HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-07-11, Page 1It !I( ALONG THE MAIN DRAG Ily 'Ji B Pedestrian AMIIINIMME111111110•101•11•••••••••111., FIRE BOYS BUSY— The local fire brigade had an- other two calls because of grass fires this week, One run was to Fordwich Saturday afternoon to a small fire and another on Monday atsuppertime to a patch of burn- ing grass at the Junction. Both were quickly extinguished. 0 0 0 WE WEItt.: LUCKY— The fast change In the weather on Sunday evening only. meant. an end to the long spell of hot and at times very humid air in this lo- cality. Other spots were not so fortunate, for severe storms on Sunday afternoon brought ',WWII trees and flattened grain cropb in many areas, BUSY PLACE—The main drag is alive with workmen. As mentioned above there are the lads at, work on the parking meters, and aaoth. er crew is busy with jack hammers, cutting a trench in the middle of the sidewalk on the east s,de ot Josephine St., south ir nn John St. for the installation of telephone cable. The new dial exchatige has also been completed aed will soon be ready for equipmenE, 0 - 0 u GOT A BIG ONE— Bruce St. George proved you don't have to drive all the way to Northern Ontario for a big fish. Sunday evening he took a bass in the Maitland river that tipped the scales at 3 pounds and measured 19 inches in length, !` —We are pleased to report that Mr. Roy Morgan is able' to he home again after being in the Wingham General Hospital for two weeks. Mr. Morgan's mother, Mrs. Annie E. Morgan, and his sisters, Misses Irene and Hazel Morgan, and Mrs, Clarence Huether, of Richmond 3 Hill, spent several days last week at the Morgan home, Conference Held Mrs. E .J. Turvey, Exeter; Mise Diane Schaus of Neustadt; Bruce A. Catton, Hanover; Douglas H Moore, Southampton; Donald S Patterson, Russeldale and Lionel A, 'Woodbridge of Walkerton have been attending a TeachersSum mer Training conference, organiz ed by the Queee's Bush District of the World Book - Childoraft of ,7 Canada Ltd., in Wingham. All were guests of Ted Mosz kowski, the local district. manage of the company. ,. • Pass Examinations The Western Ontario Conserva- tory of Music has notified Mrs. Bruce MacDonald that the follow- ing pupils were successful in recent. piano examinations: Grade III—Marjorie Eadie, hon. Grade IV—Edith Austin, hon, TROUSSEAU TEA A trousseau tea will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Howatt, Belgrave, in honour of their daughter, Dorothy Marie, on Wednesday, July 18th, from 2-4.30 and 7.30-10 o'clock. Everyone wel- come. F11* COLD MEAT SUPPER Wednesday evening. July 18th, 5- 8 p.m., in Gorrle Anglican Church basement. Adults, $1,00; children 12 and under, 40c. F11* _ . With which is amalgamated the Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News WINGDAM, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY II, 1963 SINGLE COPIES — 10 cents NUMBE113 TO MAME No Money in Meters Yet-•• .WER DIAL SYSTEM Business Starts With the Installation of parking. Meters on the main street, a good many people have been wondering , if they are to be used immediately or not, Actually the council de. aided to allow a few days following ; "Wnik Li being completed by Bell enes a (s),1(.:::.:.Lit.(1)1;f).1fr8Wtlifxt;1);:warai,stZ: d , TelePh011e Company installers in , phones to dial later this year. • Bell (want -men are finishing their The meters do not vans, any lus • minute of 'Iowa mei busineesea dication int to the holm of parking,- adapting existing telephones and whieh are met out in the by law, but installing new ones, IL is expected this will be Fyn -tea la- H. H. P. Johnston, manager of ter. The times when the meters the Bell Telephone Co. for this the itaaallation before the metera, mital he used, According to Po lire Chief Jinnes Miller, the by-law I covering metered parking will be ; enforeed cammenving Wedneaday,1 July 18th, WIN SECOND PLACE IN LADIES' TREBLES *A RECEPTION Will he held in the Whitechurch Hall following the wedding for Mr. and Mrs, Clem Steffler, (Phyllis Smith), Saturday, July 14th, at 9 p.m. Tiffin's Orchestra. Evervene welcome. F11'1 FILMS AT TOWN HALL . Free science films produced by Moodie Institute of Science to be shown at the Town Hall Monday, Tuesday a,nd Wednesday, July 16- 17-18, at 8.30 p.m. Everyone wet - come. F11* CLOSING /MAIM Dr, G. W. Howson's ,offiee will be closed front July 15th to Ame- ust 1st, inclusive. 111.* BANNS ANNOUNCED The banns of Holy Matrimony- Lvere announced on Sunday at the Sacred Heart Church of Mr, Peter Andrew Bedatc1, son of Mrs. Adolph and the late Mr. 13edatal, of Wiwi- Sor, and Mary Kathleen, daughter Of Mr. tied Mrs. Christopher New- man. The marriage will take place laturday, July 28th, at 11.30 Farrt„ Sacred Heart R.C. Church. Fllb Three rinks fmm Wingham en. • tered a ladles' trebles tournament in Hanover last Wednesday. An Owen Sound rink took lees first prize with 3 wins plus 31 and one of the Wingham rinks was In second place with t wins and a pins of 29. Mrs, Andy Lunn skipped the Wingham rink with Mrs. ,John Finnigan as vice and Mrs, Miller Davis, lead. must be used will coincide with area, said this work is being done — store hours: 9 a.m. mtil 6 p.m, on I well ahead of the date of dial eon - I Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and version so that everything will he Appointed to Saturdays; 0 a,m. to 12 noon on ready to go into operation on Asb bury College , Wednesdays and from 0 ELM, to 10 sehedule, I pan. on Fridays. Sundays and holi- Part of the program to introduce Comae - Rev.! days are exempt. lint and direct distance dialing ser. .te, C. Attwell, I While the meters are one.hour Vi '('5 in Wingham Includes the as - rector of the 1 Gorrie, Forel- wich and Wrox- eter Anglican Churches, h a s been appointed a Master itl the jenior Sehool of Ashberry Angla eler; • s • ' • machines, it is legal under the -by. i signment of eompletely new tele- ' law to park for two }lours, pro- plume numbers to all eustomers. i.vided of .course that the extra Eeeli new :amber will consist. of I nickel has been put in the machine the estehange eode 357 and four at the expiration of the first. hour. ; ether figures. A :temple number The only exceptions are Hes met. might be 357.4010. ers in front. of the town hall and • Mr, Johnston :suggested that the the post office, whieh allow for • iirJeller's visila would provide a only 12-minitte parking. These , good opportuulty fn;' telephone us - meters are set for the shorter per- ere here to ronsider the advantages can College, Ottawa, and also as.. lad so that. people wanting to pick of complel P telephone serviee. sistant. 01114110 111. up mall will usually be able to find He peintert outat Ht mistornere Thappointment , e ffect a parking spot. will take . "en ;in se. 1 he inst Filiation emits for ' 1 1 Sept. 1st, Mr. sett well mune here . Couneillor Warren Callan poinreeidenee extension telephones by ts ' s TRIM INGERSOLL 1 from Sarnia five years ago. , out that there will still be plentyhaving these additional servieein of It 1 parking spare available in areas stalled while the Bell installer le FRIDAY VICTORY FOR tiOOLIYEARS The Wingham Goodyears detest- ed the • Ingersoll Inns at Ingersoll on Friday night. The score was 10-8, Jim Bain hit. a 1-sean run for the Goodyears In the third inning after Ken Sextan had singled. Mac Eadie, Barry Fryfogle, Grant. Chis- holm and Garry Storey had two hits each, Hugh MacMillan did the pitching for the Goodyears until the sixth inning, when he was relieved by Grant Chisholm. Wingham—Eadie If; Saxton cf; Fryfogle rf; Bain ss; Gardner 3b; Chisholm p 6th; Cerson 2b and 3b; Foxton e; Storey lb; MacMillan p and 2b. Ingersoll Krisfaleisi rf; Land ef; Armstrong 2b; Barrett lb; MacIntosh ss; Phillips 11; Lane 2b; Daniels 3b; Urquhart p. RHE Wingham--------202 011 202-10 10 4 Ingersoll 000 042 002— 8 7 2 Hickson plays in .Winghain on Wednesday july llth at 8.30 !Hold Shower in Council Chambers Mrs. Bill Clark, Mrs. Bob Jones, Verna Ellin and Miss Marie held a surprise , shower far Miss Marian Farrier in the council chambers 011 Monday nights Fifty Mende and relatives were present. I A number of games were played and lunch WW1 served by the liost- esses. The bride -elect was present- ed with a coffee table, matO•ing end tables and all occasional chair. Baby Baptized At Christ Anglican Church, Il- fracombe, Muskoka, Ont., on Sun- day, July 1st, the infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Foxton (Evelyn Jackson) was christened by the Rev, J. Watson, of Noranda, Quebec. The godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wilson, of Tor- onto, A tea was held following the ehrlstening at the home of the grandparents. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Jackson, at Buck Lake. Mrs. Fox - ton and children are spending the summer at Buck Lake. not controlled by meters, The it hometo ehenge the main set town maintaine F) parking lot at preparation for dial conversion the south end of the town. As well, there is parking available in the area between the arrne and the main street baildiuga The main street, north of Menlo Street, is not metered sin( E'lwerd Street is open. There are sten narking facilities be- hind the AlcKibbon drug store. The whole meter plan has been designed, according to the coun- cil, not to raise funds nor reetrict parking, but to improve parking conditions 111 the busy section of the community. It has been found that meters have successfully ac- complished this end in other muni- cipalities. Most of 'the meters are known as the ejtuplex type and with this ar- rangement one car pulls up to the Imeter, .while in the next space the car is backed in to the meter, Park. ing spaces will be indicated with painted lines on the street. One added feature of metered parking that. will not be recogniz- ed until next winter, is the fact that it will be necessary to have improved snow removal. It. is ex- pected that revenue from the met- ers will cover this added cost, 0*. .1kA444,14( s Jaasaya OPENING A SUMMER CAMP presents problems as the 21st Field Regiment, RCA(M), discovered upon arrival at Crumlin over the week -end. There were a variety of tasks which do not come under the heading of artillery training, ktir4*. , ...... .,- :,.,:zw S'',-..: ro :. such as gathering new -mown hay. Lieut. Jack Goodall is directing Gnrs. Edward Hand and Brent Davidson in operation "Clean -tip'. All are members of the 99th Battery, Winghain a ,,„Issaasaeakeat4ksaa'' ses , a a ses seta • 'aie ASSISTING WITH THE GRADUATION ceremon- ies of seventeen young ladies as Certified Nurs- ing Assistants, were those who will graduate at a later date. These'four are seen as they served coffee at the out-of-doors event at the Wingham General Hospital last Friday. They are, from the left, Jane Arlin, Joan Smith, Helen Young- blut and Linda Macklam.----Photo by Cantelon. PORTS PPM SAILIY BILIS The %Vingheni Sportsmen's As- soeiation 15 organizing a drive to i harp omfol'ilt.S1 install gaiety bolts In their cars. They have planned the eon roll I: Wed effort for Friday' of this week. The organization will be selling safety belts et little snore than ' east all Friday afternoon and eve. ning at the town hall. The group is working in cooperation with W- eal gal -ages and has the support of police officials in their efforts. The seat belts will be sold for $6.20 and the local garages will co-operate by installing them for $1,00 park. This means that the car owner can obtain the belts at a price considerably below normal ._. rates, The Sportsmen paint out that most people agree that seat belts are a fine preeaution, but most motorists have not taken the trouble to have them Installed in their ears. To promote ear safety, it is the organization's plan to make it simple to obtain the belts, at a met which will make them attractive to every ear owner, If you haven't seat belts in your car and would like to edd this safety feature, drop in at the town hall on Friday afternoon or eve. ning and the Sportsmen wilt be happy to assist. BOUND FOR JAMAICA— Three Arrny Cadets pack their kit bags in preparation for a trip that will take them to the British West Indies. They are among some 24 cadets from across Canada who have been selected to attend sum- mer training in Jamaica. They are, left to right, Cadets Larry Jeffrey, R.R. 1, Mount Elgin; Mich- ael McCann, Stratford and John Strong, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Strong, Wingham. The ca - dets originally slated to go to Banff will be re- placed by 24 lamakan Army Cadets. While in Jamaica they will take part in the Independence. Day celebration and the Ninth Caribbean Games. Training will include a march around the island. Al the present time they are training at Camp Farnham, near Montreal, prior to their depar- ture July 17 for Jamaica.—National Defence photo. Mixed Trebles LIeld at Green A mixed la/Three' tournament was held et the local bowling green on ;atitrdey peening with 19 entries ram Teeswa ter, Ilanover, Gederith kt word, Harriet 011, lawknow and elm m. First prize went tn lia rry Svrim. en111014 Huh 11001 1IrolPripii with I wink: p111; 10; 50001111, A. Redmond, lnnnver, ales phis 14; third, J. leDennId, elekonw, 3 wins pins 2; fourth, .1. Merrey nf Wingham, 1188 Yvemee ntePhere,on end Mrs. •nhn taineigan, 2 earls plus 16; and 111.1-1, Jeelvain of Leeknow with 1 wins plus 12. ICU Studying artillery tactics and how to use the 105 mm. guns is giv-; ell top billing on the training schedule at Camp Crumlin for the 21st Field Regiment RCA1M) as militiamen from Wingham, Walk- erton and Listowel move to the out- doors for their week.long session under canvass. This marks a switch from the training schedules of the past two Years when emphasis was placed on national survival. There was, however, time allotted on the pro- gram at this camp for survival ex- ercises. The 21st Regiment is sharing the 79 -acre military site, which once was part of the Royal Canadian Air Force Station. Other militia units in camp this week are the First Huasars; N. 4 Col. RCASC and the Royal Canadian Regiment, all of Lonann ;ma the Perth Regi- ment of Stratford, Lieut..(ol. W. Roes Preston, M.B.E., C.D., Is commanding of- ficer nf this vamp white, operetes for three aware to trAin 8 total nf 16 militis units, Inelnaing armour.. ad, infantry, ertillery arid prnvost. PrP3triii is able) settler administrative nflieer of file WeS- tePn Ontario area Lieut. Col. L. (1, 'Virkers, rem_ manding efficer of the 21st Regi- ment, said IJIP qw11,11 bat`k to the guns -a -which' (11 militaly 'language means corps trellising—is made for two definite reasons, He explainel that all three batteries -4, 99th nf Wingham, 97th of Walkerton end 100th of Listowel, have carried out.' extensive national seravel training for the past few years and all tanks are now proficient. in the excrete_ OS. Reaching that point in national survival, however, meant that the guns had to be relegated to a sec ondary role. Consequently, older members of the unit welcome the opportunity to "brush up" while there are many recruits who have had little opportunity to work *.vith the guns. Many 1.'o11rsee To realize the maximum ben -fit from the Se'et) nays Olinftf'd 1:11' unit at slimmer f MP, 110 'OM mending officer hi ate the petite regimental pe ra mace 1141, onore•I nos s11111:11 gln111X, :rod at ti411P,:rI1 ioi a series of emit ses The, c.ont rot and rotrinvold I: 41 officrnq and 01111 grin to 1 for the raiik•,. T fnliite ret eel siuJmad' ei (herr' 1; no 8)11111 lii 1111; 11.4, guns 81 C1,11,1118. '111,, prograhl, ','cPi")5' tt., th, Ii!'''. 'lit, area vath the an infalttly met in -amp Ills nen a sct lop 1,1 .-,11 erate as A f.Airneiets lent len thing from. cook house to regimen- tal headquarters is under canvas. Offierrs and men sweated through mother, see to erect several large merspleas and the columns of bell ten' 71.1ier .1 D. Harvey of Seaforth i, 'alerting the training under the eoreeterel of Lieut. -Col. Vickars, C3rit easidon Tanner headed the 970. Betters, into camp, while the with nt Wingham is commanded fel Hie week's exercises by Lieut. 1 '1“oorlall and the 100th of Lis- isseei las Lieut. John Brown, now of Real,. Ti.ree tents linked together serve sareirmistratise ,offices with the tletoo handled by Major John Ste- phen.: of Wingham, WO2 Llovd II altaff ;Teat Robert Dew- -ea heth et Listowel, Q -stores artat in A marepiee and sup- er,ea lw raelf Sgt. .Tames Wray 1.1 ae,eet 11, ,.11 g0 of tit,' kitchen is Sgt. hes 11,1f1A-888 of Londen and /ell,. ate of hit...Jewel. And his mem/ 1,,, melt ;Iinv's' 110 resemblance 1,, :,1 bygone days. A F T,11/117 (13v Ine, consists of -Jona rosit terkey '1 7‘ be” 1a.1.0t11 1t 'lressing 1 1,5 tRlo,', bettered Brus- sels geoid's, shred ternetees, maell. 1.0 era...ease. ritillea peaches. Phone? 0! •-hite bread, tea o' 4 i1irnit • sAvIite,Mitaiaaa.f BELL TELEPHONE CREWS engaged in the job of plowing in buried cable in this area met with a major obstacle on Monday afternoon when the machinery came to the Maitland River just south of Wingharn. Undaunted, the huge plow just plunged ' • 4ArAfi. . . in and buried the cable 'beneath Filo river bed. The water was right up to the motor of the nion,:tnr crawler tractor. 11 did get stuck for a few minutes Nit wev, sonn freed when another "cat" carne to the rescue.—Advance-Times photo.