The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-07-04, Page 10Pugs Eight The Wingham Advonee-'hoes, Wednesday, ;Tiny 4, 1902 61111 ,3' CORDI Jiff Y MAKERS 1.98 ``• $2,98 MOTE, tittr:i: „ i?t,A(' t, tiil!i.i.) i unfilli�ilo�llliiuiilllillliii!�Ilfiiil!li!tl!ii�mi Dive- In Theatre PLEASE NOTE—Effective July 1, 1902, Admission 75e., inclining Govt. Hospital Tax BIG PERFORMANCES i'` i•i,-•wAT,-MON.-'FUESi i%Y JITLY 0-7-9-1.0 "BEN HUR" T:eIlneon prier's. ,$1,00 per verso)l .boldly School children free One shelving only each: evening at 9:i5, Box Office open: 8:00 SI'NfAY MIDNIGHT .TULV 8 Box Off. Opens 11:00, Show tit 12.015 "IIELL IS A CITY" Adult Entertainment Plus "CELL 2455 DEATH ROW" Adult Entertainment Z47i�:3t. Tffl1R.-FRI., JULY 11-12-13 "JET ATTACK" `SUICIDE BATTALION' I1111111131111111111111III111111i111111111111,1IIN!Illf c..I.LLLAN SHOE 'OUR( EA +iIL ' SHOE STORE WINGHAM lJlil:NT 1111.ITIA 111111i1MAM STARTED At.•011 (II Melt s,1•11uul students in It13� ort -.1 d,mtu`rl the khaki on 1'ut:•dnr null fur the next five t I .,.;. , . tell t I rte national stirviv at ate: I,:e,ie ;truly training. They all- ;he ottt•S hu have enrolled In !{tl• :iulleut tuilitia program, spon :Isere' by tete 21::1 i2egt, Lieu! old. 1.. G. Viekars, regi - un nt:•t eutren:110111g officer•, an - 11.u,n,••l !lett Ileo school•; will serve lite 1111ee 1,:11tt•rie, Will VII coo 1,1 i,t• I Ile 2181. They are located in l,:r,lo,•:t•i and Walkerton with 30 !Judi no. :lilt,lted to each, Alloli,•tl to the i.istowel course :rte : tudents from Mount Forest, Palmerston. .5'1 t1 cunt and Lis. lot:•el birth :40 1001. Going to Wal kertou are youths from Chesley, 1 1113 Irdine, ti:utuvet•, Wingham :uu1 \Culist•rtuu. Thc• Wingham ,(11111. -sits :u•, equally divided be- FA11I1X INCOME An excellent method of having :tn :itfequate )Io.urttnee estate for the malt %tilh tt young family ('ONSFL r -- FRANK C. HOPPER --Rei:1resentative— Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT. 1'hono 402 VOLKSWAGEN Compare Price and VALUE 1960 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE 1962 DEMONSTRATOR DELUXE Wingham Bod y Shop STs) ADA -M:4 Your Volkswagen Dealer in Wingham & District PHONE 746 WINGHAM NEW SNUR-GAIN SAE HARN STARTER SPECIAL FEED FOR CRITICAL PERIOD New Shur -Gain Sales Barn Starter is fortnuintetl for pigs that have passed. through sale barns or were )roved from farm to farm before you bought them. It is it low energy feed, con - tabling a high level of antibiotics to combat set: -backs, help avoid disease problems, eliminate danger's nt gorging and get deem off to a gond start. ('AI.L US TODAY FOR EMI, DETAILS. i.n/LIV__w,IW-_ Jv.dW SHUR-GAIN puts the GAIN in. HOG FEEDING Wingham Feed Mill PHONE 142 - WINGHAM IFihl!iilli■Ili1III�IIIMIII�iII�I1;�IUirllalill•iilUlitl'.Ifs!hMi'ihl!illNlll!•IIIwII�Mlli�lurll7l People Who Shop In Wingham Read The Advance -Times t i and Walkerton. et. mira eommanding officer of the 100th Battery, Listowel, has been appointed to take t•ltar•gc of both courses. Lieut. David Henry of Listowel has been posted to Walk- erton. Instruction personnel 1138 been drawn from all three Batteries. A switch In the training program from courses held in past summers comes with the fact that the stn. dent militiamen will not join ex- perienced militarnen when the re- giment goes to. Camp Crumlin, This is due to Insufficient accom- modation at the . regular militia camp. An alternatve has been provided in the training schedule, however, that will give students a taste of living outdoors under army eon. ditions. They will be taken on ,a three-day bivouac which involves training, eating and sleeping in the field. Another highlight in the six-week course comes when the student rnlitiamen go to Camp Ipperwash to fire the C-1 service rifle. The course ends.August 5th. PHONE 12 MEMORIAL LEAGUE FAST.i3M..,L1 Hickson vs. Wingham Goodyears Wednesday, July 11th, Bali Part,: GAME TIME --- 8;30 P.Itg. ween ..- Listowel k l sereno. To t �`AMPI�ELL REUNION, Lieut. -COI, Vickers also announr• I Time to EndtheSlaughte )• 13-4 VICTORY BILL HOTCHKISS STRIKES OUT 19 The Wingham Goodyears pound- ed out a 13-4 victory over the Clin- ton Airmen at the RCAF base on Tuesday night of last week. The Goodyears' 18 hits were top- ped by three home runs by Jim Bain, Barry Fryfogle and Ken Cer- son. Mac Eadie and Alvin Baker hadthree hits each. Bill Hotchkiss pitched a good game for the Goodyears, allowing c,nly three hits and striking out 19 hatters. Wingham:—Eadie 1.f.; Baker c.; Foxton, c. (7th); Saxton, c.f.; Bain s.s.; Gardner, 3b.; Walker, r.f. (7th); Storey, ib.; Cerson, 2h.; Fry- fogle, r.f.; Welwood, 3h. (7th) ; Hotchkiss, p. Clinton RCAF—Landry, s.s.; Kel- ley, c.f.; Borden, c.; Matthews, 1b.; Howland, r.f.; Dewar, 3h.; Coffin, 2b.; Lapointe, p.; Bradley, p. (7th); Lester, l,f.; Leblac, l.f. (4th). R H E Wingham . . 005 002 600-- 4 3 1 Clinton 100100 020-13 18 2 'TIS S ll O W BIZ By Vonni Lee This week saw the handing out of the TV Guide Awards. in Holly- wood and New York. These, un- like the : Enys, •.a.re the 'popular' choice of top shows, performers, etc., chosen by the viewing public instead of a group of judges. The best series was "Bonanza" and the award was accepted by 'Ben', Lorne Greene. It shut out "Perry Mason", "Route 66", and the two U.S. doctor shows, "Casey" and "Kildare". "Ben Casey" came through for the best new series, though, defeating "Kildare" again, "Hazel" and "The Defenders". CBC will he carrying "Casey" next year, by the way, and take it from me, it's an excellent series. It stars Vincent Edwards, who also got the nod for the top male star, leaving Rayrnond Burr (Perry Ma- son) and George Maharis (Rout 66) to weep. Carol Burnettt came out on trop for the second successive year for the top female star. The hest single musical show was Bob Hope's Christmas show from. Lab- rador and hest single news show was the NBC coverage of the Glenn orbit. It defeated its CBS counterpart, which was the cover- age we saw. . A perfectly enchanting half-hour was presented. when Parade's last show of the season brought hack some lovely folk music in the best show of the year. Folk songs cre- ate a mood that no other music can, and although I am not a foik- music follower, Parade with its great arrangements of "The 1-Iappy Wanderer", the gorgeous "Moon River" and others, paired With its lovely background scehercy, will remain in my memory for a long time. It would he unkind to pick nut any one performer as the best; they allmet with my approv- al. 0.0-0 Can't go past Sunday night without commenting on the 14th anniversary show to honor Ed Sul - liven. The show was peeked with a variety of great stars and was well produced and a fine tribute. The theatre audience, unlike other weeks, was invited, You no doubt noticed Rudy Vallee and his wife By Roy Major 1)o you know that it. is against the law to shoot song birds, or any species of migratory bird? Do you know that it is against the law to shoot firearms within the town limits? it's about time that we, as parents, trade It our business to put a stop to "plinking" o:- indis criminate killing of our wild life On the other hand maybe we should take a long look at our selves as parents, How on earth can we expect our children to re spect our game laws if we don't respect them ourselves? Oh, I know the first thing that you will say• --"boys will be boys.' Besides, what harm is there it shooting a few birds. There aro to many birds anyway, or what's a half dozen birds, they never will la missed. This is the answer you will gel from a parent who just doesn't care what his child is doing ane furthermore has no re.pect for the law or the preservation of our Ca nadian wild life. Have you ever stopped to think what would happen if everyone took this attitude? It would be a sad day for the bird population if this situation was permitted to continue. If you should find that the robins are "borrowing" a handful of your precious cherries, do you feel justi. fled in killing all the robins that set foot on your tree? If you do, you are not only breaking the law by killing a song bird, you also have very little respect for Canadian wildlife conservation. If this prob- lem exists at your house, there are other ways of overcoming this situ- ation. Actually the birds are doing you a favour by ridding your pro petty of unwanted insects, which would dnerease at a tremendous % INGIIAM LOSES TO RCAF AIRMEN The Clinton Airmen turned the tables on the Wingham Goodyears on Friday night in Wingham and came up with a 4-2 win, The Goodyears led until the ninth inning when Clinton scored 3 tuns on 2 walks, a hit hatter, an error and a passed hall, Grant Chisholm pitched a good game, allowing only four hits. He was relieved by Rill Hotchkiss in the ninth after walking the first two hatters, Clinton -.Landry, c.; Kelley, c.f.; Borden, s.s.; Matthews, ib.; How- land, r.f.; Robertson, 1.f.; Coffill, 2b.; Dewar, 3h.; Willis, p. Wingham--Eadie, 1.f.; Baker, c.; Saxton, c.f.; Bain, s.s.; Gardner, 3b.; Storey, ]h.; MacMillan, 1b, (9th); Cerson, 2h.; Fryfogle, r.f.; Chisholm, p. RHE Clinton....... . ..000 100 00&---4 4 1 Wingham -100 000.100----2 6• 1 in the aisle directly behind Ed and his family, his wife Sylvia and his daughter Betty, who .is their only child. Though I hardly think ,he'll be reading this column, let's con- gratulate him. and wish him 14 more years of providing us with top entertainment. 0-0-0 Many television shows bit the dust this week, some for good, oth- ers to return in the fall. The two I felt saddest about losing were the Garry Moore show and "Can- ada at War". Moore is going to he back next season, but Carol Bur- nett will not he with him as a re- gular. If there was any specula- tion that she was leaving the show because she was not getting along with Garry, it was certainly all destroyed with his tearful fare- well to her this week. She is leaving because she wants to broaden her interests; naturally, a 'ry contract ties her down and forbids her working many other places. She has, quite understand- ably, received other offers, which she now hopes to be able to fill. 0-0-0 You no doubt recall the first showing of this week's Kraft "Theatre production "Perilous" with M:aximillian Schell and Joan Fon- taine. It was done a few years ago on Desilu Playhouse and was one of the highlights of the season. Schell, who is German, and the brother of Moria Schell, a great actress in her own tight, was the winner of this year's Oscar for his work in "Judgment nt Nuremhurg". Ibis TV role came before he bad achieval ern • n amt his A C i m r.an mo- vies. 0.0'-0 no Iquestion There i.4 about it! Blind blues singer -pianist Ray Charles (not the T'tay Charles from the Perry Como show) is a. most talented gentleman and no one rate, if the birds didn't keep them in check. We, here in Western Ontario, tlr0 very fortunate that we have a great wealth of birds and wildlife, No _ mutter where you go you are bound to see or at least hear a robin in a. nearby tree. A short walk down any country toad will bring many forms of wildlife to eye. Like many things around us, we have a tendency to take then: for granted, if we don't pull up our socks and start protecting our wildlife heritage we will wake up some day and realize that we are ten years too late In saving many species of birds and animals, like the now extinct passenger pigeon and several others. The law enforcement agencies are doing their part in stopping the indiscriminate killing of birds and animals, but we as parents have a large part to play also, by teaching our children to enjoy and respect wildlife, not destroy it. However, let's not put the cart before the horse. How can we, as mature parents, set a good example for our children, if we are the worst offenders. It's a boy's prerogative to want to hunt and to own his own gun. This could never be changed and we shouldn't try. However, don't you think that it would create a healthier state of mind if we taught our children to respect wild- life rather than destroy it? Think about it for a minute. I have found from experience that children are naturally inter- ested- in animals and birds and would much rather pat a racoon or watch a squirrel jump from tree to tree than take a first hand look at a dead carcass lying on the ground. Now this business of guns comes to mind, How can you stop a young boy from wanting a gun and yearn- ing to hunt? The answer is simple, you can't. If you tell a child that he can't have something he will rebel. and in many cases he will end up getting it anyway by hook or by crook. This same rule applies to boys and •guns, rather than re- fuse him outright, compromise. This is true conservation. 'Peach him to respect his gun and to use it wisely, by shooting at targets and becoming a good marksmen is truly the first step. I am sure that you will agree with me that a good many hnntera in our Canadians woods today couldn't hit the side of a barn door at twenty paces and know very little about their guns or how to identify game. Teach him to re- spect our game laws and more about the habits and environment of our Canadian animals and birds. Then when he comes of age and it's time for him to purchase his first gun licence, let him decide for himself whether he would rather go out and kill n, deer or take to shooting then: with. a camera. Memorial League Standings, June 30 Northern. Section Won Lost ;r Goderich 6 1 .857 Stratford 5 3 ,625 Wingham 4 7 .363 Centralia ..RCAF 2 5 .286 Clinton RCAF 2 7 .222 Southern Glanworth , . Woodstock ...,... Ottcrviile ,. Ingersoll Hickson Section 8 1 .889 6 1 .857 6 2 .750 2 7 .222 1. 8 .111 could he happier than T that he is sitting high on the laddder to suc- cess. But I am getting so com- pletely sick of hearing 'I Can't Stop Loving You' that I am about ready to climb the wall! The min- ute I hear it on one radio station, I switch to another. Ten to one it's played there within ten min- utes. That's the trouble with pop songs nowadays; they come out, become hits, .are played about 800 times a day for a month or two, then disappear and are never heard of again. If Garry Moore still has his TV show in 1980, I wonder what songs he'll use for his 1962 "Won- derfuf Year' bit. People won't even remember the song that have come out this year! L have a list of titles of songa that made the hit. parade in January, but darned if I can. remember what they sound lice! 0-0-0 New LP's to grab: Lawrence Welk's"Youngwith World" to- day's pop songs played by his orchestra; and "I•tendetvotis with The Rameos", featuring the four Toronto •chaps from the Juliette show. Some of its songs are tre- mendous! Give the guy a boost! Go out and buy it! 'LANE ATTENDANCE 'I`heeco a Camp Keil reunion tl � t lio n was held on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Shaw, R,.R. 3, Brussels, when close to115 des - cendants of Alexander Campbell and his wife, Ann Dewar, were in attendance, Members were present from Brussels, Wingham, Blyth, Clinton, Stratford, Seaforth, Tren- ton, Elmira, Belgrave, 131.tevale, Kincardine, Galt,' Aylmer and .other points. After a picnic lunch games, and races were held under the direction of the sports committee, ]sir. and Mrs, Ross Turvey and Mr, and Mrs, Ken .Johnston. The oldest: visitor ,present was Robert Turvey of 'Blyth, while the youngest was. Dale Shean, 5011 of Mr. and Mrs. 1Vfurray Shean of Those those who came the greatest distance were Mr, and Mrs. Colin Campbell and family, of Trenton, and the visitor having a birthday closest to July 1 was Mrs. Robert Turvey of Blyth, During the election of officers Mrs, and Mrs. Gordon Bosman, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Vincent and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Walsh, all of Bel - grave, were appointed as sports committee for next year, and Miss Mae Coulter of - Aylmer, as secre- tary -treasurer,. ��{. V�-,�-ELVEX Fina .fry "PPEEI -Assaf I+ •r,NIaPAnd AN • P104111 WRA Swill/NG ....INT —WIDE (JAIME ANP•IOIKS AN• EN1fAP 4x IO O4AN TWU OARGSTtx l TOWN-PAK 1G,1 TPXNNAT trAt •,SY �{ P WAN 1!l NXAnrx Aar f41 TT E AAstA o, MASTITIS X1YOX LASONATORIN6 411•I.TYO ,...-n.,.«... n.._ OIANoau& O'nANe McKibbons Pharmacy* PHONIC 53 - WINGITIA1 P. BROWNIE'S DRIVE - IN 1 THEATRE LIMITED—CLINTON TWO RIG -MTS EACH EVENING THURSDAY and FRIDAY — JULY 5 and • 6 Dere is bine Ent4'Ita.i,mient•, The Whole -Family from. 6 to 60 Will Enjoy Hit No. 1 MISTY The story of two orphans and their love for a handsome Starring DAVID LADD and ARTHUR O'CONNELL — In Phis: lilt No. 2 — Shown. at 11:00 . • "THE TWO LITTLE BEARS" Two imaginative youngsters have their father .and the whole town in utter confusion when they reveal their talent'for• transforming themselves into real hears Starting ,TA.NI WYATT, EDDIE ALBERT and BRENDA LEE—In Color and CinemaScope (Cartoon) Shown at 9:35 Only rebel colt named Misty Color and. ()inema.4eopo ON THURSDAY,` JULY 5tlt ONLY — FREE POPCORN FOR THF CHILDREN BEFORE 9:30 P.M. Sat•,..Mon•, Tues., Wed. -- July 7, 9, 10 and 11 Tiny, GREA.T.EST HiGH ADVENTURE EVER FILMED Hit No. 1 -- Shown at 9:40 only GUNS of NAVARONE With`. GREGORY PECK - ANTHONY' QUINN •- DAVID NIYEN - JAMES DARREN '.Iius \'\'e promise is probably the most exciting motion pil'tlll'(' you will ever see -= In Color and Cinematicope Plus Hit No. 2 TWith Vic tar •Mature Shown at 12:15 1 ank Force Color, Scope -Plus Cartoon An Exciting War Picture Guaranteed. To fold Your Attention Coming Next: "WRITE. WARRIOR" and "GOLD OF THE SEVEN SAINTS" (Children Under 12 In Cars Admitted Free) St. Andrew's Club Holds Barbecue The Couples' Club of St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church held its June meeting last Tuesday evening at Turnberry Park, with fourteen couples in attendance. Everyone enjoyed n game of soft hall and several other lively games. Delicious barbecued hamburgers and hot clogs were served for lunch and a sing song was held around the campfire. A hearty vote of thanks was ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sut- cliffe and Mr. and Mrs. William Caslick, the committee in charge. MRS. AUDREY VATH JOINS AUXILIARY There were 47 members at the pot luck supper last Wednesday when the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Legion held its regular meeting. After the. 'opening exercises the transfer of Mrs. Audrey Vath was made to the local branch, The local group (decided to ad. opt another veteran and Henry Temple of Westminster Hospital will now receive gifts from the Wingham Auxiliary. The ladies me - copied an invitation to attend a euchre tournament in Kincardine this week, Mrs,ken Sinnatnon and Mrs. Bob Hickey were appointed as sports officers for. 1962-63. Plans were made for the annual bowling tournament in October. The meeting date for September has been changed to the 12th, dire to the convention In Niagara Pella, whieh takes place in the week of the regular meeting, r 1 gr hill`ill•lllilllrlilRllilllIIIll■uIIIIIensu IullnlIIurulrluwnluIIlIIltlullnlirlllruli HA RRIS TON THEATRES CROWN or DRIVE - IN THUR.-FRT.-SAT. JULY 5-6-7 "CALL ME GENIUS" (Technicolor) Starring Tony Hancock and George Sanders TIred of your daily routine? Then get a lift with this funfest On the same program "DAM ON THE YELLOW RIVER" R Starring Anita Ekberg Shows at 7:15-8:45-10:00 MON.-TUES.-WED., JUIN 9-10-11 "THE IN- NOCENTS" ... OC NT in CinetnaScope Starring Deborah Kerr and Michael Redgrave A strange new experience ih shock Recommend ed as Adult Entertain- Ment nt rt i e nn tent S7towc at 7:15 and 9:15 THUit.-ILLI, JULY 5-0 "HEY, LET'S TWIST" with Joey Dee, The Starlighters and the Peppermint Loungers Plus — "GIDGET GOES HAWAIIAN" in Technicolor •-- Starring James Darren, Michael Callatlw Fun for all the family n,v.I.I.nl.nrw SATURDAY ONLY JULY 1 "WHEN THE CLOCK STRIKES" What would you do?—keep a for- tune and run or surrender foo' happiness "THE STEEL CLAW" .Starring George Montgomery SUNDAY LATE SHOW ti'ULY 8 "THE PUSHER". Phis— "SUBWAY in the SKY" Adult Entertainment MON.-TUE.-WED. JULY 9-1.0-11. "THE PLEASURE OF HIS COMPANY" r in 'Technicolor Starring Debbie Reynolds, Tab Hunter and Prod Astaire in ft new role for. laughs "BLOOD and ROSES" Both in Color -Adult 3ntertainm4:nt