c . , .. , .. , .44c 44c, 2/85c 88e !! 88c FOUNTAIN PEN "Canadian" FOUNTAIN PEN, Banker Cartridge 1.1 JUMBO FILLER, 250 sheets REG. 30c i LEAD PENCILS, I.D.A., 6 pak. 2/49c . M is i *Ate' V AN* PRISCR/PT/ON DRUGG/ST •cPh - -/8' a III\IIIMI II■I I IMI I IMIIIMI111111111MIlIMIIIMIIlrl1I1111111111Irlllrii111111ri111•UiM1111111i111\IIIMh; , „ •rp�a.t n•.►,,4011.1 a 0...,.a.ra.�w�.o.m„.11•1lloru.rar,r.ra+a�a.01. Elliott's Beauty Lounge 1 HEADLINE HAIR STYLES— Flattery goes to your head when we create a new, refreshingly im- aginative hair style for you. We be- lieve the magic charm for beauty starts with a dashing coiffure! PHONE 1098 FOR APPOINTMENT. ,,.Darn...n.110u..o.r u.ra~n..1.11=11w...e0111.wra.....i...c...1.r.o+11110•..,oai+,011.oro.+.e Join the thousands of families who won a BUDGET BATTLE In the past year, hundreds of thousands of HFC Ionns were made to thrift -minded Canadian families. Some were arranged to pay bilis or cover medical and dental expenses. Others, to make home im- provements or go on a real holiday. Alt families borrowed with confidence because of the fair, under- standing assistance they received. You too, can ac- complish your aim in pri- vacy, at your neighbourly HFC office. Life Insurance available at low group rale AM'NT OF LOAN MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 6100 550 750 1000 1600 2200 2500 ,no the $. ... 60.88 83.71 95.12 months 20 months 12 months 23.73 31.65 41.45 68.81 94.62 107.52 $32.86 44.13 58.11 94.11 129.41 147.05 $51.24 6921 91.56 146.52 201.46 228.93 Above payments include principal and interest, and aro based on prompt repayment, but do not Include the Cott of lite insurance. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE G. N, Crawford, Manager 35A West Street Telephone JA 4-7383 GODERiCH AMY r ,'IMIII�IIIMIIIMI IIMIItiI I IMIIIrII IMIIirellAltlrll Irl f IMIIIMUIrlII11i1Mlll�ItiMlI1M1IIwIN>♦;il� W _ • R. HAMILTON: OPTOMETRIST • Now a whole new golden world of SIGHT and,, i SOUND. See our HEARING -AID GLASSES, lightest in weight. a Phone 37 for appointment isintiwlisiIIMmi boons llloltl i!nIi/Iisis11as(nsitiI mmilIrl!IoIIIA me w fit. aut' Cburch tANC$LIcAN) .ing'hatn Rev, C. F. Johnson, .L.Th. - Rector Mrs. Oordon Davidson - Organist Eleventh Sunday after Trinity—SEPT. 2nd 11.00 a.m.—Holy Communion