The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-08-08, Page 8ge nom *ow W4n$kam; teaiio(++.T.iinet'd, Wed(temla , Aug. 8, 10(ill Boredom ;Causes. Road Accidents Many accidents occur because drivers are bored. Long, unbroken tripe on modern, high-speed high ways produce a hypnotic effect that is difficult to break in an emer- gency. For aiafcty's sake, safety a'tthot'i- tic's r'tttnutneud a hrenit every couple of :hoar. to ea:;,., the driver's i eyes, ht 1'0 vh hi•. limbs and have a refre,ittttt t .,.j %note, t,j' t tit, .it coffee. Try to be en. ti. t'yerytiltt• uht]1 you 11: 'ie ni;utt• yuul• first million. After tli.tt tiles 11 he inti. to Neu. liiiiitplil�illiilil itl�ihiiili�lilgRl �4l iilggt> Iteiteit I:* lsit eti eat t>r urik t et eat, HARRIS THEATRL CROWN or DRiVEIN T il'It.-FRI.-SAT, AUG, 9-19-1 `JACK THE GIANT KILLER" in Technicolor Kerwin Based Mathews - Judi Merediti )n the children's favorite . fable "FABULOUS WORLD OF JULES VERNE" Starring Louis Locke - Ernest Revere The mosr faboulotis adventure on over, or under the earth Shows 7.15--8.36-10.0 MON.-TUES. AUG. 13-1 "THE KING AND I" in Deluxe Color Re -issue of a superlative musiea hit starring Deborah Kerr - Yul Brunner Shows at 7.00.-9.20 WED.-TM:Re FRI.-SAT. AUG. 15-16-17-18 "ROAD TO HONG,KONG" This is a cute comedy starring Bing Crosby and 'Bob 'Hope with Dorothy I:an eiir 3n the funniest road of them all Shows 1.15--9.15 MON.-TUES. AVG. 20-21 "NO LOVE FOR JOHNNIE" An interesting drama starring Peter Finch - Stanley Holloway and Mary Peach A man of Government is starved for love and affection Shows 1.15-9,15 LIII'1{._1?1 1.•)t'(. It -ill "SIGN `OF ZORRO" 1'h, tint ti!' ;jest'. see- t,a t1:1111 taa "Flight of the Lost Balloon" oOn" T't•I•:tt•ia 1:3i :a: •t ;world .rt' 11( P. acq't !,'t't iii t ea.T1, MVO. ()'.1.'1 AUG, 11 "ALIAS JESSE JAMES' 1`tOh!3i r:oa • tee• Boll Hupe "Mighty Crusaders" i s Teelete ••:•r itee tilt t tr:t . t t tit, seven Orgies The tit -tee -rice • f th.• 11 :tate Knight by tht• I'•trk i tet; -:ear t.f Damascus St N1):1: }f11)NIole1 Al (r. 12 "STUDS LONIGAN" 1.l:rlr nit, rt:til:rne:;t "Walking Target" Adult F.::tt rte nene::t %VED: THUR: FRL-SAT. AVG. 22-23-24-25 "FOLLOW THAT DREAM" in Deluxe Color Here is family fun as teenage fav orite Elvis Presley becomes more and dad's favorite singing star a: well Shows 7.15-0.151 MON.-TL' ftl e.-WE1). .11'G. 13-14-15 "ONE, TWO, THREE" Adu'tt Entr: t-tinmetrt starring: Jamt.s teagney 'Alis is a geed, , :.otic- entry "Secret of Deep Harbour,: The secret . t det p ir:trbeur meant vi..dt•nt death TIIL'lt -1RI, AVG. 16-17 "TWIST ALL NIGHT" starring Louis Prima and his band Prisoner in the Iron Mask' t living n ath, is rt His rete a • CARLiNG TERRACE south of Victoria St. is en- der construction at the present. The street is being dug down nearly three feet by earth- inov- iazt ing equipment. It will be filled with gravel and Hack tapped shortly.--A-T photo, MOUNTAINS OF CLAY are being scooped cut of Carling Terrace south of Victoria St. this week as workmen prepare for hard -topping. The NEW JERSEY RECTOR death, his dream of revenge his 11�1i tfiirI only grip on sanity SATURDAY ONLY Al ASSISTS OM dirt is being trucked away and the street will be re -filled v,,ith gravel to create a better road bed. Advance -Times photo. OEE,OE The summer meet:,;g of the , 1i-.Mi.S. was heir; it: the chur,:il "THE'� schoolroom with the presi-ait.et, HE BIG. SHOW GORRIE On Sunday morning at pr•ltixe Color 'St. Sttpheri s C ilureh a C're•den°t• A. afunde11. in eliarge. The Ser -p•. Esther 11'ilii.t:.15 _ Cliff Robertson :table was dedicated by the rector, tare was read by Mrs. John Uta, son and the inetiltatinn given =- "Noose for a Gunman"Rev. E. C. Attwell. The table was Zits. Kea i,i•°1c e,lr. f,,l!\v ,ed 4 The law o1 the .-.:.i \Vt st was swift t' placed in the church by relatives , prays r by Girl . i:..it ffr:'1 firs• l;. tee -flatly T of the late H. V. Holmes in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. H. lej Linn I' res, tri] the toper. winch SUNDAY till)sIG}i'r $ L'(i. 19 Hollies ar,d les..- FIN P ..- erk ,' wee on Banish t,1li,1al:1. 01/tithing g "BRAIN THAT (wh,. were faithful attendants andsotne of tt:eiirf.?a:it1'- the -e t• '.lb-i•e. Ti"' .:.,seri many rears,• ., • `' :itlr t t,sr,a tied t ineyer by sit Pins rret• ' i• kt a. Relatives attending the service were Miss Irene Holmes and Miss Alicia Coulter, Toronto: Rev. H. M. and Mrs. Post. of Basking Ridge, New Jersey, and their son. Douglas, and daughters, Alicia and Angela: Miss Beatrice Taylor and Miss Marion EIlis. of London. Rev. H. M. Post, rector of the Episcopal Church in Basking Ridge, assisted in the service and preaclu-rl the sermon, MON: TF'ES: WED., AUG. 27-28-D1! "CLAUDELLE INGLIS" Adult Entertainment starring Diane Metaln - Arthur Kennedy A broken heart that turned to ice -,A lovely girl wlio vowed revenge on every man she could ruin Shows 7.15-4.15 WOULDN'T DIE" active :workers m the (dwell for p opt • Herb 1'l . r:-Virginda Leith "Invasion of the Star Creatures" MON.-TVES,-ICED., AUG. 20-21-22. "THE DEVIL AT 4 O'CLOCK" - in Technicolor --- Starring Spen -. r Tracy - Frank Sinatra "Deadly Duo" The story proves that a mother's love for her child cannot be bought TRUE.-F'RI.-LSAT, AUG. 80-71, - SEPT. 1 "MR. HOBBS TAKES A VACATION" In 'i'echnieolor -•- starring James Stewart - MtitireenO'Hara Fabian and Buri Peters - John Saxton It's great fun for the family --•-in a vacation that will long be temeriebered •Shows 7.i5-8.16 TIHUR.-FR.I. AMG. 23-24 PREMATURE BURIAL' Shtzihh•r •• in Teeh. -- Shock Adtilt Entertainment "They Came to Cordura" in Techniealor Gary Cooper - Tab Hunter Rita 1-Iayworth SATL"ItD:3Y ONLY AUG. 25 "WAR HUNT" Starring John Saxton An uneonventionaI leek at Valor "Carry On Regardless" "The Carry on Nurse Gang" pro- vide the laughs far this one SUNDAY MIDNIGHT AMG. 26 "ASSIGNMENT OUTER SPACE" Pine • "Phantom Planet" MON. TL'ES -WED., AUG. 27.28.29 "FACTS OF LIFE" with Bob }1',pe and Lucille Hall Free ernmended .Adult Entertainment "Bachelor Flat" in Teehnicolr.r an amusing comedy Starring Tuesday 1; e l'l - Terry Thomas Ree• rnmentir d Arbilt Ente•rtairtmrnt 'rm R.-FRI. AUG. 30-31 "MAN IN THE MOON" A cute English eomedy "Portrait of a Monster" Adult Entertainment Tv an e ra r,f violence, he was the tn..:;t feared nlr,bstr•r of all ATI'R.DAY ONLY SEPT. "CANYON RIVER" in 'I'eehnicolor • starring fleorge Montgomery I3ow•ery Boys "In the Money" 1 %ORR1E Mr. Mac Hutchison, of Toronto, spent the holiday week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hutchison. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cudrnorc. of Brussels. visited their daughter, Mrs. Bill Nay, and Mr. Nay on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Charland. of Copper Cliff, visited Mr, and Mrs. Langthon Vegan. Joey returned home with his parents after spend- ing three weeks with the Vogans. Mrs. Maggie Seeburger and Misr Alta, of Midland. Michigan, spent the week -end and holiday with Mr and Mrs. Chas. Koch. Sunday visitors at the same home were Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Koch an( Mrs. Annie Koch, (lowansto:wn, Mr George Timm ad. Miss Erna Betka. Wallace Township, -and Mr, ant: Mrs. Wm. Demerling, Kurtzville. Mr. Harry Gowdy is a patient it the Palmerston Hospital, and Mr. Don Irwin is a patient in Wingham Hospital. Many friends are hoping they may both have speedy re- coveries, Mr. and Mrs. Art Joron and daughters, of Toronto, Mr, Ross Earl, Ilene and I3ob were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Gowdy, Week -end and holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Justin Will were L.G. Leslie Will, Mrs. Willand family, of 'T'renton, and Mir. and Mrs. Lynn Will, of Leam- ington. Visitors at the same home last week were Mr. and Mrs. Jos. tlillanders, of 'Windsor. Mrs, Alex Graham. received word of the death of her father, Mr, .Tames McKenzie, of Wallacehurg, on Sunday. Mr. McKenzie ,had been in poor health for several years. Our sympathy is extended to 'Mars. Darling-Sangeter Reunion fiORRIE HURON COUNTY NOP IN° '*rv'ce ISSUES STATEMENT `Next Sunday. Please .accept the apologies of your Huron County New Petno- et'atic Party Candidate. and the ,,Yew 2)emoeratic Party for failing to express their appreciation in a paid advertisement for your inter- est and support in the recent elec- tion cainpagn. The followng financial statement of oiir campaign committee will no dobt give you the reason. lieceiply Ontario 1:"ederation of La- bour $300.00 County Labour Unions 125.00 Ontario New Democratic Party 50.00 Collections at meetings 97.00 Contributions front. 164.48 $737.08 els liixpendituret, 'Radio and TV advertising. Newspaper advertising Candidate's deposit Hall tent Delivery of pamphlets Office supplies Postage $1.66.00 239.51 200.00 34,00 15,00 26,63 55.94 $737.08 At this point I would like to ex- press my appreciation and that of the party to the local weekly pe peas for their Co-operation. Bob Goodwin, secretary; It, L, Peers, treasurer; Harold Stewart, chairman; J. C. Hemingway, can- didate, WHITEEHURGH WHITICC1 W CH--- The yoking people of Belgrave United Church conducted the service in Calvin - Brien Church on Sunday morning with, the ):3elgrave choir, under the direction of Roy Munlcly, Clifford Coultes was the special speaker. Next Sunday there will be no ser- vice iii this church but in two. weeks the Beigreve Church will again. be lei charge, with Colin Fingland of Winghaln conducting the service. An old farm laborer had just been .employed 0n a farm owned uy a lady who, though wealthy, had a reputation for stinginess. When dinner -time caner around he noted with disgust that the only fare on the table, in addition to bread, butter and tea, was a tiny spot of honey in t]re centre of a large plate, After eating in silenee for some moments, he )oohed hard at the honey and said: "I see, ma'am, You keep a bee." BRO WNIE'S Drive -In THEATRE Limited CLINTON - ONTARIC Two Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear Children under 12 in oars Free THURS.-FRI. AUG. 9-10 Hit No, 1 -shown at 9:20 only Mrs. Fisherhas been hired by the "SUSAN BLADE" school board of Ashfield to he principal in the senior room at S.S. No. 2, with Mrs, Atkins of Sheppardton in the junior room. Miss Mary Brinley of Benmiller will teach in S.S. No. 9, East Wa- wanosh. Mrs. Aubrey Toll will teach this year at the Walton school. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Smith of Kitchener spent the week -end with SAT.-1�[ORT.-lTJTr,: W1 D, Mr, and Mr's. •Gershom 1 Johnston Am. 11-13-11-1.5 and Miss Diana Smith eisi.ted there Owing to the length -1 Show since Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. at 9:20 Miss Shirley Bennett, of Toronto, Chester Longman and Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday at her home here. ,lack Longman of Windsor visited. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hall and on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Johnston and Mr, and Mrs, Ken- Rit)tie, of Toronto visited Mrs, neth Johnston and daughters of ;-fall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff visited there on, Thursday. Pyke. Rickie is remaining with his ClintonMand Mrs. Henry Stonham of grandparents while his parents are r at Kincardine. Mt. Brydges and •Mr. and Mrs. }tulclayina Keith .Reid -and family .of Windsor Mr. Robert Hoaey, of Galt, WRS spent the week -end with Mr, and ' a recent visitor with Mr, and Mrs. Mrs Thomas Reid of Marnoch. Robert Dane. Eileen Reid, who had .been visit - ire Rev. E. C.and Mrs, Attwell ing with her sister, Mrs, Stonham, visit - have returned from a month.'s hall- returned home and Linda left to day trip to the .Vest coast, spend this week at Mt. Brydges. Mrs, Agnes Neill, of Woodstock, Mr, Frank Cooper' and '14ir. and and her sister, Mrs. Grace Dustow, Mrs, Harry Cook of .Marnoch vis - are visiting in Chicago, Ill, ;ted on Wednesday with Mr. and Tire Iiaerling-Sangster reunion h1:r, and Mrs, Clifford Cooke are Mrs, Harold Slesser of Glamis, Mr. was 132-1-1 on Civic Holiday in the motoring to the East coast. and Mrs. White of Ingersoll Vis- ited on Sunday at the Cook home at Marnoch. Elaine Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Mason Robinson, has•been very ill this week with a boil in her ear. •- Mr•. and Mrs. William • Reavie and ,family of Barrie are spending this week at a cottage at Port El- gin. Mrs. James Doig of Wroxeter is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Galbraith. The child- ren at the Galbraith home have been quite ill during the past week. Miss Janet Watson of Aylmer is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Beecroft. Mrs. Roger Inglis of Walkerton is spending a few days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bieman, , Visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Showers in Ternberry last week were Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Hop- wood of IK.ingston, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tapson and Kandy of Lon- don, and Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Show- ers and family of Toronto, Troy Donahue - Connie Stevens I)orothy McGuire (Color) Hit No. 2 --Shown at 11:30 only "World By Night" (Adult Entertainment) A tour of World Night Spots (In Color) (Cartoon) Belmort• Park with an atter,dance of approximately 15e. President of the gathering teas Leslie Harkness. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dickson were in charge of the :port:, and races. Novelty prizes ;were looked atter by Isabel Derling. Those coming farthest were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Isarling and fam- ily of Toronto. Mfrs. Bella Aitken of Chesley received the honors for the oldest person pr, -sent. The youngest wa Nancy Dickson, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dickson. Following Uracil Mrs. Nellie Harper read some 'if the early history of the Burling fam- ily. ciI1clUWiilli;li�illifiilielii Cii ifi lli iliiiilLiiLMiliell e l lfll4l1i al on in Yislmom' Graham. lOeN Y lO;t :qrs. J f., Yobin: ..: of Ring. ham an:l Mee. 1:,,.1;; 11'11'.::1.3., and ::ands of L+,nt:o:L ...-i: •'1 W r r!nc•8- day with air. :il:•i : it:. r':. tries Irffersor- agt.:,Iajor tool ti+ -. II. 1 1.1 °.nty. Bill, Geraid ateti I..' 'u '.f 1" are speeding t:,i r 'r:',1 t with 'Ir. and :‘,Ire. 1.el:..i•'i I:•.1,... .: and ftmly. Mr. an,l Mia, %Vi.+b.y 3.11'rson and fan.ily ei:,ileei Sunda;"...•i- her parent:;. Mr. a, .1 MIr:,. Jos - ling and family at Lunde. bor.,. Mrs. Margaret aft Donald. Miss Gladys ,Iel)rt.,ald anti Ml. Ite•na Mft•Nabb +,f 1,,x•kno :.fott- 'lay with'air. itt,d ,Ti'- ..lain.-, I.ed. dy. ry. Two in Flospital, Electric Shock Mrs. Lloyd Woods, Judy and Gene, of Kitchener, spent Saturday with the former's mother, Mrs. Olive Shera, Glen Omand, of Maryborough Township, is holidaying at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coulter, Mrs. Thos. Short, `of Fergus, has spent the past two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Underwood. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McInnes visited their son, Mr. Elgin Mc- Innes, and Mrs. McInnes at Dun-, Barton. Sympathy is extended to Mr, Cecil Grainger, whose brother, Stanley Grainger. 48, of London, passed away last week. Miss Sandra Pearce, of. Wheatley, was a recent visitor with Mrs. Glenn Austin. Miss Edna Lawrence, of Toronto, was a holiday visitor with her mother, Mrs. Chas. Lawrence, and sister, Mrs. Olive May. The Red Cross swimming and water safety classes got off to a good start on Monday, July 30, with 110 enrolled. Tests will be taken at the end of the four week course. Don Whitfield is instructor and Miss Carol Robinson, assistant. (,IORR/ld -._ Jerry Itynritrt;tn and Don Whitfield 111." haat taken tot 1.Vinghant H.,c,hittl Mohd a • after- noon. after 1;ufferitie ..e\,err• Ela ctric shock while installing. o 1i:•ht bulb on tht• ati't et iu riorrir• 11. trnr,t 01 Roy Strong'e hon:e, It 1., te leaved they touched :( liar wire. Don is expected to be able to leave the hospital by Wednesday. ru: A highbrow is a person who can listen to the William Tell Overture without thinking of the Lone Ranger, AN EXTRA $10,000 PO* YOU Let's say you put one dollar a day into au Investor* plan, These few dollars a week - - Will grow' into $10,000 in just twenty yearsl Alan than 125,000 Canadian an ;Already raiding their dreams cotne true through Investor Syndicate, and a plan can be tailored to suit your specific deeds. Start now to build a substantial cash reserve for your future. See your Investors Mani .. • OW best friend financially. THOMAS JARDIN !lox '394 Whigham, Ont. Ph. 147 13I1 L:CG MCF AUt. 093 Listowel, (Ott. i'h. 979 EMERSON WEI. 6 Itarriston, Ont. re. 334W Rox Box 1„fnvest.dr. ot all a co to 1/ S*N*Silt I.�lit S 0.0..t w t CAP 1. 014001 t i1.. Paul "EXODUS" Newman - Eva Marie Saint Sal Mineo (Colour - Scope) IVIernorial..Seroke CORRIK Several from Glot•t'ie` and community attended the Flow - ick Pistrlct 1.401.4 and L0I3A neem" octal service in the Forclwich cow. etery on ,Sunday afternoon. The Rev, A. C. Cole was the speaker. HANOVER DRIVE-IN. TIEIEATRE TfCIRS FRI, AUG. 9-1.0 "The Young Doctors" Tien canal') - Frederick March., They fought the war against pain "Snow White and the Three Stooges" Carol Heiss - Three Stooges Technicolor - CinemaScope The hest known fairy tale of theik, all CARTOON SAT. -MON. AUG 1.143 "An Hands os1 Deck" Pat Boone - Buddy .Hackett Technicolor - CinemaScope "The Fiercest Heart" • Stuart Whitman - Juliet Prowse Technicolor - CinemaScope The mightiest of African adventure CARTOON SUNDAY LA'I'E SHOW AUG, 12 "Anatomy of a Psycho' Donny Burns "Fury in Paradise" R. Thompson Recommended as Adult Entertainment TUES.-WED. AUG. 14-15 "Armoured Command" Karl l3'ailiman - 'Tina Louise "World by Night" All star cast _• Technicolor The cameras roam the worlds night club with top entertainers CARTOON PTI TR: FR -LSAT. AUG. 16-17-18 FIRST DISTRICT SHOWING only "SERG:.EAN'TS -THREE" Frank Sinatra -Dean Martin -Peter Lawford -Sammy Davis Jr,-Crostry Brothers -- Technicolor MAN, THIS ON'E'S THE WILD 1;ST! In all the history of high ad- venture, hysterically lived on the screen. one of the finest FIRST RUN movies to come to this district "The Two Little Bears",, Eddie Albert - CARTOON THUR.-7! R.I. AUG. 1.6-17 Hit No. 1-Showm. at 9:00 only "SNOW WHITE AND THE 3STOOGES" Carol Heiss - The Three Stooges (Colour - Scope) Hit No. 2 --Shown at 10:50 "The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come" Jimmie Rodgers - Chill Wills (Colour - Scope) (Cartoon) FREE POPCORN for the children before 9:15 on. 'Thurs. only, Aug. 10 SUNDAY LATE SHOW AUG. 19 "Hou;se of Fright" Paul Massey - Dawn Adams Technicolor "Wild for Kicks" C. Lee For those seeking unusual enter- tainment Recommended as Adult Entertainment SAT.-MON.-TUES. AUG, 18-20-21 Hit No. 1 --Shown at 9:00 only "WILD IN THE ' COUNTRY" Elvis Presley - Hope Lange Tuesday Wild • • Adult Entertainment (Colour - Scope) Hit No. 2 -Shown at 10:55 "April Love". Pat Boone - 'Shirley Jones (Colour - Scope) (Cartoon) WED: THUR,-FRI. AUG. 22-23-24 Hit No. 1 -Shown at 9:00 only "THE SECOND TIME AROUND" Debbie Reynolds - Andy Griffith Juliet Prowse (Colour - Scope) Hit No. 2 -Shown at 10:40 "The Best of Everything" Suzy Parker - Joan Crawford Adult Entertainment (Colour - Scope) (Cartoon) SAT.-MON.-TUES. AUG. 25-27-28 Hit No. 1 -Shown, at 8:50 only "RETURN TO PEYTON PLACE" Carol Lynley - Jeff Chandler Adult Entertainment (Colour - Scope) Hit 14o. 2. -•Shown at 1.0:50 "The Long Hot Summer" Paul Newman - Joanne Woodward Adult Entertainment (Colour - Scope) (Cartoon) WED.,TITUR,-I'• RI. AUG. 29-30-31 Hit No. 1- Show.h at 8:45 only "The THREE STOOGES MEET HERCULES" :3 Stooges - Vicki Trickett Hit No. 2 -Shown at 1.0:15 "Warrior Empress" 'Kerwin Mathews - Tina Louise (Colour - Scope) (Cartbon) FREE; STOOGE RINGS for every. body on Wednesday-Thurs..-Friday siminsioniaminismaismicima MON.-TUES.-WED. AUG. 20-2142 "EXODUS" Paul Newman - Eva Marie Saint Sal Mineo - Peter Lawford The fascinating story of a people Color -• CARTOON THURS.-FRI. AUG, 2314 "The Big Show" David Nelson - Esther Williams Technicolor - CinemaScope "Misty" David Gadd - Arthur O'Connell Teohnicolor - CinemaScope "Misty" will warm the cockels of your heart -- CARTOON SAT. -MON. AUG. 25-27 "Susan Slade" Troy Donahue - Connie Stevens Dorothy McGuire - Lloyd Nolan Technicolor tf Recommended as Adult Entertainment "The Big Diamond Robbery' Red Skelton --• CARTOON SUNDAY' LATE SHOW AVG. 26 "Twist. All Night" Louis Prima "She Gods of Shark Reef" Technicolor -- All star east TIES. -WED. AUG. 28-29 "Operation Eichilnain" All stat' east The world wide hunt for a mass killer "The Naked Hills" David Wynne - Keenan Wyn;# T'eehicolor - CARTOON T t1RS.-12'il•Lt AtiTGi. 30^31 "The Millionab ess" Sophia Lot'en. - Peter Sellers Technicolor- :CinemaScope Prom naughty, notorious Bernard Shaw "Marines Let's Go" Tom Tyrone -Wm, Tyler Technicolor - CinemaScope CARTOON