HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-07-25, Page 10TA e. Winghain Ariro4,410$0, *0$41041,i, 417 MP, TML' 1 !,Alison have returned to their home l in Philadelphia after vacationing with Misses Elate and Marlon Uib- ann. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle hart and daughters have returned home after holidaying at Port Elgin, Miss Nancy Newton, of London, i:; on vacation for the next couple of weelts and at present is with her mother, Mrs. R. Newton. Week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ingram were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ingram and Carol Ann and Carol Humph- rey, of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Noble and family, of Rothsay; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lockhart, of St. Williams; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walpole, of Simcoe; Mrs. Minnie Dougherty. of Detroit. Miss Carol Ann Ingram and Miss Hope Noble remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wheeler and fancily returned hone Tuesday after spending the week -end with !their sons-in-law and daughters, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mason, and Bir. and Mrs. Rick Wilkins, of 'Sarnia. Master Bryon Mason re- turned with tht'n for a visit here, IAir. Glenn Matthews, of Preston, is visiting at the home of Mr, Ross 'roman. Mrs. Alonzo Spading, Miss Hazel Sparling and Miss Brenda Eaton I were in Stratford Friday and Sat- !urday with Miss Aileen Eaton, who is confined to hospital there after taking 111 at the home of her grandmother. METER Mr, ane! Biia noel t;trarart and #&rnily. of !lard Thin, were alueday visitors with Air am+ Mr. Vern Clark. Week -end tur,i,, wills air. and Mrs, (lenge Ciirme 'X la air, :out Mfrs. Idoyri '\weir and t'tivin. •if 'Toronto; Mr and er Green and t lnni;htela tri I:eat-rich. Mrs, W. E. Weir :tt„1 Mi.is (ler- trude Bush ',pent Sunday at the sane hone. Mr. and ;1Ir•• Joint;ti,:nn :,Ltd G. ALAN W1L,LI.,il1 MS Opturtlrtrist Patrick St.., Wiugham Phone 770 1\iay be donated through your local funeral director rtpaAU Ir'( iifJSPRA1.ki'4'RA 1 Caiiafflao Vocational Traifflug Programme The Province of Ontario, in co-opera- tion with the Federal Government, will (provide training at THE PROVINCIAL INSTITUTE OF TRADES 21 Nassau Street, Toronto 2B for a limited n>;.unber of unemployed persons courses as follows: General Woodwork General Metalwork General Concrete Work Students must be at least 16 years of age and must iaot be over 21 years of age as of June 1963. Entrance Requireiiients—At least Grade 9 of the regular academic, vocational or commercial courses. Length of Course ---- 30 weeks. 'Commencement Date — November 12th, 1962. The purpose of the above mentioned courses will be to prepare trainees for entry into one of the recognized trades. PROSPECTIVE TRAINEES INTERESTED IN THIS PROGRAMME SHOULD CON- TACT THEIR LOCAL NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE. irotin CR. WFORD MOTORS 1961 METEOR 4 -DOOR SEDAN in lip -top condition 1959 FORD FORDOR SEDAN Irick V-8 motor and automatic transmission, in tip-top condition 1959 OLDSMOBILE 4 -DOOR SEDAN Also a one -owner car 1958 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN with radio 1958 BUICK 4-00OR SEDAN One owner 1957 FORD SEDAN V-3 11101.or 1957 PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR SEDAN A-1 condition 1956 MONARCH 4 -DOOR HARDTOP 1954 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN Len Crawford Motors Your Dodge, Plymouth, Chrysler, Valiant Dealer Winghain Phone 710 -Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Reidt and Stephanie, of Willowdale, and Mrs. Leslie Laurendeau and Robbie, of Windsor, and Miss Isabel Lauren- deau, of Lac Ste. Denis, Que., spent the week -end with Mr's. Roy Mac- Donald, —Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Henry attended the Taylor -Craig wedding at WoodUreen United Church, Tor- onto, on Saturday. Mr. Taylor is on staff of CKNX. --Mrs. J. W. Leeson, of Blair, was a week -end guest with Mrs, MaeNaughton. tion in the Western I'rovincee, t They also attended the Calgary Stampede. --Mr. and Mrs, Ed Coffey, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Coffey and sons, Kenneth and Brian, of Mazenod, Sask., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Walker. - Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bailey and three children, of North Bay, Mrs, Fred Bailey and Miss Margaret Moore, of Tara, and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Lewis and three children, of Stratford, were Sunday visitors at the Walker home, --Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corrie andMr. and Mrs. Bruce MacDonald --- and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scott, of family spent the week -end in Wood - Blyth, spent the week -enol in N. stock, and Mr. Bob Galbraith, of agara Fails with Mr, and Mrs. Bill Espanola, returned home with them for a week's visit, Crump. -Mr. and Mrs. Bob Clark, of Ot- -Mrs. Chris 'rafting and Harry tawa, were visitors in Winghain are spending a couple of weeks over the week -end and called on a wlth her daughter, Mrs. Ron Lowes, and Mr. Lowes and children in Peterborough, —Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Challa- combe, of Toronto, are spending this week with Mr, and Mrs. Eldred Nichol, --Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson and son, John, of Portage la Prairie, Man„ and Mr. and Mrs. John Craig, of Kindersley, Sask., were week -end guests with Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Congram. —Rev. and Mrs. Peter Bissett, of Castro Valley, California, are visit- ing with the former's sister, Mrs, W. E. Fielding, and Mr, Fielding. Miss Barbara Cameron has re- turned hone following her vacation spent with relatives in Montreal. —Mr. and Mrs. Peter Neeley and children, of London, are visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Forbes. —Mr. Walter Loekridge, who has been in Winghan Hospital for a ntunber of friends, Mrs. Tom Rafferty, and child- ren, of Kitchener, were Friday guests with Mr. and Mrs, John. Langridge and family. Mrs. Herbert Fuller, Wendy and Bill are spending three weeks tit Pine River. Barry Fuller spent Sunday at the cottage with the family. —Miss Patricia Brophy, of De- troit, was a week -end visitor with her mother, Mrs. Joseph Brophy. —Mr. and Mrs, David L. Murray, Garry and Susan, left Tuesday for their home In Winnipeg after spending two weeks with his mother, Mrs, S. A. Murray, Minnie Street, and other relatives. —Mr. Herbert Fuller visited with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mills on Sat - evening in Birmingham, urday Mich. —Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Wenger were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reis, Cindy and David of Milverton, and Mr. and Mrs. few weeks, returned th,e latter part .regbert Doeghty,.Robert, Mary. and of the week to St, Joseph's Hos- 'Anne of Stratford, pital, London, —Miss Mary Ahara is a guest for a few days with Miss Wendy Fuller at Pine River. —Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Hogan, Maureen and Bill, ,of Don Mills, spent the week -end with her broth- er, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred White, and family, and with other rela- tives. Maureen remained for the week, the guest of her cousin, Miss Mary White. —Mr. Howard Happy, of San Luis Obispo, California, spent the past week as the guest of his sister, Mrs. George Cameron, Jr., , Mr. Cameron and family. On Sat- ' urday last Mrs. Happy was met at Malton. Airport by her husband and Douglas Cameron, after a holiday spent with 'relatives in England. They left Monday morning for their return motor trip home to, Cali- fornia after visiting at-- Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs: Fred -Happy, of Clinton, ,spent Sunday evening at the same home. - . —Mr. and Mrs. E. Robbins, of To- ronto, arid Mrs.• Brbwri, of 'Por'tland, Oregon, visited their cousin, Miss Roncelda Taylor, last week. —Mrs. James Seli spent a few days in Toronto with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Sutherland, and also visited with relatives and friends. —Mrs, Charles Brown (Helen Preston) came from Windsor to see her sister, Mrs. Harold McCallum (Julie Preston), and husband, who are home from Medicine Hat, Alta„ after three years. She stayed with her sister, Mrs. Marjory Jensen. Their brother ]Durward and Mrs. Little Sharon Shaw of London Preston, of Waterloo, came from is vacationing .with her grandpar- Gobel's Grove where they are ents, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Anderson, spending their .holidays, and Mr. and is attending the vacation Bible and Mrs. John Preston and two school in the village. children and their father, Mr. Mrs. Julia McNaU and Mrs. Tom Frank Preston, of Walkerton, also Smith attended the Mary Hastings joined the family here at Mrs. Picnic In Springbank Park, Lon - Jensen's home on Sunday, don, on Saturday. Mrs, Farish Moffat has return- Richard VanCamp of Toronto is edvisiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jack home after spending the past three weeks with her husband in VanCamp and family, Vts tors from the ' i h West with Mr. Summerside, P.E.I. --Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walker, Di- ane and Bob, of Kitchener, visited at the home of the former's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. E. E. Walker. Miss Bertha Walker, of Walkerton, visited at the same home with her brother, Mr Walker, and Mrs. Walker. —Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Marsh and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ross have re- turned from a .motor trip through the Western Provinces and attend- ed the Calgary Stampede —Mr. George Cameron, Jr, has returned home from a vialt to the Calgary Stampede. —Miss Loretta McBurney, of Cal- gary, .Alta., is visiting for a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Shoe- bottom, and with her brother, Mr. Alex, McBurney. —Mr, and Mrs. Allan Small and falls,. Penny, of Toronto, spenthe week- Visitors with Mr, and Mrs, W. t m end with Mr, and Mrs, Charles Cotiltes on Sunday Were Mr. and Davidson and Mr, and Mrs. Hi.tgh Mrs. Ken Davis, Mr. and Mrs. ,las. Mundell, Cook andi ]vir, and Mrs, Wm. Travis --Mr, and Mrs. Roy Burehill have and Scott, all of Stratford. returned after it two weeks' vaea-' Mies Marlene W leh or 15+tenea - -Mrs, John Strong, Mrs. G. W. Cruickshank, Mrs. W: J. Hilbert, Mrs. M. Peachey, Mrs. Robert Wenger, Mrs. John Langridge and Mrs, Keith McLaughlin attended the Shakespearean Festival in Stratford last Wednesday and en- joyed the performances of "The Taming of the Shrew" and "The Gondoliers". Yuill Family Holds Reunion BELGRAVE— The Yuill reunion was held on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Peacock of Bluevale with 55 members' signing the register. The afternoon was spent with games and races for the children and a social time was en- joyed. William Peacock conducted the business and the election of offic- ers,' resulting as follows: Pres., Clarence Yudll, R.R, .5, Brussels; soca: Mrs. .Clarence Yuill; lunch corrin., Mrs. • Dawson .Craig, :Mrs. ielt"h McBurney,'Mrs, Jim Smith; sports comm., Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson and Mrs. Mike Rezan- sof f. Mrs, R, MacMurray moved a vote of thanks to the host and hostess. Oldest person present was Mr:a Alex Yuill of Lincoln, Mich., and the youngest was Julie Jackson of Royal Oak, Mich. Guests were present from Brus-• sels, Belgrave, Whitechurch and Michigan. BELGRAYE PRIZE FOR THE MOST HONEST GOLFER at the Wingham Tour- nament went to Bill Payette of Mount Forest when he came in with a score of 110 on the 18 -hole play.: A -T photo. SLYTH UNITED PAULIN REUNION PLACE CORNERSTONE HELD ON SUNDAY SUNDAY AFTERNOON 'the cornerstone of the new Un- ited Church in Blyth will be laid on Sunday at a special service at three o'clock. Rev. Arthur' W. Wat- son, formerly minister of the Blyth congregation and presently as- sociate minister of Chalmers -Wes- ley United Church In Quebec City, will be guest preacher. Friends and neighbors of the Blyth United Church are cordially invited to at- tend. The service will be held at the site of the new building, In case of rain it will be held in the Pres- byterian Church and the congrega- tion will proceed to the site for the placing of the stone. A copper box, containing church documents and coins will be placertl in the stone by the superintendent of the Sunday School, assisted by members of the Church School, who have the higest record of per- fect attendance. Special music will be provided by Mrs. Willis Van I:gmond and Mrs, Dwight Cramp. bell, Work on the new church has been progressing steadily since it was begun the first of June. Wall and roof structure is completed, ready for brick, stone and shingles, and window frames are in place. Partitions in the chancel area, and second storey classrooms are now being constructed. The building will provide a chancel -type sanc- tuary, 48 by 56 feet, with centre and side aisles, seating approximately 290. A spacious narthex with two side entrances, separated from the nave by a louvred glass partition, will provide overflow seating for 100. The structure will also pro- vide eleven classrooms, nursery, church parlor, modern kitchen, minister's sturdy and choir room. and Mrs. James Lamont and fam- ily are Mr. and Mrs, William La-' mont, Carol and Cherylyn, Miss Mary Lamont and Rosemarie from Manson, Man. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Taylor, Jurly and John of Sarnia spent the week_ end with Mr, anri Mrs, Jack Tay- lor, Mr, and Mrs, Ross Proctor and family of Burlington visited with Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Proctor, The general meeting of the Tin. ite•d Church Women will not be held this week, but at the end of August. Miss Lorna Bolt of Kitchener spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolt. Mr. and Mrs, James Lamont, Mr. and Mrs. William Lamont, Carel and Cherylyn, and Mss Mary Lrr_ wont and Rosemarie of Manson, Man, spentSaturday in Niag n r a CROP REPORT Recent rains have aided growth of pastures, second growth hay and beans. Harvesting operations have been curtailed in some areas of the county. Yields of grains have been good. Ripening was very fast in the south end of the coun- ty prior to Friday. By the enol of the week most swathing and cut- ting will be complete. • er spent the week -end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, James Walsh. Mr. and Mrs, James Elston and Mr, and Mrs, Glen Sellers of Blue - vale were visitors at the Knox bap- tismal service on Sunday. Mr, William McNeil left on Sat- urday for Alberta, where he will visit relatives. Miss Margaret Higgins of Lon- don spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Stewart of London were guests with Miss An- nie Baker and Charlie Wilkinson. Mrs. Gladys May of Toronto spent last week with Miss Annie Baker. Mr, Clayton Wilkinson has been transferred to Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, Russel Walker of Gaderich visited with her mother, Mrs. Robert Stonehouse. Rev. and Mrs. G. Dunlop of Gu- elph called on Belgrave friends last week. Mr, rind Mrs. Lewis Stanehottse, Mrs, Lyle Hopper, Mr. and Mrs. RobertRath Coultes attended the retthion at Springbank Park, Loll. don, on Saturday. Lamont Mr, Mr, .aitd Mrs. James and Mrs. William Lamont, Carol and Cherylyn, and Miss Mary La- mont and Roseinnrie of Manson, Man., spent Sunday with Mr, arid Mr'Bert H nTin; at Auburn, Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. lter'h Wheeler Net week were Mr. and Mrs, Benson Hamilton of Whitby, Mrs. Cordon Gallagher of Brus- sels, Mi•. and Mrs, (*oldie Wheeler tnd family or Brussels, WROXETER—The Paulin family picnic was held on Sunday in the Community Hall inn conjunction with a surprise party for Mr, and Mrs. George Paulin on the occasion their 25th wedding anniversary. They were presented with a sun- burst electric clock. Those attending were Mr. Bob Paulin, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs, Al- bert Gold, Willowdale; Mr. and Mrs, Harris Gold and David, Scar- borough; Mr. and Mrs, George Paulin, Edna, Neil and Louise, of Clifford; Mr, and Mrs, Wes Paul- in, Margaret, Doris, Frances and Ruth A,nn, of Bluevale; Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Brown; Mr. and Mrs, Robert Brown, Sr.; Miss Annie Diebei, all of 'Wroxeter; Mr. and Mrs, ,John Oestreicher, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Foxton, Kathy and Bradley, Winghain; Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Fiddes, Bill and Bob, Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown, Brenda, Sharon; Mr. and Mrs, Bill Brown, all of Wroxeter; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown, Dianne, Wayne and Gregory, Gorrie, Babies Baptized At Knox' Church BELGRAVE— Baptismal service was held in Knox 'United Church in Belgrave on Sunday when four babies were baptized by Rev. J, H. Anderson: Davin Gerald, son of Mr, and Mrs. Sam Pletch; Joan May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pletch; Karen Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C'oultes; and Steven Rodney, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Nixon, Next Sunday the service will be in charge of the members of Cal- vin -Brick Church - and Clifford Coultes will be the guest speaker. Number of Cubs To Attend Carp BELGRAVE—The Belgrave Cub Pack met for the regular gather- ing in the club rooms of the com- munity centre on Tuesday with 28 Cubs and three leaders present. The meeting opened with the Grand Howl led by Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler. It was reported that 27 Cubs will be going to camp. Camp instruc- tions followed and food lists were given out. The boys were remind- ed to take their ball gloves to camp, A baseball game concluded the meeting. country'*. pioneer* Inht > d t'he e4 -ly 1 explorer and Indian guide crossing! a stretch of water in a canoe on! our silver dollar, Canadian coin-' menrcr•ative coins, especially the sliver dollars, carry a wealth of in•. I formation about historic events, and are in great demand by both collee- toi's and non -collectors, In very fine works of art they tell us of the Silver Jubilee of George the Fifth in 1935, and the Royal Visit of George the Sixth and Queen Eliza - I beth in 1939, our war effort in the Second World War, the entry of I Newfoundland into Confederation There's Artistry In Canadian Coins Somewhere, some time ago, I read that a coin collector whether he realized it or not, was also an art collector. On most occasions when a new coin or medal is to be struck, a competition will be held for the best design and it is surprising how many hundreds are received from both professional and amateur artists. The winner has the honor of seeing his initials carried on the design for as long as the coin or medal exists, not to mention the nice cash award that is generally offered. Canadian coins carry a great many artistic designs, this along with. high quality minting makes them rate very high among world edins. On the obverse face. Cana- dian coins have always carried a portrait of the reigning sovereign which are wonderful ltliei\esses. These portraits ' are more often than not•the work of leading ar- tists of that period, On the reverse ; face, the designs carry the Cana- dian story for the world to see ._ maple leaves on the cents, a beaver on the picket, a sloop (type if sail -1 ing vessel) on the 10 rents to re. l mind all of our enormous stretches of sea coast, a caribou on the 25 cents tells of our northland, C: an- ada's coat of arms, consisting of n combination of our British and 1 French ancestry in heraldry an the 1 5(1 rents, and a vivid story of our IA 190, tali L1304t thv tastablieki Tncnt of l;;xiti;3tl .Columbia Crown colony when that pro"ince held its centennial in 1958. Canada'sofficial medals (not ser_ vice medals) are also of very fine design, .telling about our sixty years of Confederation In 1927, the Royal Visit In 1939, and the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth the Second in 1953, The above article is a reprint from the December, 1961, "Can. adian Bulletin", printed by Merles & Company, of Calgary, Alta, Goderich BusincsS Co1kge 21st Annual Fall Terni opens September 4. Senior and Junior Courses approved by the BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION OF' CANADA Modern Equipment - Qualified Teachers - Tuition $28 Telephone JA 4-8521 or 7284, Goderich, Ontario Rcd Front Grocery Phone: Our Prices Are Lower 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Free Delivery Stokely's Fancy TOMATO JUICE, 48 -oz. 3/79c ALLEN'S Pineapple and Grapefruit DRINK, 48 -oz. 3/79c Hunt's TOMATO CATSUP 11 -oz. 2/37c LIBBY'S Deep Brown PORK and BEANS, 15 -oz. 6/$1.00 ZiP DOG FOOD 15 -oz. 12/$1.00 Campbell BARBECUE BEANS , , , I.,IBBY'S SP'AGHETTI in Tomato Sauce , , , MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing Saico SOLID TUNA 15 -oz. 2'49c 20 -oz. 2/43c ..16 -oz. 43c 7" -'-oz. 39c NAPOLI Elbow Cut MACARONI Purex TOILET TISSUE 2 lbs. 29c 4 rolls 53c ECONOMY 400's KLEENEX, (white or colored) 2 -'61c VALLEY FARMS Frozen FRENCH FRIES 10 -oz. 2/29c York Frozen KERNEL CORN .. 12 -oz. 2/39c rf CHICKEN, TURKEY OR BEEF Swanson TV DINNER 12 -oz. 59c i. SCHNGIDERS—(5 Varieties) MEAT SPREAD ROLLS 8 -oz. 2/45c MAPLE LEAF—(2% to 3 -ib. average) Smoked Picnic SHOULDER ....halves lb. 55c MAPLE LEAF' SKINLESS WIENERS 1-1b. cello 49c NEW GLEAM TOOTHPASTE, Giant. , ..49c; Family . . .. 89c • ll' 1' s st • • LaaieSHats 11 CIeariii at Haif Price REGULAR $4.95 TO $9.95 VALUES $2.48 to 4.98 Now ALL Men's Summer C0aps To Clear at To at MEN'S Summer Dress Straws To Clear at fPrice EDIGHOFFE.RS 1 (Wirtghar) Limited "Tilt FRIENDLY STORE" •