HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-08-08, Page 6Poo Ax ' 'he Wingha 4141410:44---11n20, WeelitsiiiSLY, Atif Se 11411 PERSONALS - Gu@fits with Ma. trial Mrs. John Strong on Saturday to attend the wedding of their slaughter, Miss Sandra Strong, to .lames; Can)pheD were Mr. and Mrs. A. I3eru'y, Mr. and Mrs. E. lI. L(lrt -,r/'vt'. Mr. and Mrs. J. 'ilptgrave, Mr. and Mrs. A. Amos, Mr. and .Mrii. .I. S. Strong, Mr. Bruce Strot'g, 11Tr fuel mra R Strong. Barbara, Philip and Les- lie, all of Brai'tf'ri, and Mr. and Mrs. K. Riehfirllsun, Of Ajax, —Mr. and Mr'.. (;len Woods, of Brantford, were gneias Friday and Saturday with t'-f'ir aunt, Mrs John Strong, Mr. Strong and fam- ily, ;4:r ---Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Christie and two suds, (;ravine and Brien, of Islington. arrived on Tumalay even. ing and are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McCool. --Mr. and Mr:;. Ion Cameron. Sandra and Bruce :,pent two weeks on a trip to Peterborough, Prescott, Saranac Lake, NY:, and Quebec City. --•(i'le':t:; of \Ir. arid .4i's. Stan Campbell over the week -end and attending the (' uupbell - St rong wedding nn i Stent ly were Mrs. Hazel Lnekridge and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krupp. of Hamilton: 1'Lr. Sheldon F or ::•the, ..f . ,. Thomas: Mr. Jack Turner, of (;alt; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kee.:n, of Li:;towel, and Miss Lois Campbell, of (.oderich, —Mrs. John (a:trmu. Minnie St., has returned tram two weeks' va- cation in the mid -west, having spent a week or more in Port Ar- thur with friends. then continuing on to St. Pail and Minneapolis. Minn., where :the vi;:;t,•I1 with Mr. Oikrbni'c3 brother and loniily. The return journey w:i.; made by btu; by G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Winghani Phone 770 UIIffIlIN111911119111W1!®IlliallIIrIIp'IllliII1IIlU W. EL [ONRON, all Insurance Agency COMPLETE INSURANCE COVERAGE way of Chicago, Detroit and Lon 4911, --Mr. Bill Seddon and Mr..Earl ,I.leightead, of Welland, were visit- ors over the week -end with the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seddon, Mr. J. 11. Lawson spent a week with his daughter, Mrs. G. B, Place, and Mr. Place, of Montreal, 1\Irs, Lloyd Smith, of Listowel, spent a week with Mi'..and Mrs. \'V Henry. --Mr. and Mrs, Jack Maclntyrt are visiting friends in Sarnia and Detroit. S. A. SCOTT, Salesman JOHN STREET Phone 772W - WinghanA mmumeopeasonve AGENT FOR — Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. t.u:®II >L'il sTail'lau:41n f111 ni FAilltlllai IT 3UCN A ' - COMFORT KNOWING THAT VANCE'S DRU STORE IS NEAR BY. I KNOW I CAN ALWAYS DEPEND ON THEM FOR MY DIABETIC SUPPLIES. 4 ff{ • a LOCAL TR 4ni ,4R1/4, In• —Mr. and Mrs. Andy Bell and fancily. of Petrolia, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fd gar and with Mrs. Matthew Bell J3arbie Bell returned home with her parents, and Miss Penny Bell re- mained for a vacation here. Mrs, W. E. Patterson and Miss Verna Harris stopped over I1 Winnipeg on their way to Westerr Canada and Seattle, where they will attend the World's Fair, Mr, W. C. Geddes, of Chatham spent the week -end with his sister Miss Anne Geddes. Other visitor. at the same home on Sunday weft Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Smith, Miss Sheila Smith and Robert Schultz, o. Preston, Miss Joan Cruickshank, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, John Cruick- shank, is spending two weeks at Rolling Acres near Varney, Miss Mary Anne Cruickshank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Cruickshank. returned on Saturday after spend- ing a week there. and Mrs. A, M. Litt, Linda •aced David, 'o L dn'& n, and4Tr, grid Mrs. Ivan Kupfer, of Hensall, visit- ed on Sunday' with the'former's brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs, Barry Wenger. ---Bobbie Bildfell, of London, is visiting this -week with his grand- mother; Mrs. Walter Davis. —Mr. and Mrs. Bruce North of Galt, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reijerink. , --Mr. and Mrs. Don Kennedy, Bill and John, holidayed last week at Fern Resort in the Orillia district, and in Arnprior with Mr. and Mrs, W. E, LeVan. — Mr. Wililam Elliott, East Wa- wanosh, has purchased the home of the late Mr. and Mrs, Ed Nash, on Centre Street. — Mr. and Mrs. 'Ken Hodgkinson, of London, spent the week -end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Hodgkinson, and Mrs. Harry Fry- fogle, and attended the Campbell - Strong wedding on Saturday. —Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Higgins. Marilyn and Carol, spent a week's vacation travelling through Algon- quin Park, the Ottawa Valley, Ot- tawa and the St. Lawrence Sea- way. They spent a few days in Tor- onto visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stanwick and family. —Mr. and Mrs. H, O. Stevens, of Montreal, are visiting this week with her brother, Mr. Fred David- son, and Mrs, Davidson, Miss Ruth Hodgins At Wigwassan Lodge Miss Ruth Hodgins, of Wingharn, is one of the swimming brevettnr.- and Peter Fan leaders at Wigrra,. san Lodge, Lake .[tosseau, Muskoka. this sunnier. The lodge Is the first summer resort in Canada to intro- duce a "paekage deal" for children which offers free baby sitting in the evenings and free instruction in swimming, handicrafts, kindergar- ten games, etc. Some forty little ones have learned to swim so far this season. Goodyears Play 'The Iowa Ghosts 1 Saturday Night The negro laugh -making team will be in Lucknow on Saturday night to play ball against the Wing - ham Goodyears, and unless you have have seen the Iowa Ghosts before, you have never been pro- mised so much fun at a ball game. The Ghosts are billed as a soft - hall circus and are loaded with talent, plus comedy. They add un- orthodox ball handling, contortion and wisecracks to entertain the fans, but are quite capable of beat- ing most opposition with straight hall. During and after the game the Ghosts will give an exhibition of pepperball and rowboat acts, a slow motion ball comedy, and will demonstrate a game of shadow ball, in which no ball is used but the action is all there. Because Saturday was the only night the two teams could arrange a game into their schedules, and the fact that the local park had been spoken for, the game will be play- ed itr Lucknow. The admission will be $1:00 for adults and 50 cents for stadents under 14. The players range in size from Treetop Patrick, 6 feet 8 inches tall and 350 pounds to Showboat Buckner who is five -two and billed as the Clown Prince of Softball. The game, which starts at 8,30 p.m„ Is bound to be hlllarious. KEN'S Mi NI -ENT SERVICE PUlt)N'P1 355 tflAGONAL, ROAD WIN(i1IAat Home canning and preserving is only one of the many wa..s In sa• e on your food dollar. Seasonal low prices may tempt you to preserve more than your family inay use -luring the year. Plait ahead, can- ning only the reguire'I amount, be- cause, as a rule, canned goods can .rot be kept more than 12 months without quality deterioration. One thing that farm planning specialists mention is that apright silos are often built in the wrong place. Be sure that you place your silo in a: location that will enable you to have access from all side: if possible, and so that you me' be able to line up an additions' silo or two in a. raw. PICNIC TAP,,LES and barbecues set in shaded corners of the new Morris Federation Park make excellent picnic sites overlooking the Maitland River. This spot, under tall cedars, which have been trimmed out, is one of several in the park, Work is still in progress.—A-T photo. ELTONE HEARING AID SERVICE CLINIC THURSDAY, AUGUST 16th 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. VANCE'S DRUG STORE W U'I GHAM PI -ZONE FOR FREE HOME APPOINTMEN1 Service to all Makes of Hearing Aids E. R. TilEDE HEARING AID SERVICE 88 QUEEN STREET SOUTH -I - KITCFIENER H ANNUAL Th Friday, 1 aturday Nommiisammollmmanign Thursday, ay and Saturday Evenin gs at Town Park - Bingo - Games - Midway moist 31 . At the Arena 8:30 RM.—OFFICIAL OPENING OF WINGHAM FRONTI ER DAYS - 8:45 P.M.—MONSTER STAGE SHOW AND FRONTIER BALL — Starring GORDIE TAPP P and members of his famous CBC "Country Hoedown" gang—featuring SHIRLEY HARMER, TOMMY HUN TER and many others ADMISSION—ADULTS $1.50; CHILDREN 75c UNDER 12 Satur 5 rf„ 444,it^ A fternoon No Charge for Admission 3qure 1ance TUG F WAR � t MONSTER CHICKEN BARBECUE to Park Co test AU )procrececf:, for LIONS CLUB WELFARE. WORK Saturday Night T FIE AREN .CKNX VAN DANCE 'BR ADCAST OYER 30 ENTERTAINERS Show starts 8 pan. Doors Open 7 p.m. RAW FOR 154;OOT -... V E HOLIDAY • TRAILER Tickets may be purchased from members of Lions' Club