HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-07-11, Page 8P1:149 night The Wingham Advance-'lel:e c.3„ Wednesday, July 11, 11104Rate of Growth h MR. A. I. SIG'h: requests the pil••atltare of %1:o: •.,;1...:c ANNUAL t k'Fi°d ba^a ,. t o 1.r•• hod Wednesday, ,lulv 7:20 ll1st, :tri Waterloo Cattle IL Lexington(' g.cz`,alil, Guest Speaker ;Si ,a1't ENTERTAINMENT A'.4, a i e ,' Ii Only the best of 1 voz� 49 1�4 C.„J !{{: ,!{a i t 22 1 ,..„ i „,.1 `+..lel �`+.Y`u ,,] �'rxf G Compare VA .• y a. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN 1962 DEMONS1.RA.iOn:; I:, • Ingham •,ray SII; .I1t% Your Volkswag,en. Dea.le 1)1 W11,.,4.4' tan at District PHONE 746 WilNf;i-IA.m i'W41i1lIII IMil tialMIIIAtIINiIIM'll®I 16151' •�' z ' ` »l i ill i txi'I!li I:E'i MOIM N I TOO SUFFERED E.1.1 � NEDA 1 RINGER UNTILTIErUII TO SHUN"] L� eC'^r MI R S" O. SHUR-GAIN ESSENTIAL ,P! , Fi ALS FOR CATTLE PROVIDE 1.W.V W.;°a° HEALTH INSURANCE FON 'YO'a(,rY HERD Even, cattle on well 1)i111:,1"C'v (''i ti- . ,2i can suffer horn "mineral hunger." ,i:y ,. t . r. 1si 11 es vary so do individual anini' ik 1,2,at): ' , i requirements. Thus, it's sound rnana€gem"?;$ to provide m.iner- als, free choice for your dol*: ,r it's not necessary to 114'0; 16,1 r)f money for a good r'oirieral mixture. •Sir( r4;. i,1 V., s6' 1 i 11'01 Min- erals for cattle . . . a registered and guaran- teed mineral. mixture containing ALL and Only those minerals presentl l1tyknown to be Dt 'eiluired cattle and (•Frlataloin"f ix1(ylagyless for by extra palatability and (]l1'rt4)a' Loa 401 It's available from ont mill .at Ai tt-'11(-1trfit*l)le 1)1 ..l e. al 11NINEIMIS rvvv...rwv+.�sw.,c-oxo err.•.. FeedPHONE 1.42WINGHAM In Children The alnirlit teen age girl who rlI vs iri• p1Ly:.leaky at a. faster 4,t• loner rate than her friends needs rets •sild•alal't' 111:1P A3! a few year.; :.urh dirtcren42 will pretty nitre t dis:al,pc :1 e•. 'l'i)t groat' -Mt tale in children's 1x11:'it'll ,;t4,;yl11 2,)21 !3c. the :trio It:.141,1 :/al'. :^olln• 1,,'1.21 to r1Pa Inn 44.!'. 4,li„•1 ; tab 'llu'se 2111 11.1111, 4,11,o 1:411, •,• 141'1•'1,1 ("'1, 1.1 22. l til' :el'dt': , 1' :If I1',',•, :Anti ho .4,e :o :-1 : r:r,•r 111 l:ori:(' do Ke lt,l,ltte 111 "the., a:''. Int&101':.Ilii to h. •or t Ill:, +h1•ir frst•ni,;.' l':u11,1: .out ('1111,1 both 1Lec1I to 12 no.: Ihllt smile (111? 4.2042 ''1 141'1' Lint..r,1,, :ilet lit Ile:lppl.cr The ttt •. I+.I 22e:u 21,1 plrl who is taller ttOi,i :111 ler cl:l 1)I lIos )lre1L•i Io 11.:41 1)2 2 ilile• 4,112.-122 1:711 al• 11 •r•; V.1' 21 u,•, 1'lrt)nenl .•0W 1.011 c'lll.'• ma'. lnnl, . 1; rent: A 2.,t::7 (".n.1.14t, '1 114 s111W:' 11r, 114 1.11 a.: :- 4.' 3.('21.22. t,o4'.•. o:,•I• 1011 t'. :11 ,'11'.1'11 girls •,11,4: iit< ;•1, 14.10 : 4:11'1:tl loins i4, !+)tie-),'lal etc. IJt.)2.e•I1 Itom a -1.e•lt'I:I1 ":1„e" ..t ',.'t It :mei iterc-1' quarte -r, ,..oars telt the II•:eii rapidly maturing. rill_ to 11111'ts ''u :.111 Haig- 11,11111.'1:+ '.102'- 11,1 !t..• 1111,1-1 1'a),itt1}' as -1.• hi ,. a 1.211 t .1 1 n1.,(• • p, '44141 VIS/%0 1,111.1,!; It :WI IL-11 :11('1 „le,• !VIII. Al 1,2 ,1 1,1 , 1(',1`21'., 21:02 laillp' i.o } .1.: :t !,k1.1.4'11 a,,., St "•t n 2,1,41 ,,rtlr Fan years; 131• tastes.' n::,'erin' 11itt out - coat rl 4 11 1"null, 14,., or eh!1+11't•11 its 31(1/: );r4,.: iib lip him- theft rate of mat Uri lig iTt2?' f)i2't irate haul. slow to tacit ar.i ba, t=. t.1 111.1'X avail/. O1' this r. -.-ecce. Acu nt on Potatoes Looking for new ideas for sett' Mg. potatoes? What could be more pleasing than potatu022, piled high and fllifty or browned to perfectiol 711111 a roast of neat? Perhaps yn l pretee ru'n't .11,1.1; friers. Potatoes -O'Brien ts'Igle 4 or :) large potatcie. Matt 11.1111 ollirrl 1ao1e;poons butt Pc +. 14,l, ,lined green pepper ' e 1111 (bee() I'MI MIy 1 tablespoon Plumped parsley Wash and pare potatoes. With a ball ratter shape into bailee 1:2 111111 in diameter. 1,eep fat fry at 87:1 2.1031 •022 ie. until golden brown. Drain oe paper towels and sprinkle with ::alt. Pale cry the sliced on ion in butter until lightly brown. e ('e epepper Ti m ,4 Adt the greenanal Add celery, Cook for 3 or 4 2linUt011. then add the potatoes. Serve hot, sprinkled with chopped parsley. Polk chops 4,r spare fibs nlake 0:;(.1.116-1a: ueeorll)laninleuts. Add 3ee110•,v 01° crit '10111r un 1&.111).( - for contrast. 'Veal Garnished With Stuffed Tomatoes It doesn't take a green•.thumber to grow tomatoes in most parts of Latin America. 'Poluator•s of all kinds grow as happily as Weeds. both ,r11114'1Ie+ and wild von.. odes. :,ince, i11 maty of ll2'se re- gions, there is no freezing weather, the tomato supply is constant. Tunuat 4,e:s 1)'chably originated Some Ilt•I•P 141 the slopes al' the northern part of the Aeries, but were enjoyed atrial cultivated for many g('uerations before the ar- rival of 1h/' Spanish. explorer's in the western world. Large forms of 1110 I001111 have never been found 11-241y wild, but. left to the hand of 1h1,1 Nature -as in L).- lin Ani c • tantraots8 rum(' in many sizes, shapes and eol0l:a, all good to luolt at :1121 lo eat, T11e1e are wild tnlrl(110Ms us small as largo currants; entity:loot ones that weigh a pound. ')92•y 20)04' in a. Varl/)ty 01' colas: red, yellow, White, Mother Is Ideal Photographer Any mother who keeps a camera handy won't, find herself telling the neighbors, "I wi:;h I had a pict. titre." She ea.n have the picture, a story telling picture., to share with friends and relative's now and hi later years, t0 reelall happy run rne111N, Mother is the ideal family pho- tographer because she spends more time wi11i the children Mart any one else. Site's at homy with 1:1(1• (11)drl•ts when 11411(e•r is (1! work )tis around where picture t111ting 111lutlonp hist naturally happen when )11111(:(' makes rand pies, when daughter primps in front 0f a mir tor, Wh1•n hnpsr•ote'll is pla3e41 2,11 the front :shim:falls. Are you and your daughter lea(' 1111!. afternoon.? 'Take your ('amnia trig for the nel£ )tonrhood parIt aani I'aptnre, ora film, a clay in the life of your child. rfeta shot. as you l(abe the house and then re e0rd the games and fun that fol.. lows. With a. camera, especially a Photo by Guy C,ilhert movie camera, mother is all sot to film rho action as it happens. You'll want to vary the length of scenes, the angle of your camera and the distance of your shots You might look up at Mary when she's climbing the stops to the slide, and then look clown on her while she breezes to the bottom and plunks into the sandbox. At the swings you'll have a Outlive 10 :bout a en'npleto sr_ quenre. Yon ('an 1)ogin with a long 81(st, to ('2,1211)1)811 as eompll'to vie•w Cif the location, and follow with a medium :;hot: ]n this ease, Marry sitting on the swing. 'Plum, ('o11 tirine with a. close np of Marv'. happy fare. The. final seemo wo411(1 1)0 another lung ::bot, with Mary junlpitig from rho seat. Movies or snapshots ran provide a ellorfnl report ofour family Y ny life, By tolling an interesting store and shooting with rare. yon'il have pi 'h1rr•s that your family and vr.(2r Friends can enjoy for years to come. palo yellow, pink -purple, orange, apricot, striped green and other rainbow hues. Cultivated t:omate or tomati seeds mach their way northward to Con. tral America and Mexico before the discovery of America. Three JIobbzj Relieves Your Tensions Everyone ('011 afford to enjoy a hrbhy. In fact, few people earl of lord not: to --especially in today's hurly-burly pare of living, We've never had so muell l(i::arc' tune. Workers look forward to the four hour clay -even, the f011r clay week. With all the timesaving ap- pliances malting housework easier, homemakers have Lime on their ]lands, too, F'rer time presents to challenge. Doctors warn against ton muell in- activity which can produce bore. dom, You may enjoy being lazy now and then, but excessive bore- dom makes many people (111(1lky, depressed, restless and even 1)lly's ica]ly 111, How can you invest your :('Isar(' hot11•s? Put them t(3 work to make your life happier and more 1141-. plate. You can find 111(12. hind (11 satisfaction in a hobby. As all emotional safety valve. a tension -reliever, a pleasure always ready to he savored, hohbi"s aro unbeatable, Dale Carnegie May not have in. eluded this point when he wrote his famous hook, but hobble's are practically gilt-edged ]ns1)1011 c• that you will win friends and in- fluence people. When you 112ave a hobby, you become a specialist of a sort. You have something to talk about ---something which will in- terest others. According to the Hobby Industry Assoc., whether you enjoy the zug ged outdoors or the smug comfort:. of home and fireside, there's a hob by for you. It doesn't talk much equuipment or know-ho'.v to get started, in many instances. DLEACH A BAD MIXED Household bleach, whatever the trade name, is a 2101111)0n of sodium hypochlorite which will. release poisonous chlorine gas if mixed with any acid substance. Two recent cases illustrated this dramatically, where housewives were using a toilet howl cleaner. Each lady added some bleach t':, the cleaner. One woman died with- in a few minutes, while, the other recovered :only after a long period of hospitalization and treatment. The Ontario Safety League warns that cleansers, vinegar or other acids should never he mixed witli bleach. Store them in separate piarr's, and keep both away front 1(10(1 andmedical supplies, WHO, Mi;? You Wette-h the man who driver ahead, And the man who drives behind. You watch to the right, You watch to 1110 len:, You drive witha, palm, clear mina. Ilnt the 1118,2 you really have t:o watch C) the highway, you will final On g Y, Ts the mon 1)01)1nrl idle marl ahead, .And ahead of the num behind, --Quoted, and endorsed by the Ontario Safety League. centuries were to elapse, however, before The tomato remelted North American dinner tables and then it Wats in a 4'.l',' round -about way! 11')')nteilhe• 121• hall) 7 ! 11 t Peru ll 1111.1 Mexico the Iomato went to Europe, T'on'taitoes Stuffed aylth Asparagus Tips 6 firra ripe me(liurn-sized -to Pintoes Salt (round 1)113112 pepper 21:: lbs. cooked fresh 21331):lral;us cut 11*, to 2 inehc li loot' French 'dressing Head lettuce Mayonnaise Wash tomatoes, rut a slier from the tip of each and snoop out pulp. leaving the shells intact. tsav4' pulp to use in vef4etable salads or soups,. Invert t;he!ls on it plate to drain, ,Sprinkle inside of tomato shells with salt tu•rl blaci2 pepper ]M'ar'inate cold asparagus in ]I'reuell dressing at least one hour. Drab_ tomatoes well and fill with aleera gas. Servo can lelturr y.'jIli 20221' 02)27y21(9('. 'Yield: Six servings, 'lbrnares 'i' lire/sante% (T.onud•oc's trod Peas) 3 large ripe 10210It111: Salt (1101tnd black pepper cup mayonnaise 3 green olives, 11)oppl'11 1 tablespoon capers 1 tablespoon chopped euc.unl c.1 pickle 1. cup cola) cooked ]seals Fresh parsley Wash tomatoes, c•ut in half and spri1)1t14' with saltmad hl'1( 14. 1r1']' per. Let s11111(1 31) minutes to oh Win juice, !)rain juice from l4, matoes and add to 1uuyu1101d:40 along with olives, rapers, plokh• and peas, Heap on top of tomatoes.. Garnish with fresh parsley. Serve as a salad or at garnish for 11'.11 potato or meat dishes. 'Yield: Six servings. 'N 140N P LLA REX ask your /RUGC/ST- or- NIXON'S Left over cheese need not he a problem., urate the cheese anctt store in to tightly, covered jar in the refrigerator. Use a mixture of elapse in sauce's o1' non -meat dishes. ROWNIE'S DriveIn 'l'Ii111A'I'1C1+: Limited 2I,INTON ., ONTARIO` V HYW'F'✓'YY\.'✓Y.F"M .•'./,✓ Wv..N V./ V Y•MiY/J i'4vu :•ha4:: Ni:nutty, Rain 'or Clear (''hilllreo tinder 13 in ('14.1.9 Free Nn-.r"t#'Q''b�/VII",SIyV,N'NeMlW''," VW T1 1 tt R..Flit JI1fiY 12-] iiLI No. 1.-.w'howwwn at 9;85 only "WHITE WARRIOR" :l1 ee•Vo Reeves (Colour --• Scope) Hit No. 3 -Shown at 11:(10 "GO.U) OF THE SEVEN SAINTS" ('lint 'Walker 1 '3'o e) (Cartoon) SAT,-MON.-'l'll'1':S., ,IITLY 14-16-1.7 1111 eNo.$ 1.'-`'11ow-n at 1):8)3 only "O1V -EYED JACKS" Mau•h» 11rand( .. Karl Malden (Adult Entertainment) 1521 Ne,. .•.:s.ho'tvn at 12:00 "I1.0 PRINT FOR ROBBERY" (cartoon) tll�d illL'� IIfiSllft�il!I��IIG�1'Ilt�lll�llliklllr!Il�lili� 7' STOPS SCOURS ✓ PREVENTS IRON DEFICIENCY Pe CONTROLS SCURFINI:SS ✓ INSURES TOP WEIGHT GAINS PELLAGREX PASTE THESAFE WAY TO. IRON YOUR PIGS. NixoN LABORATORIES LTD. ORANQI ILLS, ORT, was irntuedialely popular in Italy, MCKibbons react•' ills way north aernss 'Europe and finally returned to North Am- PHONE 53 - erlea. 1fere i1. Jived among the fluw0rs as al purely exotic. and de- ---- ---.-__.___- rotative plant until about 1834 when, sh,u.ly, cautiously oltr an- rl•:aurs hega, eat lag it. Tu'lo',, heraus,e of 111r•ir flavor erg+h high meted bleat value inciud• his vit:1111)121 A :221 C tomatoes have f(I eor,u. one of the world's m110:0 v.:hc( Flt' vegetables. fee er,v year good cooks (discover now and de -Helots; 2)308 for toma- toes. [fere are easy and excellent tomato re(i)n:s from different parts of Latin Anu'riea.. 1)4, not post- pone until 1211nu111 these good dish. es you 12)::1 t as 4vt•11 00012 for your f:lrnily today. 'rer'n('ra .)sada Con 'l'omal:es 11011euoa (Rost Veal clal•nished with Stuffed 'Por11a1ors) 3 lbs, tameless veal roast 1 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 2 tllble•spoons olive 01• salad oil 1;; cup chopped onion ':n cup sherry wine 0r beef or c•luc)ca stock 'l'omat.r•s li.e'11e1208 r01170esr, Rub veal with salt and ground black pepper. flare in a Dutch over) or roasting. pan with oil, on- ions and wine or stock, Cover and cook in a preheated slow oven (325 degrees Ii'.) 2 hours or until veal is tender. Piave meat on a serving platter and surround with '1'0mates 2iellenos (Stuffed Toma- Yield: 14 servings. 'i'onlates Rei1en0s 8 firm ripe 11;1 inch tomatoes Malt I,round 1110:•k pepper 4 hard. ('003rd eggs. chopped 1 tablespoon chopped fresh pars- ley 1, trasp(on salt. 1,y teaspoon ground bleed( pepper Olive 01' salad. 011 Wine vinegar %S'a::h tomatoes. cut in -half cross- tvisr•. crap ani. the pulp and seeds, leaving ih(' shells inla('2.. Invert shells on a pan t0 drain. Sprinkle inside of shells with salt and Flack pepper, ('hop pulp and mix with. hard -rooked eggs, parsley, salt and blac'lt pepper. :Will tomato shells with the mixture. Sprinkle With. oil and vinegar. Place around veal ('oast. 'Yield: 8 servings. Gaspa'ho 1tia1 T'i.fln 4 slices bread 2 (nips cold water 5 large ripe tomatoes, sliced 1 plow.. fresh garlic, m151.1041 1al,le$no(m3 salad or olive oil. 1•• elm tinny (lived £;teen pepper 1:. ('n], fine4,y (111471 cucumber 1 t able Toou rider vinegar 4 teaspoons salt 1. t(awnuon gro1111] hlaek pepper 1 teaspoon fresh lemon. Mee Soak bread in cold water 30 mdn- 1111, • ALIS]-tolnato(s, garlic Land 22010( oil. Let stand 2' to 3 hours. M:u;h algal poi through a sieve or blender. Add green pepper, cucum- bervinegar, salt, black pepper and lemon juice. Add ice r'rlbes short. ly bet ',erving. Serve very void. I11. ,'Ide 4;88pa)ho is served With 1)21,4.1 ()inked into it. Yield, 7 claps. (Stuffed To - Pharmacy WIN GIIA:%i KEN'S ALIGNMENT SERVICE PHONE 355 - DIAGONAL ROA;) WINGi7AIST Theatre PLEASE :NO'PE---Effective .Tu1y 19G1, Admission 75e, inclndin.g Govt, Hospital Tax 1'1'1':1). 'I'1ium- 21Rr., JULY 11-1.2-11 "JET ATTACK" 'SUICIDE BATTALION' SAT.-MON.-TUES., JULY 14-1,6-1.7 Aie Murphy in "IIFLL BENT FOR ` LEATHER" Cinema5enp(', Calor - Plus "KETTLES • AT WAIKIKI" SUNDAY MIDNIGHT TULY 134 "STRANGLER. OF BOMBAY" Adult. Entertainment • - :'and "THE TRUNK" WED. -T mit:.-IRI„ ;it1I.Y 18-19-20 i11.VIS PRESLEY'S 2 GREATEST "BLUE HAWAII" Color "G.I. BLUES" ' larllm1nI!I1lilil !lir lIIslllOmlllii1111I111®Ill•Il) 4 111111111111111111111111111111111111011111V111111111&11111111Pro 'I!91 lll11ihld liftl11D1Il)d11i6111111111191IIi1111111111111.1 INal T %I CRO • N or ' HUR.-11'RI.-SAT. JULY 12-13-14 "DON'TKNOCK THE TWIST" Another Chubby Checker 1111. The King of Twist in a fun -filled film, "THE HELLIONS" In. Technicolor Starring Michael Todd Shows at 7:15-8:35-!):40 MnRT.-')l'Y1Ll).-tVED., ,IIJLY 16-1."1-18 WOMEN" E Starring Sophia Loren In the A,ca,demy Award role 8Itotvs at 7;21.5 and 11:15 r2. RIVE -IN 'I'HI'Ti..-I+'it7, .TULY 12-18 "VOYAGE to the BOT- TOM of the SEA" Stars' Walter Pidgeon, Joan Fon- taine and Peter Lorr •- Plus "MAGIC BOY" Sheer enchantment for all the fam- ily BOTH IN COLOR 1 SATURDAY ONLY JULY 14 "LIGHT UP THE SKY" Another laugh riot from England 1'128 --• "MISTY" (linemaseope - Calor Stars Da.vid Ladd, Arthur O'Connell It's wonderful family entertainment SUNDAY LATE SHOW, JULY 18 "LOVE SLAVES OF THE AMAZON" in Color Plus "TIIE MONOLITH MONSTERS" M()N.-"i'1.'1;.-W11)., JULY 16-17-18 "PEPE" in beautiful (rotor & CinemaScorie Weal 111:4 1';uitiuflas the skyrock- eting funny man 1111d a 11081 of Rig stars: Name ,.1s: T)an .'[)alley, Shirley Trit':.:, Maurice Chevalier, ding c'10:11)37, Bobby Darin, Joey .Hishop, Ernie Kovacks, jack Lernmon, Cetrir Romero & many, many rtior';g 1