The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-07-11, Page 5Dunlop's July Sale (SAVE UP TO 10% AND 50') Saie Scarfs July 121b 'OMEN'S SHOES admire are White, Belem and {;!reran 4.89 89 RUNNING SHOES C'IIILDREN', JOYS' MEN'S Sizes.. 6-1.0 L29 Sizes.1.1.-13 Sizes 1-5 Sizes 0-11. 1.49 1.59 L79 WOMEN'S SLIMIER • .SANDALS 2.69 3.49 CHILDREN'S SUMMER SANDALS 1.79 TOP.NAME MEN'S AND HOYT A U A L S LIGHTWEIGHT i EIGHT SUEDE Olt SMOOTH LEATHER UPPERS WII'if FOAM CUSHION 'SOLES ltirtelr, 'Beige, Green, !crown MEN'S 5.69 To 8.89 BOYS' 3.89 .TO 5.49 CORDS itT ASSORTED COLOURS' 1.79 1.49 LADIES' CHILDREN'S PHONE Dunlop Shoes 23 WINGHAM, ONTARIO Visitor Here Was Born at Parsonage BI,aIJEVt1aLE --- An; late/04)1g visitor to Bluevale last week was lYfiss ;Merioci Wallwin, of Toronto, who is a toerist agent and, has talcen. ,numerous groups of tourists across the Atlantic. Mist'. Wallwin was born in Blue - Vele Methodist Parsonage in 1892. Her father, Rev. 1. IL Wallwin, was instrumental in building the Meth- odist Church in 189Q on the site Where the community hall }s now. Miss Wallwin, with her elderly mother, enjoyed re -visiting their corner home, through the kindness of Rev, 0, 0, Mitchell and Mrs, MitehelI, MEYALE Miss Susan Sellers, of Barrie, is visiting several friends in the oon1- nunity. Alan Barnard, who is emploeed in London, visited his home here at the week -end. Mr, and Mrs. R, E. McKinney are holidaying in Muskoka. Dr. George Thomson and Mrs. Thomson, of Mount Alison Univer- sity, Sackville, N.B., left for their home after visiting wth Mr. and Mrs. George Thomson, They are leaving immediately for London, England, to spend a year. Dr. Thomson to do research. and Mrs. Thomson to further her studies. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Griffiths, of Guelph, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bosman, Mr, and Mrs. Alan Nicholson and Mary Ann, and Mrs, Wm. Nichol- son and Beverley Merrick, Wing-, .ham, have returned from a motor trip to the West Coast, Mr, and Mrs. Raymond 'Elliott attended the Keith reunion at Waterloo on Sunday, The members of Unit Two of U.C.W. enjoyed a get-together at Turnberry Park on Sunday, The July 11th meeting of the Bluevale Women's Institute will be in the form of a picnic for the community at the farm of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Mathers. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gord- on Hall on. Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott and family, of Newton, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Casemore, Nancy, and Jim, of Wingham, lets you get away tuith everything! t The smaller -than -big, bigger -than -small Chevy-IZ has amp/e space for 4, six passengers and their paraphernalia. You'll find room to stretch out in, comfort to relax in... plus handsome good looks to rejoice in! •t.p ly„�,• y... A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE • Model Illustrated Nova 400 4 -Moor Sedan fully loaded, your low-priced Chevy.IT%aunts eagerly down the highway eating up the miles without eating up gas! Your choice of peppy 4- . or husky 6 -cylinder engine;.. far a new, smooth brand of performance in a choice of eleven mode% W!NGHAM Phone 139 Whitewall tiros optional at extra Coat tf-2ib2- M T winghain, Ontario Phyllis Merle Moore, daughter of Mrs. j. Edward Moore, of Wing - ham, and the late Mr, Moore. be- came the bride of Donald Ralph Metcalfe, R. R. 2, Walkerton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Metcalfe, on Friday evening at seven in Wing - ham United Church. Rev, C. M. Jardine officiated for the ceremony, 'held before a setting of candelabra and baskets of roses. Mrs. Fred Moore, sister-in-law of the bride„ sang "The Wedding Prayer" and "0 Perfect Love," She was aecomp.anied by Herbert C. Treneer, who also played tradition- al wedding music. Fred Moore, brother of the bride, gave her in marriage. She wore a floor length gown of silk organza over 'taffeta, accented with appli- que of Chantilly .lace, The fitted —Photo by Connell bodice was fashioned with ellapw- length sleeves and Sabrina neck- line, trimmed with sequins. The bouffant skirt swept to a brush train and her double illusion veil was held by ,a cap of dainty silk organza leaves, The bride carried a white Bible crested with an or- chid, from which fell streamers of stephanotis and English ivy. Mrs. Wayne E. Nicol. of Wing - ham, was matron of honor and the bridesmaids were Mrs, William (Montgomery, of North Bay, and Miss Doris Moore, Wingham, sister of the bride. Her attendants wore all white silk organza on effectively draped; bell skirts, caught at the bottom. with pleats on either side. The necklines were low and boat shaped and the sleeves short. They wore headdresses of orchid tulle and w short veils, and carried ,ite Bibles crested with flower arrange -J ments similar to that of the bride. ` Miss Twyla Dickson, of Belmore, was the flower girl and wore a. dress of white silk organza over taffeta and carried earnations and. stephanotis. Gordon Davis, Hanover, was groomsman, and ushers were Wil- liam. N. Montgomery, of North Bay, and James Collins, Hanover. Russell Young, of Teeswater, was the ring bearer. The wedding dinner was served in the 'church. Guests were present' from North Bay, Hanover, Preston, Teeswater, Woodstock, Durham, Walkerton and Pinkerton. Attend' ing the wedding were the bride's grandfather, Arthur Moore, and the groom's grandmother, Mrs, George Metcalfe, of Hanover. For travelling Mrs, Metcalfe wore a pink dress of delicate cotton lace and an organza duster with pink carnations. The bride is a CNA graduate of Wingham General Hospital. They will live in Hanover. PANEL DISCUSSION AT W.1D.S. MEETING BLUF'VALE—The July meeting el the WMS was held in the base- ment of the church. last Wednes- day. Mrs, Thomas, the president, presided. She gave the call to wor- ship and led in prayer. Sixteen ladies answered the roll cal). The secretary's and treasurer's reports were given and business was 'dis- missed, The offering was received by M'rs. Wiliam Elston and the dedi- catory prayer was given by the president. Mrs. Thomas gave the report of the executive meeting of the Presbyterial held in Kincard- ine. Mrs. Ross Gray will be in charge of the August meeting. Mrs. William Roberts had charge of the •program and opened with a hymn, Mrs. James Gaunt react the Scripture and Mrs. Glen McKer- cher gave the comments, followed by prayer by Mrs. Keith Moffat. Miss Elaine Snell and Miss Anne McKercher sang .a duet. The topic was "Momentous De- cision Made by Biblical Women." and was given in the form of a panel discussion. A talk by Mrs. tGordon Mundell on decision, in his- tory and .art was enjoyed. The I meeting closed with a hymn and a dainty lunch was served and a social half hour spent. (PRO -MOTE CHILDREN TO MISSION BAND BLUEVALE—The United Church Women held their meeting in the church on Thursday with the presi- dent, Mrs. Alex Corrigan, in charge, After a. devotional period mat- ters of business werediscussed. Mrs. Charles Mathers, of the par- sonage committee, reported decor- ating and other improvements made in the parsonage and these were approved by the members. The treasurer, Mrs. Alex McCrackin, gave the financial report, indicating the amounts contributed by the three groups of U.C.W. and show- ing a satisfactory balance. Two quarterly allocations have been sent to the Presbyterial treasurer. Mrs. Milton Fraser and Mrs. M. L. +Aitken gave reports of the Presbyterial head in Bluevale on May 17th. The Mission' Band conducted tate remainder of the program, with Lloyd Peacock in the chair and Margaret Craig at the piano. Douglas Garniss recited the E.W. COUNCIL CLERK REPORTS ON BUS TRIP The council met on July 3rd with all the members present, Reeve Hanna presiding. The minutes of the meeting held on June 5th were read and adopted on motion of Robinson -Buchanan. The clerk reported on the bus trip on June 21st over the Mait- land Valiey Conservation. Author- ity. Snell -Pattison -- That the road and general accounts as read be passed and paid. A supplementary road by-law, No. 6 and No. 7, setting the 1962 rates were read the first and sec- ond times..... . .. ... .,..... .... - .. Buchanan -Robinson • That By. laws No. 6 and No. 7 be read the third time and passed. Rend Cheques Stuart McBurney, salary $185.00, bills paid, $1.00, $186,00; Alan Mc- Burney, wages, $j.51.35; Frank Cooper, spraying weeds, $30.00; Dave Murray Machine Shop, Weld- ing grader, $11.50; Philip Dawson, welding grates, $3.50; Purdon Mot- ors, truck repairs, $1.50; Belgrave Co-op, truck repair, $35.35, brush spray, $192.50, $227,85; Harry Wil. liams, 200 gals. fuel, $77.20, oil, $31.16, $108.36; Armco Drainage and 0111111111111111111111811111111118111111111111111111111111111111111 Beatitudes, Diana Elston played a jar piano solo. Group songs were sttng r� • by Betty Hetherington, Ruth Ma• thers and Ruth McLennan with Margaret Craig accompanying. Rae Mothers presented the col- leetion, the ,dedicatory prayer be- ing given by the leader, Mrs. Geo, Flseher. Mrs. G. C. Mitchell told the story of tate Good Samaritan, illustrated by flannelgraph. Mrs'. Bert Carniss led iaz prayer. ]Virg. Fischer and. Mrs. James El - eta' conducted .the promotion cere- mony when four Baby Band mem- bees wehe promoted to Mission Rand — Donna Marie tial!, Cindy Susan 'Thornton, Alan Archibald Willits, Daniel Thomas Campbell. Refreshments were served at the Sas. 1 VL4J Insurance Agency COMPLETE INSURANCE COVERAGE S. A. SCOTT, Salesman ,TOflN S'1'11El 'r Phone 77ZW - Wingham AGENT ;Holt Manufacturers Life Insurance CO. fitlilliikili iii iiN+iiii!6111111111101fiilliiii11i1R( I no Ingham mva lice»Thanes.. W4 imo Rol', .!roar, 11, I90Z'aaitit let* 23rookhaven Nursing Home, plaint. patient, $79.75; Hanna's Store re. lief account, $15.28; Township of Morris,.share Wilson Arai, $25.157; R. D. Philip, medicine, $12.00, Pattison -Snell That .council ad, journ to .meet an August 7th, at 1 o'clock at the J elgrave Commun. ity Centre. C W. Hanna, ,Reeve. R. H. Thompson, Klerk. 'Metal Products, culverts, $139.92; Poniinlon Road Machinery Co„ grader repair, $39,19; Receiver - General of Canada, income tax, $9,65. Omani 1 heque8 Town of £Goderleh, deb, pay. PCT. .$1,007.55; County of Huron, share of tree planting, $268.27; Town of Clinton, deb. pay., 1)CI , $792.77; Noble Greenaway, fox bounty, $4.00; To Serve You Better we have installed a new ALM ITE Wheel Balancer INCREASE THE LIFE OF YOUR TIRES WITH THIS ON -THE -CAR BALANCING MACHINE Ask for prices at Readman's TEXACO SERVICE CENTRE PHONE 84 - WINGHAM 1l111111111111111111111141lIIIcl11111111111!1!111!11110111NIImH Ihkl111r;hldlNlMIEI Iip+N1t l lrr!HrIIN11llil1118111 Hodgins - McDonald (WINGHAM) LTD. LUMBER AND BUILDERS' SUPPLIES GALVANIZED STEEL ROOFING $9.70 PER SQUARE 6' to 30' LENGTHS THIS IS ONTARIO MANUFACTURED STEEL WITH IMPROVED STELCO GALVANIZING Terms Cash -- Free Delivery Phone 656 Wingham ItI�IIJ�U11NlIIr�tlJ�lti.Alii�liitlll,�III�lU11!(IAIf 1111!igll;1111'Ill;�IIIiNII!MII!111I11111!�111111111 NOTICE TO DESTROY Noxious Weeds NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to property owners in urban and sub- divided areas to destroy all. Noxious Weeds as often as necessary in each season, to prevent their going to seed. Also, after July 20, 1962, proceed- ings will be taken to destroy Noxious Weeds in accordance with the Weed Control Act. ALEX CHESNEY Huron County Weed Inspector